Enhance Your Mood And Success With These Habits

Top 10 Habits That Enhance Your Mood and Your Success



Raphael Love

Your daily rituals ultimately determine the quality of your life. Happy and successful people do different things each day than the average person. And they do those things consistently. This is great news! A few small changes can transform your life, but patience is required. Instead of focusing on big changes, consider making a few minor adjustments.

The odds of successfully making a change are much higher when that change is small.

Effective habits result in a more productive life:

  1. Make yourself a priority. We’ve all been taught to worry about others. Self-sacrifice is viewed as altruistic and noble. But you’re important, too. Give your emotional and physical health the priority it deserves. You’ll then be in a better position to help yourself and others.
  2. Set one or more goals each day. If you don’t have an objective for the day, you’re much less likely to make the most of it. It feels good to wake up with a purpose. You’ll also get a lot more accomplished. Give yourself the gift of feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.
  3. Communicate effectively. Communicating well with others enhances relationships, both personal and professional. Poor communication creates misunderstanding and unhappiness. Ensure you understand others and they understand you.
  4. Get enough sleep. Studies have consistently shown that getting at least seven hours of sleep is critical. The research shows that everyone performs better on mental and physical tasks after getting at least seven hours of sleep.
  5. Meditate. A few minutes of meditation each day can provide significant results. It’s relaxing, provides a mental break, and clears the mind. Think of it as exercise for your mental muscles.
  6. Spend quality time with those you love. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Many of us spend all day toiling at work, only to come home and sit in front of the TV. Spending meaningful time with others will make you happier and provide the motivation necessary to reach higher levels of success.
  7. Learn at least one new thing. Imagine how much you’d know in five years if you learned something new each day. Ideally, you’ll learn something that’s both interesting and useful to your future. You’ll be proud of your personal growth. You’ll also be more effective in the workplace.
  8. Be grateful. When life is challenging, it’s easy to forget just how much you already have. Spend a few minutes each day and make a list of all the things that fill you with gratitude.
  • The list is longer than you think. It will enhance your mood and make it easy to move forward.
  1. Use time effectively. Time is the one thing you can’t get back. Whether you’re a billionaire or the average Joe, everyone has 24 hours to navigate each day. The most successful people use that time more effectively. Whether working or having fun, try to make your hours as productive as possible.
  1. Exercise each day. Exercise is great for your health, both physical and mental. It’s a great time to think and unwind. Try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. You’ll benefit in many ways.

It can be that easy to feel better and accomplish more. Enhance your daily rituals and you’ll enhance your life. Small changes can bring big results over time. Develop habits that guarantee a better mood and greater success.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Achieving a Success Mind-set

Do You Have a Success Mind-set?



mindsetSuccess does not happen by accident. It takes both planning and commitment. Are you ready to embrace success and start achieving those goals and dreams you have? Using the principles of the flow state you can create it for yourself. Apply the principles outlined below and watch the magic happen.

Choose a goal and create a plan – Decide what you need to complete to achieve it. It’s important that the task contains challenge but that the challenge is matched to your skill and ability; not too easy and not too hard. That will keep you motivated and interested and prevent you from getting bored or disheartened.

Eliminate all distractions – Choose a location where you will be comfortable and undisturbed. Make sure that you have everything you will need to accomplish your task to hand.

Have all the tools and resources you will need – Make sure that they are the most appropriate and best for the task but also that they suit you. Using oil based paints to complete your masterpiece won’t work if you are used to working in watercolour. If you do have to use new tools

Harness the power of visualization – By using visualization, you will give yourself the crucial ability to see yourself successfully completing the task and achieving your goal. You’ll now be really changing your mind-set and making sure it is primed for success. Forward visualization is a powerful strategy used by coaches, Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioners and hypnotherapists.

Stop conscious thought – Working within the flow state is only successful if you ‘go with the flow’ and don’t consciously think about what you’re doing and why. You can do this because you’ll be engaged in completing a task that engages you, has meaning and has intrinsic value.

Focus on your task – This will be easy as you’ve eliminated distractions, visualized what you have to do and yourself successfully completing it. You have everything ready and you are primed for success.

Do it! – It’s now time to action. The only way to achieve anything is to take action. If you do nothing, then there cannot be any change or progress. Achieving a successful outcome therefore requires you to take action and create change.

Using the principles of the flow state you can create a mind-set that will ensure your success in any task or challenge. Positivity is a crucial factor and there is no room for self-doubt or anxiety. You are they key to your ability to achieve your goals and dreams.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Tips For Taking Action In Your Life

Taking Action In And For Your Life




go do somethingSuccess results from achievement which is what happens when you get things done. Instead of allowing procrastination to hinder your progress follow the 10 tips below and discover how you can become a successful action taker.

  1. Set a Goal:
    Decide what you want to achieve. Once you know your goal you can devise a plan showing the step by step process on how to achieve it. Knowing the outcome and the process will allow you to identify where to start and enable you to take action.
  2. Clear Your Mind:
    It may sound counter inter-intuitive but take time at the beginning of your day to mind dump your thoughts onto paper. Take a piece of paper and a pen and spend 10 minutes writing down everything that comes into your mind (your stream of consciousness). This will clear your mind leaving only the important tasks.
  3. Make a List:
    Many successful people make a list of things they need to do the evening before. This ensures that they go to bed knowing that they have action points for the following day and the next day starts positively with a road map of what needs to be accomplished.
  4. Small Steps:
    It’s easier to take action when you set yourself small steps (or tasks) on the way to completing a bigger goal. This is because you will not feel as overwhelmed and as you complete each smaller task you will feel a sense of accomplishment and success.
  5. Be Accountable:
    Announce your goal to a friend, partner or colleague. This accountability is a great driver to taking action because you will feel a greater sense of commitment towards the goal and its completion. You will also be able to discuss your progress and this can help you discuss any potential issues that may hamper your progress and brainstorm ways to overcome them.
  6. Remove Distractions:
    Turn off your phone, shut down your email and social media sites and get yourself into a situation where you can be undisturbed. Lessening the chances of being interrupted will ensure you have a greater chance of getting in the flow of work and this will help you be more productive.
  7. Change Your Mindset:
    Be positive and tell yourself that you can and will complete the task. Envision yourself as a successful action taker. You could create a mind movie of yourself taking action. Make it involve all of your senses so that you can really feel, hear and see yourself working towards your goal, achieving it and then experiencing the positive results of having done so. This Neuro Linguistic Programming technique is very powerful and will program your mind for success.
  8. Stop Waiting For The Perfect Time:
    It’s easy to wait for the perfect time or situation but the chances are it will never happen. Simply get started and you’ll find that momentum will build and you will make progress.
  9. Be Consistent:
    By taking consistent action every day you will make good headway towards achieving your goals. You will also ensure that your action taking becomes a habit.
  10. Remove Analysis Paralysis:
    Stop over-thinking as it will get you nowhere and actually stop you taking action as you will find yourself second guessing and over-worrying. If you know what you need to do, what you are trying to achieve and have the resources needed available then your best course of action is to get started.

Don’t wait use the tips in this article to move your life forward.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Are You Waiting For The Right Moment To Move Forward?

Why Waiting for the Right Moment is Often a Mistake



getting in the flowAre you waiting for the perfect time to launch your grand plan? We don’t like to wait in line, but we’re more than content to wait for some other things. Diets are commonly started on a Monday, or the first of the month, or the first of the year. It’s rare that someone chooses to start a diet right this very minute.

The same mindset applies to starting a business, going back to school, learning to play guitar, writing a book, or having a difficult conversation. We believe that challenging objectives require optimal conditions.

But all that’s really required is the courage to get started. Waiting is often an excuse when we feel fearful or uncertain.

The idea that perfect conditions are necessary is flawed:

  1. Life is much too short. Eventually, we all run out of time. No one can wait forever. That doesn’t mean to be impulsive and throw all caution to the wind. It does mean, however, that it would benefit you to act soon.
  2. Life will always get in the way. Waiting for the right moment is like saving the money you have left over at the end of the month. You’ll never have any time to spare, just as you’ll never have any money left over.
  • Make time for the important things you want to do or accomplish. The longer you wait, the harder it can be to get started.
  1. Waiting is passive. Each day is filled with unique moments. It’s not necessary to wait until the perfect storm of opportunity, convenience, and motivation finally occurs. You can create special moments whenever you choose. Plenty of good moments are happening each day, but you’re failing to make the most of them.
  2. You don’t learn anything while you’re waiting. You’re not enhancing your skills or gaining any experience when you’re inactive. Make the most of right now and you’ll be better prepared for the future.
  3. Avoid regret. Do you really have the time to spare? Those that wait too long are filled with regret at the end of life. Do you want to look back on your life and think, “If only I would have …”
  • Few things are worse than regret, especially when you’re no longer in the position to do anything about it. You might still be able to climb a mountain or learn to play the piano at the age of 80, but it might be easier when you’re 45. You’ll also have more time to enjoy it!
  1. Taking action results in a more exciting and fulfilled life. Taking action and failing is better than doing nothing at all. Even in failure, you’re learning, taking risks, and living life to the fullest. You’re better prepared for the future and gain a new perspective.
  • Make your life interesting and fulfilling by deciding that right now is a good enough time to get started.
  1. Waiting results in a lack of control. While you’re passively waiting for the perfect situation to occur, you’re giving away control of your life. One common symptom among those with depression is the belief that they lack control over their lives. Why wait? Take action now to create the life you want and take back your control.

Valuing yourself will result in valuing your time. When you value your time, you’ll begin to make the most of it. Every moment is important because you’re important. Avoid waiting any longer for the perfect moment to finally arrive. Get started today and create your own moments.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


What is Self-Talk?




positive mindset equals positive self-talkDo you know that inner voice that always seems to be going? It is constantly “telling” you what you should do, what you might do, and reflecting on things you have already done. It evaluates what you do while you’re doing it, providing opinions and suggesting possible ramifications and outcomes. This is one type of inner monologue which psychologists have identified and labeled as “self-talk”.

To get a better idea of exactly what self-talk is, psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne likens self talk to the “equivalent of sports announcers commenting on a player’s successes or failures on the playing field.” Unlike athletes that never hear a television or radio sports commentator’s voice, you definitely “hear” what your self-talk is telling you.

Unfortunately, this voice you seem to have no control over can be negative sometimes.

Think about the last time you did something embarrassing. You may have experienced self-talk telling you how stupid you were. Sometimes it is critical even if you haven’t done anything wrong. It reminds you that you are probably going to mess something up, because you’ve done it in the past.

As it turns out, you can respond with negative and positive self-talk to the same situation. It all depends on how you lead your thoughts. For instance, pretend that you have just eaten at a restaurant that all your friends think is amazing. You thought it was overpriced, the food was average at best, the service stunk and you had to wait too long for your food.

You find yourself at a party with your friends, when several of them corner you and excitedly ask you what you thought about the restaurant they recommended. You tell them your feelings, holding nothing back. They all say you are crazy, that it is the greatest restaurant of all time.

Your inner dialogue can respond in 2 different ways.

Perhaps you tell yourself, “Why didn’t you just keep your mouth shut!? Now you look like an idiot.” In response to the exact same situation, you could choose positive, constructive self-talk instead. You could say, “Good for you, for sticking to your beliefs. You reported exactly what happened, you didn’t overstate the situation, and it’s okay if your friends disagree with you about this unimportant topic.”

Psychologists believe that consistently driving your self-talk in a positive, constructive direction can train your mind to respond that way. At first you will not find yourself able to redirect your inner voice. It will simply blurt out a subconscious response. However, by continually appraising dysfunctional self-talk and turning it around, you create less stress in your life, boost your self-esteem, and feel good about your inner dialogue.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W