Conquer Your Resistance to Change for Greater Happiness and Success

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein

Want Happiness And Success – Don’t Resist Change

changeYour instincts will often kick in and tell you to resist change. This might happen without you even noticing it. This happens because the body and mind are always looking for stability and balance.

However, whether you like it or not, the world is ever changing. If you don’t learn to change with it, your life will eventually become stale and unexciting. If everything stays the same your whole life, you won’t be reaching your ultimate calling and your level of happiness and success will be mediocre at best.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to learn to conquer your resistance to change. You’ll learn that it doesn’t have to be a huge insurmountable task; you can work slowly and efficiently to gradually allow the change into your life.

Instigate Changes Daily

One thing you can do to start getting used to the idea of change is to familiarize yourself with the feeling on a daily basis. These don’t need to be large changes, but when you make the effort to step out of your comfort zone a little each day, you’ll start to see life from a different perspective.

When you make small changes, you’ll actually evolve your daily routine. You’ll discover quicker and more efficient ways of doing things. Also, since you’re engaging in small changes, it won’t feel as shocking to you and you likely won’t feel an intense urge to resist.

The small changes can be as simple as trying different kinds of toothpaste, or reorganizing the files on your computer in a different manner. They seem like boring tasks but this will set you up for a renewed mindset.

Take A Different Route To Work

You may be used to taking the same route to work every day simply because it’s the shortest. Your brain then becomes so used to the routine that you’re basically on autopilot.

Taking a different route may take you longer to get there, but it’ll open you up to change. You’ll have to think about where you’re driving and remain aware of your surroundings.

Eat Different Foods

You may think that you already know what you like and don’t like. It’s easy to fall into the routine of eating basically the same meals each and every week. However, your diet can be an excellent way to bring about change in your life in a non-threatening way.

There are endless recipes and combinations of food out there. There are also many styles and cultures available when it comes to cooking your food. You can make a goal with yourself to try adding something new to your diet every week. You may end up not enjoying what you ate, but when you’re trying 52 new meals per year, you’re bound to find some new gems!

Remind Yourself What Change Has Brought You

At the end of the day, remember all the wonderful new experiences and relationships that change has brought you. While there are inevitably bad things, there are sure to be many great things as well. When you concentrate on the positive, you’ll keep up a good attitude.

Keep in mind that change is good for you. Since nothing in life is static, you need to make change a normal part of your life. You need to be willing to move yourself forward to reach your ultimate goals. When you do, you’ll find that you’re happier and more fulfilled in life!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Combating Negative Thinking with Positive Self-Talk

“Learn to catch yourself and stop yourself immediately when you are engaging in negative self-talk.” ― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Positive Self-talk Defeats Negative Thinking

positive self-talkDo you talk yourself out of being excited and hopeful every time you feel good about yourself? Do you often start out feeling confident in yourself and your abilities, and then drop to zero confidence when your inner dialogue kicks in?

This negative thinking is something many people struggle with, but there’s a better way.

You can combat negative thoughts with positive-self talk instead of letting an automatic negative thought process rule your life.

Negative Thinking, Positive Self-Talk, and You

Many people lack the confidence to realize that they deserve to feel good about themselves. These people never pay attention to the fact that they are the ones telling themselves that they don’t deserve rewards.

Are you one of these people? You can discover if you are sabotaging yourself by tuning into your thoughts and listening. What do you hear? Are you encouraging yourself with positive thoughts? Or are your thoughts filled with negatives?

* You may not even realize how negative thinking may be dominating your life. This may be something that you deal with daily and have come to see as normal. However, it’s only normal if you allow it to be that way!

Positive self-talk is the practice of responding to negative thoughts that run through your mind. For example, when you tell yourself that you can’t possibly land the job because you aren’t good enough, you can respond with positive thoughts that do not leave room for negativity. These thoughts can be as simple or complex as you like. The important thing is that you continue to think positively.

* Positive self-talk allows you to be the one controlling your thoughts!

Many people pair positive self-talk with affirmations. Affirmations are simple statements you can repeat to yourself over and over again. You can allow these thoughts to become true for you. The process is as subconscious as it is conscious.

When you continue to reaffirm the positive thought, you will make it true for yourself until you eventually don’t need to remind yourself to think that way.

* Affirmations are positive statements that replace your negative thought processes. You can change your life one thought at a time!

When you are feeling low and thinking negatively about yourself or your future, try saying, “I give myself permission to be successful,” or “I see myself in the winner’s circle.”

Strive to replace your negative statements with positive thoughts when you repeat your affirmations. Soon it will become second nature to repeat your affirmations anytime that you start to think negatively.

* With positive self-talk you can truly change the course of your life. You can go from being a negative person with no hope for the future, to being an optimist who can achieve anything you put you mind to.

Does this mean that there won’t be challenges along the way, or that you’ll never fail? No, because those things are a part of life. But what it will mean is that you’ll have a better attitude, which will allow you to grasp the very best that life has to offer.

Positive self-talk isn’t difficult and it’s worth the effort that is involved because it can truly change the way you view yourself and the world that you live in.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Building a Life Full of Success

“Success is personal and defined by oneself.” ― Ken Poirot

Building a Successful Life

success not failureDo you have friends or family members who have achieved immense success in their lives and you find yourself wishing you could have that the same? Are you filled with envy toward the people who have everything they want?

Most of us experience these feelings from time to time, but instead of allowing jealousy to make you miserable and negative, you can create your own success. After all, you are the only person who can control how you define “success.” So instead of spending your time feeling jealous, you can spend your time filling your life with success.

Creating Success for Yourself

Many people spend their lives wondering when success is going to magically appear on their lap but, of course, it never happens this way. If, instead, we spend less time dreaming and more time building, we’d be much happier and success will be well within our grasp.

Rather than waiting passively for success to whisk you away, it’s time to create your own version of success. When you are proactively taking steps every day, you have a better chance of realizing your goals. After all, it’s far more productive than watching other people achieve success.

A great way to create the successful life you have always hoped for is to set clear, actionable goals. How do you want your life to be defined? What do you want to be doing a year from now, five years from now, or even ten years from now? What sort of goals can you set for yourself that will help motivate you and keep you going in the right direction so you can reach out and grab what you want?

You will want to make sure the goals you set are attainable. The best way to do this is to start with short-term goals that help you work towards your long-term goals. This will help you move forward and build momentum without becoming discouraged. Besides, it’ll help to keep your eye on the prize. If you set goals that are too ambitious, you will be more inclined to give up before you even get started.

Building a “Success!” Attitude

Your attitude and thoughts determine your success, so make sure they are congruent. If you have some negative or self-defeating inner dialogues, it will be much more difficult for you to achieve your goals and build the life of success you have always wanted. That’s why it’s a good idea to use the power of positive affirmations to propel you forward.

Affirmations can help people from all walks of life reach great success, even if they started out in the lowest of low places. So remember that success isn’t limited to the rich and famous!

Having a list of affirmations on hand can help you overcome those moments of self-doubt, envy, or even anger that you may feel toward others. Affirmations are simple thoughts like, “Each simple, completed task propels me towards success,” or, “I am worthy of great success.” These affirmations help to remind you of what your goals are and, in turn, remind you that you are worthy of all you desire, and more!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Boost Your Attitude for Success

“Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.” ― Rodolfo Costa, Advice My Parents Gave Me: and Other Lessons I Learned from My Mistakes

You Attitude Controls Your Success Altitude

positive attitudeYour attitude about life is one of the most important factors for success. A bad attitude gets you nowhere, while a good one can provide you with enough motivation to succeed beyond your dreams.

You may think that you already have a success-mindset, and perhaps you do. However, you can always benefit from strengthening that attitude and therefore increasing your chances for the success you deserve.

Follow these strategies for improving your attitude for success:

1. Find your inspiration. Discover what inspires you the most and use it to jumpstart your motivation whenever you go. Feeling inspired enables you to maintain the drive necessary to find success. Do anything you can within your power to find inspiration.

* Make a list of your ultimate dreams, and then ask yourself if you’re on the right path. If you are, you’ll know that everything you’re doing will be rewarded.

* If you don’t feel like you’re on the right path, perhaps it’s time for a change. Maybe there’s a deeper reason why you’ve felt a lack of motivation. Reflect on what this reason might be, and then decide on how you can renew your drive. When you’re on the right journey, you’ll feel inspired!

2. Surround yourself with positive people. When you’re around positive and inspiring people, you’re more likely to adopt those traits into your own personality and go for your goals with enthusiasm. Negative people, on the other hand, tend to make you negative also.

* If you must be around people that continually bring you down, do your best to avoid taking what they say to heart. You know that they don’t speak the truth. Keep the peace as best as you can to get through these situations and then move on.


Doing nothing gets you nothing


3. Take a leap. The best way to improve your attitude might be to just jump right into life. Don’t be afraid to take initiative and plunge forward towards your goals. People who take action find success. If you take action and start to see the results of your efforts, your attitude will only improve.

* The increased drive and motivation you get from your actions can be the difference between success and failure.

4. Strengthen your focus. Your focus can also play a role in your attitude. When you maintain driven toward success, it’s easier to have an optimistic attitude. If you have a lack of focus and don’t know where you’re going, it leads to being unmotivated and uncaring.

5. Allow for mistakes. You’re only human and you will make mistakes from time to time. Be careful to avoid judging yourself harshly when this happens, as it negatively affects your self-confidence. If you work on more of a “go with the flow” attitude, you’ll find that you’re able to pick yourself back up and continue moving forward when you do make a mistake.

The main things to keep in mind are that the combo of inspiration, positive thoughts, and proper motivation can lead you to a healthy and positive attitude. Follow these strategies daily and you’ll notice a boost in your spirits!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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8 Ways to Boost Your Optimism

“Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Boost Your Optimism

optimism3Your outlook in life is so important, and yet many people never give it much thought. If you’re optimistic, you’ll open doors for yourself and lead a happy life. However, with a negative mindset, you could end up in places that you never intended to be. This isn’t some fairytale ideal; it’s absolutely true!

Being optimistic might seem like a large task, but there are simple things you can do to improve your outlook. If you practice each day, you’ll be doing yourself a great favor, since your mindset is the very foundation for achieving success and fulfillment.

Here are some easy techniques you can use to boost your optimism:

1. Avoid getting hung up on one thing. Sometimes you may feel like there’s one situation that’s holding you back. Maybe there’s just one thing that has seemingly ruined your day. Resolve to let it go so it doesn’t bother you anymore. After all, there’s a whole world out there just waiting for you to experience!

2. Remember that there’s always a silver lining. If you’re having a bad week, it’s not a reason to let negativity cloud your thinking. Seek the silver lining in every challenging situation. Remember that setbacks often occur right before you reach success.

3. Get over the past. Remember that the past is the past; it doesn’t need to keep repeating itself. In fact, if you keep recalling the past, you are the one taking it with you into your future. Learn how to let it go no matter how painful it might have been. The future can be filled with great things, but a great future can only start when you’ve come to terms with your past.

4. Be thankful. Make a list of all the things you’re thankful for in your life. Include even the smallest things, like the lucky penny you found on the street or the loving hug your partner gave you today. You’ll most likely end up with a long list that you can look to whenever you feel like you’re slipping into negativity.

5. Use positive affirmations. Nothing brings out optimism like the use of affirmations. These positive statements bring optimistic energy into your present. They are a way of communicating with your subconscious mind so you can maintain control over how you feel. Use them every day and every time you need a boost of positivity.

6. Surround yourself with positive people. Humans are social beings that can feel the energy of others. Have fun with positive and supportive friends and family members. Just being around positive people can lift you up when you’re feeling down.

7. Watch your language. Do you speak positively to yourself and others, or are you judgmental and negative? Try to shift over to only positive speech. Practice using upbeat words while you focus on the positive in every situation.

8. Remember that even a positive life has ups and downs. Life won’t always be perfect, but there are many ways you can still make the best of it. Accept the fact that bad things will happen from time to time, but avoid dwelling on these things. You’ll bounce back if you remain open to optimism.

In the end, you’ll find that simple things can boost your optimism. You don’t need to wait for some grand opportunity; just open your eyes to the beauty of the world around you and you’ll see wonderful things!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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