Your Inner Critic Needs to be Silenced


You have an inner critic that seems to be focused on making you miserable. Your life can be much simpler and more enjoyable if you can silence your inner critic. If you really listen to this critic you will be amazed that it can be so negative.

You listen to your critic as if he was an expert. This could not be further from the truth.

Look at your inner dialogue differently

Be dispassionate when listening to your inner critic. Listen for a minute and notice all of the things that you hear. Before too long you will realize that your inner voice is not really sane. Imagine you are sitting next to someone who lets their inner voice out and rambles on about unrelated things.

  • You would probably be looking for an exit if you were sitting next to this person. We speak to ourselves this way. You need to realize that you are listening to a type of person that you would probably avoid in real life. You listen to this self-talk a lot even though you shouldn’t take it seriously.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts at


These are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

What would you tell a friend? If one of your friends were in a similar situation as you are, what would you say? You would probably say things that are a lot different than what you are saying to yourself.

  • When you are listening to your inner critical dialogue, ignore all of the criticism and focus on being gentle as if you would be to a friend.

Think about past successes. It is believed that to overcome one negative experience you need ten positive experiences. Take time each day to remember everything amazing that you have accomplished.

  • It can become a habit when you do this regularly. When a negative thought arises, you can immediately change it to something positive.

Write down your inner self-talk. Don’t just listen to your inner critic, write down what was said. When you read it aloud, it will seem less credible.

Test the criticism. Does this negative self-talk have any supporting evidence? Are there any past times when this statement proved false?

  • How would this situation appear if you were more positive? What are the gains you could have from the current situation?

Think about today. Today the past has no value and tomorrow is not predictable. Make the most of today and don’t worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself.

Show gratitude. Being grateful is the easiest way to uplift your mood and make your self-talk more positive. You should make a list of all the things that you are grateful for.

You get very little from your inner critic. You would never be a good friend to someone who spoke the same silly talk that your self-talk was about. If they were your friend, you would never take them seriously and probably stay far away from them.

Using these tips will help you to keep your inner critic under control. You will begin to develop the habit of talking positively to yourself which will help your self-confidence and success to rise to new levels.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

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Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

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To your success


Michael W

P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching

Photo by Alysha Rosly on Unsplash

A Gratitude Mindset


Reach Your Goals

When you focus intently on reaching a long-term goal, it is easy to believe that you won’t be happy until you actually reach the goal. Long-term goals are important but you should not pursue them at the expense of your daily life. A great benefit in reaching your goals is to be grateful for what you have already and what you have already achieved.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts at

These are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

You Are Happier

Your brain works differently when you have feelings of gratitude. You are much happier and a lot more content when you are fully aware of all of the wonderful things that you already have in your life. You believe that more good things will come into your life in the future when you are happy and feeling good about what you have in your life.


Lowered Stress

You will have a life filled with stress when your life is filled with struggle to always be better. You want to reach all of your goals and unlock your inner potential, but you also need to balance this desire with showing gratitude for everything that you have accomplished and for what you already have in your life. It is easy to believe that you aren’t good enough when you are always pushing yourself to keep going forward. You will enjoy your journey to your goal and reduce your stress level when you focus on being grateful for today.


More Optimistic

You will ensure that you are dissatisfied with life when you believe that the grass is greener on the other side. When you think this, you feel that you will never achieve the life you want. You may also think that you will never attain your dreams and just give up. You can enjoy your life now and look forward to a better future once your goals are achieved when you have a gratitude mindset.


While it doesn’t take a lot of your time and any extra effort to obtain a grateful spirit, it makes a huge difference in your life. Keep a note of all of the things that happen during your day that you are grateful for. You may also keep a gratitude journal that you can record your daily observations of gratitude. If you feel that your focus on your goal has been excessive and you are not appreciating what you have already, give using a journal a try.


To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

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Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.


Book the call now.


To your success



Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching





Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Reducing Procrastination


Procrastination develops over time and can lead to other conditions in your life. It isn’t only a symptom of things it is a condition. If you are a procrastinator, you should stop and ask yourself what you are putting off and if it is even worth doing.

You can deal with the habit of procrastination if you accept that it is more than an annoyance and learn and develop more effective time management skills.

To defeat procrastination, you have to realize that you are doing it and why.

You should ask yourself why you procrastinate. For some, it is a method they use to make themselves feel that they are actually accomplishing something. Others use it as a method to cope and a way to divert their attention from an unpleasant or painful task.

Here are some tips that you can use to reduce your procrastination and start to regain control of your time.

Identify that you have this habit. When you re-prioritize your workload you may find that this is part of the habit. If you do delay an essential task for a good reason, you are not engaging in procrastination.

  • If you never get back to these tasks to complete them, or you keep busy focusing on other less important tasks, them procrastination is the issue.
  • Some of the following indicate that you are procrastinating: your day is filled with non-urgent tasks, you read the same emails throughout the day but don’t act on them.
  • You are also procrastinating if you start a task but then go to get a coffee. If you never return to the task, you are procrastinating.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts at

podcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Start to work. You are procrastinating if you spend time deciding to take action. Stop deciding and take the action to get the work finished. If you let it slide, you will regret it.

  • This is a practical tip because it helps you take the first step which is usually the hardest. After that the rest becomes more straightforward.

  • As an example, starting to push a car is the most challenging. It becomes more manageable once you get it started moving. You need to apply this to your work.
  • Even a small first step is good. The step may not be the most significant that you have ever taken, but it gets you moving and you will gain momentum.

Willpower is not the answer. You procrastinate, not only from what comes from within you, but also as a result of your environment. If you don’t feel supported in your environment, you won’t feel welcomed.

You don’t realize all of your intentions if you are in that type of environment. You need to ask yourself what do you need to enable you to achieve your goals? When you know that, make a list of the steps needed to achieve those goals.

  • When the steps are known then you need to get started on those steps, one at a time. You will soon be moving towards your goals one step after another. Some people believe that willpower is all that they need.
  • Willpower is only one type of motivation. Willpower can only be used until you feel wiped out.
  • It is challenging to get your motivation to start up again once your willpower runs out. This is why you need to think about your goals, plan the steps needed to achieve those goals.
  • After that planning is done, take those steps and don’t focus on any of the unpleasant aspects.

Procrastination is linked to a lack of motivation. You will be less like to engage in procrastination if you become more preoccupied with your goals. That is a good reason to set motivational goals.

Planning is also a good idea as this will reduce the need for lots of willpower. Using willpower to complete a task is challenging so planning can make things a lot easier. You need to remove procrastination to be more productive as many factors contribute to your overall success.

You can ask for help, since many people procrastinate as they don’t want to ask for help. If you need help, you can talk to friends, your family or your colleagues to get the help you need to complete your tasks.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W

P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Top 10 Ways to Make a Huge Leap Forward in Life


Everyone has those days when you could use a little help. Perhaps it’s not looking forward to your next presentation, or you don’t know where to start with your latest business idea.

Maybe it’s not feeling motivated enough to start that project you’ve been thinking about for months or find that perfect client. The bottom line is: sometimes we need the right push in life and the right person to give us that nudge.

So, what can you do to make that giant leap forward? Try these strategies:

  1. Take one step back to move forward. Often, the first thing to do when you need to move forward but feel stuck is to step back. Stop. Avoid trying to force something to happen.
    • Then, you can see what needs to be done and break it down into smaller steps. The more you do, the quicker you’ll start to feel better and be in a position to take the next step.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts at

podcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

  1. Monitor your state of mind. When life gives you lemons, it can be hard to see the positive. It’s so easy to see the negative situation and feel overwhelmed. Try to stick your head in the sand for a while.
    • Try to block out circumstances you can’t change and focus on the things you can change. Before long, you’ll have a much more positive outlook and will end up making more progress than you ever imagined possible.
  1. Identify the details of what’s going on. Sometimes we don’t realize how many pieces are involved. It’s easy to think you’re facing one problem when it’s a combination of things.
    • Be honest with yourself. Which aspects can you change, and what elements can you influence? Also, which parts could you let go?
  1. Let the past go. Just because you had a terrible experience in the past with no chance of a positive outcome doesn’t mean the past has to define you.
    • Embrace the mistake or pain as a chance to learn and grow. Who knows, the negative experience could be the catalyst for future success.
  1. Consider your options. Look beyond your current circumstances and examine all the choices and possibilities. Don’t get caught up in your present feeling and give up your power. You always have a choice about your next move.
    • When you look at all the options at your disposal, you feel hopeful, motivated, and empowered.
  1. Devise a plan and stick to it. At this point, you have all the information you need. You’ve worked to change your mindset, taken a step back, let the past go, and considered your options. Now, it’s time to take action.
    • Set some goals and realize your dreams. Get out of your way, follow your heart, and seize the moment.
  1. Remind yourself of your “why.” There’s no time like the present. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and most importantly, always remember your core values.
    • Remember why you started this journey and what you ultimately want. This attitude will help you stay strong and focused.
  1. Start small. Building momentum is crucial to your success. Take small steps each day and gradually build momentum toward your goals.


  1. Discard what no longer works, even if it worked in the past. Use past experiences as a guide, but don’t be afraid to try something new if it works better.
    • Sometimes, people fail because they’re scared to let go of the systems that brought them to their current stage. Don’t let that happen to you!
  1. Always be grateful. Your attitude has a significant impact on your life. Gratitude is the best attitude to have because it takes you away from what you don’t want and focuses you on what you do want.
    • An example of gratitude is feeling thankful to your parents for all they’ve done for you. Another is feeling thankful for your health and not being afraid to go to the doctor when you have a health issue.

Motivation is not always constant, but you can find your way back to it. All you have to do is relax, take it easy, and consider what you’re trying to accomplish.

Even when things seem impossible, there’s always a chance for you if you have the patience, determination, and enlightenment to persevere.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:Confidence and Life Coaching





Photo by Imran Abdul Jabar on Unsplash


Poor Decision Making Reasons


What would your life look like if you could go back in time and change your choice on five major decisions you made. The differences could be stunning.

Some of the poorer decisions you made 10 years ago or longer have led to your current situation in life.

You can lead a more satisfying life by making wise decisions. You can avoid making unwise decisions that would have a negative impact on your life.

Some of the reasons for making poor decisions are:

You don’t have all the right information. You may make a rash decision because you may not have the opportunity to find out all the facts. Taking a few minutes or even days to ask the right questions and do some research can help make your decisions much more effective.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts atpodcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Your decisions are influenced by fear. Poor decisions are often based on fear. You may do anything to avoid feeling the physical sensations of fear.

  • You make the best decisions when you are moving towards something, not just trying to avoid something. When you find yourself trying to avoid something, any thing that moves you away from feelings of fear are appealing. That is like picking a direction to move by closing your eyes and spinning around.

You don’t have a defined objective. You need an objective to make wise decisions. What do you need to consider when choosing your next meal? There are a variety of goals you can use.

  • Convenience – what do you have available?
  • Cost – how expensive are the choices?
  • Health – what are the nutritional values?
  • Appearance – what foods will help me look leaner?
  • Comfort – what would feel good?
  • Taste – what foods would be the best tasting?
  • What are you trying to accomplish with your decision? From your options, what are the possible outcomes? How is your objective affected by those possible outcomes? Will you be helped or hindered in attaining your goals?

You let emotions control. A combination that rarely works are strong emotions and skilful decision-making. Your brain processes information and makes its decisions differently when under intense emotions. If you are going to make an important decision, it is best that you are calm, cool and collected.

You put comfort first. Our brains natural target is comfort. You tend to gravitate to unhealthy foods, sitting on the couch, watching TV or surfing the Internet.

  • You will usually make poor long-term decision when comfort is your goal. If you know someone who lives life this way, you can see what is wrong with making immediate comfort the main goal.
  • Progress and comfort are direct opposites. You will make quick progress in your life if you can bear a lot of discomfort. When you think of highly successful people, you see that each day they do things that the average person will pass on.

You don’t learn from your past mistakes. You can use all of your past mistakes to learn how to make wiser future decisions. Every poor decision you have made can teach you something.

What was your worst decision and what impact did it have on your life? You can see that making a few wiser decisions in the past could have made your life much different now.

It is not too late to start making wiser decisions. You can have a brighter future when you make beneficial decisions now.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book nowGoing alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W






P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:Confidence and Life Coaching




Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash