Self Help Books And You

Finding Refuge in Self Help Books




manifestation miraclePeople always have questions to ask, and there are questions that they want to put forward but find it hard to do so. What is true is that people find it hard to admit to having problems. It is not easy to go to a friend and say that they need help, so they choose to find other ways to get the answers to their questions.

Self Help Books

Books are written for different reasons. Some books are written to entertain and some are written to inform. There are special types of informative books that are written by experts in the field of psychology and the like, and these books attempt to liberate people from their problems. Who knew that the bound sheets of paper can bring answers to people? If you want to know how to pick your life up from the slump, you can find a book that can enlighten you on the how’s and why’s. Many of these books are not even written by experts, but are written by ordinary people, based on their real life experiences and journeys.

Choosing the Right Book

All you have to learn is how to pick the right help available. You need to know how to spot a good read from one that will only waste your time. Here are some guidelines that will help you in your search:

Know your problem. What are you having problems with? What questions do you want answers to? To get exactly what you need, you have to specifically determine what it is that you are looking for. This is true. Some people go on with their lives, trying to figure out what is wrong within their lives and yet they do not know where to look and how to find something definitive and concrete. If you want solutions, you need to know the problem first it’s that plain and simple.

Read or listen? How would you like to learn from the book? Do you want to read it in the traditional method or would you like to get the audio version of the book and just listen to it? There are even DVD versions of the book, where you can watch and listen, instead of read and it comes complete with instructional videos and activities. When you choose a book, you have to know how you would like to conquer the book, so that you can get the most out of it.

Do your research. Finally, to make sure that you purchase the right self help, you have to take some time to study your different options. You will need to study the author, first and foremost; and this includes finding out more about this author, where he has come from, and how knowledgeable he is about the topic. You will also need to find something about the book itself. Look for reviews written by experts and ordinary readers. See how well it rates in the charts. It is important for you to know about the feedback the book was able to collect, so that you can have an idea of the usefulness of the literature you have decided to put your trust on.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Defining Your Own Personal Success

“The Six Steps to Success: 1) Define Success 2) Devise a Plan 3) Execute and Overcome Adversity 4) Measure Results with Key Metrics 5) Revise the Plan 6) Work Hard” ― Ken Poirot

What is your version of personal success?

choose successSome may define success as having a lot of money, others feel successful if they are loved by many. Others define success as being healthy and giving back to the community, while others define success as having plenty of material things. But how do you define success?

Everyone defines success in different ways. Your own personal success is what makes you and your achievements unique. The stay-at-home-mom may define success as being able to get up in the morning and meet her family’s needs throughout the entire day until everyone goes to sleep. The career woman may define success as being promoted within her company or even starting her own. The athlete may define success as climbing the ladder within the NFL or NBA. Then again, there are some who define success in simply living and enjoying each day.

What you need to do is evaluate how you view success. What does success mean to you? What do you want to get out of your life? These are questions that you must ask yourself when deciding what drives you.

Self-Reflection Questions to Ponder

In order to discover what you want in life you may want to ask yourself a few questions such as:

* “Where do I want to be in 5 years?” This is not the question “Where do I see myself in 5 years?” Think about what you want in five years. If you ask yourself where you see yourself, you’re simply going to see yourself as a glorified version of now.

* “How do I define happiness in my career?” It is important to assess whether or not you’re feeling fulfilled in your work.

* “How do I get to the places I want to be?” You need to know how to get to where it is you want to be. You can’t go there blind or expect it to fall into place all on its own. You have to be proactive to make things happen.

* “What areas in my life do I want to succeed?” We all want to succeed in more than just one area in our lives, so set multiple goals. For example, one goal may relate to your career while other goals may relate to your relationship, children, or hobbies.

* “What are my goals in life?” This coincides with what areas you want to succeed, but you must actually write down your goals and set real milestones that you can accomplish.

* “What kind of balance do I need in my life?” You must find a balance between work, family, and personal time for you to feel fulfilled. If you have a tendency to over-extend yourself, it’s important to find an equal balance so no area of your life goes unnoticed.

Evaluate Yourself and Your Needs

Those self-reflection questions open the door for you to discover and define what success means to you. Others cannot decide your success. If you follow someone else’s blueprints to success and it doesn’t fit with your personality, then you’re going to be miserable. You just have to evaluate yourself and put your dreams, wants, and needs into perspective. After all, your success is yours. No one can make the decisions for you!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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7 Strategies for Living a Conscious Life

“Anyone will be unhappy until he recognizes his true calling.” ~ Unknown

Live a Conscious Life

how well do you really know yourself?Would you like to get more out of your life? It’s never too late to make a new choice or reverse your life’s course. One way to live a more enriched life is to be conscious of what you’re doing at every moment. This way, you stay connected with your behavior and feelings.

Here’s an example situation: You’ve decided to stop eating potato chips and chocolate. You make a pledge to yourself to watch what you eat. But two hours later, you suddenly realize you’re sitting in front of the television, bag of potato chips in hand.

Now imagine the same scenario, yet this time you behave differently. You spend some time thinking about how to ensure you avoid potato chips and chocolate. You decide to take your junk food over to a friend’s house and leave it there. At dinner, you smile to yourself as you prepare to eat a salad and baked chicken because you plan to thoughtfully focus on eating healthy.

The second scenario demonstrates the concept of living a conscious life. Knowing what you want, choosing how you spend your time, and staying in touch with your feelings are indicators of a conscious life.

There are many techniques you can implement to help you purposely live the way you want to. When you live consciously, you’re no longer a victim of the wind, being blown about this way and that way by the circumstances of your life. You can create the life you desire with conscious living.

Try these ideas to get you started and inspire you on your journey:

  • 1. Create the life you want one step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
    • Spend some time exploring what you already love about your life. Also investigate what you’d like to change.
    • Then, think about how you can take deliberate steps to create the life you desire.
  • 2. Seek balance in your life. For example, if you disagree with someone, take time to consider the other person’s side of the argument.
    • Allow yourself to change your mind.
  • 3. Live in the present moment. You’ve most likely heard this suggestion before. But what does it really mean to live in the moment? Consider this example:
    • While you’re visiting your mother, think about her and enjoy your conversation and activities together. Avoid making your store list mentally or trying to recall what else you have to do today. Just stay in the present moment with your mother and focus on what the two of you are doing.
  • 4. Know yourself. Awareness of your likes and dislikes is important to conscious living.
    • Learn what’s important to you. Discover what makes you tick, what drives you, and what you find inspiring.
    • Self-understanding is an integral part of living life consciously because if you know your preferences and motivations, you can then create circumstances that will enable you to accomplish your goals.
  • 5. Live your own truth. As a teenager, you might have gravitated toward peers who didn’t judge you, which made you feel more comfortable. Perhaps, in actuality, you didn’t have all that much in common with them. As an adult, you can now stay more true to your own beliefs.
    • When you live your truth, you stay faithful to what’s genuinely important to you.
  • 6. Learn to let go of negativity and situations you can’t control.
    • Conserve your emotional energy for what you actually can change: yourself and your own life. Now that’s conscious living!
  • 7. Take action. Become interested and involved in the goals you’ve set. Put effort into achieving those objectives and you’ll be well on the road to living consciously.

Altering how you live your life can be an ongoing challenge. Selecting just one of the above ideas and putting it into practice will help you begin your journey toward conscious living. Living life consciously will bring you the healthier, more joyful existence that you deserve.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Self-confidence Secrets

“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Secrets To Gaining Self-confidence

confident catWhen entering unfamiliar situations, most people feel a little bit shy. There are some people though that have such a low value of self-esteem that they cannot function when they are in strange or unfamiliar circumstances. They really need to work on their self-confidence levels so that they can move forward as well as explore other areas of interest in their lives. Here are some ideas that can help these people gain self-confidence. Pass them along to those people that could use them as well as using them yourself to boost your own self-confidence.

The first thing to do is to get to know yourself. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses will help you to deal with other people effectively. When you know your positive strengths, you can connect with others socially a bit more easily. By discovering your strengths and using them, you can offer others more than just your good company.

You need to step outside of your comfort zone as well. Staying where we are most familiar is very comfortable. If you don’t push your limits, however you will stagnate and people may not want to be with you. Get out and meet new people and try new things. Join new groups and develop new skills. By doing these thing you will find that your confidence levels increase and you will also discover new ways to express yourself.

By completing the things on your “To do” list will help your confidence. Start with the simple things that are easy to complete. As you cross them off of you’re list you will realize that you are good and can accomplish things by yourself. You don’t have to rely on others which will move you out of their shadows and into the light. Finishing things by yourself will also help build up your reputation as a “doer” which will also boost your self-confidence.

You need to appreciate the person you are. Understand what makes you unique and figure out how to use these traits. Somethings that you may feel are annoying may actually be acceptable to some people. When you are confident with who you are and the skills that you have then you will be moving towards gaining the self-esteem that you have always desired. Use the traits and characteristics you have to your advantage.

Remember to love yourself, by doing that you can accept yourself and this will help you to build your self-confidence to new and higher levels.

To your success
Michael W

Michael W


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Your Subconscious Mind Works With Affirmations

“Self-trust is the first secret of success.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind

positive attitudeThe first step to making positive changes in your life is to overcome your negative thoughts. The best way to change your thinking pattern is to reprogram your mind and blast your brain with positive affirmations that can lead you towards your desired results. While this process cannot bring about instant change, it can actually accelerate your progress and take you a fewer steps away from radical success. With the right choice of positive affirmations, you can finally achieve your life goals and see results you may have never thought possible.

So, how do affirmations work? At first, you may think that it is just some weird idea of planting seeds of reality on your mind. However, affirmations are actually backed by neural science. While affirmations cannot substitute the effect of medical treatment, they can still affect your overall mental health in a positive manner. When affirmations are practiced regularly and deliberately, they can slowly reinforce brain pathways and strengthen the connection between two neurons. This increases the likelihood of conducting the same message you want your brain to process.

Try to imagine a chunk of dry land. When rain pours, water will not have a place to go until it finally cuts a certain path through the arid land. As more and more water runs through that same path, it can cut a deeper indentation into the land. The deeper the dent, the more water will start running through it. Positive affirmations work exactly like that. In neurology, you can sum up this idea in one phrase – neurons that are capable of firing together can wire together. The brain also eliminates synapses that it rarely uses.


On the other hand, neurons that are regularly used can create patterns that add strength to the bond between them. As they wire together, they build a complex network that will automatically respond every time you encounter certain triggers in your daily life. Every word you say and every thought you think can turn into a grand stream of affirmations. Since childhood, you acquire beliefs and develop thought patterns that may either work well for you or work against you. Some of them may also be dysfunctional, jeopardizing your chances of achieving exactly what you want.

Every word that you say or think actually reflects your set of beliefs or inner truths. Most of these inner truths may not be true for now. In fact, they may be based on inappropriate or inaccurate impressions that you were able to form when you were still a child. Once you reach adulthood and examine those convictions, you can start identifying whether they are appropriate or not. To understand how affirmation works, you should also be familiar with how your subconscious helps you respond to certain events in your life.

Your subconscious mind automatically uses the behavioral patterns you have learned as you respond to daily events in your life. This process is essential to your survival because it allows you to respond quickly to the events around you, which would otherwise be impossible if you have to examine every aspect of the simplest things that happen. All the thought patterns and responses you have learned allow you to respond to circumstances in a timely manner. However, some of the beliefs you have formed from a baseless perspective may get in your way of responding to difficult circumstances in an appropriate manner.

When problems arise, you have the option to use positive affirmations in order to challenge the negative beliefs and thought patterns you have acquired. These positive statements aim to replace negative thinking patterns with positive, self-nurturing beliefs. The way positive affirmations are constructed can either strengthen or weaken their effects. As you continue reading this e-Book, you will learn how to construct your own set of affirmations. With these positive statements, you can finally focus on achieving your inner goals while consciously shaping the thoughts and words that reflect your self-nurturing beliefs.

Michael W

Michael W