How To Set Smart Goals for The New Year


Today, we’re going to talk about setting goals. Not just any goals though, we’re talking about SMART goals. You might be thinking, “What’s the big deal about SMART goals?”, they’re a game changer.

Confidence in your abilities to go after your goals can sometimes be difficult to find or keep.

It can sometimes take time to discover the confidence you have inside you. This can be especially true if you are trying something new.

I have a program that can help you to discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals as well as help you set an attainable goal related to where you are in your life and where you are trying to be.

This program also works with you to build up your confidence in being able to reach your goal.

You can find out more about this program at Confidology, a funny name but a serious program.

You can contact me to talk about this or any other aspect of confidence and success at

Visit the site and read through the program description.

What’s the SMART Formula?

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. It’s not just a clever word, it’s a powerful tool that can help you turn your dreams into reality. When you set SMART goals, you’re setting yourself up for success. It’s like having a roadmap to your dreams.

The Key to Success: Goal Setting

Imagine you’re on a journey. You wouldn’t just start driving without knowing where you’re going, would you? Of course not! You need a destination. That’s what goals are – they’re your destination. And just like a journey, you’ve got short, medium, and long term goals. They’re your roadmap to success.

The SMART Way to Set Goals

Let’s break it down:

  1. Specific: Your goals need to be clear and well-defined. No wishy-washy “I want to lose weight” or “I want to be more flexible.” Instead, try “I want to lose 10 pounds” or “I want to touch my toes without bending my knees.” See the difference?
  2. Measurable: Can you track your progress? If not, it’s not a SMART goal. You need to be able to see how far you’ve come and how far you have left to go.
  3. Attainable: Is your goal within reach? If it’s not, you’re setting yourself up for failure. It’s like trying to jump to the moon – it’s just not going to happen. Your goals should challenge you, but they should also be achievable.
  4. Realistic: Are your goals in line with what you can realistically achieve? Losing 10 pounds in a week isn’t just unrealistic, it’s unhealthy. A SMART goal would be to lose 10 pounds in 90 days.
  5. Timely: Deadlines aren’t just for work, they’re for goals too. Without a timeframe, your goal is just a dream. But with a deadline, it becomes a plan.

The Bottom Line

SMART goals are the key to unlocking your potential. They’re your roadmap to success. By setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely, you’re setting yourself up for success. So, what are you waiting for? Start setting your SMART goals today and watch as you turn your dreams into reality. You deserve it!

Don’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S Don’t forget to visit Confidology to learn more about the program.

P.P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching

P.P.P.S. I am offering a free, no obligation Wheel of Life consulting and exercise session for three people each day. You can book the session at




Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash