Millionaire Brain Academy Product Review

When The Millionaire’s Brain Academy was placed on my desk, I groaned inwardly, “Oh no, not one of THOSE again,” and I almost pulled my hair out in frustration. I have readers who actually write in and ask how I can review such books.

But after going through it, The Millionaire’s Brain Academy turned out to be one of those rare gems that actually work for once.

Since this is after all a self-help guide, the content is more or less the same, but The Millionaire’s Brain Academy seeks to be different from the rest of the pack by everything else.

While other products just provide textbook write-ups about what’s going on, The Millionaire’s Brain Academy goes a step further, which I’ll explain more as I go along.

To gain success in this very competitive world, it is just not sufficient if you have talent, or a dream.

If you don’t know how to work it, you won’t get it.

Chapter 1 “Master Your Destiny” explores the concept of responsibility. Responsibility is central to the belief of the success mindset. With responsibility, you know that your choice matters in the long run.

In order to kick-start the whole process, we need to begin from the brain. The brain structure is the canvas for us to work the magic of the mindset. Continuing on that analogy, one of the methods is to keep painting on it i.e. to keep telling the brain to do specific things or inculcate particular behaviors. Only with the constant painting and re-shaping, will the positive behavior be wired into our brain and manifest automatically into our action.

One of the most doable strategies outlined here is the strategy of not watching TV programs – Because they are too mindless!

Come to think of it, watching those mechanical and bland TV programs does nothing to infuse your own destiny into the brain. There are absolutely no benefits at all.

Next on the palette, belief and ideology are critical ingredients as the underlying foundation to the great artwork of success mindset. You have to believe that the next millionaire is you.

Learn more about this product here

There is no second way about it.

A strong and unwavering belief aligns with the powerful law of attraction and hands you the keys to infinite wealth. It is really that simple.

In addition, to strengthen your success mindset, you may need to give up something.

Not your soul, don’t worry.

It is something very close and intimate to the heart, something which you may have told yourself on occasions, or something which you heard from others.

Now, I won’t be revealing those 2 words here, you’ll be amazed what it is when you come to that section in the ebook. Once you know what those words are, a simple reversal spins the wheel of fortune directly to your way.

It’s worth mentioning fear.

Fear is always the stumbling stone in any ambitious plan of success. Because one takes a fearful step back, everything literally comes to naught – everything from planning, to resource-gathering, to execution of the plan.

Indeed, like what the author Winter expounds, talk is cheap. Action must be taken and fear tossed out to the wind. As compared to other products, this is something lacking. They usually come in an ebook, and just vaguely talk about this theory and that research finding.

Thankfully, it is not just all talk in The Millionaire’s Brain Academy. There are exercises throughout the ebook, to reinforce your understanding

What is an advantageous plus about The Millionaire’s Brain Academy is that there is a Brain Optimizer Workbook to further underpin what you need to do

Here, the brain optimizing exercises come in handy, which include affirmations, meditations, and many other little things you can implement effectively in your daily routine.

One of the bonuses, The Money Code, is rather intriguing because it focuses on financial success. Now it can be rather difficult for a layman to focus on financial details simply due to the technical jargon. But The Money Code is all straightforward and easy to understand on the concepts it seeks to code into the brain.

The other bonus is The Millionaire Mindset Suite. This is a package of brainwave entrainment audios which eases the mind and provides meditative music as you contemplate your mindset, its creation and affirmation to work to your favor

I’ve read through countless self-help books in my time and I have to say that The Millionaire’s Brain Academy is quite possibly one of the best, if not the best, personal success development product out there.

It is unbelievably comprehensive and in-depth, yet the concepts taught are so easy to understand and can be readily put into practice and action

If you look at those “Get-Rich Quick” seminars, what they’re asking is for you to keep on pumping in the capital to play the market, which may turn out to be quite risky. For The Millionaire’s Brain Academy, there is no such high risk involved. With The Millionaire’s Brain Academy, you have an iron-clad guarantee which protects your interests – you will never lose your investment.

And the best thing of The Millionaire’s Brain Academy?

It’s affordable for guys like you and me. You know those same “Get Rich Quick” seminars I mentioned?

Those cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for a 2 day weekend event. The Millionaire’s Brain Academy is a mere fraction of that… and you get to learn everything in the program right in the comfort of your own home.

No travel required.

And get this, you can reap far MORE at the end of the day, not by the satiation of your stomach, but by the wealth which will ensure the future of you and your loved ones!

You’d be hard pressed to find any success products with such a reasonable pricing, AND with such a crystal-clear promise of a millionaire’s destiny.

Hence, I highly recommend Winter ‘s The Millionaire’s Brain Academy to you if you are determined about seeking the millionaire’s, or to be even more ambitious, the billionaire’s, success in your life!

Learn more here

To your success

Michael W

Affiliate Disclaimer: I will be compensated if you purchase this product through my links above.

Accepting Rejection – The Cornerstone of Perseverance

accepting rejection

We learn at an early age that we don’t get everything we want. In other words, we have had to deal with rejection since then. This makes you think that people accept rejection easily. The exact opposite is usually true.

People start to develop an invisible shield against rejection. They may show anger or resentment to the people who are serving up the rejection. But, in many cases, it can show who is resilient and who is likely to continue until they get what they want.

No one likes to hear negative comments about themselves. People take it personally. However, knowing the reason for rejection can help change your direction. You can correct the aspects that made people reject you in the first place.

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This won’t work with everything. For instance, if a person you are attracted to does not return the favor, it may be difficult or impossible to turn this around. Then again, there are numerous stories of people who persevered even when they were rejected time and again, and won the love of their lives.

Another instance where you may face rejection is during a job interview. Many candidates will pass this off as incompetence on the part of the interviewer, and there are certainly cases where this is true. But, you should always try to evaluate the reasons why the interviewer did not choose you. You’d be surprised at how few people even ask for the reasons. Interviewers won’t typically volunteer this information. Many will feel you don’t care if you don’t ask.

In many cases, rejection is not personal. You may not have the necessary skills when seeking a job, or you may not have enough experience, etc. In other cases, it may be somewhat personal, but it may be in your best interest to get rejected. For instance, if you don’t have an aggressive personality, do you want to pursue a career that requires one? If you are in sales, you need to have this driving personality to succeed.

Use rejection to your benefit. People who accept rejection and don’t give up are usually the ones who eventually get that acceptance. Sometimes, the very fact that you are persevering is what turns the tables from rejection to acceptance. Whose to say that next opportunity is not the one that will accept you? You won’t know unless you continue on your quest.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

Feature photo used under CCO and available at

Tesla Code Product Review

Life doesn’t always go the way you want it to. Sometimes things just fall apart, no matter how hard you try to keep them together. That happened to me, and it wasn’t fun. It pushed me to the edge, but then I found something that pulled me back, and I am so glad that I did.

I was never the most confident person in the world. If there was one word to describe me throughout most of my life it would be ‘average’. Average looks, hair, personality, everything—and my confidence and relationships suffered for it.

Somehow I managed to settle down with the first girl I dated, but I guess we didn’t really know each other enough. She got frustrated with my constant lack of self-esteem and pessimistic nature, and eventually filed for divorce after only a year. I spiraled into depression after she left me, and before I knew it I was on medication, always keeping to myself and losing touch with the few friends I actually had. It got so bad at one point that I spent an entire month at home on sick leave.

It was that month when my friends decided to stage an intervention. One day they turned up at my house to give me a talk, and something else. That something else was called Tesla Code Secrets, and it was the best thing I’ve ever been given. They said it would help me get out of my funk, and make me an all-round better person.

You can learn all about the Tesla Code here

Although skeptical, I remembered the phrase about never looking a gift horse in the mouth, and I decided to take it and put it into practice. I devoured everything in the book over the course of a weekend, and to my surprise, came out of it with knowing things that I’d never known existed before.

You see, with the things I learned in Tesla Code Secrets I was able to unlock the potential within me to become a better person. I was done with being average—I became unique. The Code helped me grow as a person over the course of a few months, and in turn solved the problems I had with myself.

With what I learned, I was able to pull myself out of depression, and improve myself. I discovered how to control my social anxiety and get rid of my worrisome nature using the techniques taught in the book. I especially enjoyed the part about Psycho-Feedback, which is something I used to keep myself in a relaxed state when in high-pressure situations (such as going to parties, which I never used to do).

I guess you could say that I re-invented myself, going from shy and depressed, to full of self-confidence and happy. For the first time I was able to get out, meet people and enjoy myself. It was amazing, and even my friends commented on the drastic shift in my personality.

It wasn’t long before I was doing it every day, and I actually managed to meet someone. We’ve been dating for a few months now, and I’m sure she doesn’t find me annoying. And it’s all thanks to the Tesla Code Secrets. It helped make me a better person, and improve my life. I really would recommend this to anyone who wants to make a change.

Learn more about the Tesla Code here

This product can help you to improve yourself

To your success

Michael W

Affiliate Disclaimer: I will be compensated if you purchase this product through my links above.

The Power of Self-Belief

self belief

If you believe in yourself, there is little to stop you in whatever you want to accomplish. It gives you the power to push forward and to defy the odds. You will be able to handle any roadblocks that come your way. You will also brush off the naysayers. It gives you peace of mind when you stick to your self-belief.

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To keep that self-belief strong, you need to define your goals. You wouldn’t expect a general to fight a war without a map. You too need a map to guide you on how to proceed. Too many people skip this step and wonder why they aren’t getting anywhere.

Goals are your guidance, but carrying through with them is only done when you believe that it’s possible. The belief is the energy you need to take action. It helps you to focus on getting your tasks complete.

You will also build confidence when you have self-belief. It’s a powerful tool as others will be attracted to that confidence. They will follow your lead, and you will help show them what is possible. When you run into any stumbling blocks (and you will), that confidence will help you see them through. You will know how to take alternative action when necessary. The people following you will respect that as well.

Several forces will try to beat you down. You may even find yourself letting it happen. You need to get centered on why you started your journey in the first place. Use affirmations to reinforce your message. Be consistent with your affirmations.

Unfortunately, many of the negative forces are going to be from your family and friends. They will see it as helping you avoid mistakes. Many people will succumb to this negative pressure and give up. One way to prevent this is to join groups of like-minded individuals. It can be related to your business, or it can be groups that focus on self-help. These organizations exist to try and push the negative forces out. It’s great to go to meetings and get encouragement from the group.

Attending these groups can sometimes lead to friendships with people where you can extend the encouragement of each other. You may even form business partnerships from these friendships. It’s good to know that you have the support of these people when these relationships form. They understand when everyone else around you doesn’t. Your self-belief will strengthen considerably from this arrangement.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

Feature photo used under CCO and available at

Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else’s?


It’s not easy to find your way through the world. You might have interests that don’t coincide with the values of your parents or with those of western society.

It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and while the status quo might work for the majority of the population, it doesn’t work for everyone.

To have a truly fulfilling life, you must live it on your own terms.

There are plenty of forces willing to tell you what your path should be:

  1. Parents. Your parents want you to be happy and successful. Many of them also want to be able to brag to their friends about their children. They also don’t want to be supporting you financially when you’re in your 30’s.

    • Parents tend to be practical in their advice. Just remember that you’d have a similar life to them if you followed their advice. That might be good or bad.

    • Keep in mind that you are not the same as your parents. You also have your own life to live.

  2. Educational system. The educational system wants to turn out productive people into society that conform to their ways of thinking. This might be great for society, but it might not be in your best interests.

    • What if you want to be a rockstar, or take a few years to travel and write a book, own a llama farm, or become a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka? Your school guidance counselor might be less than supportive.

  3. Society as a whole. We live in a society that values achievement, financial resources, and personal possessions. We’re supposed to get married to a beautiful partner, have a few kids, and live in the suburbs.

    • It’s natural to want to play that game, even if it doesn’t quite suit our true nature. It’s nice to have the admiration of society. Our egos crave this type of recognition.

    • But the type of life dictated by society isn’t a good fit for everyone. There are plenty of people that are highly successful by society’s criteria that are absolutely miserable.

Plenty of people are willing to influence your choice of lifestyle and career. It’s unlikely their advice will be optimal for you. Be an individual and find the path that works best for you.

Find and follow your own path with these strategies:

  1. Ask yourself what you really want to do. Don’t say that you don’t know, because you do know. You’re just afraid to allow it to see the light of day. You might be concerned what others think, or you might be afraid that you’re not capable of doing it. Deep down, you know what you want.

    • Ask yourself what you would do if you could do anything, and then listen to the answer.

  2. Decide that you’re going to follow your path. One of the biggest obstacles to success is failing to make a true decision. A decision only occurs when you shut yourself off to other possibilities. If you frequently change your mind, you’re not making true decisions.

  3. Make a plan. Set up a schedule of daily tasks that will bring you closer to living the life that you have chosen. You’re practically guaranteed success provided you don’t give up.

Your life is your responsibility. If you find yourself stuck living someone else’s definition of success, you’ll find yourself all alone. The people that influenced you to live this way will be off living their own lives.

Take control of your destiny and find your own path. Your life will be more interesting, more satisfying, and uniquely your own!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

Feature photo used under CCO and available at