Do You Have These 6 Limiting Beliefs?

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

6 Limiting Beliefs That You Should Change Today

go do somethingWhen we are kids there is no such thing as a limiting belief. Everything is possible. There’s a fat guy that brings us presents once a year. There are superheros that fly around with capes fighting crime. And becoming a professional wrestler is a legitimate career option. But then something curious happens.

The world begins to tell us otherwise. Somewhere around 11 or 12 years old we begin to see the boxes shaping that society would like us to fit in. The fat man in the red suit is long gone. Superheros are now for kids. And wearing a suit and tie is suddenly a better option than the wrestling outfit. These boxes our so drilled into our culture that most of the time we forget to even ask if they’re real boxes or not. Are they there? Or are they made up by someone else? These boxes are limiting beliefs, and they don’t have to be your reality just because they are someone else’s. These are six limiting beliefs that you should change today.


I am not smart enough.

Yes you are. You’ve just had someone or something lead you to believe otherwise. Sure, we all have some sort of genetic level of intelligence that has been gifted to us. But that represents a very small margin of our overall intelligence. Being “smart” is a product of learning, studying and practicing a small handful of things, and becoming the best you can be at them. When you become really good at just a few things, you become incredibly valuable to a person or a company that needs those talents. You don’t have to be a genius. You just have to be the smartest guy or girl in the room at something. I’m too inexperienced.

So is everyone else. Some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world are in their 20′s. They were young and ambitious enough to not care if they had experience or not. The only way you gain experience is to jump in with both feet, and being inexperienced is a blessing. You get to approach problems with a naive eye, which can lead to solutions that more experienced people wouldn’t have thought of. Own your inexperience, and know that creativity and hard work will make up for what you lack in years.

It’s too late for me.

Some of the most popular authors in history never wrote a novel until they were in their 60′s or older. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs never tasted success until they failed well into their 40′s or later. The only time it’s too late for you is when you’re six feet under. If you’re not there yet, it’s not too late. Start now.

I can’t be happy until…

You can’t be happy until you stop thinking like this, and just choose to be happy. If you allow your happiness to depend on an object or a person, you are letting something outside of your control dictate your happiness. Take that control back. You will wake up happy every single day when you wake up grateful for what you do have, instead of wanting something more. It is a choice. Choose happiness.

This is who I am.

This is who you are…this very second. Who you are a minute, a day, a year from now has yet to be decided. We are evolving beings, constantly being shaped by our experiences, our knowledge (see point #1), the people around us, and our approach to growth. Who I am today is very different from who I was a year ago, and dramatically different from who I was 10 years ago. Much like happiness, you can choose to allow your life and experiences to wash over your, leaving you much the same. Or you can choose to allow them to shape you, to drive you into the next and better version of yourself.

I’m too busy.

I’m too busy…to workout…to start my side business…to give my time…to be a parent. No excuse in the world has been used more than “I’m too busy” and it’s the biggest scapegoat ever invented. If you truly believe you are too busy to pursue your dreams, ask yourself what time you wake up. Ask yourself how much time you spend on social media. Ask yourself how much time you spend clicking refresh on your email. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching your favorite television shows. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching the evening news or reading your favorite websites. When we are honest with ourselves, we realize we are not too busy. We just haven’t made our dreams a priority in our schedule.

The boxes we are nudged into by society are invented by someone else. The people in this world that find enormous success, incredible happiness, and love the lives they live recognize that these boxes are not real. They shatter these boxes, and all of the sudden the world is a wide open playground, ready to be explored. The boxes are limiting beliefs. But they are only limiting if you believe they are there. That can change today.

Michael W

Michael W



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Your Subconscious Mind Works With Affirmations

“Self-trust is the first secret of success.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind

positive attitudeThe first step to making positive changes in your life is to overcome your negative thoughts. The best way to change your thinking pattern is to reprogram your mind and blast your brain with positive affirmations that can lead you towards your desired results. While this process cannot bring about instant change, it can actually accelerate your progress and take you a fewer steps away from radical success. With the right choice of positive affirmations, you can finally achieve your life goals and see results you may have never thought possible.

So, how do affirmations work? At first, you may think that it is just some weird idea of planting seeds of reality on your mind. However, affirmations are actually backed by neural science. While affirmations cannot substitute the effect of medical treatment, they can still affect your overall mental health in a positive manner. When affirmations are practiced regularly and deliberately, they can slowly reinforce brain pathways and strengthen the connection between two neurons. This increases the likelihood of conducting the same message you want your brain to process.

Try to imagine a chunk of dry land. When rain pours, water will not have a place to go until it finally cuts a certain path through the arid land. As more and more water runs through that same path, it can cut a deeper indentation into the land. The deeper the dent, the more water will start running through it. Positive affirmations work exactly like that. In neurology, you can sum up this idea in one phrase – neurons that are capable of firing together can wire together. The brain also eliminates synapses that it rarely uses.


On the other hand, neurons that are regularly used can create patterns that add strength to the bond between them. As they wire together, they build a complex network that will automatically respond every time you encounter certain triggers in your daily life. Every word you say and every thought you think can turn into a grand stream of affirmations. Since childhood, you acquire beliefs and develop thought patterns that may either work well for you or work against you. Some of them may also be dysfunctional, jeopardizing your chances of achieving exactly what you want.

Every word that you say or think actually reflects your set of beliefs or inner truths. Most of these inner truths may not be true for now. In fact, they may be based on inappropriate or inaccurate impressions that you were able to form when you were still a child. Once you reach adulthood and examine those convictions, you can start identifying whether they are appropriate or not. To understand how affirmation works, you should also be familiar with how your subconscious helps you respond to certain events in your life.

Your subconscious mind automatically uses the behavioral patterns you have learned as you respond to daily events in your life. This process is essential to your survival because it allows you to respond quickly to the events around you, which would otherwise be impossible if you have to examine every aspect of the simplest things that happen. All the thought patterns and responses you have learned allow you to respond to circumstances in a timely manner. However, some of the beliefs you have formed from a baseless perspective may get in your way of responding to difficult circumstances in an appropriate manner.

When problems arise, you have the option to use positive affirmations in order to challenge the negative beliefs and thought patterns you have acquired. These positive statements aim to replace negative thinking patterns with positive, self-nurturing beliefs. The way positive affirmations are constructed can either strengthen or weaken their effects. As you continue reading this e-Book, you will learn how to construct your own set of affirmations. With these positive statements, you can finally focus on achieving your inner goals while consciously shaping the thoughts and words that reflect your self-nurturing beliefs.

Michael W

Michael W


Applying What You Learn In Self-help Books

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

How to Apply What You Read in Self-Help Books

self-help booksSelf-help is an ancient tradition that is still going strong. Long before there were 250 varieties of chicken soup for the soul, advice-seekers were looking for answers in the Tao Te Ching or the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

Today, self-help is an $11 billion industry, with Amazon listing almost half a million choices in this popular category. According to some estimates, up to one-half of American adults have bought at least one title on weight loss, relationships, or other common concerns.

How do you find what you need in a selection so vast? Consider these tips for shopping for self-help books and translating what you read into concrete action.

What to Look For

  1. Check the science. Remember that you’re investing your hopes as well as the cover price of the book. Does it make realistic claims? Do the reviews suggest that it’s psychologically sound? Look closely at the author’s credentials and experience.
  2. Follow your faith. You may have an instant affinity with writers who share your religious beliefs. What are other members of your congregation reading?
  3. Know the target audience. Publishers often market to specific demographics. For example, the biggest buyers of self-help books are upper-income women on the east and west coasts. Ensure that the message seems pertinent to you.
  4. Feel engaged. Enjoy some laughter and entertainment while you’re enriching yourself. You’ll probably pay more attention to the text if you like the writing.
  5. Browse multiple categories. All kinds of books are taking a self-help angle. You may find the information you’re looking for in memoirs and fiction, as well as psychology and business.
  6. Stay up to date. Recent research may cast doubts on certain conclusions in books that used to be bestsellers. For example, many doctors and nutritionists now say that it’s okay to eat eggs regularly even if you’re watching your cholesterol.

How to Apply What You Read

  1. Consider counseling. While you can find valuable information in books, some situations may call for extra assistance. Talking with a therapist allows you to receive individual feedback and access medical care if necessary.
  2. Think critically. However popular a book is, you still need to evaluate whether it works for you. Beware of extravagant claims like, “Become a millionaire in thirty days!”
  3. Take small steps. Big changes often start with simple tasks. Look for tips that you can implement right away to build momentum and confidence.
  4. Go back for more. Some critics joke that self-help books don’t work because at least 80% of consumers buy more than one. Would you give up on a restaurant just because you wanted to eat again the next day? Becoming happier and stronger is a life-long process.
  5. Be flexible. You’re one of a kind. Check that a book encourages you to adapt the program to your own style. You might like to read a work cover to cover or you might browse chapters for takeaways you can try out immediately.
  6. Prepare for lapses. Sick children and leaky roofs can interfere with your plans. Does the author suggest what to do if you’re looking to get back on track after a few delays?
  7. Track your progress. How will you know if your reading is paying off? Some books have forms for setting and evaluating your goals, or you can design your own. Measuring your success creates great motivation.

Self-help books can teach you how to talk with your teenager, manage your diabetes, or enjoy more peace of mind. Shop wisely and put your new knowledge to work in your daily life.

Michael W

Michael W


Photo credits: “150 Psychology and junk self-help literature”- Helder da Rocha

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Having A Positive Mindset Changes Lives

Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will” ― Jack Welch

Building up your self-confidence takes time and effort, that is why many people don’t do it.

Here is an article that you can view as well as a second article that outlines why a positive mindset is critical to your life.

How Does Having A Positive Mindset Change Lives by Debra Ashton

positive attitudeWhen it comes to goal setting, it is essential that you have a positive mindset.

It is this positive mind set that will see you through all the expected and unexpected obstacles that crop up along the way. Having faith in your abilities is also essential when it comes to taking the necessarily actions on your path to success.

Hence, we see this everyday in people who are considered headstrong and determined. Their self-belief carries them along. Self motivation can be a brilliant thing as long as they can keep their feet on the ground.

A negative mind set is associated with low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Examples include fear of failure. Or self doubts which renders the individual paralyzed and unable to make even simple decisions.

Help would be needed to turn this around. Whether that helps is in the form of self-help or assisted help from a qualified or experienced counsellor. This would be up to the individual.

Knowing help is need is the first and major obstacle when you are trying to create a positive mindset.

Having defined a step-by-step action plan is essential. Not only will you see where you are going. You will also be able to see where you’ve been. With every successful and completed step, no matter how small, would be an enormous boost the individuals’ self-esteem and self-confidence. With each actualized goal, the momentum builds and the individual is motivated onwards to the next step. Then it’s onto the next goal, and the next.

It’s a bit like a baby learning to walk. First the baby has to learn how to crawl before she can stand, and then learn how to balance when standing before she can walk, and learn how to walk without holding onto things before she can run. Baby steps. One step at a time. One task at a time. One goal at a time. Keeping focused is a must.

It is inevitable that there will be set backs along the way. But they would not seem so dramatic when compared to a row of successes. Gradually the negative mindset would be transformed into a positive mindset, raised self-esteem and raised self-confidence.

This is very powerful stuff. It can and has turned lives around for the better.

To Learn More Click On This Link

Debra Ashton

An avid consumer of business and personal development information for over a decade. Now sharing what I’ve learnt with others.

Article Source:


Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Your Self Improvement Comes From Within

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

In order to improve, you need to make changes from within. We create our own world and by making internal changes we can changer our external world.

The article below talks about this idea.

Unlocking The Self Improvement Power Within Yourself by R. Maciulis

positive attitudeWhen we look at a certain object, a painting for example – we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it a little further, we’ll have a clearer vision of the whole artwork.

We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our self-improvement power. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we don’t see it. The only time we think of unlocking our self-improvement power is when everything got worst.

Take the frog principle for example.

Try placing Frog A in a pot of boiling water. What happens? He twerps! He jumps off! Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment – the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B: place him in a lukewarm water, then turn the gas stove on. Wait until the water reaches a certain boiling point. Frog B then thinks “Ooh… it’s a bit warm in here”.

People are like Frog B in general. Today, Anna thinks Carl hates her. Tomorrow, Patrick walks up to her and told her he hates her. Anna stays the same and doesn’t mind her what her friends says. The next day, she learned that Kim and John also abhors her. Anna doesn’t realize at once the importance and the need for self-improvement until the entire community hates her.

We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and tough. When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our jeans and shirts would fit us. When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth has fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs have gone bad. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re gonna die tomorrow.

The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self-improvement power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change. But change becomes more painful when we ignore it.

Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self-improvement power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good.

Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self-improvement. Unlocking your self-improvement power means unlocking yourself up in the cage of thought that “its just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers.

Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. Jen didn’t only believed in her story, she lived it.

Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”

Self-improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self-improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things light and become happy.

(C) Romualdas Maciulis, partner of “Simpleology: The simple science of getting what you want” is an on-line interactive training program (as seen in Wall Street Journal), that helps ordinary people achieve success, bring sanity into their daily life.

Article Source:


Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.