Do You Have These 6 Limiting Beliefs?

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

6 Limiting Beliefs That You Should Change Today

go do somethingWhen we are kids there is no such thing as a limiting belief. Everything is possible. There’s a fat guy that brings us presents once a year. There are superheros that fly around with capes fighting crime. And becoming a professional wrestler is a legitimate career option. But then something curious happens.

The world begins to tell us otherwise. Somewhere around 11 or 12 years old we begin to see the boxes shaping that society would like us to fit in. The fat man in the red suit is long gone. Superheros are now for kids. And wearing a suit and tie is suddenly a better option than the wrestling outfit. These boxes our so drilled into our culture that most of the time we forget to even ask if they’re real boxes or not. Are they there? Or are they made up by someone else? These boxes are limiting beliefs, and they don’t have to be your reality just because they are someone else’s. These are six limiting beliefs that you should change today.


I am not smart enough.

Yes you are. You’ve just had someone or something lead you to believe otherwise. Sure, we all have some sort of genetic level of intelligence that has been gifted to us. But that represents a very small margin of our overall intelligence. Being “smart” is a product of learning, studying and practicing a small handful of things, and becoming the best you can be at them. When you become really good at just a few things, you become incredibly valuable to a person or a company that needs those talents. You don’t have to be a genius. You just have to be the smartest guy or girl in the room at something. I’m too inexperienced.

So is everyone else. Some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world are in their 20′s. They were young and ambitious enough to not care if they had experience or not. The only way you gain experience is to jump in with both feet, and being inexperienced is a blessing. You get to approach problems with a naive eye, which can lead to solutions that more experienced people wouldn’t have thought of. Own your inexperience, and know that creativity and hard work will make up for what you lack in years.

It’s too late for me.

Some of the most popular authors in history never wrote a novel until they were in their 60′s or older. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs never tasted success until they failed well into their 40′s or later. The only time it’s too late for you is when you’re six feet under. If you’re not there yet, it’s not too late. Start now.

I can’t be happy until…

You can’t be happy until you stop thinking like this, and just choose to be happy. If you allow your happiness to depend on an object or a person, you are letting something outside of your control dictate your happiness. Take that control back. You will wake up happy every single day when you wake up grateful for what you do have, instead of wanting something more. It is a choice. Choose happiness.

This is who I am.

This is who you are…this very second. Who you are a minute, a day, a year from now has yet to be decided. We are evolving beings, constantly being shaped by our experiences, our knowledge (see point #1), the people around us, and our approach to growth. Who I am today is very different from who I was a year ago, and dramatically different from who I was 10 years ago. Much like happiness, you can choose to allow your life and experiences to wash over your, leaving you much the same. Or you can choose to allow them to shape you, to drive you into the next and better version of yourself.

I’m too busy.

I’m too busy…to workout…to start my side business…to give my time…to be a parent. No excuse in the world has been used more than “I’m too busy” and it’s the biggest scapegoat ever invented. If you truly believe you are too busy to pursue your dreams, ask yourself what time you wake up. Ask yourself how much time you spend on social media. Ask yourself how much time you spend clicking refresh on your email. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching your favorite television shows. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching the evening news or reading your favorite websites. When we are honest with ourselves, we realize we are not too busy. We just haven’t made our dreams a priority in our schedule.

The boxes we are nudged into by society are invented by someone else. The people in this world that find enormous success, incredible happiness, and love the lives they live recognize that these boxes are not real. They shatter these boxes, and all of the sudden the world is a wide open playground, ready to be explored. The boxes are limiting beliefs. But they are only limiting if you believe they are there. That can change today.

Michael W

Michael W



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Having A Positive Mindset Changes Lives

Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will” ― Jack Welch

Building up your self-confidence takes time and effort, that is why many people don’t do it.

Here is an article that you can view as well as a second article that outlines why a positive mindset is critical to your life.

How Does Having A Positive Mindset Change Lives by Debra Ashton

positive attitudeWhen it comes to goal setting, it is essential that you have a positive mindset.

It is this positive mind set that will see you through all the expected and unexpected obstacles that crop up along the way. Having faith in your abilities is also essential when it comes to taking the necessarily actions on your path to success.

Hence, we see this everyday in people who are considered headstrong and determined. Their self-belief carries them along. Self motivation can be a brilliant thing as long as they can keep their feet on the ground.

A negative mind set is associated with low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Examples include fear of failure. Or self doubts which renders the individual paralyzed and unable to make even simple decisions.

Help would be needed to turn this around. Whether that helps is in the form of self-help or assisted help from a qualified or experienced counsellor. This would be up to the individual.

Knowing help is need is the first and major obstacle when you are trying to create a positive mindset.

Having defined a step-by-step action plan is essential. Not only will you see where you are going. You will also be able to see where you’ve been. With every successful and completed step, no matter how small, would be an enormous boost the individuals’ self-esteem and self-confidence. With each actualized goal, the momentum builds and the individual is motivated onwards to the next step. Then it’s onto the next goal, and the next.

It’s a bit like a baby learning to walk. First the baby has to learn how to crawl before she can stand, and then learn how to balance when standing before she can walk, and learn how to walk without holding onto things before she can run. Baby steps. One step at a time. One task at a time. One goal at a time. Keeping focused is a must.

It is inevitable that there will be set backs along the way. But they would not seem so dramatic when compared to a row of successes. Gradually the negative mindset would be transformed into a positive mindset, raised self-esteem and raised self-confidence.

This is very powerful stuff. It can and has turned lives around for the better.

To Learn More Click On This Link

Debra Ashton

An avid consumer of business and personal development information for over a decade. Now sharing what I’ve learnt with others.

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Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Motivation and Passion In Your Life

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

Create a Passion and Motivation for Life

positive attitudeAre you trying to build up your self-confidence, something that can give you some help is to find your passion and motivation for getting up in the morning. If you are really really down that you don’t even know if you have a passion in life, then it’s time to sit down and create one. This will give you something to work for and will also give you an inner glow that will radiate outward to anyone that comes in contact with you.

If you have a passion in life this is like a magnet drawing people to you. This is also one of the best cures for shyness that is part of a lack of self confidence. when you first meet people, speak to them enthusiastically about those things that are going on in your life and share your plans for the future. Even if you are a bit shy when you first meet new people and you’re not feeling all that confident, fake it until it becomes a real factor for you.

If it bothers you to meet new people or you’re still a bit shy, keep in mind that the more you talk about your passion in life the more positive and confident energy will shine through. Once you find your passion, don’t be frightened to talk about it. Passion is a motivating factor and will project confidence you know what you want out of life and that you’re going to get it. You don’t have to be surprised others don’t want to jump on board and live your passionate dream with you.

You may have to talk yourself up a bit before you start believing your passion, but the more you talk to others about things that get you excited, it becomes obvious that you are someone that is going places in their life. This excitement catches on and suddenly you are popular because people can feel the confidence that is pouring out of you. The one thing that you will find that you need to keep an eye on is to make sure you’re not doing all the talking, encourage others to share their opinions and passions too.

When you get others to start talking about themselves, this can make you appear even more confident to them. When you get people talking and feeling important, this makes you look great and you are someone they like to be around. At the same time, you must have make your interest in them genuine and sincere, because just as appearing interested makes you appear confident with a healthy dose of self-esteem, insincerity will make you appear arrogant and condescending.

Hopefully you already have a passion in your life or at least something that motivates you to display your best qualities to others and to help you appear very confident. If you don’t however, you may want to consider creating one for yourself so you have something to use and project yourself at a confident person.


Michael Wilkovesky

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.
To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Are You Self-confident? Do You Display It?

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.”

~ Judy Garland

When you meet someone do you show that you have self-confidence or do you come across as someone who is not too sure of themselves?

The article below gives some advice on how to show self-confidence to the outside world.

Convey Self Confidence – Gain Respect – by Ian Russell

Fireman and fire - self confidenceHas anyone ever said to you… push your shoulders back, puff your chest out, get your chin up – if so you have heard a few of the popular expressions people use to stimulate someone into making a good impression. These expressions indicate how important our bearing and body language are in imparting who we are to the world. If you are fortunate enough to have been brought up in a family with the means to enroll you in deportment and elocution lessons, these would have taught you how to carry yourself with elegance and poise thereby conveying an air of self-confidence to those around you. It is more likely, however, that the majority of readers, and indeed the writer, did not reap the benefits of lessons in etiquette. While you don’t have to speak like Queen Elizabeth to convey confidence, body language and intonation is important and here is why.

There is a lot of truth in the old saying that first impressions count. In fact, within just 5 seconds of meeting someone we will already have formed a judgement that will affect our behaviour towards them. It definitely isn’t easy getting ourselves noticed in this hectic modern world and when this is applied to a job market which is progressively more competitive, making the right impression can make or break your chances of having a successful interview or business deal.

Where to start? In a moment we will look at what not to do, but firstly let’s make ourselves aware that self-confidence is a form of strength and that is why it is so attractive to others. Bearing that in mind, try to portray yourself in a way that avoids you looking inhibited or vulnerable. Some examples of this type of body language are: hanging your head, slouching your shoulders, or avoiding direct eye contact. These particular actions imply to others that you have a problem with self-belief. Whether it’s for an interview or a business deal, you don’t have to be Einstein to see that people won’t believe in you as an ‘investment’ if the investment does not believe in itself. Correspondingly, in your personal life people will immediately pick up on the signals you give. Given that, what should be your plan of action?

The opposite of the examples given above should be first on the list – holding your head high and standing with your shoulders back are both confident gestures. But the most important signal of them all is eye contact. Maintaining eye contact while speaking and listening generates a sense of familiarity, resolve and sincerity between yourself and the other person. If I told you that a recent survey asked a group of venture capitalists what they looked for in a successful pitch and that the top answer mostly came back as eye contact, would you then take it seriously?

In order to install it as a natural aspect of your personality you will need to maintain an air of confidence at all times. This applies in every situation whether easy or stressful. It is a popular belief that you see the true measure of someone when the chips are down and in my own experience I have found that is usually the case. In stressful situations some people panic and rather than looking for a solution to the problem in a rational and composed way they will blame others and look for the easy way out. To be an effective leader who commands respect from their inferiors you must deal with stress in a positive and confident manner, if you can’t do this then perhaps being at the front is not for you. By remaining calm under pressure you are far more likely to project the right image to others.

What you display needn’t necessarily be the same as what you feel – even if your apparent demeanour is not a true reflection of what is going on inside, you will still convey the appropriate signals to encourage those around you. That is the remarkable thing about confident body language. All it takes is a simple gesture to inspire confidence and respect in those around you.


Michael Wilkovesky

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.
To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.


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Increasing Your Self-Confidence

Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Self-confidence. We all want it and many believe that they don’t have it. This is just not true. You can have all of the self-confidence that you want just by doing some simple things to take you out of your comfort zone and by some slight alterations of your beliefs. Continue reading the article below for more on increasing your self-confidence level.

Self-Confidence Can Be Increased With Practice

confident catHow we perceive ourselves will determine our confidence. Being afraid to try or being confident in your abilities derives from our understanding and acceptance of the experiences we all go through in life. Some people can better recognize their abilities and are able to achieve their goals when they are compared to other people

we sometimes believe that self-confidence is something that other people have, a lot like we are not rich. However we are all created equal and we all have the inner power to achieve anything. This inequality comes with our ideas of what we already have and we fail to recognize this in a positive way.

When things don’t go as expected, don’t be to hard on yourself. This will help to overcome the lack of confidence you feel. Enjoy life, don’t deprive yourself of this experience. Refrain from making excuses as to why you have not reached your goals. Change your mindset and think of the positive things in your life and how you achieved them.

Some people believe that they are limited by their experiences. That doesn’t mean that we can’t learn and grow from our experiences and change how we perceive ourselves. We all have certain talents, beauty and skills within us along with the power to use them or disregard them. Life has more to offer than mediocrity once we recognize our potential.

Self-confidence and how we can improve it is achieved only when we dare to step out of our comfort zone and do new things. Sometimes we fail to recognize that simple things like just reflecting on our past achievements can help us to improve our level of confidence.

Self-confidence can be built up in a number of ways. Developing your verbal skills through public speaking and writing will help to increase your sense of self. We sometimes fear public speaking but once you take the steps to overcome this fear, you will discover that your confidence is increasing and you can do even more things that used to be difficult. This will work for any fear that you have. When you make up your mind to defeat the fear you open up a world of possibilities.

Recognize that life holds endless possibilities and you just need to be open to them, you can take control of your life and become a strong, confident person who can accomplish anything that you try.


Michael Wilkovesky

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.