Achieving a Success Mind-set

Do You Have a Success Mind-set?



mindsetSuccess does not happen by accident. It takes both planning and commitment. Are you ready to embrace success and start achieving those goals and dreams you have? Using the principles of the flow state you can create it for yourself. Apply the principles outlined below and watch the magic happen.

Choose a goal and create a plan – Decide what you need to complete to achieve it. It’s important that the task contains challenge but that the challenge is matched to your skill and ability; not too easy and not too hard. That will keep you motivated and interested and prevent you from getting bored or disheartened.

Eliminate all distractions – Choose a location where you will be comfortable and undisturbed. Make sure that you have everything you will need to accomplish your task to hand.

Have all the tools and resources you will need – Make sure that they are the most appropriate and best for the task but also that they suit you. Using oil based paints to complete your masterpiece won’t work if you are used to working in watercolour. If you do have to use new tools

Harness the power of visualization – By using visualization, you will give yourself the crucial ability to see yourself successfully completing the task and achieving your goal. You’ll now be really changing your mind-set and making sure it is primed for success. Forward visualization is a powerful strategy used by coaches, Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioners and hypnotherapists.

Stop conscious thought – Working within the flow state is only successful if you ‘go with the flow’ and don’t consciously think about what you’re doing and why. You can do this because you’ll be engaged in completing a task that engages you, has meaning and has intrinsic value.

Focus on your task – This will be easy as you’ve eliminated distractions, visualized what you have to do and yourself successfully completing it. You have everything ready and you are primed for success.

Do it! – It’s now time to action. The only way to achieve anything is to take action. If you do nothing, then there cannot be any change or progress. Achieving a successful outcome therefore requires you to take action and create change.

Using the principles of the flow state you can create a mind-set that will ensure your success in any task or challenge. Positivity is a crucial factor and there is no room for self-doubt or anxiety. You are they key to your ability to achieve your goals and dreams.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Creative Visualization Described

What is “Creative Visualization”?



visualizationIn the past decade or so, there has been much talk about something that is age-old, but now has a name. That name is “creative visualization”.

You’ve probably heard the term before in the news, or reading a magazine. Several celebrities – especially those into self-help – have touted creative visualization as the next great thing. But you don’t need to be a self-help guru to understand where the theory of creative visualization comes from.

To be clear, visualization isn’t really a technique at all. It’s a process one embarks on that is kind of like meditation in that there is the intent to focus on one thing, which lets the rest fall away. In meditation, the concentration (especially for those that are new to it) is usually on breathing. Creative visualization centers the mind on a specific reality or outcome. Maybe it is a desired experience you want to have, or a material object you want to attain. Maybe it is a sense of calm, or wellness you’re trying to achieve. These are all common visualization topics.

Visualization is also not a new process. Since time immortal, thinking people have utilized visualization to attain that which they desired, but had not yet received or what they wanted to create. Think, for a moment, about the artist. It doesn’t matter what media is used, the artist must first visualize the outcome – the final product – whether it is a painting, musical score, or dance choreography. In utilizing creative visualization, one is better able to control the outcome, because that outcome has been focused on to the exclusion of all else.

Creative visualization is a sensory process that involves all the senses together. For instance, if your goal was to learn to ride horses, you would imagine how it would feel to ride your horse at a lope confidently, how the wind would rush past you, and how it would feel to be one with the horse. You would imagine how the horse would smell, of hay and grain, and imagine how the trees and sky would look going past as you rode. You’d hear the thump of the horse’s hooves, and hear him breathing heavily. By imagining the entire experience, you’re better able to focus on what actual action needs to be taken for that experience to occur.

Creative visualization can also be used to change habits. If you are a nail biter, imagine how having long, beautiful nails would look and feel, and how proud you would finally be of your hands.

These are the types of creative visualization that can change lives!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Discovering the Hidden Secrets of the Law of Attraction

“If you believe that you are not omnipresent, omniscient, and ultimately omnipotent, then you are deluded.” ― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Getting The Law of Attraction to Work For You

Law of AttractionThere’s a pretty good chance you’ve heard something about the Law of Attraction in the past few years. For a while it was pretty big news and lots of people who wanted better lives jumped on the bandwagon.

While you’re not hearing as much about it in the media these days, the Law of Attraction still holds true. Just what is the Law of Attraction, and how can it work to help you be happier and more successful?

The basic rule of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. When you’re in a healthy, successful mindset, you’ll be healthier and more successful. Positive thinking is a powerful tool as long as you use it correctly. So how do you do it?

Here are some ways you can use the Law of Attraction to make your life more fulfilling and achieve your goals:

1. Visualize what you desire. You need to have a clear idea of what you want out of life, not just a general or vague picture. By envisioning every detail of your desire, you’ll eventually receive it!

* Know exactly what your goal is and outline the path for getting there.
* Then track your progress. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference this makes!

2. Allow yourself to succeed. You may think this sounds silly. After all, you’re not the one holding yourself back – or are you? Many of us keep ourselves from the success we hope for, whether it’s because we feel like we don’t deserve it or we’re just not paying attention.

* Take a look at your life and ask yourself if you have behavior patterns or attitudes that keep you from taking advantage of opportunities that can help you succeed. Recognizing and being aware of these self-sabotaging attitudes is a big step toward change.

* Do you consistently do something that sets you back every time you’re on the verge of achieving a goal? Forming a mindset that will allow you to be a success can make a huge difference.

3. Have focus. It’s easy to have many desires at once. For your best results, work on one or two things at a time and give them your full attention. Without the ability to focus your energy and thoughts on your goal, the chances of failure and distraction go up.

So if you find yourself pursuing multiple goals but never get near any of them, it’s time to focus. The Law of Attraction tells us that in order to achieve, we have to be in a clear, focused mindset, with a strong picture of a single goal.

* Once you’ve focused on a single goal and achieved it, you can turn your focus to your next goal. This way, one by one, you are realizing success.

4. Be willing to receive the bounty the universe offers you. The world is constantly giving you chances to make things better. If you maintain the right mindset, stay focused, and know what you want and how to get there, you’ll reap the benefits of those opportunities.

* Every day there are opportunities that could lift you out of the rut and put you on the road to a better tomorrow. You just have to be willing to take advantage of them.

The Law of Attraction principles have helped many people change their lives for the better. Keeping a positive mindset and taking action to accomplish your goals will help you achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Creative Visualizations Importance In Your Life

The Importance of Creative Visualization


Humans have developed to use our imaginations for all kinds of purposes. Whether it is for comfort, entertainment, safety, or protection, our own imagination performs many jobs in our day to day lives that we rarely, if ever, even think about.

Visualizing can be a powerful tool in our self-help and self-preservation toolkit. The process can be undertaken at any time of the day, in virtually any situation you can think of. All you really need is your brain, and since that’s already with you all the time, you’re all set!

Creative visualization is just one way our brain seeks to find the solution to a problem. If we creatively think about a situation, we can imagine the situation from all angles and see the various outcomes. Clearly, we will choose one outcome over the rest that appeals to us the greatest, and we can then focus on attaining that outcome.

The importance of creative visualization comes into play as we seek to attain that one appealing outcome. We are genetically built to use our imagination without even being conscious of doing it. When we intentionally focus our imagination on a single outcome, it becomes much easier for us to set up action steps to take to finally get to that outcome.

It doesn’t matter what the outcome is. You might be surprised to know that you can use creative visualization to attain any goal at all – there is no right or wrong.

  • If you want weight loss, visualize yourself wearing clothes you love, and let yourself feel the confidence you have in your new body.
  • If you want more money, visualize your ideal situation – your ideal location, home, companions, etc. What kind of work do you see yourself doing?
  • If you want to travel, visualize yourself going to the airport, your luggage full of resort-wear. Imagine yourself on a warm and sunny beach, napping while you hear the waves of the ocean lapping up on the shore.

The next step, once the goal has been established, is to use your imagination to discover steps you can take to actually get to those places – the beach, the slimmer body, or making more money. A dream is only a dream if there is no action taken. Once you begin taking action, it’s a plan!

Creativity is so important in this process. Without creativity and imagination, you can’t envision what you want to have and what you want to be.

Use your imagination to fuel your future!


Michael W

Michael W


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