Get A Fulfilling Life

Is your life really not as fulfilling as you would like it to be?

Do you constantly think that your life should be better but you are not sure what areas really need to be considered and how you can improve those areas?

If you can gain an understanding of the areas in your life that are holding you back and then make sometimes, minor changes to those ares, your life and the lives of those around you can be improved.

The question is “How do I gain that understanding?”

Daily Reflections

One answer would be Daily Reflections, a series of books that provide 30 short articles or reflections on areas of life and give you questions that you can think about that will lead you to making the changes that can help to move your life forward.

Yes, you do have to think and implement the changes suggested but these are your changes, so that they would be accepted by your subconscious and would be more readily put into practice by you.

Daily Reflections guides you in an easy to read and understand manner so that you do not feel overwhelmed with the information presented and can use the material immediately in your life.

You can read more about Daily Reflections and learn how to order them by clicking on the button below.

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To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Achieving a Success Mind-set

Do You Have a Success Mind-set?



mindsetSuccess does not happen by accident. It takes both planning and commitment. Are you ready to embrace success and start achieving those goals and dreams you have? Using the principles of the flow state you can create it for yourself. Apply the principles outlined below and watch the magic happen.

Choose a goal and create a plan – Decide what you need to complete to achieve it. It’s important that the task contains challenge but that the challenge is matched to your skill and ability; not too easy and not too hard. That will keep you motivated and interested and prevent you from getting bored or disheartened.

Eliminate all distractions – Choose a location where you will be comfortable and undisturbed. Make sure that you have everything you will need to accomplish your task to hand.

Have all the tools and resources you will need – Make sure that they are the most appropriate and best for the task but also that they suit you. Using oil based paints to complete your masterpiece won’t work if you are used to working in watercolour. If you do have to use new tools

Harness the power of visualization – By using visualization, you will give yourself the crucial ability to see yourself successfully completing the task and achieving your goal. You’ll now be really changing your mind-set and making sure it is primed for success. Forward visualization is a powerful strategy used by coaches, Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioners and hypnotherapists.

Stop conscious thought – Working within the flow state is only successful if you ‘go with the flow’ and don’t consciously think about what you’re doing and why. You can do this because you’ll be engaged in completing a task that engages you, has meaning and has intrinsic value.

Focus on your task – This will be easy as you’ve eliminated distractions, visualized what you have to do and yourself successfully completing it. You have everything ready and you are primed for success.

Do it! – It’s now time to action. The only way to achieve anything is to take action. If you do nothing, then there cannot be any change or progress. Achieving a successful outcome therefore requires you to take action and create change.

Using the principles of the flow state you can create a mind-set that will ensure your success in any task or challenge. Positivity is a crucial factor and there is no room for self-doubt or anxiety. You are they key to your ability to achieve your goals and dreams.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Creative Visualization Described

What is “Creative Visualization”?



visualizationIn the past decade or so, there has been much talk about something that is age-old, but now has a name. That name is “creative visualization”.

You’ve probably heard the term before in the news, or reading a magazine. Several celebrities – especially those into self-help – have touted creative visualization as the next great thing. But you don’t need to be a self-help guru to understand where the theory of creative visualization comes from.

To be clear, visualization isn’t really a technique at all. It’s a process one embarks on that is kind of like meditation in that there is the intent to focus on one thing, which lets the rest fall away. In meditation, the concentration (especially for those that are new to it) is usually on breathing. Creative visualization centers the mind on a specific reality or outcome. Maybe it is a desired experience you want to have, or a material object you want to attain. Maybe it is a sense of calm, or wellness you’re trying to achieve. These are all common visualization topics.

Visualization is also not a new process. Since time immortal, thinking people have utilized visualization to attain that which they desired, but had not yet received or what they wanted to create. Think, for a moment, about the artist. It doesn’t matter what media is used, the artist must first visualize the outcome – the final product – whether it is a painting, musical score, or dance choreography. In utilizing creative visualization, one is better able to control the outcome, because that outcome has been focused on to the exclusion of all else.

Creative visualization is a sensory process that involves all the senses together. For instance, if your goal was to learn to ride horses, you would imagine how it would feel to ride your horse at a lope confidently, how the wind would rush past you, and how it would feel to be one with the horse. You would imagine how the horse would smell, of hay and grain, and imagine how the trees and sky would look going past as you rode. You’d hear the thump of the horse’s hooves, and hear him breathing heavily. By imagining the entire experience, you’re better able to focus on what actual action needs to be taken for that experience to occur.

Creative visualization can also be used to change habits. If you are a nail biter, imagine how having long, beautiful nails would look and feel, and how proud you would finally be of your hands.

These are the types of creative visualization that can change lives!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Being A Better Communicator

How to Be a Better Communicator



better communicatingCommunication is the key when it comes to anything that involves collaboration. Since humans are a social species, communication is involved in nearly everything you do.

Some people are born with the natural ability to communicate well, while others may struggle with it. No matter what category you fall into, it’s likely that you can benefit from paying attention to improving your communication skills.

Why Better Communication Helps You

Did you know that most businesses consider your communication skills to be the most important characteristic about you? This means that you could have top-notch knowledge and job skills but still fail to land a job if you’re lacking in the communication department.

Communication is certainly not only important when it comes to your work life, but it’s also vital in having a successful home life as well. Couples and family members that are good communicators lead happier lives overall.

Proper communication will prevent misunderstandings and save you time so you won’t have to go back and explain yourself again and again. You know you’ve gained good communication skills when you can communicate your thoughts effectively with as few words as necessary!

How To Improve Communication With Others

Communication is a two way street. This means that you could have excellent skills, but if the recipient is lacking, then you may not be understood. This is why it’s important not only to develop our speaking skills, but our listening skills, too.

Since you can’t affect the skill level of others, the only thing you can do is strengthen your own communication skills. Besides, when you’re an excellent communicator, more people will understand you, everything around you will run more efficiently, and you’ll more often get what you want!

Try these strategies to improve your communication skills:

  1. Avoid arguing. If you run into a snag in a conversation and it starts to morph into an argument, step back and realize what’s going on. It’s easy to get swept up into the blame game, but ultimately it’s not important who’s at fault. What’s important is the mutual understanding of the issue at hand and a desire for a solution that benefits everyone.
  1. Don’t be afraid to compromise. You may be tempted to try and “win” but that’s not the best way to reach a mutual agreement. You may be happier with getting your way, but it may come at the expense of the other person, which can cause further issues. Find a good compromise that you both can willingly accept.
  1. Work on listening. Your listening skills are even more important than your speaking skills. After all, how will you know what you should say – and when – if you haven’t effectively listened? Listen more than you speak and you’ll gain a profound wisdom of others, too!
  1. Keep your focus. Communication will get overly complicated if you worry about too many issues at once. Avoid bringing up the past or other issues and, instead, focus on the one topic at hand.
  1. Stay calm and take responsibility. Adopt a calm and cool manner of handling situations. When things remain low key, it’s easier to communicate and get your point across. This also means that you need to take responsibility for what you say. Don’t be afraid to admit mistakes when you’re wrong.

Becoming a better communicator doesn’t happen overnight. But if you keep practicing and tweaking your skills, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Are You Too Self-Critical – 12 Signs To Look For

12 Signs That You’re Being Too Self-Critical




self awarenessIt’s admirable to do your best and attempt to be the best person you can be. It only makes sense to examine your negative results in life and try to do better the next time. But it’s also easy to become too self-critical. A high level of self-criticism is detrimental to success and good mental health. Excessive self-criticism hurts your self-esteem and confidence.

Consider these signs that you might be too critical of yourself:

  1. You’re paralyzed. One sign that you’re overly critical toward yourself is a lack of action. If you’ve been stuck in the same situation for an extended period of time, you’re too hard on yourself. Otherwise, you’d be out there taking care of business and making positive changes to your life.
  2. You’re slow to forgive others. When you can’t forgive yourself, you’re unable to forgive others. When you can let go and forgive yourself, you can do the same for the other people in your life.
  3. You’re never pleased with your accomplishments. It doesn’t matter to you that you shaved 10 minutes off your best 10K time or graduated from medical school. You’re bothered by the fact that you didn’t win the race or attend Harvard medical school.
  4. You’re not assertive. You have to be comfortable with yourself to feel comfortable with asserting yourself. Assertiveness also brings the risk of rejection. Being too self-critical can increase the fear of rejection from others.
  5. You consistently say bad things to yourself. There’s little harm in a small amount of negative self-talk. But a constant barrage of self-criticism is highly damaging. Imagine telling your child that they can’t do anything right and should give up trying. It sounds crazy when viewed from that perspective.
  6. You’re a chronic underachiever. Underachieving is both a symptom and a cause of self-criticism. Consistent underachieving is a call to action!
  7. Others feel comfortable being critical of you. The average person isn’t comfortable criticizing others. However, after they’ve heard you criticize yourself repeatedly, they’re likely to feel they can join in on the criticism.
  8. You criticize yourself in general terms, rather than just for specific events. There’s a difference between telling yourself that you’re not a good tennis player and telling yourself that you’re not good at anything. General criticism is false and highly damaging.
  • A lack of success at a particular activity doesn’t make you flawed at everything. It’s illogical.
  1. You keep your opinions to yourself. While you have every reason to avoid telling your neighbor she looks fat in her dress, you should feel comfortable sharing the title of your favorite book. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your opinions freely, you’re too concerned about being judged by others or saying the wrong thing.
  2. You spend too much time dwelling on your mistakes. Can you move on quickly after a short period of self-reflection or do you dwell on your mistakes for an extended period of time?
  3. You find yourself unable to ask for help. It shouldn’t be difficult to ask for help. In fact, the more help the better! Are you afraid of being viewed as incapable? If so, you’re too critical of yourself.
  4. You can’t give yourself a single compliment. Everyone is good at something. Or maybe you know you’re good at a few things but don’t think you deserve a compliment. Either way, you’re being too hard on yourself.

You’re sabotaging yourself by being overly self-critical. You limit both your success and your mood. Realize how much you harm yourself with self-criticism. Learn from your mistakes and apply the information with enthusiasm.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W