Embrace Rejection To Move Forward

Embrace Rejection



mindsetNo one likes to get rejected. When we ask others out on dates and they say no, that is a terrible feeling. When we don’t get the job we sought, it feels like we have failed in some way. There are many more examples of how rejection hurts. But, if you embrace rejection you will find that it can be a tremendous tool in your personal development.

Rejection is a part of life. People are often afraid of rejection because it points out flaws in themselves. If you use rejection as a learning experience, you can use it to better your position. The biggest question you should try to answer is why did the person reject me? If you can answer that, you can take steps to improve.

Rejection can also give you an indication of what you want or don’t want out of your life. Have you ever been on an interview for a job you felt you weren’t qualified for? Or perhaps you were qualified, but your heart wasn’t in it. This can happen to people who are burnt out with their careers. The rejection is a blessing in disguise for both situations. If you are not qualified and got hired, you would not last in the job, unless they were willing to train you (which is rare these days). If you are burnt out, rejection can tell you it’s time for a change.

Unless it’s dating, most rejection should not be taken personally. You need to develop a tough skin and move on. Salespeople know that their success is a number’s game. Keep going until someone says yes.

Rejection can also help you focus on the right type of people to target. If you are trying to sell cars to people who don’t have licenses, you’re in for a tough sell and are likely to get a lot of rejections. On the other hand, if you find a hungry market for what you are selling, getting to a “yes” answer is not going to take that long. Knowing the reasons why for any rejections can help you hone in what you need to change to avoid those rejections in the future.

If you are afraid of rejection, you’d be wise in getting over that. You’ll find that rejection can help you get more of what you want out of life if you use it in a constructive manner. Don’t let it get you down. Just keep moving forward.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


Creating a Healthy Mindset

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

A Healthy Mindset Can Relieve A Stressful Life

mindsetDo you feel you could use a healthier attitude toward life? Would you like to approach things in a different way? Is a healthier lifestyle attainable?

* The stress of modern life can sometimes make it difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, you can start living healthy, today, by adopting a healthy mindset.

Even if you find yourself leaning toward a pessimistic attitude, you can still achieve a healthy mindset. You just need to go about it in the right way.

How You Can Have a Healthier Mindset

Many people sit back, look at their lives, and wish they could view things in a more positive manner. Then they beat themselves up for being negative or not having the attitude and responses they wish they had. This typical response doesn’t do anybody any good.

* Instead of feeling angry with yourself for responding to life the way you normally do, think positively about your desire to have a healthier mindset.

Building a Healthy and Safe Support Network

One of the most effective paths to a healthier mindset is to find ways to deal with the stress in your life. For some people, this is as simple as writing in a journal or blog every day. Other people find that talking with friends or joining a support group is a rewarding experience.

* It’s important to give voice to your thoughts and emotions. How you do this is up to you.

Eating Healthy = Feeling Healthy

Another way to achieve a healthier mindset is to eat the right foods and get enough rest. When you feed your body healthy, nutritious foods and get the rest you need, you feel better all over. Your attitude, as well as your body, feels refreshed.

Food and rest will not change the way you respond to things if you tend to respond negatively, but it will be a great start. You don’t have to give up all junk food and your late night activities, but try swapping carrot sticks for French fries and an hour of sleep for Leno.

You’ll find that you’ll be able to acquire a healthier mindset when you take active steps to deal with your stress and treat your body with the tender loving care it deserves. Suddenly the world becomes a much more positive place when you pair these things with positive thinking.

* Positive thinking begins when you affirm the positives in your life. You can use the power of positive affirmations to reprogram your mind so you can think in a healthier and more positive way.

For example, each morning you could say, “I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and soul.” You can use positive affirmations in moments of weakness when you are tempted to fill up on junk food, respond negatively to something, or trade sleep for something less important.

When you create a healthy mindset by making good choices about food, rest, and positive thinking, you’ll enjoy the new ways you think, feel, and live. You’ll discover that your happier, healthier lifestyle has arrived!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Build Wealth with Positive Thinking

“Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.” ― Rodolfo Costa, Advice My Parents Gave Me: and Other Lessons I Learned from My Mistakes

Positive Thinking And Wealth

success through positive thinkingTo achieve any kind of great success, you must first believe that you’re capable of achieving that success. Great sports stars can suddenly begin having lousy performances if they suddenly feel they can’t perform well or live up to their coach’s high expectations. Writers and musicians suddenly have their wellsprings of inspiration dry up if they no longer “feel it” or if they suddenly lose confidence in their creative abilities.

The same is true in our own lives. You don’t have to be famous for your boss to have high expectations of you at work. Our families also have certain expectations and if you cave under the pressure, your performance might suffer and your negative thoughts will infiltrate other areas of your life.

You’re Worthy of Achieving Wealth and Success

When it comes to building wealth, we have to believe that we can see ourselves becoming more and more wealthy. It doesn’t matter how smart we might be, or how talented we are, or whether we’re sitting on top of the best business opportunity to come along in our lifetime, if we don’t believe in ourselves, we’ll have a hard time building wealth.

Wealth flows to those who believe they deserve it. It flows to those who envision it in their hands, their bank accounts, and their lives.

Even in your darkest hours when you’re trying to build wealth in your life, when times are tough and the seas of your world are troubled, you have to continue to see great wealth in your life. If it all seems to be happening too slowly, have patience.

Those who “know” something good is coming their way can always afford to be patient and safe in their knowledge that what they’re yearning for is within their grasp.

You’ll Survive the Difficult Times

Earlier I mentioned sports. One of the great coaches in professional sports history, Vince Lombardi, said the time when you really need to believe in yourself is not when everything is going your way. You need to believe in yourself when everyone doubts you.

It’s easy to have confidence when everything is naturally falling into place! But where is your confidence when you need it the most? Obviously, it can be tough to maintain a positive mindset when others get down on you, but to help improve your outlook, try to surround yourself with people who believe in you and are supportive of your goals. Engaging with others who share your enthusiasm will lift your spirits and help block out negative thoughts.

When you have a positive mindset about creating wealth, you’ll continue to do what feels right even when the darkness descends and everything seems like chaos. When no one else believes in you, you’ll still be able to take inspired action and, by constantly moving forward, you’ll attract the wealth that you desire.

But none of this can happen unless you begin with a clear vision. You have to see yourself with the wealth and abundance you desire and deserve. Each day, take a moment to find a quiet place and see yourself with the financial freedom, flexibility, and life you desire!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Believing in Yourself Through the Toughest Times

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” ― C. JoyBell C.

Believing In Yourself Powers You Through Tough Times

Today is a perfect day ...Your mindset will determine your level of success, or lack thereof. A positive mindset can empower you to abolish hurdles before they become too challenging.

It may be difficult to believe in yourself when everything around you seems to be crumbling into pieces, but keeping faith is the only way to trudge through the hard times and see yourself clear to better days.

Try these strategies to help you remain steadfast when you’re feeling the pressure of tough times:

1. Reflect on the past. Surely you’ve encountered seemingly insurmountable situations in the past. How have you succeeded in the most unpleasant scenarios? Clearly, your ability to overcome these situations speaks loudly for your strength and abilities.

  •  In some situations, you may be able to emulate your past solutions by adapting them to fit your current situation. Other times, you’ll be able to learn what not to do from past trials and tribulations.
  • The past needn’t dictate your future. It’s possible to reflect without working up old, unresolved feelings. This is a positive exercise. If you begin to feel negative emotions, move onto another technique, which can help you increase self-confidence in your abilities.

2. Act immediately. Rather than retreating into your personal cocoon when a situation becomes intimidating, address it immediately. The longer you allow a situation to sit without attention, the more urgent it will become. A perfect example is debt.

  •  Avoid cornering yourself with urgency by creating a proactive plan now. Or, better yet, have a just-in-case plan before the event ever happens. It’s okay to take a few hours to create a plan of attack. But, if you’re still brainstorming weeks from today, you may be stalling.
  •  Only you can be the source of a solution. You are in charge of managing your life and ensuring its success. Take pride in this power. After all, you’re free – no one commands you! Your life is what you make it. And you can use your power to start off on the right foot each and every day.

3. Believe it. You will make it through. You’ve found your way out of a tough situation before. You’ll do it now and again sometime in the future. There is always a way to get your head above the water – always. You’ll get better at it once you gain experience.

  •  You have a fan base of supporters. Your children, spouse, and extended family are cheering you on every day. Chances are that no one doubts your abilities the way you do. In fact, they have faith in your abilities because you’ve proven your strength time and time again.
  •  As Bernice Johnson Reagon once said, “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”
  •  Now is as good of a time as any to show yourself what you’re made of. Confirm to yourself that you’re as strong and tenacious as you suspect yourself to be.

Everyone encounters hard times – it’s simply a part of life. And a very major part of how you will address these hard times is dependent on your mindset and your ability to believe in yourself, even throughout the toughest of times.

Your mindset can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you allow your mindset to shift into negative territory, you’ll end up with negative results. Remember, you attract the energy you exude!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Having A Positive Mindset Changes Lives

Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will” ― Jack Welch

Building up your self-confidence takes time and effort, that is why many people don’t do it.

Here is an article that you can view as well as a second article that outlines why a positive mindset is critical to your life.

How Does Having A Positive Mindset Change Lives by Debra Ashton

positive attitudeWhen it comes to goal setting, it is essential that you have a positive mindset.

It is this positive mind set that will see you through all the expected and unexpected obstacles that crop up along the way. Having faith in your abilities is also essential when it comes to taking the necessarily actions on your path to success.

Hence, we see this everyday in people who are considered headstrong and determined. Their self-belief carries them along. Self motivation can be a brilliant thing as long as they can keep their feet on the ground.

A negative mind set is associated with low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Examples include fear of failure. Or self doubts which renders the individual paralyzed and unable to make even simple decisions.

Help would be needed to turn this around. Whether that helps is in the form of self-help or assisted help from a qualified or experienced counsellor. This would be up to the individual.

Knowing help is need is the first and major obstacle when you are trying to create a positive mindset.

Having defined a step-by-step action plan is essential. Not only will you see where you are going. You will also be able to see where you’ve been. With every successful and completed step, no matter how small, would be an enormous boost the individuals’ self-esteem and self-confidence. With each actualized goal, the momentum builds and the individual is motivated onwards to the next step. Then it’s onto the next goal, and the next.

It’s a bit like a baby learning to walk. First the baby has to learn how to crawl before she can stand, and then learn how to balance when standing before she can walk, and learn how to walk without holding onto things before she can run. Baby steps. One step at a time. One task at a time. One goal at a time. Keeping focused is a must.

It is inevitable that there will be set backs along the way. But they would not seem so dramatic when compared to a row of successes. Gradually the negative mindset would be transformed into a positive mindset, raised self-esteem and raised self-confidence.

This is very powerful stuff. It can and has turned lives around for the better.

To Learn More Click On This Link http://my-positive-mindset.blogspot.com/

Debra Ashton

An avid consumer of business and personal development information for over a decade. Now sharing what I’ve learnt with others.

Article Source:


Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.