Having A Positive Mindset Changes Lives

Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will” ― Jack Welch

Building up your self-confidence takes time and effort, that is why many people don’t do it.

Here is an article that you can view as well as a second article that outlines why a positive mindset is critical to your life.

How Does Having A Positive Mindset Change Lives by Debra Ashton

positive attitudeWhen it comes to goal setting, it is essential that you have a positive mindset.

It is this positive mind set that will see you through all the expected and unexpected obstacles that crop up along the way. Having faith in your abilities is also essential when it comes to taking the necessarily actions on your path to success.

Hence, we see this everyday in people who are considered headstrong and determined. Their self-belief carries them along. Self motivation can be a brilliant thing as long as they can keep their feet on the ground.

A negative mind set is associated with low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Examples include fear of failure. Or self doubts which renders the individual paralyzed and unable to make even simple decisions.

Help would be needed to turn this around. Whether that helps is in the form of self-help or assisted help from a qualified or experienced counsellor. This would be up to the individual.

Knowing help is need is the first and major obstacle when you are trying to create a positive mindset.

Having defined a step-by-step action plan is essential. Not only will you see where you are going. You will also be able to see where you’ve been. With every successful and completed step, no matter how small, would be an enormous boost the individuals’ self-esteem and self-confidence. With each actualized goal, the momentum builds and the individual is motivated onwards to the next step. Then it’s onto the next goal, and the next.

It’s a bit like a baby learning to walk. First the baby has to learn how to crawl before she can stand, and then learn how to balance when standing before she can walk, and learn how to walk without holding onto things before she can run. Baby steps. One step at a time. One task at a time. One goal at a time. Keeping focused is a must.

It is inevitable that there will be set backs along the way. But they would not seem so dramatic when compared to a row of successes. Gradually the negative mindset would be transformed into a positive mindset, raised self-esteem and raised self-confidence.

This is very powerful stuff. It can and has turned lives around for the better.

To Learn More Click On This Link http://my-positive-mindset.blogspot.com/

Debra Ashton

An avid consumer of business and personal development information for over a decade. Now sharing what I’ve learnt with others.

Article Source:


Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.