Combating Negative Thinking with Positive Self-Talk

“Learn to catch yourself and stop yourself immediately when you are engaging in negative self-talk.” ― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Positive Self-talk Defeats Negative Thinking

positive self-talkDo you talk yourself out of being excited and hopeful every time you feel good about yourself? Do you often start out feeling confident in yourself and your abilities, and then drop to zero confidence when your inner dialogue kicks in?

This negative thinking is something many people struggle with, but there’s a better way.

You can combat negative thoughts with positive-self talk instead of letting an automatic negative thought process rule your life.

Negative Thinking, Positive Self-Talk, and You

Many people lack the confidence to realize that they deserve to feel good about themselves. These people never pay attention to the fact that they are the ones telling themselves that they don’t deserve rewards.

Are you one of these people? You can discover if you are sabotaging yourself by tuning into your thoughts and listening. What do you hear? Are you encouraging yourself with positive thoughts? Or are your thoughts filled with negatives?

* You may not even realize how negative thinking may be dominating your life. This may be something that you deal with daily and have come to see as normal. However, it’s only normal if you allow it to be that way!

Positive self-talk is the practice of responding to negative thoughts that run through your mind. For example, when you tell yourself that you can’t possibly land the job because you aren’t good enough, you can respond with positive thoughts that do not leave room for negativity. These thoughts can be as simple or complex as you like. The important thing is that you continue to think positively.

* Positive self-talk allows you to be the one controlling your thoughts!

Many people pair positive self-talk with affirmations. Affirmations are simple statements you can repeat to yourself over and over again. You can allow these thoughts to become true for you. The process is as subconscious as it is conscious.

When you continue to reaffirm the positive thought, you will make it true for yourself until you eventually don’t need to remind yourself to think that way.

* Affirmations are positive statements that replace your negative thought processes. You can change your life one thought at a time!

When you are feeling low and thinking negatively about yourself or your future, try saying, “I give myself permission to be successful,” or “I see myself in the winner’s circle.”

Strive to replace your negative statements with positive thoughts when you repeat your affirmations. Soon it will become second nature to repeat your affirmations anytime that you start to think negatively.

* With positive self-talk you can truly change the course of your life. You can go from being a negative person with no hope for the future, to being an optimist who can achieve anything you put you mind to.

Does this mean that there won’t be challenges along the way, or that you’ll never fail? No, because those things are a part of life. But what it will mean is that you’ll have a better attitude, which will allow you to grasp the very best that life has to offer.

Positive self-talk isn’t difficult and it’s worth the effort that is involved because it can truly change the way you view yourself and the world that you live in.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Some Steps To Self Realization In Today’s Modern World

Compete like you cannot fail.” ― Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

Self-Realization, You Can Achieve It

Self-realization is defined as the fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one’s character or personality.

success through positive thinkingIn everyone’s life there comes a time when they need to have the self realization that they can do just about anything they put their minds to. This may seem like a pipe dream to some people, but there is a strong sense of accomplishment when you realize that you can do anything especially those things that will bring you success in your life. There are a lot of people who have a hard time gaining the self-realization they need to be the person that they have always dreamt of being; it’s just that they can put the effort into getting started.

There are people that will tell you that just through positive thinking and visualization you will be given all the things you need to realize that you are a decent person and you can achieve anything. That can work for a lot of people, those are the people that have a lot of time to sit in a dimly lit room with incense and candles meditating on the things they would like to have happen or change in their lives. So if you can’t do that, how can you achieve self realization?

In order to find self-realization the best thing you can do is to act positively to as many people as you can during your daily routine. Yes, some people out there will test your limits and instead of yelling, screaming, cursing them or bashing them on the head, you will need to think on the positive side. How can you do that with some people? Simple; think how great it is that you are not one of those people and that no one wants to smack you on a regular basis. If you can manage to make it through at least one week of thinking and acting positively to those people around you, even those that you would prefer not to, then you have a very good chance that all that positive thinking will build into the self realization that you are actually a good person. When you believe you are a good person, then you will start to see that good things do happen to you in your life. After that, it’s really very easy to get to the fact that you can do anything you put your mind to.

If you think you’re going to be stressed from being nice to all these people on a regular daily basis, then you really need to find a hobby that can help you to release that stress. This should be something a little bit aggressive so that you can release your built up energy. Putting model ships into a bottle, will only aggravate you and cause you frustration at this point. You should look more towards possibly boxing, martial arts or some other sport that will give you physical exhaustion and make you too tired to deal with other people’s attitudes. Then you’ll be happy as you have ever been and you will start to flourish in your life

These tips can help you on your journey to self realization and that things in your life will get better and you can do anything that you set your mind to.

To discuss how coaching can help you with achieving self-realization, contact Michael to arrange a no-cost call to determine if he can help you on your journey.


Michael Wilkovesky


Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.
To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.