Do You Still Believe These Confidence Myths?

Myths About Confidence You Want to Stop Believing

Did you know there are multiple myths about confidence that can affect you? If you want to strengthen your self-esteem, then it’s important to eliminate these misconceptions and focus on reality.

Learn more about these myths:

Myth 1: Success is necessary for confidence. Although success can give your confidence a boost, it’s not a requirement to have it.

  • You can have confidence without great success.
  • It’s important to take note of small accomplishments. Even simple things like making your bed every day or listening to a friend’s troubles have value.
  • In fact, experts share that in order for you reach the highest levels of success, you need to have confidence first. You can start small and watch it grow over time with new goals being reached.

Myth 2: Only extroverts can be confident. You can be an introvert and still have high confidence levels.

  • There are extroverts who aren’t confident.
  • Being an extrovert or an introvert isn’t the reason why you have or lack confidence. There are other factors involved.
  • It’s not necessary to be an extrovert to have confidence. You don’t have to be the center of attention or attend every party to get noticed. Confidence is internal and depends on your thoughts.

Myth 3: You have to be confident all the time. The truth is that confidence levels can go up and down.

  • You don’t have to be confident every hour of every day.
  • Your self-esteem will change and fluctuate over time. According to experts, this is normal and not something to be concerned about.
  • You may have fears that cripple your confidence on occasion. The key is to work through them and keep going. Feelings of uncertainty and insecurity will happen.

Myth 4: You have to love being the center of attention. You don’t have to be at the heart of all conversations and activities to have confidence.

  • It’s normal for confident people to want to avoid the spotlight sometimes.
  • In addition, many confident people still hate public speaking and large parties. Confidence isn’t directly linked to being the center of attention.

Myth 5: You must be born with confidence. Although some people seem to naturally have more confidence, you don’t have to be born with it.

  • Confidence isn’t built into your DNA like eye color or hair color.
  • Instead, it can be learned and acquired over time. For example, you’re not born with a natural ability to write or read. You learn these skills as you get older, and the same concept can be applied to confidence.
  • It’s possible to develop more confidence. It’s also possible to conquer the fears that are holding you back.

Myth 6: Comparing yourself to others will increase confidence. Whether you compare yourself to people who are ahead of you or those who are behind you, this is not the way to increase self-esteem and confidence.

  • Research shows that comparing yourself to others actually hurts your confidence levels.
  • If you’re focused on others and their success, then you’re not growing yourself. You’re not working on your own issues and challenges to reach higher.

By looking at other lives and contrasting them with yours, you’re feeding your insecurities. It’s also important to remember that you rarely know the full details of another person’s existence.

Confidence myths can inhibit your progress and hurt your self-esteem. You don’t have to believe these myths anymore. Leave them behind and start building greater confidence today!

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Frustrated and feeling down because you haven’t yet reached the ultimate level of success that you know you deserve can really impact your confidence.

Let me help you to end that feeling of frustration and build your confidence level up so that you will have a powerful, high level of inner confidence that will move you steadily forward towards your goals and success.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people before mid-summer 2017 and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply send me an email at and we will set up a call to start to help you to develop or improve your confidence and motivation levels.

You Can Find Your Confidence Within You

Finding Your Confidence

As you go through life’s inevitable trials, you’ll benefit from knowing that you can reach within yourself and find confidence. Accessing your confidence helps you avoid feeling down or disheartened, no matter what happens. This will help you live the most contented life you can!

Are you unsure about how to tap in to your confidence?

Try these strategies:

  1. Think about the 3 toughest things you’ve ever done in your life. You were successful in coming through those crises. By mentally exploring these events, you’ll learn about how you found your confidence in those instances. Now that’s knowledge you can use.
  • Whenever you lack confidence, reflect on those tough times and the strategies you utilized to get through them.
  • Feeling self-assured comes with knowing that you can make it through difficult times and emerge triumphant.
  1. What are your most significant achievements? Take some moments to survey your life. Whether it’s teaching yourself how to take proper care of your lawn or reading the entire collection of Shakespeare, recognize that you’ve achieved all kinds of milestones.
  • Then, reflect on your achievements and let yourself feel proud. Re-connect with the feelings of self-assurance you experienced at those times. Feel your confidence grow.
  • Finally, allow yourself to look forward to a future filled with still more achievement.
  1. Understand your mistakes. An important aspect of finding your confidence is examining what you’ve done in the past that you now see as a mistake. Thoroughly understanding your prior errors is integral to developing your sense of self-assuredness.
  • Reviewing your mistakes allows you to say to yourself that you understand what happened and that you know now to approach those situations differently. Knowing what you did wrong and recognizing that you wouldn’t do it the same way again builds confidence.
  • When you realize that you’ve gained some applicable knowledge, you also strengthen your confidence that you can meet any challenge in the future.
  1. Find a role model. You probably know someone who you believe exhibits great confidence. Using them as a role model can be instrumental in finding your own confidence.
  • What does your role model’s self-assurance look like? Does the person make eye contact when speaking to others? Can you see a comfortable ease with which he relates to others? Think about how the person you have in mind looks, acts, and talks.
  • Perhaps your role model has a great sense of humor. The self-assured person isn’t afraid to admit he’s made a mistake. He may even gently laugh at himself for his errors.
  • Now, try behaving like your role model. You truly can live your way into a new way of thinking. If you emulate the person whom you view as confident, you’ll be more likely to exude self-assurance yourself.
  • Even when you’re experiencing a challenge and aren’t feeling too sure about yourself, try “faking it till you make it.” Use your knowledge about how confidence appears and behave that way. Soon after, you’ll begin to recognize and connect with your own true confidence.

Although you might not always feel self-assured, try some of these strategies to find your confidence when you need it. Before you know it, you’ll have tapped into your self-confidence, and others will be emulating you!

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Become More Confident By Removing Self-Doubt

Conquering Self-Doubt and Becoming More Confident

Everyone has times in their life when they feel inadequate and incompetent, but some of us feel that way more often than others. Many people are so busy putting themselves down they fail to thrive in life. They stop trying to learn and better themselves. They become discouraged and depressed. Do you feel like you may be one of these people?

Maybe your self-doubt stems from some negative experiences early in your life. For example, if people made fun of you when you were a child, you might doubt your abilities even today.

  • Traumatic experiences can cause a vicious cycle of self-doubt in your mind.

Parents, teachers, and other children can sometimes unwittingly say things that have a powerful impact for both good and bad. So, how do you turn things around and stop that nagging voice in your head that says you’ll never be good enough?

Here are some tactics to help you erase that doubt and become more confident:

Let Go of Negative Criticism of Yourself

This applies to both past and present. Don’t let a jerk of a boss ruin your day by simply adding his voice to the tape player in your head. Realize that he may be taking his anger out on someone else because of his own inadequacies. People’s negative attitudes speak volumes about them, not about you!

  • Stifle your tendency to criticize yourself. By agreeing with those who criticize you, you’re giving them all the power.
  • Pay no attention to that voice in your head that’s saying you’re going to fail. If you stop listening, it will get quieter and eventually disappear.
  • Reclaim your life by believing that you CAN succeed.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you.

Prepare Yourself and Do Your Best

It’s not enough just to think positively; you have to actively pursue success as well. Visualizing your end goal can help you make the right choices, but no one can do the work except you. One way to overcome self-doubt is to write down your positive qualities.

  • Make a list of at least 5 good things about you. Every day when you wake up read the list. Reading aloud will also help you to believe the items you’ve listed.

The positive thinking will help prepare your mind to succeed, but there are other ways you can help yourself achieve your goals as well:

  • Set reasonable goals. Decide what you want to do within a set amount of time. Keep your goals realistic so you can meet them. If you set unrealistic goals that you can’t meet, you’ll quickly become discouraged. Start out small and get bigger with your dreams.
  • Get busy. Inactive people easily become depressed. To avoid this unpleasant situation, immerse yourself in achieving your goals. Hard work will always pay off in the end.
  • Revel in your success. Self-doubters tend to think they don’t deserve to succeed. But you do! You deserve a reward for conquering your self-doubt and becoming more confident. You deserve to be honored for your hard work and perseverance. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Just remember you can’t reach the top of a mountain in one giant leap; it takes many steps along the way to reach the peak in due time. The same is true of success and achieving your goals.

Taking baby steps and attaining many small successes will bring you the confidence to reach your dreams. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the journey to becoming the self-assured person you know you can be. It’s a wild ride, but it’s well worth it in the end.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

4 Things You Can Do To Fix Your Confidence Level

Some Quick Fixes To Cure Your Confidence

You feel that your confidence is lagging behind today and you need to pick it up quickly.

Here are some things that you can do right away to get your confidence back up to its proper level.

1. Be in charge of your thoughts at all times.

What is a thought?

It’s just a question that you’ve asked yourself and the thought is you’re answer.

If you’re thinking negative thoughts, you’re probably asking a negative question.

Change the questions to be more positive.

2. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming, STOP, THINK, and say is this really important in the grand scheme of things.

A lot of the time it isn’t.

Many people in life major in minor things!

3. Do you let the words of others affect you?

Do you mind what they think of you?

Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

It’s not what they say to you that’s the problem it’s what you say to yourself after they have stopped talking that’s the problem.dence

Change the way you think.

4. List the words that you use on a consistent basis when you feel let down or annoyed.

People use different words to mean the same thing and depending upon the intensity of the word – this will have an effect on your confidence.

Instead of saying “I’m enraged about this” say,

“I’m a little annoyed”.

Make a substitute list for the words that you use.

Make sure they are lower in intensity and then use them.

You’ll be surprised with the results.

Keep yourself confident and life becomes easier.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking to keep your confidence up and also build up your motivation, you must check out the Confidence and Motivation Membership site.

There are multiple levels that you can join and I am sure that there will be one level will be just right for you. You will be given access to lots of confidence and motivational material and there is also a level where you can get unlimited one-on-one access to me to further develop your confidence and motivation.

Remove Your Limiting Beliefs – Free Consultation

“Identify And Remove Your Main Limiting Belief” That Is Holding You Back

Are you really satisfied with your life and confident that you are headed in the right direction towards success?

As a Life Coach, I want to give back to people and make their lives worthwhile and make them successful.

So how can I help?

You can take advantage of a free 30-minute call to “Identify And Remove Your Main Limiting Belief” that will help you to find out why you are not:

  • as thin as you would like to be;
  • as popular as you would like to be;
  • as successful as you would like to be; and
  • as                 you would like to be. (You fill in the blank).

Our negative limiting beliefs hold us back from being the person we know we can become and achieving the things that make our life comfortable and successful.

Most of our beliefs are formed in our childhood and we don’t even realize that we carry them and that they are sometimes responsible or our lack of success.

In order to become successful in all areas of your life, you need to replace the negative beliefs with new positive beliefs. But! Until you know what your negative limiting beliefs are, you cannot replace them.

Again in order to help you, I am offering you a free 30-minute laser focused coaching call to “Identifying And Remove Your Main Limiting Belief” that is holding you back from the success you desire. I promise not to try to sell you anything on this call.

On this call you will:

  • Learn about limiting beliefs and how they hold you back from being successful;
  • Identify your main limiting belief; and
  • Develop a strategy to remove this belief.

If you want to take advantage of this offer, email me at

and include at least 3 times when we could talk to each other.

I have limited availability so I can only accept 4 new clients every month. Once I have 4 clients, I will close this offer until the beginning of the next month.

Use “I want to find out my limiting beliefs” as a subject line.

I would prefer that we use either Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom video as it is important that we actually see each other.

Remember, this is NOT a sales call, I just want to help as many people as possible to become more successful in their lives.

To your success.

Michael W