Your Self Improvement Comes From Within

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

In order to improve, you need to make changes from within. We create our own world and by making internal changes we can changer our external world.

The article below talks about this idea.

Unlocking The Self Improvement Power Within Yourself by R. Maciulis

positive attitudeWhen we look at a certain object, a painting for example – we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it a little further, we’ll have a clearer vision of the whole artwork.

We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our self-improvement power. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we don’t see it. The only time we think of unlocking our self-improvement power is when everything got worst.

Take the frog principle for example.

Try placing Frog A in a pot of boiling water. What happens? He twerps! He jumps off! Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment – the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B: place him in a lukewarm water, then turn the gas stove on. Wait until the water reaches a certain boiling point. Frog B then thinks “Ooh… it’s a bit warm in here”.

People are like Frog B in general. Today, Anna thinks Carl hates her. Tomorrow, Patrick walks up to her and told her he hates her. Anna stays the same and doesn’t mind her what her friends says. The next day, she learned that Kim and John also abhors her. Anna doesn’t realize at once the importance and the need for self-improvement until the entire community hates her.

We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and tough. When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our jeans and shirts would fit us. When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth has fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs have gone bad. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re gonna die tomorrow.

The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self-improvement power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change. But change becomes more painful when we ignore it.

Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self-improvement power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good.

Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self-improvement. Unlocking your self-improvement power means unlocking yourself up in the cage of thought that “its just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers.

Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. Jen didn’t only believed in her story, she lived it.

Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”

Self-improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self-improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things light and become happy.

(C) Romualdas Maciulis, partner of “Simpleology: The simple science of getting what you want” is an on-line interactive training program (as seen in Wall Street Journal), that helps ordinary people achieve success, bring sanity into their daily life.

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Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Are You Self-confident?

There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King.” – Orison Swett Marden

We all want to have confidence in ourselves. We like the idea that we can complete things and be more in control of our future.

The article below talks about 5 myths of self-confidence.

5 Myths about Self-Confidence – by Bosschat

cat looking in mirrorPeople who have self-confidence believe in themselves and feel that they are capable of achieving anything that they want to in life, or dealing with any situation that they may have to face. They have an aura of self-confidence and self-assurance, which is apparent to others. People like to spend time with them; they feel comfortable and secure in their presence.

In contrast, there are many people who are talented, but who lack self-confidence. These people are victims of the several myths that surround self-confidence.

Myth One: People are born with Self-Confidence

Nothing could be further from truth. Self-confidence, like other skill, can be learnt and built up. All that you need is the right guidance and a belief in yourself.

Myth Two: Only Good Looking People are Self-Confident

Some people blame their low self-confidence to their lack of good looks. They don’t realize that self-confidence has nothing to do with their looks. The only way they can overcome this myth is by learning to believe in themselves.

Myth Three: Only Talented People are Self-Confident

In fact, talent and self-confidence are not inter-related. There are scores of talented actors and actresses who do very well in their professions but whose personal lives are torn by lack of self-confidence. It may sound contradictory, but this is how life is. Talent can be an important component of self-confidence, but it is certainly not a substitute for self-confidence. So, don’t worry about lack of talent. Harness the skills that you possess.

Myth Four: Self Confidence is directly proportional to Praise Received

There is little doubt that recognition and praise make you feel good about yourself, and boost your self-confidence. But you can’t simply depend on the praise lavished by others. You have to work hard to earn that praise, and you can do this only if you are self-confident.

We should look at children. Children believe in themselves, and this gives them the self-confidence to try to do things they have never done before, be it learning how to cycle or swim. It does not take long to teach children most of the basic skills. Why should it be difficult for adults to learn new skills or brave new challenges?

Myth Five: Only Self-Confident People Can Afford to Take Risks

This again is not true. In fact, self-confident people are more realistic about their capabilities. They know what they can do, and what they can’t do. More importantly, they know how to deal with failures. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence are afraid of failure. This fear prevents them from taking on new tasks. They constantly pine for the approval of others, and when they don’t get it they end up losing their self-confidence.

It’s clear that there is a lack of understanding. Self-confidence is a state of mind. It is not dependent upon a person’s beauty or looks. It flows from a person’s self-belief, and this belief can be built. All that a person needs to do is to debunk myths that self-confidence cannot be acquired or that self-confidence is a byproduct of exceptional knowledge, skills and luck. Once they do so, they will find it easier to acquire the same magnetic powers that self-confident people have



Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Success Points – Three Factors

Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein

Success comes to people in many ways. However many people rely on the wrong three factors to success and thus are not really successful.

The article below gives three real factors to achieving success.

Key Points to Success – joy74

a positive attitudePeople think of success as a product of fate, coincidence or luck. Most individuals just leave it up to these three known factors without knowing the real secret behind. The three enumerated reasons for success are actually not the true factors making a person successful. Truly there’s more to that which is in fact far more realistic.

If you are tired of being a loser in life, then spare a little of your time reading these key points to success to finally achieve whatever you have considered as success. As we know, there are different ideas of success that various people are thinking of. Many are thinking about obtaining a success within family, success in financial aspect, success in career, success in relationships and more.

If you try to research on past and present people writing about success, you will notice that all of them are pushing the idea of achieving success despite apparently impossible odds. This is because these people have seen the true secrets behind success in which keeping a positive attitude is one.

Create Positive Vibes

Keeping a positive attitude is very essential in creating positive vibes within you. With a positive atmosphere, you will think of everything as possible. You will learn to convince yourself that nothing will ever be impossible. You will simply boost your being optimistic which is really a huge help to get you closer to success.

If you are so fixed with having success in your life, you will never be scared of trying to do things as long as you have that positive attitude. Here, you are focusing your mind that the result to your actions is positive. Or if a certain plan is not successful, it will never pull you down. Instead, you will accept it as a challenge and a lesson.

Set Up Your Self Confidence

Gaining self confidence is very much related to having a positive attitude. Self confidence lets you face the challenges and give you more willingness to implement your plans to succeed. People who are afraid to try to do things or take chances are those who lack confidence. And 99% of these people can never embrace success in life.

Self confidence is one which enables you to grab every idea that your mind dictates pertaining to success. It is also one which will give you the will and the courage to grab every opportunity that comes along the way. Gaining self confidence is such a very crucial part of following the road to success.

Strong Mindset

Being focus and concentrated with achieving success is as important as those two factors explained earlier. Without a fixed mindset, you tend to lose your track and get lost from the way to success. You will get confused. Many will get discouraged. A number will give up and totally surrender from fighting for success.

However, before working on your mindset, don’t ever forget about improving self esteem. The higher you value yourself, the more you believe that you can do all these. Thinking of your goals and thinking that you have all the capabilities to reach them really involves improving self esteem.

To have a strong mindset, you first need to identify exactly what is it that you want to succeed. You need to closely determine what is success for you and what aspects in life do you really want to become successful with. Write this down and always think of it. Convince yourself that you really can obtain it.

You can tell yourself “I will have this” thousand times. By this, you are creating a fix and strong mindset towards your goal. All may sound simple to you, but everything requires patience, commitment, dedication and sacrifice. Surely sacrifice is quite a heavy word to hear but if you will have that fixed mindset, you will certainly carry it as light as cotton.

Have these key points to success, and you shall never worry about becoming successful in life!

Joy Nev shares her love and passion in enhancing self esteem. You can be sure that her tips and advices will work wonders with your personality development! Join her and get her popular free report on “Key Points to Success!” available at

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Michael Wilkovesky

To talk about business and other areas of life, please use the contact form below.

What is Success?

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

We can all learn from this article. Success is personal as well as something that you need to find and keep working at.

What A Duck Taught Me About Success! – John Jacobsen

success through positive thinkingIn a very small village lived a wise old prophet. The prophet spent his last years sharing wisdom, answering questions and giving advice to the people in the village. The people truly respected and loved the prophet because his advice was always helpful and his answers always precise.

One day a young boy from the village decided to trick the prophet by asking a question that would be impossible to answer. The boy found a small live duck, concealed it behind his back and slowly approached the prophet.  In a mocking voice the boy asked, ‘Prophet, I hold a duck behind my back. Tell me; is the duck dead or alive?’ The prophet paused for a moment and gazed into the boy’s eyes. In a whisper he responded, ‘If I say the duck is dead, you will show me its live body.  If I say the duck is alive, you will quickly choke it, and then show me its dead body.  Therefore, I tell you the duck is neither alive nor dead. The duck is whatever you decide it will be.’

I heard that story many years ago, and it made a strong impression on me. It reminded me that each of us have the power to decide our own fate and destiny. For each of us, our potential for success is like the duck in this story.

‘Your success will be whatever you decide it will be.’ 

For many people success is a very personal but subjective type of thing. I understand the personal part; however the subjective part must be made more objective or concrete so you can recognize your success when you arrive there. Without some type of objectivity as to what your success will feel, sound, taste, smell, and look like, you won’t know when you’ve succeeded, or if you’ve already unknowingly succeeded. It’s similar to trying to kick a field goal without knowing where the goal post is. Simply put, you cannot be successful unless you first define and understand what success means to you.

The dictionary defines ‘success’ as the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted.  Although that definition is accurate, it does not touch upon our own individual visions. What are your measurements for success? What does success man to you? How will you know whether you are or are not successful if you have not yet defined what success means to you?  Do you know what must specifically happen in your life, job, career, marriage or business for you to feel totally successful?

Some people use money as a measuring stick for success. If they have an abundance of money, they consider themselves successful; if their finances are in shambles, they consider themselves failures. Others believe that if money is your only motive for success, then you are already a failure. Some people feel very successful if they own a new car or a large house. Others may live in a modest apartment and use public transportation and they, too, feel successful because they are content where they are. Someone else may feel successful if he or she is the president of a large corporation. Others may be happy and fulfilled working in the mail room. In Hollywood, you’re considered successful if your name is in the gossip columns and not in the phone book.

To begin to define your own version of success, you can start by asking yourself two important questions:

1. What must specifically happen in my life for me to feel totally successful and completely fulfilled?

2. How will I know when I have achieved it? 

Stop now and write out your answers to these two questions.  It may take some time and serious thought; however they are the foundation for the rest of your life. 

Answering these questions reveals your personal criteria. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; your criteria is simply a measurement of what is important to you and a measurement of your values. Compare your criteria with your current life situation, and that assessment designates whether or not you’re a success, or at least if you’re on the right track. In my life, I feel fulfilled and successful when the following five areas are in balance:

1. I must have a very happy family life by feeling totally connected to my wife and children.

2. I must experience physical, emotional and mental health with vibrant energy.

3. I must be engaged in a labor of love.

4. I must feel that I am serving others.

5. My business must be prosperous.

These ‘success posts’ are my criteria for success. I strive to keep them constantly flourishing, and am happy to report that 85% of the time they are at the levels I desire.  What could be more satisfying than knowing you are living up to the dream inside you? What could be more important than discovering your talents and developing them? What could be more fulfilling than doing what you love every day?

You were born to win! Success can be learned; it leaves clues and it has a formula. These clues and formulas of success are alive within you.

‘However, your definition of success or criteria must precede all of this.’

The moment you chose, define and more importantly ‘crystallize’ your vision, you will discover that it’s much easier to arrive— if you knew where you were going ahead of time.  The duck is behind your back; what are you going to do with it; let it live or let it die?

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About the Author

John Eric Jacobsen is the Co-founder and President of Jacobsen Business Seminars, Inc. John has
consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 1,000,000
people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US. As a keynote speaker and
seminar leader, he addresses many people each year.


Michael Wilkovesky

To talk about business and other areas of life, please use the contact form below.

Luck and Success

Ability is of little account without opportunity.” – Napoléon Bonaparte

Does luck create success or does success create luck? The article below talks about 3 ways to increase our luck to be more successful in life and business.

How to Increase the Luck Factor in Your Success by T. J. Philpott

failure is success if we learnHow big is the luck factor when it comes to the amount of success you experience in your life? Many of us attribute any success in business or in other aspects of our lives to some ‘mythical’ luck factor. When you think about that what we are really doing is de-emphasizing our own involvement in any personal achievements we may have accomplished. I do not know about you, but I for one do not want to think I have little control over my own fate. I believe that each one of us is capable of achieving great success in our lives if only we apply ourselves. In fact this luck that we often attribute success to is something we can develop for use in our own personal pursuits.

Here are 3 ways in which we can increase our own luck factor to help us achieve any personal or professional goals we may have.


Achieving success in business or otherwise starts with first identifying what it is you want. By determining your goals you are now better able to prepare yourself to pursue them. Preparation is half the battle and although it may seem like just dumb luck when you see people succeed what you did not witness was the preparation involved.

With a greater focus on what it is you are striving for also comes the ability to recognize any opportunities that can help you achieve these goals when you see them.


As the saying goes ‘practice makes perfect’ and this is so true in every aspect of our lives. Outstanding athletes get that way through many long hours of practice as do successful business people. In order to excel at anything it is almost always necessary to commit yourself fully towards learning and mastering any and all of the skills involved.


The only thing true about becoming an ‘overnight success’ is that it takes commitment and perseverance over a period of time to achieve! There will be setbacks of that you can be sure but it is your willingness to work through the difficult and frustrating times that will ultimately set you on the path to great success.

Do not ever give up if you believe in what you are doing!

When we reference the luck factor that is involved in the success of ourselves or others it is important to understand this good fortune is something we can create. This realization helps people become aware how much control they have over their own fate. Whether it is success in business or in some other aspect of our lives we play the starring role in the creation of the luck involved in any personal achievements. You see luck is not something that happens just by chance but instead it is a coordination of circumstances which we can create and bring together. The 3 ways we spoke of above are efforts we ourselves can consciously put forth in order to create the luck we need to achieve the great success we seek.


Michael Wilkovesky

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.

To learn more about the role of the luck factor in your life and how to create and use it to your advantage and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques visit:

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