Can You Really Have It All?

Of course, everyone wants to “have it all,” but is that even possible? There are a lot of opinions on the topic. Some people believe it’s entirely possible. Others insist that you can’t even some close.

Like many things in life, the most reasonable answer is, “It depends.” You can certainly have a lot if you’re willing to make enough of a sacrifice.

Consider these aspects:

  1. Decide what having it all means to you. Everyone says they want to “have it all,” but what does that mean to you? Make a list of everything that you would have to have and experience in your life on a regular basis to be 100% satisfied with your life. Take all the time you need. Keep these categories in mind:

    • Relationships
    • Health and physical goals
    • Possessions
    • Hobbies
    • Career
    • Community
  2. Notice the items that are under your control and those that are not. Review your list. Divide your list into two columns: Those things you can control and those you cannot.

    • You can’t control your spouse’s level of patience, tolerance, or their waistline.

    • You can’t control every aspect of your children.

    • You don’t have complete control over your career.

    • You’ll quickly find there’s not a lot that you can control in your life beyond your focus, effort, and attitude. Worrying about other things is an exercise in futility.

  3. You can’t have everything. Time, money, and energy are limitations. Consider the items below:

    • Committed spouse
    • Active community members
    • Committed parent
    • Excellent friend
    • Great employee
    • Great boss
    • Mentor
    • Perfect neighbor
    • Big house
    • Luxury car
    • And the list goes on
    • Just reading this list can be enough to start an ulcer. How well could you accomplish all of those things and still enjoy your life?
  1. With your idea of having it all, will you still be relaxed and happy? A simple life leads to higher levels of satisfaction and happiness. The more complicated your life, the less satisfied you’re likely to feel over the long term.

  2. Life is about priorities. You can’t have everything, but you can have a lot. The more you want, the more it’s going to cost you. The more you want, the more complicated your life will become. The more complicated it is, the more scattered your energy and focus become.

    • What are your priorities in life?
    • Based on those priorities, re-answer the first item on this list.
    • The more things you ultimately want in your life, the lower your performance level will have to be in one or more areas.

“Can I have it all?” is an ambiguous question. Can you have it all if having it all means having a spouse, children, a home, a pleasant career, and a circle of friends? Sure. Can you have it all if you want to perform at the highest possible level in multiple categories in your life? Doubtful.

Having it all is limited by your definition of having it all.

There’s only so much time in a day. There’s a limit to how much anyone can do. Look at the most successful people in the world. Some other aspect of their life is usually a complete mess. It’s almost a universal truth. Excelling at one area requires making a sacrifice in others. It’s up to you to determine how much you’re willing to sacrifice.

So, you can have it all, provided that what you want is reasonable, and you’re committed.

Do you want to achieve your HIGHEST potential?


Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive And Believe, It Can Achieve.”

So let me ask you…

…do YOU want to live the life you’ve always dreamed of?

Do you want to rewire your brain for SUCCESS?

Do you want the power to be a winner who attacks their limiting beliefs, creates healthy habits, and lets NOTHING stand in their way?

Do you know how to unlock the “Success Brain” MINDSET?

I want to help YOU make this transformation.

I created a training designed for people like you…

          …people who want to create THEIR ideal lifestyle.

That want to discover what THEIR version of success is.

It’s a step-by-step process for becoming a WINNER.

It’s called…

The Success Brain: How to prime your mind to WIN at work and life

You have great things in store for you.

I want to help.

Michael W

Trying to rewire your brain is challenging…but it’s also AMAZING!


I’m going to be honest…

it’s hard changing the way we’ve always done things.

It means we HAVE to kick that bad habit.

Develop a new mindset.

Question our limiting beliefs.

Sometimes it’s just easier to just stay in our comfort zone.

But I’ve learned one huge lesson…

          …having the “Success Brain” is key to building a life you love.

You can’t be happy when you’re not pursuing your dreams.

…Letting limiting beliefs control your life.

…Allowing your bad habits to keep you from what you LOVE.

Developing a new mindset and making your dreams come true is the path to JOY!

But changing our habits, our beliefs, and the way we THINK requires some serious courage.


Unshakable support from others.

Let me be that SUPPORT for you!

I recently created a step-by-step training precisely for those who want to live a powerful life, create goals important to them, and make their dreams a reality.

It’s called…

The Success Brain: How to prime your mind to WIN at work and life

I’ll guide you by the hand and give you a proven process to rewire your brain and live the life that YOU want to live.

I’ll support you in your journey toward building the life you love.

In this training, you’ll learn:

  • How to unlock the “Success Brain” mindset
  • Secrets to ELIMINATING the fear of failure
  • How to BREAK AWAY from self limiting thoughts
  • How to live the BEST year of your LIFE
  • Secrets to developing EMPOWERING habits
  • How to replace negative habits with POSITIVE habits
  • And more!

This has the power to TRANSFORM your life!

The Success Brain: How to prime your mind to WIN at work and life

If you have ANY questions, please let me know.

Talk soon,

Michael W

How I Conquered Fear And You Can Too!

Getting out of your comfort zone for most is challenging, to say the least. It’s been my experience that the missing element is psychological. Too many times I’ve said to myself, ‘I don’t know HOW to do this’ and self sabotaged my brain into believing I could not do it. What I’ve come to know is this; it’s not the ‘how’ that is so important but rather the ‘why’ behind it! Get a big enough WHY and the HOW will follow!

It’s the old 80/20 rule – 80% is psychology and the remaining 20% is the mechanics. We all tend to get what we HAVE to have. It boils down to what YOU believe YOU MUST do and chose to not settle for anything less!! Turning your ‘should’s’ into ‘must’s’ and making the decision to move forward in spite of the fear.

Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you truly want to get the edge, you will need to get over your fear. Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of whatever – it’s okay to make a mistake, just make sure you learn from it and avoid the same pit falls next time around.

Choose to live life on your own terms. The quality of life is the quality of your emotions on a daily basis. Control your emotions and take control of your destiny! Consider this, it’s not how long I live but rather, how I live! It’s not about your ability; it’s about why you must succeed!!

Two things to help you control your emotions, deal with your BODY and what you FOCUS on at any given moment.

1 – Body, the psychology that we are ‘in’ is driven by the physiology that we are ‘in’. Specifically, when we change our MOTION we change our EMOTION and therefore experience a change of ‘state’. It’s these ‘states’ (or emotions), that will determine our action towards any given target.

2 – Focus, what you focus on and moreover, ‘how’ you focus, plays a vital roll in your achievements (or lack thereof). We must remember, what’s wrong is always available to us but so is, what’s right! Understand that ‘problems’ are a sign of life. Want to see someone who doesn’t have any more problems? Drop by your nearest cemetery, they’re done! No more problems – and no more life!! Direct your focus, whatever you focus on you moves you towards that object or experience. There isn’t a ‘try’ – only do or not do!

I’ve noticed several things about myself that I can’t help but believe others must share in similar experiences or situations. The difference for me now, is how I choose to ‘control’ or ‘focus’ myself as situations arise. This is a broad range of things from attending a party and ‘experiencing’ my emotions, to simply taking a shower and getting ready for the day. It’s truly how I manage my ‘state’ during the situation that defines my experience!

To be more clear, it’s what I choose to focus on while showering or while at the party. If while showering I’m having thoughts of – oh no, it’s Monday again, I hate the first day of each workweek! I hate Monday’s!! I wish I could just stay home and sleep in. I have to fight the stinking traffic everyday. I wish I had another car, a bigger more fancy car.

On and on it goes and before you finish your morning shower – presto, you’re in a bad mood and ready to bite your partners head off! You’re having emotions of agitation and experiencing anxiety about going to work, all before you even get dressed to go.

I suggest and submit to you it all begins with your THOUGHTS. It’s these thoughts that begin to effect our emotions (or states) and once we LEARN how to control them, we then have a much more powerful position that will determine our actions.

Use MOTION to create EMOTION and control your results. Back to the shower scene – sing, shout, clap your hands, pretend the soap bottle (or bar) is your microphone, move briskly, breath deeply and think about good things. (Remember, you get to choose what you think about – it’s your personal power)! Wouldn’t you rather get dressed feeling good about the day ahead of you, as opposed to dreading the very next moment? Sure you would, and you get to pick your experience. It may take some practice or ‘conditioning’ on your part but it will become a ‘habit’ once you focus on training your brain and body to do so.

You can control your fear and use it as leverage to compel you towards your goals. It the courage behind the fear that builds the faith within us that makes us stronger. Esteem comes from forcing yourself to do difficult things. Therefore, causing us to broaden our comfort zones while strengthening our faith.

Can you see faith? I submit to you, we are able to see the evidence of faith. No one has ever seen the wind but it evidence is everywhere to be seen. Faith unused wanes!

Prime your mind

The Success Brain Course

As we are all trying to be more successful in our lives, both personal and business, we need to have a success mindset. It is hard to be successful when your own self-talk is against you and your mind is not aligned with your goals.

If you want to be more successful and live the life you deserve, then you need to have a Success Brain.

While this may sound easy, unless you know what you need to accomplish, you could end up wasting your time and energy.

This course “The Success Brain” can help you to understand those areas of your own mind that are holding you back while helping you to develop a truly success brain and mindset that will guide you in your life to really become more successful.

Prime your mind

Be Accepting Of Yourself While Striving For Greatness

There is absolutely no way for you to be successful and reach your goals until you accept who you are. You have to like yourself and what you do before anyone else will. The world detects how you feel about yourself and often simply shares the opinion you have about who you are. Be yourself and free yourself in the process. You are an individual who is unique. Your talents and abilities, your intelligence and interests, your opinions and tastes, make you who you are. There is no need to hide a part of yourself or alter a part of yourself for the sake of conformity. True success is about freedom and all truly successful people are individualists who have, more or less, accepted and glorified who they are. You should do the same.

At the same time, being yourself does not mean glorying in mediocrity. You need to be the very best version of yourself possible. This means that you have to work at being you. You have to put the time into self-improvement. Acceptance is not an excuse for laziness, cowardice or fear. Life is a privilege. It is a gift. The gift and the privilege of life is that you get to be yourself, the best self you can possibly be. Use the gift, take advantage of the privilege that you’ve been given. Don’t squander the chance. Let your own unique light shine forth. This is the light that will illuminate the path to real success in life. It will also be the light that attracts other people to you. 

The Success Brain Course

As we are all trying to be more successful in our lives, both personal and business, we need to have a success mindset. It is hard to be successful when your own self-talk is against you and your mind is not aligned with your goals.

If you want to be more successful and live the life you deserve, then you need to have a Success Brain.

While this may sound easy, unless you know what you need to accomplish, you could end up wasting your time and energy.

This course “The Success Brain” can help you to understand those areas of your own mind that are holding you back while helping you to develop a truly success brain and mindset that will guide you in your life to really become more successful.