Get What You Want Using Visualization

How do you intend to get what you want out of your life?

You probably have many wants, some simple like losing a small amount of weight, while others may be a lot more complex, like changing careers. You can use the same techniques whether you have large or small goals.

The technique is visualize what you want. You need to picture, in detail, in your mind your goal so that you can manifest this change. Doing this may look and sound difficult, but it is fairly easy. There really are only five simple steps to follow.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts atpodcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Get fully engaged in the vision. You have to be fully engaged in the vision and put yourself into it as much as possible. This involves using all of your emotions so that you can experience the vision that makes it real to you. You can’t hold back.

Use different point of view. How does this visualization feel? First connect the emotions to the actions by experiencing it as yourself. Feel every part of the visualization. After, step back and watch it as though you were watching yourself in a movie. Doing this will enable you to see some details you might have missed.

Live your success. You now need to start to live your success after you have done the visualization. You have to behave, think, move and act like the person at the end of your vision.

The message needs to be reinforced. To be successful, your visualization needs back-up. The world is full of negative influences that can take root in your mind. By keeping your self-talk positive and using affirmations, you will be constantly reinforcing your vision of success instead of destroying it.

Make your vision real to you. Create a vision board or some other method to remind yourself of your vision. Put this somewhere where you will be constantly reminded of the experiences you felt when you visualized. Your resolve to achieve your goals will be reinforced by seeing the board over and over.

When you follow these steps, your dream will be becoming a lot more solid. There is work required to actually achieve what you want. You do get a clear idea of where you want to be and the path to take when you visualize.

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To your success


Michael W




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P.P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

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Image by bereniceorionis from Pixabay