Aspirations – What Are They?

Do you have a goal you want to achieve in your future? If you have hopes and dreams, you have aspirations. You have a sense of purpose and direction for living with these big picture goals. But you need to know, having goals and having aspirations are not the same thing.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts atpodcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Aspirations are more long-term and geared to the future, while goals are actions you need to take to get you to your destination. Look at it as looking back on your career and knowing that you were able to meet your goals, that is an aspiration. When you get a new position in six months, that is a goal. They have different, separate functions but they do work together.

Aspirations Breakdown

You will have more meaning and focus in your life when you have aspirations. There are various types of aspirations you start to look for when you start to dream about your future. People’s aspirations give them a different outlook on their lives. Some, like being a good provider are simple while others aim to be a lot higher like becoming rich and famous.

We try for two types of aspirations – intrinsic and extrinsic. They have some common themes that are indicators of s sense of purpose in our lives. The breakdown here will help you to understand which of the two types that you tend to focus on.

Intrinsic : these aspirations will satisfy your well-being. These are usually centred around relationships, your contributing to your community, health and your personal growth. An example of a social aspiration would be to make friends and build your relationships and volunteer. There are also family aspirations and skill aspirations where you develop a new skill.

Extrinsic: These types of aspirations are for achieving an instrumental outcome in your life. An extrinsic aspiration would be that you are physically attractive, wealthy or being popular. A financial aspiration when you were growing up would be to have a million dollars. If you wanted to be popular when in high school, you had popularity aspirations.

Your career aspirations can be both intrinsic and extrinsic. There are certain things that you want to accomplish like having a certain salary and image. These have parts of personal growth and community contributions mixed together.

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Michael W





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P.P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

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Image by Marnie Bounds from Pixabay