Are You Self-confident?

There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King.” – Orison Swett Marden

We all want to have confidence in ourselves. We like the idea that we can complete things and be more in control of our future.

The article below talks about 5 myths of self-confidence.

5 Myths about Self-Confidence – by Bosschat

cat looking in mirrorPeople who have self-confidence believe in themselves and feel that they are capable of achieving anything that they want to in life, or dealing with any situation that they may have to face. They have an aura of self-confidence and self-assurance, which is apparent to others. People like to spend time with them; they feel comfortable and secure in their presence.

In contrast, there are many people who are talented, but who lack self-confidence. These people are victims of the several myths that surround self-confidence.

Myth One: People are born with Self-Confidence

Nothing could be further from truth. Self-confidence, like other skill, can be learnt and built up. All that you need is the right guidance and a belief in yourself.

Myth Two: Only Good Looking People are Self-Confident

Some people blame their low self-confidence to their lack of good looks. They don’t realize that self-confidence has nothing to do with their looks. The only way they can overcome this myth is by learning to believe in themselves.

Myth Three: Only Talented People are Self-Confident

In fact, talent and self-confidence are not inter-related. There are scores of talented actors and actresses who do very well in their professions but whose personal lives are torn by lack of self-confidence. It may sound contradictory, but this is how life is. Talent can be an important component of self-confidence, but it is certainly not a substitute for self-confidence. So, don’t worry about lack of talent. Harness the skills that you possess.

Myth Four: Self Confidence is directly proportional to Praise Received

There is little doubt that recognition and praise make you feel good about yourself, and boost your self-confidence. But you can’t simply depend on the praise lavished by others. You have to work hard to earn that praise, and you can do this only if you are self-confident.

We should look at children. Children believe in themselves, and this gives them the self-confidence to try to do things they have never done before, be it learning how to cycle or swim. It does not take long to teach children most of the basic skills. Why should it be difficult for adults to learn new skills or brave new challenges?

Myth Five: Only Self-Confident People Can Afford to Take Risks

This again is not true. In fact, self-confident people are more realistic about their capabilities. They know what they can do, and what they can’t do. More importantly, they know how to deal with failures. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence are afraid of failure. This fear prevents them from taking on new tasks. They constantly pine for the approval of others, and when they don’t get it they end up losing their self-confidence.

It’s clear that there is a lack of understanding. Self-confidence is a state of mind. It is not dependent upon a person’s beauty or looks. It flows from a person’s self-belief, and this belief can be built. All that a person needs to do is to debunk myths that self-confidence cannot be acquired or that self-confidence is a byproduct of exceptional knowledge, skills and luck. Once they do so, they will find it easier to acquire the same magnetic powers that self-confident people have



Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Success Points – Three Factors

Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein

Success comes to people in many ways. However many people rely on the wrong three factors to success and thus are not really successful.

The article below gives three real factors to achieving success.

Key Points to Success – joy74

a positive attitudePeople think of success as a product of fate, coincidence or luck. Most individuals just leave it up to these three known factors without knowing the real secret behind. The three enumerated reasons for success are actually not the true factors making a person successful. Truly there’s more to that which is in fact far more realistic.

If you are tired of being a loser in life, then spare a little of your time reading these key points to success to finally achieve whatever you have considered as success. As we know, there are different ideas of success that various people are thinking of. Many are thinking about obtaining a success within family, success in financial aspect, success in career, success in relationships and more.

If you try to research on past and present people writing about success, you will notice that all of them are pushing the idea of achieving success despite apparently impossible odds. This is because these people have seen the true secrets behind success in which keeping a positive attitude is one.

Create Positive Vibes

Keeping a positive attitude is very essential in creating positive vibes within you. With a positive atmosphere, you will think of everything as possible. You will learn to convince yourself that nothing will ever be impossible. You will simply boost your being optimistic which is really a huge help to get you closer to success.

If you are so fixed with having success in your life, you will never be scared of trying to do things as long as you have that positive attitude. Here, you are focusing your mind that the result to your actions is positive. Or if a certain plan is not successful, it will never pull you down. Instead, you will accept it as a challenge and a lesson.

Set Up Your Self Confidence

Gaining self confidence is very much related to having a positive attitude. Self confidence lets you face the challenges and give you more willingness to implement your plans to succeed. People who are afraid to try to do things or take chances are those who lack confidence. And 99% of these people can never embrace success in life.

Self confidence is one which enables you to grab every idea that your mind dictates pertaining to success. It is also one which will give you the will and the courage to grab every opportunity that comes along the way. Gaining self confidence is such a very crucial part of following the road to success.

Strong Mindset

Being focus and concentrated with achieving success is as important as those two factors explained earlier. Without a fixed mindset, you tend to lose your track and get lost from the way to success. You will get confused. Many will get discouraged. A number will give up and totally surrender from fighting for success.

However, before working on your mindset, don’t ever forget about improving self esteem. The higher you value yourself, the more you believe that you can do all these. Thinking of your goals and thinking that you have all the capabilities to reach them really involves improving self esteem.

To have a strong mindset, you first need to identify exactly what is it that you want to succeed. You need to closely determine what is success for you and what aspects in life do you really want to become successful with. Write this down and always think of it. Convince yourself that you really can obtain it.

You can tell yourself “I will have this” thousand times. By this, you are creating a fix and strong mindset towards your goal. All may sound simple to you, but everything requires patience, commitment, dedication and sacrifice. Surely sacrifice is quite a heavy word to hear but if you will have that fixed mindset, you will certainly carry it as light as cotton.

Have these key points to success, and you shall never worry about becoming successful in life!

Joy Nev shares her love and passion in enhancing self esteem. You can be sure that her tips and advices will work wonders with your personality development! Join her and get her popular free report on “Key Points to Success!” available at

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Michael Wilkovesky

To talk about business and other areas of life, please use the contact form below.

Your Success and Your Destiny

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. “


We all want to be successful and to have a wealthy and healthy life full of abundance. All of this depends on your choices you make and the belief in the direction and path yo are following.

The article below talks about destiny and success and gives some very valuable tips.

Let Your Destiny Manifest Itself To Attain Life Success – By: GEby

positive attitudeWhat drives you? What is it that defines your entire persona? What are you living for?

Unfortunately, most people have are way ward of the very purpose they exist. Can you remember those days of your youthful exuberance when you undoubtedly believe you can achieve anything? Filled with unfathomable enthusiasm and driven with a determined resolution.

Sadly for most those days are long gone, they are the ghost of their former selves. Battered and beaten by the ravages of stress from work, society and life itself. So many haven’t dreamed in for so long that they actually don’t know what they want any longer! Don’t you think it’s time to stir up that dream inside of you? Your dreams and your destiny are not determined by “CHANCE” but by “CHOICE” It is solely your Decision.

The life you have now is the result in direct correlation to the Choices you’ve made in the past. But, sometimes you are hindered and stuck in mediocrity because you were afraid to make a sound Decision. You are just flowing along the stream that forces of nature roll you along. The kind of cavalier “Que Sera Sera” attitude is not only inexplicable it’s repulsive and inexcusable. Isn’t it time you got involved with your own life? Isn’t it time to start living through your own Decisions and take responsibility for your actions, be it the Choices you make in your life.

It’s your life, live it the way you see fit. It is a concept so simple yet people indignantly miss it therefore missing out how prolific it really is!

I believe that you can attain anything in life if you act on it and persevere to achieve it regardless the hindrances looming over. It’s your Decision, it is your Choice!

Quoting from Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland… Alice asked the cat, “Would you please tell me, which way I ought to go from here?” The cat answered, “That depends a great deal on where you are heading to.” Alice exclaimed, “Oh, I don’t much care.” “Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go, the cat remarked poignantly.

What are you trying to accomplish with your life? What do you want to attain? It’s your Choice, you are in direct control. Take responsibility for your actions and refrain from blaming others for your failures! Make a sound judgment for your Decisions, start by getting serious and get going! Life goes on, with or without you!

Here is an inspiring quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Never let anybody steal your dream or vision!

You need to make a Decision! Don’t go on through life idly staving away when there is boatload of opportunity in front of you. It is much easier to make a course correction that it is to get started! It takes careful planning and solid preparation with corrections on the side. But before they can do that they had to make a Decision to take off first.

How do you process a Decision?

It is vitally important to grasps all the concepts. Never make 100% assumptions while only having 10% facts. It is illogical and impractical, you need to consider various solutions and objectively evaluate their consequences. Weighing the best and worst case scenarios, and then make sure that the Decision is congruent with your Goals, Plans and Mission statement. Lastly you must always effectively convey your judgment to your support team.

An ideal support team would be your family members, close friends, relatives who are helping out your cause, refrain from consulting with those who are dragging down.

Remember you are the architect of your life. You must be willing and able to make Choices. Your destiny is determined by Choice not by chance!


Gary Eby, a member of the Jim Rohn Speaker Bureau, is gifted to teach deep truths in a clear and easily understandable style. His messages are power-packed and often filled with laughter and practical illustrations. He has shared the stage with great speakers such as Jim Rohn and Les Brown. Not only is Gary a sought after speaker, but he is also an author whose personal development book Lefthanded Soldiers has received worldwide attention. You may receive a free copy at


Michael Wilkovesky

To talk about business and other areas, please use the contact form below.

Some Steps To Self Realization In Today’s Modern World

Compete like you cannot fail.” ― Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

Self-Realization, You Can Achieve It

Self-realization is defined as the fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one’s character or personality.

success through positive thinkingIn everyone’s life there comes a time when they need to have the self realization that they can do just about anything they put their minds to. This may seem like a pipe dream to some people, but there is a strong sense of accomplishment when you realize that you can do anything especially those things that will bring you success in your life. There are a lot of people who have a hard time gaining the self-realization they need to be the person that they have always dreamt of being; it’s just that they can put the effort into getting started.

There are people that will tell you that just through positive thinking and visualization you will be given all the things you need to realize that you are a decent person and you can achieve anything. That can work for a lot of people, those are the people that have a lot of time to sit in a dimly lit room with incense and candles meditating on the things they would like to have happen or change in their lives. So if you can’t do that, how can you achieve self realization?

In order to find self-realization the best thing you can do is to act positively to as many people as you can during your daily routine. Yes, some people out there will test your limits and instead of yelling, screaming, cursing them or bashing them on the head, you will need to think on the positive side. How can you do that with some people? Simple; think how great it is that you are not one of those people and that no one wants to smack you on a regular basis. If you can manage to make it through at least one week of thinking and acting positively to those people around you, even those that you would prefer not to, then you have a very good chance that all that positive thinking will build into the self realization that you are actually a good person. When you believe you are a good person, then you will start to see that good things do happen to you in your life. After that, it’s really very easy to get to the fact that you can do anything you put your mind to.

If you think you’re going to be stressed from being nice to all these people on a regular daily basis, then you really need to find a hobby that can help you to release that stress. This should be something a little bit aggressive so that you can release your built up energy. Putting model ships into a bottle, will only aggravate you and cause you frustration at this point. You should look more towards possibly boxing, martial arts or some other sport that will give you physical exhaustion and make you too tired to deal with other people’s attitudes. Then you’ll be happy as you have ever been and you will start to flourish in your life

These tips can help you on your journey to self realization and that things in your life will get better and you can do anything that you set your mind to.

To discuss how coaching can help you with achieving self-realization, contact Michael to arrange a no-cost call to determine if he can help you on your journey.


Michael Wilkovesky


Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.
To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.


Motivation and Passion In Your Life

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

Create a Passion and Motivation for Life

positive attitudeAre you trying to build up your self-confidence, something that can give you some help is to find your passion and motivation for getting up in the morning. If you are really really down that you don’t even know if you have a passion in life, then it’s time to sit down and create one. This will give you something to work for and will also give you an inner glow that will radiate outward to anyone that comes in contact with you.

If you have a passion in life this is like a magnet drawing people to you. This is also one of the best cures for shyness that is part of a lack of self confidence. when you first meet people, speak to them enthusiastically about those things that are going on in your life and share your plans for the future. Even if you are a bit shy when you first meet new people and you’re not feeling all that confident, fake it until it becomes a real factor for you.

If it bothers you to meet new people or you’re still a bit shy, keep in mind that the more you talk about your passion in life the more positive and confident energy will shine through. Once you find your passion, don’t be frightened to talk about it. Passion is a motivating factor and will project confidence you know what you want out of life and that you’re going to get it. You don’t have to be surprised others don’t want to jump on board and live your passionate dream with you.

You may have to talk yourself up a bit before you start believing your passion, but the more you talk to others about things that get you excited, it becomes obvious that you are someone that is going places in their life. This excitement catches on and suddenly you are popular because people can feel the confidence that is pouring out of you. The one thing that you will find that you need to keep an eye on is to make sure you’re not doing all the talking, encourage others to share their opinions and passions too.

When you get others to start talking about themselves, this can make you appear even more confident to them. When you get people talking and feeling important, this makes you look great and you are someone they like to be around. At the same time, you must have make your interest in them genuine and sincere, because just as appearing interested makes you appear confident with a healthy dose of self-esteem, insincerity will make you appear arrogant and condescending.

Hopefully you already have a passion in your life or at least something that motivates you to display your best qualities to others and to help you appear very confident. If you don’t however, you may want to consider creating one for yourself so you have something to use and project yourself at a confident person.


Michael Wilkovesky

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.
To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.