Don’t Be Afraid of Success

Are You Afraid of Success?

Did you know that some people are actually afraid of success? That may sound silly, or even impossible at first. But the fact is that many of us struggle to achieve the things we desire because of subconscious fears. Consciously, you plan and work and strive to succeed in the areas which are important to you. But for whatever reason, your hard work and success is thwarted.

Why is this the fate of so many people? In many cases, it is because past experiences in your life have subconsciously made you afraid of success.

Perhaps the environment you grew up in was repeatedly and silently telling you each and every day that “people like you” never get ahead. And if you grew up in a loving and positive environment, but your parents and your family scraped to get by, your brain could be hard-wired to believe that financial success will create a loveless and unhappy life for you.

It is very difficult to overcome years of negative subconscious success beliefs. But that is exactly what is required if you want to achieve success in any area. The powerfully positive news is that once you actually, totally believe you deserve success in any particular aspect of your life, your achievement of that success usually comes rather quickly.

Thomas Alva Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors in history. He once said that, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Consistently tell yourself that you deserve success. You will fail. You will have speed bumps and problems which arise between you and whatever level of success you desire. Just pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start again.

Here is where you need to follow the lessons of other successful people. First, make it a habit of practicing daily affirmations of success. Tell yourself you are worthy of success. Tell yourself out loud that you are not afraid of failure, or the rewards that success brings.

Write these mantras on a small card and keep it in your wallet or purse where you can constantly review it throughout the day. It is possible to reprogram your brain with positive repetitious statements concerning your success beliefs, and daily affirmations help.

It is very natural to fear the unknown. And in many cases, success is unknown to many of us. Just remember that with a relentless tenacity and a true self-belief that you deserve the successful achievement of your goals, you can and will learn to embrace success rather than fear it.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Do You Know How To Be Successful?

Activating Your Success Blueprint

I am going to tell you the steps to “Activate Your Personal Success.” So, as you think of this outcome-whatever goal that you want to accomplish. Imagine if by accomplishing this goal or this outcome;

– Would it take anything away from who you are?
– Is there any excuse you can make right now that will stop your from accomplishing that goal?

One key in accomplishing any goal and activating your blueprint is to keep your goal in mind, keep it in your minds eye. Listen to your hypnosis processes daily and find that upon awakening act as if you are guaranteed the result that you’re seeking.

And when you act out of character, in other words, when you demonstrating behaviors or attitude that are counter to accomplishing your goals. You will change that the next time you listen to your hypnosis process, you will make the necessary changes. So that moving forward you will think act and respond with the goal in mind.

Each time that you practice using your hypnosis process you are going to find that your inner ability to see, hear, and experience in your mind’s eye improving.

And just as you learned when you read through Awaken the Genius you found that perhaps you’re more visual learner, maybe you’re more auditory, or you’re more kinesthetic. What we are going to ask you do, is to become more of a full sensory learner. Someone who can use all there senses, magnetize in the world around you want you want as your goal. And then go after it an achieve it.

The next step is to think about what needs to take place, or what needs to change in your life so that you can have this goal you set for yourself today? No matter what it is.

In other words, what are you going to have to give up that your holding onto dearly now? Because if you weren’t holding onto something dearly that’s stopping you from accomplishing this goal, you wouldn’t even be reading this article right how, you’d be out there accomplishing your goal.

For instance, let’s use an example of bowling; If somebody is told a different way to release the ball or perhaps a different mark out in the bowling lane, which is what a professional bowling might do. They would roll that ball over that arrow and it would hook into the pocket and give them a potential for a strike, but if they are so locked into their old way of rolling the ball, or throwing the ball down the alley that are not able to change they can’t get out of their own way, in other words, they can’t accomplish their goal.

What changes need to take place for you accomplish this goal, so you can “Activate Your Personal Success?

Next, I need you to find out what resources you have internally to accomplish your goal. During your hypnosis process take a mental inventory. This will help you discover what Skills, what Abilities, what Resources do you have?

I’m going to ask you to release any preconceived ideas about how you might accomplish your goal and open your mind to the possibility that there is an even greater possibility out there for you.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

Opportunity Can Appear At Anytime – Be Prepared For It

Prepare for Opportunity

In the epic classic book and movie, Ben-Hur, the main character, Judah Ben-Hur, through an accident and tragic misunderstanding is arrested and sold to work in the mines by the Roman authorities. Despite going from the son of a wealthy family to slave, Ben-Hur refused to fall into despair. He exercised and built his strength up. When he was ready he inched his way up the mineshaft and made it to the top. Unfortunately, he was easily captured because he was blinded by the sunlight after spending so much time in the dark mine shaft.

His captors were so impressed with his strength that they sold him to the Roman navy as a rower for their warships. Again Ben-Hur refused to give up. He used his great strength to become the best rower on the boat. Eventually, he was given the special privilege of not being chained to the boat.

Later in a great naval battle, his boat was rammed and sunk. Because Ben-Hur was not chained, he was the only slave to escape. He was able to save the admiral who had given permission to have him unchained. The admiral was so grateful; he took him to Rome and adopted him as his son. Later when the admiral died, Ben-Hur inherited his great wealth. He eventually made his way back to Jerusalem and was reunited with his mother and sister.

What can we learn from this story? Instead of slipping into despair from the injustice done to him, Ben-Hur burned with great desire for freedom and to right the wrong done to him. He refused to give up. Despite the hopeless situation he found himself in, he spent his time preparing himself. When opportunities came he took advantage of them.

Winston Churchill

“To every man there comes . . . that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing unique to him and fitted to his talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.”

Many have had to go through tough times. Many think their situations are hopeless. Many think they are in dead-end jobs going nowhere. There is an amazing miracle waiting for those who bide their time by preparing and improving themselves.

Develop your talents. Don’t waste your time spending hours watching TV or spending unproductive time on the Internet. Take classes. Successful people never stop learning. Improve the skills you already have. Improve your reading, writing, and vocabulary. There seems to be a universal law which seems to always send opportunity to those who are moving forward. You will be amazed when that opportunity comes along that your unique collection of talents and abilities fits it perfectly.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

12 Week Confidence and Motivation Coaching Program

Are you confident in all areas of your life?

Do you stay motivated when taking on any project or task?

Hello and welcome;

We all start something full of confidence and motivation and really put lots of effort into seeing the project through to completion. But somewhere along the line our confidence in our ability starts to run low. We tend to lose motivation as the project continues into the later stages.

If that describes you then maybe your confidence and motivation are not as strong as you believe and they could use some help in reaching new and greater heights so that you can keep your confidence at a high level no matter what happens and you can keep yourself motivated to see anything you start through to completion.

Do you really want to build up your confidence and motivation to a level where you can develop and maintain great relationships with family and friends? How about being confident in your business and getting more customers? You can do this if your confidence and motivation are maintained at a high level.

To help you to reach this high level or to keep your confidence and motivation at a high level, you should take advantage of the 12-week “Reaching My Confidence and Motivation Potential Coaching Program”.

You can find out more about this program and start the process to join the program by visiting:

Reaching My Confidence and Motivation Potential Coaching Program

Learn how you can work with me to develop and build up your confidence and motivation and make the changes that are necessary to make your life better for you, your family and friends and your business.

Don’t delay, don’t think it over and say you’ll get to it tomorrow because you know you never will. Use the motivation you have now to find out more.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


While we truly believe in the material presented in this 12 week program, we cannot guarantee that you will be as successful as others.

We do not know where you are starting from nor do we know how much effort you will put into following the program’s steps and advice.

While the outcomes listed above can be achieved we cannot guarantee that all will be achieved by you. We do not know your situation and overall abilities to complete the necessary work required to move forward.

Benefits of Optimism In Your Life

Top 10 Tangible Benefits of Optimism

optimismThere are two general attitudes you can hold: Pessimism and optimism. Pessimists have poorer long-term results than optimists. Optimists are healthier, happier, and more successful. If you’ve been accused of being pessimistic, rethink your perspective. Optimism is a more enjoyable way to live.

Optimism has many advantages over pessimism:

  1. You’ll excel. When learning a new skill, studies have shown that optimistic people tend to overestimate their current skill level. However, those that are optimistic ultimately learn a new skill at a higher level. Those that most accurately judge their abilities at the beginning fail to learn as well as those that are more optimistic.
  1. Strengthen your health. Optimistic people have been shown to have healthier blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They’re also more likely to exercise and less likely to smoke. Optimists carry less body fat, too.
  2. Lower stress. When you expect good things to happen, there are fewer reasons to experience stress. In fact, when things go wrong, optimistic people are more likely to view the mishap as an opportunity for something bigger and better to happen.
  3. Uplift your mood. Your attitude affects all aspects of your life. Adopting an optimistic perspective might be the easiest way to lift your attitude.
  4. Make more friends. Others appreciate your optimism. When you have positive expectations, you positively affect the mood of those around you. You’ll find yourself with more friends and have greater influence over others. The people you like the most are those that make you feel the best. Your optimism benefits others.
  5. It’s the most effective option. Pessimism doesn’t have much to offer. It’s damaging to your health, mood, and results. Others avoid pessimists. Why would you choose to be anything other than optimistic? What other intelligent option do you have?
  6. Optimists dare themselves to be great. Pessimists are too afraid to try new things or take the risks that are necessary for higher levels of success. Optimists are in a better position to pursue and achieve greatness.
  7. Boost your immune system. Or maybe pessimism suppresses your immune system. Either way, you’ll get sick less frequently if you have a positive outlook on life. You might even spend less at the doctor’s office.
  8. Live longer. You’re more likely to live to be 100 years old if you’re optimistic. Interviews with centenarians consistently demonstrate an optimistic attitude about the future. Optimism is one of the most enjoyable ways to extend longevity. An optimistic attitude might allow you to spend time with your great grandchildren.
  9. Make smarter decisions under pressure. This can be helpful at work and in your personal life. When you deal with stress more effectively, you can make wiser decisions. When you expect a negative outcome, your decisions will be mostly defensive in nature.

Optimism has a lot to offer. You’re hurting your future, yourself, and those around you by being pessimistic. Optimism is free and it feels good. Your health, success, and mental health are all enhanced when you hold a positive viewpoint. Let go of your pessimism and view the world from an enthusiastic perspective. You’ll be glad you did!

Even the most optimistic among us can sometimes feel stressed. You can find out more about the causes, symptoms and relief methods of Stress in the book:


A collection of articles to help you understand and overcome the effects of stress on your life.

Just click on the button below to learn more.

get started

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

To talk with Michael about Optimism, Stress or many other life issues, just use the contact form below.

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