Life Success in 5 Steps

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

Life success is inside everyone. We just need to know how to set it free.

The article below gives a 5 step process to release your success.

A 5 Step Recipe For More Life Success – By Michelle L. Casto

failure is success if we learnDespite what most self-help experts will tell you, there are no real secrets to being a success. The fact is that you have everything you need inside of you right now to become a huge success. The challenge is to excavate your treasure and bring it to the light so that everyone can see and appreciate who you are and what you can do.

You Were Born for Greatness and to Succeed

Human beings are given a blank canvas called Life upon which we can create our very own work of art, painting whatever picture we desire. Unfortunately, we have not received education in the ways of success, learning things like the value of imagination and visualization. Most of us never even heard about the basic Laws of the Universe (attraction, retribution, polarity, creation) until adulthood.

We were misinformed by well-meaning people and institutions that told us that success is hard to come by, a struggle. This is fiction! And it is time for You to achieve the dreams you have dreamed about.

Bring Forth the Treasure Within You

The treasure that is within you are your God-given gifts, as well as having the ability to trust in a higher power who wants you to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Success comes first in thought, then in energy, and finally in form.

To be more successful, start first by thinking of yourself as a success. Look around and recognize the success that you are already are. Choose to believe in who you are and your abilities. Then you will intuitively know the right actions to take, which will easily lead you to the best possible outcome.

We’ve been misled to think that success is a destination or something tangible you can see, like money in the bank or a big fancy house.

Success is a feeling, a state of being, where you feel satisfied, joyful, fulfilled, and like you are doing your very best. The old sign of success was external, and about what you have. The new sign is internal-what I call Soul Success, and is from the inside out, based on how happy and on purpose you feel.

Benjamin Disraeli said, “Success is constancy of purpose.” This quote emphasizes the need to live our lives on purpose consistently and persistently. The ultimate success in life is to answer the age-old questions of “Who I am?” and “Why I am here?”

When you answer these essential questions, you can begin to master the most important lessons of all— who you were born to be and what you came here to do. This will make setting and achieving goals much easier because they will be in alignment with your soul’s vision and purpose in life.

Success is attracted to people who provide value and who invest in themselves. So to attract more success, be success in each and every moment. This means seeing and experiencing success now.

There are 5 ways I have found that allow my mind to become set for success:

1) completion 2) deletion 3) creation 4) organization 5) delegation.

When you feel the need to have “instant success,” organize something, complete something, remove something, delegate, and create something. Each of these actions are instant energy shifters and allow you to train your brain to see success, and therefore, “be success.”

5 Step Recipe For Success

There are also steps that you can use to be more successful— follow your inspirations where they lead, set clear intentions, apply focused attention, and take massive action daily. A formula for success is:

Inspiration + Intention + Attention+ Action=SUCCESS

1. Follow Inspirations

This step involves listening to and responding to the inklings, messages, and inspirations your inner self is sending you. It is wise to honor that information and follow where it leads you.

2. Set Clear Intentions

This step involves setting your mind towards a specific outcome is (remain open to something even better), and you fully believe it will come to pass. It is wise to write your intentions down on paper.

3. Apply Focused Attention

This step involves clearing your mind, bringing your whole self by giving your full attention to the task at hand. It is wise to practice a grounding or relaxation exercise prior to beginning.

4. Take Massive Action

This step involves doing something every single day to move you towards your goal. It is wise to develop and utilize a strategy action plan.

5. Beware of Unchallenged Beliefs

Now that you know what success really requires, what is stopping you from getting started? Often it is limiting beliefs.

You probably mistakenly believe that you are not good enough, smart enough, etc. These beliefs are just lies you have told yourself that you have come to believe. And it is essential that you uproot any and all beliefs that limit you.

Always remember the essential Truth that you already have all that you need to attract more success and happiness, you just need to learn to access your inner power. I have personally worked with clients who have turned their lives around from being divorced, bankrupt, physically unwell to happily in love, prosperous and healthy in a few short months. So, no matter what your present life circumstances, even if they seem less-than-ideal, you can become even more successful starting this very moment by applying these simple steps.

Unconscious people often have hope without action, and wish without doing. You are different. You are aware and conscious, and know that to access the success that is already there for you, will have to take 100% responsibility for your life, find out what you really want, and then make the required internal changes to get harmoniously aligned your desires and dreams. (This is where the “inner work” comes in, where you read, study, and get mentored by those who have been where you are going.)

The more you know, honor, love and develop yourself, the more Success becomes attracted to you. Set your sights high, dig deep, be teachable, coachable, actionable and your Big Success will arrive right on time.

Michelle L. Casto, Ph.D. Candidate is known as the Soul Diva Coach, Speaker, and Author of the Get Smart! LearningBook Series. She has authored 3 books and a dozen workbooks on life empowerment topics. Her coaching practice is Brightlight Coaching, she helps people come up with bright ideas for their life and empowers them to freely shine their bright light to the world.

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Michael Wilkovesky

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Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.