Why Other People Stop You From Being Successful

held back from success

There will be people who try to stop you from making changes in your life. Some may believe that they are actually trying to help you because they want you to stay as you are. This means that they feel comfortable because they are not improving themselves.

If you want to succeed, it can be very frustrating to find out that a lot of people are not actually on your side. You have to manage this if you do want to succeed.

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How others can derail your path to success.

Your past failures are always mentioned. In the past, we have all failed. In an attempt to sabotage your success efforts, these people will bring up those past failures.

    • Your goal is to climb all of the 14,000+ high peaks in the US. A friend may remind you that at a past summer camp you couldn’t climb the 2,000 foot peak. They may tell you that you should change your goal to something more reasonable.

They want you to feel guilty. Another weapon they use is to make you feel guilty. Using the mountain climbing goal, they may tell you that travelling is expensive and you should save the money for your child’s education. They could also tell you to spend the time required with your family.

Distraction. They may tell you that you should take a vacation with them and forget the mountains.

These are the least devious ways that the people try to sabotage your efforts. Why do they do this? They may present it as a way that is supportive even though it is not.

Why do those people close to you sabotage your efforts toward success?

They are comfortable with being mediocre. They have to deal with the facts that they have not done something amazing like you. This makes them feel that they are life losers. It is a lot easier to hold you back than to deal with their own fear, insecurity and laziness.

They are jealous. Some people are jealous of your success. Others may be happy to see you achieve success, like winning a lottery or lose weight. People will try to stop you and if they can’t stop you they will try to make your success feel diminished.

  • They may say that they could lose weight if they had as much free time as you do.

They don’t like changes. People are getting something from you or else they wouldn’t associate with you. Any changes you make threatens the status quo. If you change and become something different what does that leave them.

  • If you stay the same, it is easier for them.

What you need to do, in the face of all of these objections is to commit yourself to bring successful. You may want to remove the worst of the offenders from your life. Life is difficult enough without having your own friends and family trying to make it even more difficult.

Make sure that you commit to your goals for the right reason. Achieving them to impress others is a shallow reason. You have to do it for yourself.

You should consider keeping your bigger goals to yourself so that you. Will get less push back and resistance from others. You don’t have to wait for the approval of others, just choose what is best for you and go after it.

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To your success


Michael W





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P.P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

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Photo by Rose Lamond on Unsplash