Examples of the Law of Attraction in Action

“The mind has a definite way of clothing one’s thoughts in appropriate physical equivalents. Think in terms of poverty and you will live in poverty. Think in terms of opulence and you will attract opulence. Through the eternal law of harmonious attraction, one’s thoughts always clothe themselves in material things appropriate unto their nature.”
Napoleon Hill, You Can Work Your Own Miracles

The Law of Attraction At Work

By now you must’ve heard the excitement about the Law of Attraction. There are many documented cases of people achieving astounding results by applying the principles of this law to their own life. If you aren’t yet familiar with these principles, you’ll be happy to know it’s quite simple.

The Law of Attraction states that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, if you focus on the positive, you’ll be rewarded with positive things. In contrast, if you focus on negative aspects of your life, you’ll attract other negative things back to you.

Does it seem too simple to be true? That’s because it is! This law can bring good things into your life if you understand how you can use it to your benefit.

Here are some examples of the Law of Attraction in action:

1. Health. Have you experienced health issues in your life? You can use the Law of Attraction to enjoy better health.

* Be thankful for the fact that you’re alive and that you have another day to enjoy life to its fullest!

* Remove negative thoughts and feelings from your mind and ask for healing.

* Picture yourself as strong, healthy, and vibrant. You can even visualize the cells in your body conquering germs and disease, rebuilding themselves, and busily functioning at peak performance.

2. Love. Many people have found their soul mate by using the principles that govern the Law of Attraction. You’ll find that love and your subconscious are both very powerful forces. Gratitude is imperative to achieve results.

* Be thankful for the love and relationships you’ve been blessed with and ask for your heart’s desire regarding love.

* Remove all negative thoughts and feelings so the subconscious will be able to process your request as pure and important.

* Picture yourself with the person of your dreams – holding hands, smiling, looking into each other’s eyes, and so on.

3. Money. Is it okay to use the Law of Attraction for something as material as money? The answer is yes! You can definitely apply the principles to attract wealth. As long as you properly request it, this too can be answered. Practice just as you would for anything else.

* Be thankful for the money you do have, no matter how little.

* Clear your mind of all negative thoughts and feelings and picture yourself with the money you desire. See yourself buying what you want, paying all your bills, and knowing that there’s always extra money in your bank account.

* Let your subconscious take you to a place where you already have the money.

If you do these things sincerely and consistently, you’ll be rewarded with better health, more passionate love, and wealth.

However, you must have an open mind and heart. If you harbor any doubt in the process, it won’t work. Also, remember that wishful thinking without action is useless. Make sure to follow up your positive thoughts with positive actions that guide you toward your goals.

The Law of Attraction has worked for countless individuals. Use these tips to implement these principles in your life and reap the rewards today, tomorrow, and forever!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


Believing in the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

“To shift your life in a desired direction, you must powerfully shift your subconscious.” ― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Your Subconscious Mind’s Power

optimismWhether you like it or not, your subconscious mind is the boss of you. Even when you make a conscious decision to go after something you want, it’s your subconscious that determines whether you’ll take consistent action to get it!

Once you understand how your subconscious works, you can be in touch with yourself on a deep level. You’ll have the keys to living an abundant, fulfilling life, and all you’ll need to do is unlock that door.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Your mind is similar to an iceberg. The conscious mind is like the part of the iceberg that you can see above the surface. But the bulk of the mind – the subconscious – is below the surface where you can’t see.

There are certain thoughts and processes that go on inside your mind that you may not be aware of on a conscious level, such as beliefs, instincts, and memories. Everything you’ve ever seen or heard is sitting somewhere in your subconscious, affecting your current thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Communicating with the subconscious mind is a popular topic in the realms of self-help and psychoanalysis. This is because getting to the core of your beliefs by tapping into the subconscious is the fastest way to implement desired changes in your life.

The Power of Beliefs

Your subconscious mind contains a vast amount of information. It’s more than your conscious mind could ever handle. Sometimes you might just have a “feeling” about something and then find out that the “feeling” was right on target. In many cases, it’s your subconscious mind that sends you such signals.

Surely you’ve heard, “If you believe it, you can do it.” This truism is a fact because of the great power of your subconscious. A belief can light a fire under you and enable you to do things that you never consciously thought were possible.

This is why just believing in the power of the subconscious mind can allow you to better communicate with it.

The alternative is to continue following base instincts. Following your instincts can be a good thing, but what if one of your instincts is a fear of public places? It would be in your best interest to learn how to communicate with yourself.

Beyond Belief

Believing in the power of your subconscious is the first step to living the life you desire. When you do, you can move on with your self-help ventures and personal development plans. Surely you have talents you’d like to further develop, positive qualities you’d like to strengthen, and challenges you’d like to overcome. You can do all these things by tapping into your subconscious.

You can even use your communications with the subconscious mind to correct larger issues, like fears, or eliminate negative habits, like smoking or emotional eating. When you get to the core of an issue in your subconscious, you can change it. The possibilities are endless!

How Do You Communicate With Your Subconscious Mind?

There are several techniques you can use to effectively communicate with your subconscious mind and enable the changes you desire.

One popular method is the use of hypnosis. You can either employ the services of a counselor trained in hypnosis or use self-hypnosis techniques. You can even find CDs and videos that will guide you completely through a hypnosis session.

Under hypnosis, rather than being asleep, you’re in a state of heightened awareness. Many of the inhibitions of your conscious mind will subside while the subconscious comes to the forefront. When you’re in this state, you’re open to suggestions. If you give yourself positive suggestions, you’ll make positive progress.

You can also communicate with the subconscious by consistently reading, listening to recordings of positive mantras, and repeating affirmations. Not only can you use these positive statements to affirm and bring out the best in you, but you can also replace negative thinking and doubt with positive images and beliefs. Check your local bookstore and online for a plethora of affirmation resources.

Just remain aware of your innermost thoughts and you’ll be better able to keep in touch with your subconscious. Always be truthful with yourself, follow your heart, and most important of all, have a firm belief in yourself!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Your Subconscious Mind Works With Affirmations

“Self-trust is the first secret of success.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind

positive attitudeThe first step to making positive changes in your life is to overcome your negative thoughts. The best way to change your thinking pattern is to reprogram your mind and blast your brain with positive affirmations that can lead you towards your desired results. While this process cannot bring about instant change, it can actually accelerate your progress and take you a fewer steps away from radical success. With the right choice of positive affirmations, you can finally achieve your life goals and see results you may have never thought possible.

So, how do affirmations work? At first, you may think that it is just some weird idea of planting seeds of reality on your mind. However, affirmations are actually backed by neural science. While affirmations cannot substitute the effect of medical treatment, they can still affect your overall mental health in a positive manner. When affirmations are practiced regularly and deliberately, they can slowly reinforce brain pathways and strengthen the connection between two neurons. This increases the likelihood of conducting the same message you want your brain to process.

Try to imagine a chunk of dry land. When rain pours, water will not have a place to go until it finally cuts a certain path through the arid land. As more and more water runs through that same path, it can cut a deeper indentation into the land. The deeper the dent, the more water will start running through it. Positive affirmations work exactly like that. In neurology, you can sum up this idea in one phrase – neurons that are capable of firing together can wire together. The brain also eliminates synapses that it rarely uses.


On the other hand, neurons that are regularly used can create patterns that add strength to the bond between them. As they wire together, they build a complex network that will automatically respond every time you encounter certain triggers in your daily life. Every word you say and every thought you think can turn into a grand stream of affirmations. Since childhood, you acquire beliefs and develop thought patterns that may either work well for you or work against you. Some of them may also be dysfunctional, jeopardizing your chances of achieving exactly what you want.

Every word that you say or think actually reflects your set of beliefs or inner truths. Most of these inner truths may not be true for now. In fact, they may be based on inappropriate or inaccurate impressions that you were able to form when you were still a child. Once you reach adulthood and examine those convictions, you can start identifying whether they are appropriate or not. To understand how affirmation works, you should also be familiar with how your subconscious helps you respond to certain events in your life.

Your subconscious mind automatically uses the behavioral patterns you have learned as you respond to daily events in your life. This process is essential to your survival because it allows you to respond quickly to the events around you, which would otherwise be impossible if you have to examine every aspect of the simplest things that happen. All the thought patterns and responses you have learned allow you to respond to circumstances in a timely manner. However, some of the beliefs you have formed from a baseless perspective may get in your way of responding to difficult circumstances in an appropriate manner.

When problems arise, you have the option to use positive affirmations in order to challenge the negative beliefs and thought patterns you have acquired. These positive statements aim to replace negative thinking patterns with positive, self-nurturing beliefs. The way positive affirmations are constructed can either strengthen or weaken their effects. As you continue reading this e-Book, you will learn how to construct your own set of affirmations. With these positive statements, you can finally focus on achieving your inner goals while consciously shaping the thoughts and words that reflect your self-nurturing beliefs.

Michael W

Michael W