Small daily changes lead to huge results.



Given enough time, small changes yield huge results. The Grand Canyon was created by a river over millions of years. Ocean waves created the sand on the beach from boulders.

Likewise, small actions taken repeatedly can have a monumental impact in my life if I am consistent and patient.

I can speed up my positive results by doing just a little bit better each day. If I am just a little bit better today than I was yesterday, I eventually see great results in my life.

A small improvement in my behaviour becomes a large improvement in a short time. This puts my life on the fast track to success.

I take comfort in knowing that it is unnecessary to make a major change all at once. It is much easier to only change a little each day. A small change is simple for me. Small changes are free of stress. Small changes are easy to maintain.

When I think about how much I can accomplish over the course of my lifetime if only I make a couple of tiny changes each day, I become excited about the future.

Today, I am committed to making small changes in my life. I am also committing to doing even better tomorrow by a tiny amount. Small daily changes lead to huge results.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are three small changes I can make each day that will brighten my future?
  2. What are three small changes I wish I had made 10 years ago?
  3. How do I feel when I think about making a major change? How do I feel when I think about making a tiny change?

So making small changes in your daily routine can lead to major life changes that can help you to be more successful and happier.

If you want to discuss how you can learn more about finding those areas that you can make changes in to move you forward towards your goals, you can contact me at

To your success


Michael W





Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay