Expand Your Comfort Zone To Grow

13 Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone



comfort-zoneYou’ve been told countless times that you must go beyond your comfort zone if you want to accomplish anything worthwhile. You may have noticed that’s a scary place to be. But there are ways to expand your comfort zone gently. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you complete the journey.

Expand your comfort zone and your life:

1. Start slowly. It’s the bigger changes that tend to stimulate feelings of discomfort. The thought of doing 50 pushups for the first time in five years is daunting. The thought of doing one isn’t a problem.

  • Create small changes and then increase those changes over time. This is a great way to keep discomfort at bay.

2. Eat something new. Most of us are a little hesitant to try a new food, but it’s a non-threatening way to stretch your comfort zone. Try a new restaurant or a new fruit from the grocery store.

3. Read something completely different than your usual fare. If you’re a man, a book on feminism might be just the ticket. If you’re Christian, a book on the Muslim faith might shake things up a bit. Read something you would ordinarily never read.

4. Take a new route to work. Better yet, don’t look at a map beforehand. Follow your instincts and see where you end up. Hopefully, you’ll make it to work on time.

5. Unplug for an entire day. Turn off your phone, the internet, and the television. This will be more uncomfortable than you think.

6. Sit in a different place. Sit on the couch instead of your favorite chair. Choose a different seat at the dining table.

7. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. It doesn’t have to be a twenty-minute affair. If you can maintain a conversation for 30 seconds, consider yourself successful. There are plenty of people in the world available for practice.

8. Ask your boss for a review. Tell your boss you’d like to sit down with him and review your performance. It might do wonders for your career and will stretch your comfort zone.

9. Apply for a new job that’s a step up from your current position. You might feel like a bit of an imposter, but that’s okay. Worst case? You might get the position and a new career. Your bank account might even benefit.

10. Call someone you haven’t spoken to for at least six months. Just pick up the phone and do it. You’ll feel great about it afterwards.

11. Travel out of the country. If you’ve never travelled outside your home country, you might be in for quite a shock. The food, people, and culture can all be different. Apply for a passport and consider where you’d like to visit.

12. Give yourself a thrill. Tackle something that makes you a little fearful. Go skydiving or ride a roller coaster. Give a speech. Take a dance class.

13. Sit by yourself in silence. This can be tougher than you think. Turn off all your devices and just sit alone with yourself. Avoid allowing yourself to daydream. Just stay with yourself for at least 30 minutes.

Expanding your comfort zone opens up numerous possibilities. Think about how your life would change if your comfort zone were larger. It’s possible to accomplish this without the pain you might imagine. Stretch your comfort zone a little each day.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Discover Yourself and Make The Changes To Improve

You want more out of life but something is holding you back

Discover yourselfIf you are like most people, you understand that there is more to life than what you have now and where you are as well.

I was like that.

For many years I wasn’t really sure of what I wanted out of life. I didn’t know what was holding me back, and even if I did, I probably didn’t know how to make the changes necessary to move forward.

I started to study how we can move our inner world to the outer world as well has how to overcome some bad habits like procrastination and lack of motivation. I had to search in a lot of places.

I found many answers but it took a long time.

Now I am confident in my life and my ability to improve myself and move forward.

I don’t want you to take a long time to find to what I did.

Discover Yourself : Find out more about yourself – learn what to keep and what to get rid of to make your life better

I have put together a book of 30 articles that can help you to be more successful in life and in business.

In this book you will discover how to

  • Eliminate negativity
  • Finding your strengths
  • Big thinking
  • and lots more.

Now I know that in today’s world we all want to move ahead and make our lives and those around us better.

Because I want to help as many people as possible to improve their lives, I am giving away this book.

That’s right, 30 articles that can help to move you to becoming the real better you for no charge.

You can learn more and request your book at Discover Yourself

Don’t think about this anymore, read more about the book and request your complimentary copy now.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. You really have nothing to lose by requesting Discover Yourself today.


While we believe in the material presented in the book, we cannot guarantee that just reading this material will have an impact on your life. It takes hard work and dedication to make the changes necessary to succeed in building a newer better you.

Examples of the Law of Attraction in Action

“The mind has a definite way of clothing one’s thoughts in appropriate physical equivalents. Think in terms of poverty and you will live in poverty. Think in terms of opulence and you will attract opulence. Through the eternal law of harmonious attraction, one’s thoughts always clothe themselves in material things appropriate unto their nature.”
Napoleon Hill, You Can Work Your Own Miracles

The Law of Attraction At Work

By now you must’ve heard the excitement about the Law of Attraction. There are many documented cases of people achieving astounding results by applying the principles of this law to their own life. If you aren’t yet familiar with these principles, you’ll be happy to know it’s quite simple.

The Law of Attraction states that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, if you focus on the positive, you’ll be rewarded with positive things. In contrast, if you focus on negative aspects of your life, you’ll attract other negative things back to you.

Does it seem too simple to be true? That’s because it is! This law can bring good things into your life if you understand how you can use it to your benefit.

Here are some examples of the Law of Attraction in action:

1. Health. Have you experienced health issues in your life? You can use the Law of Attraction to enjoy better health.

* Be thankful for the fact that you’re alive and that you have another day to enjoy life to its fullest!

* Remove negative thoughts and feelings from your mind and ask for healing.

* Picture yourself as strong, healthy, and vibrant. You can even visualize the cells in your body conquering germs and disease, rebuilding themselves, and busily functioning at peak performance.

2. Love. Many people have found their soul mate by using the principles that govern the Law of Attraction. You’ll find that love and your subconscious are both very powerful forces. Gratitude is imperative to achieve results.

* Be thankful for the love and relationships you’ve been blessed with and ask for your heart’s desire regarding love.

* Remove all negative thoughts and feelings so the subconscious will be able to process your request as pure and important.

* Picture yourself with the person of your dreams – holding hands, smiling, looking into each other’s eyes, and so on.

3. Money. Is it okay to use the Law of Attraction for something as material as money? The answer is yes! You can definitely apply the principles to attract wealth. As long as you properly request it, this too can be answered. Practice just as you would for anything else.

* Be thankful for the money you do have, no matter how little.

* Clear your mind of all negative thoughts and feelings and picture yourself with the money you desire. See yourself buying what you want, paying all your bills, and knowing that there’s always extra money in your bank account.

* Let your subconscious take you to a place where you already have the money.

If you do these things sincerely and consistently, you’ll be rewarded with better health, more passionate love, and wealth.

However, you must have an open mind and heart. If you harbor any doubt in the process, it won’t work. Also, remember that wishful thinking without action is useless. Make sure to follow up your positive thoughts with positive actions that guide you toward your goals.

The Law of Attraction has worked for countless individuals. Use these tips to implement these principles in your life and reap the rewards today, tomorrow, and forever!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


Combating Negative Thinking with Positive Self-Talk

“Learn to catch yourself and stop yourself immediately when you are engaging in negative self-talk.” ― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Positive Self-talk Defeats Negative Thinking

positive self-talkDo you talk yourself out of being excited and hopeful every time you feel good about yourself? Do you often start out feeling confident in yourself and your abilities, and then drop to zero confidence when your inner dialogue kicks in?

This negative thinking is something many people struggle with, but there’s a better way.

You can combat negative thoughts with positive-self talk instead of letting an automatic negative thought process rule your life.

Negative Thinking, Positive Self-Talk, and You

Many people lack the confidence to realize that they deserve to feel good about themselves. These people never pay attention to the fact that they are the ones telling themselves that they don’t deserve rewards.

Are you one of these people? You can discover if you are sabotaging yourself by tuning into your thoughts and listening. What do you hear? Are you encouraging yourself with positive thoughts? Or are your thoughts filled with negatives?

* You may not even realize how negative thinking may be dominating your life. This may be something that you deal with daily and have come to see as normal. However, it’s only normal if you allow it to be that way!

Positive self-talk is the practice of responding to negative thoughts that run through your mind. For example, when you tell yourself that you can’t possibly land the job because you aren’t good enough, you can respond with positive thoughts that do not leave room for negativity. These thoughts can be as simple or complex as you like. The important thing is that you continue to think positively.

* Positive self-talk allows you to be the one controlling your thoughts!

Many people pair positive self-talk with affirmations. Affirmations are simple statements you can repeat to yourself over and over again. You can allow these thoughts to become true for you. The process is as subconscious as it is conscious.

When you continue to reaffirm the positive thought, you will make it true for yourself until you eventually don’t need to remind yourself to think that way.

* Affirmations are positive statements that replace your negative thought processes. You can change your life one thought at a time!

When you are feeling low and thinking negatively about yourself or your future, try saying, “I give myself permission to be successful,” or “I see myself in the winner’s circle.”

Strive to replace your negative statements with positive thoughts when you repeat your affirmations. Soon it will become second nature to repeat your affirmations anytime that you start to think negatively.

* With positive self-talk you can truly change the course of your life. You can go from being a negative person with no hope for the future, to being an optimist who can achieve anything you put you mind to.

Does this mean that there won’t be challenges along the way, or that you’ll never fail? No, because those things are a part of life. But what it will mean is that you’ll have a better attitude, which will allow you to grasp the very best that life has to offer.

Positive self-talk isn’t difficult and it’s worth the effort that is involved because it can truly change the way you view yourself and the world that you live in.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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7 Strategies for Living a Conscious Life

“Anyone will be unhappy until he recognizes his true calling.” ~ Unknown

Live a Conscious Life

how well do you really know yourself?Would you like to get more out of your life? It’s never too late to make a new choice or reverse your life’s course. One way to live a more enriched life is to be conscious of what you’re doing at every moment. This way, you stay connected with your behavior and feelings.

Here’s an example situation: You’ve decided to stop eating potato chips and chocolate. You make a pledge to yourself to watch what you eat. But two hours later, you suddenly realize you’re sitting in front of the television, bag of potato chips in hand.

Now imagine the same scenario, yet this time you behave differently. You spend some time thinking about how to ensure you avoid potato chips and chocolate. You decide to take your junk food over to a friend’s house and leave it there. At dinner, you smile to yourself as you prepare to eat a salad and baked chicken because you plan to thoughtfully focus on eating healthy.

The second scenario demonstrates the concept of living a conscious life. Knowing what you want, choosing how you spend your time, and staying in touch with your feelings are indicators of a conscious life.

There are many techniques you can implement to help you purposely live the way you want to. When you live consciously, you’re no longer a victim of the wind, being blown about this way and that way by the circumstances of your life. You can create the life you desire with conscious living.

Try these ideas to get you started and inspire you on your journey:

  • 1. Create the life you want one step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
    • Spend some time exploring what you already love about your life. Also investigate what you’d like to change.
    • Then, think about how you can take deliberate steps to create the life you desire.
  • 2. Seek balance in your life. For example, if you disagree with someone, take time to consider the other person’s side of the argument.
    • Allow yourself to change your mind.
  • 3. Live in the present moment. You’ve most likely heard this suggestion before. But what does it really mean to live in the moment? Consider this example:
    • While you’re visiting your mother, think about her and enjoy your conversation and activities together. Avoid making your store list mentally or trying to recall what else you have to do today. Just stay in the present moment with your mother and focus on what the two of you are doing.
  • 4. Know yourself. Awareness of your likes and dislikes is important to conscious living.
    • Learn what’s important to you. Discover what makes you tick, what drives you, and what you find inspiring.
    • Self-understanding is an integral part of living life consciously because if you know your preferences and motivations, you can then create circumstances that will enable you to accomplish your goals.
  • 5. Live your own truth. As a teenager, you might have gravitated toward peers who didn’t judge you, which made you feel more comfortable. Perhaps, in actuality, you didn’t have all that much in common with them. As an adult, you can now stay more true to your own beliefs.
    • When you live your truth, you stay faithful to what’s genuinely important to you.
  • 6. Learn to let go of negativity and situations you can’t control.
    • Conserve your emotional energy for what you actually can change: yourself and your own life. Now that’s conscious living!
  • 7. Take action. Become interested and involved in the goals you’ve set. Put effort into achieving those objectives and you’ll be well on the road to living consciously.

Altering how you live your life can be an ongoing challenge. Selecting just one of the above ideas and putting it into practice will help you begin your journey toward conscious living. Living life consciously will bring you the healthier, more joyful existence that you deserve.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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