Confidence and Motivation Membership Program

Do you have enough confidence to take on new unusual tasks that cause you to step out of your comfort zone?

Can you stay motivated in the face of setbacks and issues that make it seem like the whole world is conspiring to make you unsuccessful in your work?

Welcome to the real world.

Confidence and motivation are things that we all need in our life but we sometimes find them difficult to achieve and hold onto.

We can search to find a method that can give us the confidence that we need to take on bigger tasks that can advance our lives and careers or just to give us confidence to make it through the day.

Motivation can be equally elusive. What motivates us? What can we do to maintain our motivation in the face of adversity or just plain boredom?

Sometimes there seems to be so much information that it is difficult to make sense of it all. It also is usually just presented as a book that you read but there is no one to ask questions about what you have read or to help you apply it in your life.

You can struggle to find methods of developing, building and maintaining your confidence and motivation levels or you can check out the Confidence and Motivation Membership site.

The Confidence and Motivation membership site gathers together in one place, articles and books on confidence and motivation as well as a place where that provides confidence and motivation presentations to explain the material.

Confidence and motivation are developed through understanding but also practice. You need to understand your mind in order to build up your confidence and keep your motivation high. Sometimes it only takes someone to explain something for you to have an “Ah-ha” moment and see how what you have just read or listened to applies to your situation and life. As a member of Confidence and Motivation, you can find methods that explain the material and can help you to achieve more.

Everyone, everywhere should have confidence and motivation.

Don’t put off joining this great membership site and taking the necessary steps to gaining more confidence in your life and maintaining your motivation levels so that you can obtain all of the abundance that life has to offer.

Take the next step in this journey on the road to greater confidence and more motivation by visiting Confidence and Motivation.

Don’t be one of the many who will read this short letter and delete it without even learning more about the Confidence and Motivation Membership Program.

To your success

Michael W


Confidence and Motivation – A 12-week Coaching Program

Are you motivated to continue any project you start through to completion or do you quit when you get bored or the going gets tough?

Are you full of confidence that nothing will stop you from taking on something new or do you hesitate because you are not sure that you can do the task?

Hello and welcome;

Starting a new project or a new phase of your life can be exciting and most of us approach doing that with high confidence and lots of motivation to see the project through to the end or to enjoy the life change. However, these high levels don’t always last. Sometimes life takes its toll on both our confidence and motivation and we become discouraged and frustrated.

If this happens to you, or has happened to you more times than you care to remember, perhaps you just need to learn how you can build up your confidence and motivation to higher levels and keep them there no matter what happens to you.

The 12-week confidence and motivation coaching program that I have created can help you to reach the higher levels of confidence and motivation that you know you need and that you know are within you as well.

You can find out more about this program and start the process to join the program by visiting:

Reaching My Confidence and Motivation Potential Coaching Program

You will discover more about the program as well as how you can work with me to help you to develop and build up your confidence and motivation.

Don’t wait until tomorrow to start the process, that is procrastination and that is an enemy of motivation. Use the motivation that you are feeling now to find out more today.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


While we truly believe in the material presented in this 12 week program, we cannot guarantee that you will be as successful as others.

We do not know where you are starting from nor do we know how much effort you will put into following the program’s steps and advice.

While the outcomes listed above can be achieved we cannot guarantee that all will be achieved by you. We do not know your situation and overall abilities to complete the necessary work required to move forward.

12 Week Confidence and Motivation Coaching Program

Are you confident in all areas of your life?

Do you stay motivated when taking on any project or task?

Hello and welcome;

We all start something full of confidence and motivation and really put lots of effort into seeing the project through to completion. But somewhere along the line our confidence in our ability starts to run low. We tend to lose motivation as the project continues into the later stages.

If that describes you then maybe your confidence and motivation are not as strong as you believe and they could use some help in reaching new and greater heights so that you can keep your confidence at a high level no matter what happens and you can keep yourself motivated to see anything you start through to completion.

Do you really want to build up your confidence and motivation to a level where you can develop and maintain great relationships with family and friends? How about being confident in your business and getting more customers? You can do this if your confidence and motivation are maintained at a high level.

To help you to reach this high level or to keep your confidence and motivation at a high level, you should take advantage of the 12-week “Reaching My Confidence and Motivation Potential Coaching Program”.

You can find out more about this program and start the process to join the program by visiting:

Reaching My Confidence and Motivation Potential Coaching Program

Learn how you can work with me to develop and build up your confidence and motivation and make the changes that are necessary to make your life better for you, your family and friends and your business.

Don’t delay, don’t think it over and say you’ll get to it tomorrow because you know you never will. Use the motivation you have now to find out more.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


While we truly believe in the material presented in this 12 week program, we cannot guarantee that you will be as successful as others.

We do not know where you are starting from nor do we know how much effort you will put into following the program’s steps and advice.

While the outcomes listed above can be achieved we cannot guarantee that all will be achieved by you. We do not know your situation and overall abilities to complete the necessary work required to move forward.

Creative Visualization Described

What is “Creative Visualization”?



visualizationIn the past decade or so, there has been much talk about something that is age-old, but now has a name. That name is “creative visualization”.

You’ve probably heard the term before in the news, or reading a magazine. Several celebrities – especially those into self-help – have touted creative visualization as the next great thing. But you don’t need to be a self-help guru to understand where the theory of creative visualization comes from.

To be clear, visualization isn’t really a technique at all. It’s a process one embarks on that is kind of like meditation in that there is the intent to focus on one thing, which lets the rest fall away. In meditation, the concentration (especially for those that are new to it) is usually on breathing. Creative visualization centers the mind on a specific reality or outcome. Maybe it is a desired experience you want to have, or a material object you want to attain. Maybe it is a sense of calm, or wellness you’re trying to achieve. These are all common visualization topics.

Visualization is also not a new process. Since time immortal, thinking people have utilized visualization to attain that which they desired, but had not yet received or what they wanted to create. Think, for a moment, about the artist. It doesn’t matter what media is used, the artist must first visualize the outcome – the final product – whether it is a painting, musical score, or dance choreography. In utilizing creative visualization, one is better able to control the outcome, because that outcome has been focused on to the exclusion of all else.

Creative visualization is a sensory process that involves all the senses together. For instance, if your goal was to learn to ride horses, you would imagine how it would feel to ride your horse at a lope confidently, how the wind would rush past you, and how it would feel to be one with the horse. You would imagine how the horse would smell, of hay and grain, and imagine how the trees and sky would look going past as you rode. You’d hear the thump of the horse’s hooves, and hear him breathing heavily. By imagining the entire experience, you’re better able to focus on what actual action needs to be taken for that experience to occur.

Creative visualization can also be used to change habits. If you are a nail biter, imagine how having long, beautiful nails would look and feel, and how proud you would finally be of your hands.

These are the types of creative visualization that can change lives!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Are You Too Self-Critical – 12 Signs To Look For

12 Signs That You’re Being Too Self-Critical




self awarenessIt’s admirable to do your best and attempt to be the best person you can be. It only makes sense to examine your negative results in life and try to do better the next time. But it’s also easy to become too self-critical. A high level of self-criticism is detrimental to success and good mental health. Excessive self-criticism hurts your self-esteem and confidence.

Consider these signs that you might be too critical of yourself:

  1. You’re paralyzed. One sign that you’re overly critical toward yourself is a lack of action. If you’ve been stuck in the same situation for an extended period of time, you’re too hard on yourself. Otherwise, you’d be out there taking care of business and making positive changes to your life.
  2. You’re slow to forgive others. When you can’t forgive yourself, you’re unable to forgive others. When you can let go and forgive yourself, you can do the same for the other people in your life.
  3. You’re never pleased with your accomplishments. It doesn’t matter to you that you shaved 10 minutes off your best 10K time or graduated from medical school. You’re bothered by the fact that you didn’t win the race or attend Harvard medical school.
  4. You’re not assertive. You have to be comfortable with yourself to feel comfortable with asserting yourself. Assertiveness also brings the risk of rejection. Being too self-critical can increase the fear of rejection from others.
  5. You consistently say bad things to yourself. There’s little harm in a small amount of negative self-talk. But a constant barrage of self-criticism is highly damaging. Imagine telling your child that they can’t do anything right and should give up trying. It sounds crazy when viewed from that perspective.
  6. You’re a chronic underachiever. Underachieving is both a symptom and a cause of self-criticism. Consistent underachieving is a call to action!
  7. Others feel comfortable being critical of you. The average person isn’t comfortable criticizing others. However, after they’ve heard you criticize yourself repeatedly, they’re likely to feel they can join in on the criticism.
  8. You criticize yourself in general terms, rather than just for specific events. There’s a difference between telling yourself that you’re not a good tennis player and telling yourself that you’re not good at anything. General criticism is false and highly damaging.
  • A lack of success at a particular activity doesn’t make you flawed at everything. It’s illogical.
  1. You keep your opinions to yourself. While you have every reason to avoid telling your neighbor she looks fat in her dress, you should feel comfortable sharing the title of your favorite book. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your opinions freely, you’re too concerned about being judged by others or saying the wrong thing.
  2. You spend too much time dwelling on your mistakes. Can you move on quickly after a short period of self-reflection or do you dwell on your mistakes for an extended period of time?
  3. You find yourself unable to ask for help. It shouldn’t be difficult to ask for help. In fact, the more help the better! Are you afraid of being viewed as incapable? If so, you’re too critical of yourself.
  4. You can’t give yourself a single compliment. Everyone is good at something. Or maybe you know you’re good at a few things but don’t think you deserve a compliment. Either way, you’re being too hard on yourself.

You’re sabotaging yourself by being overly self-critical. You limit both your success and your mood. Realize how much you harm yourself with self-criticism. Learn from your mistakes and apply the information with enthusiasm.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W