Amazing Self-talk


Playing in your head constantly and has a dynamic impact is your self-talk. These conversations that you have determine your actions and your emotions. There are different types of self-talk and each has an advantage once you learn how to use them.

Self-talk – General

Raise awareness about your self-talk. You may not even be aware of what you are saying to yourself as self-talk is so natural. You first must become conscious of the commentary about your life that you are hearing in your mind.

Disrupt your old patterns. You can make change using self-talk. If you have a fear of numbers from a past experience, you can take a course on-line and practice when you talk to yourself while comparing prices when you go shopping.

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These are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Take action. When you are talking to yourself, include a call to action that focuses on goals that challenge you but that you can attain.

Do a reality check. What is really happening around you and how does your self-talk measure up? There is a big difference between making a small mistake and being a failure.

Talk with others. Feedback from others is valuable to obtain. What do your coworkers or your partner say about you and how does that compare to your own impression about yourself?

Consistency. Before a message is accepted, it must often be heard many times. With practice, your inner dialogue will become wiser.

Be friends with yourself. Sometimes we speak harsher to ourselves that to other people. You need to talk to yourself like you would to a friend. You have to be truthful and supportive to yourself.

Self-talk – Motivational

Build yourself up. It is in situations that require endurance and confidence where motivational self-talk works best. You can have confidence in your worth and your abilities with a good pep talk.

What are your hot buttons? Choose the words that will invigorate you. It could mean that you call yourself a superhero or just remind yourself how awesome you are.

Brevity. Short phrases and single words are the best to keep you staying on track. These will help you to better focus on your assets instead of being distracted by any nagging doubt.

Self-talk – Instructional

Get an early start. Instructional self-talk is ideal when you start a new project. Being your own coach during the beginning stages is very important.

Precision. Break your tasks down into specific steps. For public speaking, it may be to make eye contact, use a pace that is appropriate and make sure that you sound enthusiastic during your speech.

Visualize. See yourself achieving the results you want at the completion of the task.

Self-talk – Reassuring

Acknowledge your feelings. You can manage tense moments with comfort and skill when you use soothing self-talk. Accept your emotions instead of always trying to suppress them. Even if you are feeling afraid, you can act courageously.

Create some distance. To perform better under stress, it has been found that if you substitute the word “you” for “I” and call yourself by name it helps a great deal. When you are feeling the pressure, this can help to restore objectivity.

Be positive. Your challenges won’t disappear when you use self-talk but you will be able to respond more constructively. Don’t criticize a past misstep, but learn and concentrate on doing better the next time.

Channel your self-talk to get yourself moving in a positive direction. Take the thoughts that are constantly running through your head and turn them into an encouraging stream. When you do this, you will reduce your stress as well as enhance your self-confidence. This will enable you to enjoy more success in your life.

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To your success


Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

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