Conquering Your Fears – 3 Steps

How to Conquer Your Fears

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by fear – so much so that it prevented you from doing something you wanted to do? Believe it or not, this is a common problem faced by many people daily.

Fear has the power to hold you back from taking risks, following your dreams, or becoming successful at anything you attempt to do. If you allow it to control you for long enough, it can eventually erode your quality of life and keep you locked in a prison of inactivity.

What many people fail to realize is that fear is nothing more than a conditioned response. It’s a natural reaction to a frightening or unfamiliar situation. While it is usually automatic, there are things you can do to overcome it.

1) Check your expectations.

One major contributor of fear is the prevalence of negative expectations. Do you usually find yourself expecting the worst in every situation? Do you worry obsessively about what could go wrong, rather than focusing on your strengths and capabilities?

If you make a conscious effort to expect the best, see the positive side of each situation and keep reminding yourself that you can handle more than you often think, you’ll find yourself with much less fear to deal with. Even if feelings of fear do manage to creep into your consciousness, you’ll still be able to keep them in perspective and balance them against an underlying sense of confidence.

2) Discredit your fears.

Experts will tell you that the majority of things you fear will never come to pass anyway. While this may be true, it sure doesn’t feel that way when fear has a chokehold on you! However, if you look a little more closely at your fears when they arise, you may be able to dismiss at least a few.

For example, if you have a fear of public speaking and your boss wants you to give a presentation at work, you might feel like your life (and perhaps your livelihood) is on the line. You may fear getting fired, or worry that your colleagues will lose respect for you if you don’t do a good job.

But is any of this likely to happen? In most cases, no. Rather than worrying about what “might” happen if you don’t give a solid presentation, you might brainstorm ways to help improve your performance, such as being well prepared, practicing your delivery on friends and family members, writing notes to yourself and so on.

3) Do the very thing you fear.

When you remember that fear is simply a feeling, it loses much of its power. It can’t harm you and except in truly threatening situations you can choose to ignore it and move forward anyway.

If you weigh the pros and cons in any situation, you may decide that the possibility of negative consequences is minimal so there’s nothing to stop you from ignoring your fear and going for it! This will be determined by you on a case by case basis, of course. The point isn’t to become reckless with your decision-making but rather to empower yourself to know when a fear is groundless and easily overcome.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W



P.S. Frustrated and feeling down because you haven’t yet reached the ultimate level of success that you know you deserve can really impact your confidence.

Let me help you to end that feeling of frustration and build your confidence level up so that you will have a powerful, high level of inner confidence that will move you steadily forward towards your goals and success.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply send me an email at and we will set up a call to start to help you to develop or improve your confidence and motivation levels.

Finding Your Life’s Passion Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

How to Find Your Life’s Passion

It seems that we are all in search of our life’s passion, but what is a passion anyway? In short, it’s the perfect fulfilling combination of career, love, family, dreams and reality.

You may feel that spending a few moments thinking about your passions and dreams is a waste of precious time – what with all the other obligations tugging at your sleeve: career, kids, bills, errands, etc.

However, these few moments might just be the defining moments of your life! You could discover the one thing that enables you to find true happiness! In fact, most of us could benefit by spending more time considering our life’s passion.

Here are 8 tips to help you discover your life’s passion so you can live a fulfilling life:

  1. Evaluate. What do you feel is lacking in your life? What do you have that fulfills you? Make a list, and consider options that bring you what you lack.
  • Feel gratitude and appreciation for the good things you have that fulfill you.
  1. Set goals. Write out your most important short and long-term goals and dreams, along with a plan to achieve them. Divide your plan into small steps that you know you can accomplish. For example, if you always wanted to open a clothing store, start taking classes on business or fashion at the local college.
  • Small, achievable steps assure your success!
  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Decide which of your stressors are small issues and which ones are large. Is that loud neighbor a real concern or can you let that one go?
  • By letting the small stressors go, you can free up your mind to strategize ways to reduce, eliminate, or cope with what stresses you the most.
  1. Analyze your time. Which activities take up most of your time? Do you desire more time for other, more enjoyable activities? If so, then develop a plan to restructure the time allotted for each activity.
  • Make a schedule with your priorities and stick to it.
  1. Consider your fears. What is stopping you now from taking steps towards what you want in life? Is it a fear that you won’t succeed or that others will think less of you? Do you fear how things might change if you are successful? Endeavor to fulfill your life despite fear.
  • Facing your fears will make you feel empowered and more capable.
  1. Make a daily success plan. Think of small changes you can implement each day to improve your life. Each day’s accomplishments will show you that you are, indeed, moving toward fulfilling your life’s passion!
  2. Leave regret behind. Once you start feeling success in pursuing your life’s passion, you may wish you had started earlier in your life. Push these thoughts of regret out of your mind.
  • To eliminate regret, remind yourself of this wonderful opportunity you’ve discovered that is changing your present and future!
  1. Seek positive advice. Talk to anyone and everyone you can think of to glean positive tips, advice, and experiences. Seek out those people that you feel have it all – everything you may be looking for in life. Find out their secrets, their perspectives, and the thoughts that motivate them.

Pursuing your life’s passion can start you on a journey that brings you more joy than you have ever imagined. Following these tips and techniques will help you to develop a successful strategy for turning your hopes, dreams and desires into your reality. Enjoy!

To your success.

P.S. Frustrated and feeling down because you haven’t yet reached the ultimate level of success that you know you deserve can really impact your confidence.

Let me help you to end that feeling of frustration and build your confidence level up so that you will have a powerful, high level of inner confidence that will move you steadily forward towards your goals and success.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply send me an email at and we will set up a call to start to help you to develop or improve your confidence and motivation levels.

Empowering Questions To Ask Yourself

3 Questions To Empower You

For most people in our society, life will hold little more than a dutiful slog in the 9-5 rat race for forty years before retiring. Many will look back on their lives and wished they’d had an opportunity to have done something different. Some may have even had opportunities to do so but didn’t take them. One thought is very common: “I wish I could’ve done something else but I never really knew what I wanted to do.”
Sounds familiar, yes?

Relax. Because I can help you identify what it is you’d really like to do and I can show you how to begin. It all starts by asking yourself three very important questions and I believe these questions are the most important questions you can ask yourself. Here they are:

1. What, EXACTLY, do I want to do? This question gets straight to the heart of the matter and it requires SPECIFIC answers. Also, your answer should be something you have a passion for and are genuinely interested in and not something you think others would be impressed with. It should be something you feel so strongly about that missing out on it will make you seriously unhappy. By this, I mean IT WILL HURT YOU DEEPLY if you don’t at least give it a shot. Take the time to think seriously about this question, at least 30 minutes a day as this is the first step towards getting what you want. Be thorough. Think about how you’d like to spend each day of your life, and think about what you don’t want to do and what you’d like to change about how you spend your days right now.

2. What do I have to do to get it? This question requires answers about the practicalities required to achieve your goal. It will cover the necessary skills – what skills do you have now that you can use and what new skills will you need to develop? You’ll need to know about courses or training programs you’ll need to take and you’ll need to identify how much practice or study you’ll have to do. Other considerations will be things like location as you may have to move somewhere else, people you need to connect with, making contacts, networking, equipment anything you find that is a necessary part of achieving your goal.

3. What am I prepared to give to ensure I succeed? When you’ve identified what you want to do and what this will entail, you then need to decide what you’re going to give to make your dream happen. Success demands a price. In particular, we have the 3 kings: Time, Money and Commitment. How much time are you prepared to give? Are you prepared to sacrifice other activities to free up more time? Time is the most precious resource you have and it is a non-renewable resource. It is important you give a significant portion of your free time to the pursuit of your goal. Next comes money. You will have to be prepared to invest money in your project – IN YOURSELF – to make progress. This could mean purchasing equipment, attending seminars, courses, property, books, raw materials etc. and without such an investment, it is unlikely your project will get off the ground. Finally, how committed are you to making your dream happen? In my opinion, if you’re serious about getting the lifestyle and the success you truly want, you must be 100% committed to it. This will mean making sacrifices: friends, socializing, working long hours, working weekends in short, sacrificing many of the things you enjoy doing today so you can create a better tomorrow. If you love something and you want to achieve a high standard of success, you will have to devote lots and lots of time to it and place it above everything else. Are you prepared to do this?

You now have three empowering questions to help you get started on creating a new life for yourself. Please make the time to think seriously about the answers you want to give to them and you’ll reap the rewards.

Until next time.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Frustrated and feeling down because you haven’t yet reached the ultimate level of success that you know you deserve can really impact your confidence.

Let me help you to end that feeling of frustration and build your confidence level up so that you will have a powerful, high level of inner confidence that will move you steadily forward towards your goals and success.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply send me an email at and we will set up a call to start to help you to develop or improve your confidence and motivation levels.

Article Copyright 2006 Christopher Green

10 Things About Successful People You Need To Know

Successful People…

1. Are willing to try out new things, knowing that if it doesn’t work out as intended, failure is often cleverly disguised as a learning opportunity.

2. Believe and trust themselves first and foremost. They don’t have to check with others to make decisions, they instinctively know what is right for them and they go for it!

3. Have a well-developed life strategy that includes a written life vision/mission, purpose, and goals statement.

4. Get things done, through whatever organizational/time management system that works for them. They make the most of each day and take action on important life tasks each and everyday.

5. Are able to discern (see clearly) other’s reasons and motives, so they selectively choose who and what to align themselves with. They surround themselves with only the highest quality people, programs, and places.

6. Tap into the collective brainpower of others by reading books, magazines, and articles—anything that is helpful for their own development.

7. Value the process of learning for learning’s sake. They do not just learn for a specific end—to get a certificate, degree, title, etc. They learn because it is fundamentally rewarding for them.

8. Are the teachers of the world, who share their knowledge with other people. They put themselves out there so the rest of us can benefit, and in exchange, their own learning grows and develops.

9. Do not like to stay the same, they love to grow and develop. To stay ahead of the game, they often reinvent themselves time and time again.

10. Not only know about specific subjects and topics, but also about what it means to be a human being at this time in our evolution. They are insatiably curious and want to know more about becoming bigger and brighter, as a result they naturally evolve.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Being Successful Can be Achieved

You Can Be a Success

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the success while others struggle for years and never seem to get anywhere? Are you one of those who always seem to struggle? Below are some hints on you can become one of those who achieve success.

*Try stepping outside your comfort zone once in a while. Great things come to pass when you make friends with your discomfort zone.

*Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. There is an old saying that people who haven’t made mistakes haven’t made anything. Make mistakes and learn from them.

*Be aware of any negative thoughts you hold about yourself – challenge them, are they really true, if so what is the evidence? Are you giving yourself a hard time?

*Make an effort to try and look on the bright side of things. Purposely find something positive about the issue and focus on that. You can almost always see another side of things. It just depends where your bias is.

*Read some good uplifting books,

*Train yourself to finish what you start. Follow through – you owe it to yourself and others.

*Focus on the present moment. When you live in the past too much you stop living now.

*Learn what is important to you in life – is it love? Is it money? Is it your family? What do you love doing? Who/what makes you happy?

*Realize that setbacks and knocks are just a normal part of life. If life were brilliant all the time we would take it for granted and not appreciate it.

*Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?