Your Subconscious Mind Works With Affirmations

“Self-trust is the first secret of success.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind

positive attitudeThe first step to making positive changes in your life is to overcome your negative thoughts. The best way to change your thinking pattern is to reprogram your mind and blast your brain with positive affirmations that can lead you towards your desired results. While this process cannot bring about instant change, it can actually accelerate your progress and take you a fewer steps away from radical success. With the right choice of positive affirmations, you can finally achieve your life goals and see results you may have never thought possible.

So, how do affirmations work? At first, you may think that it is just some weird idea of planting seeds of reality on your mind. However, affirmations are actually backed by neural science. While affirmations cannot substitute the effect of medical treatment, they can still affect your overall mental health in a positive manner. When affirmations are practiced regularly and deliberately, they can slowly reinforce brain pathways and strengthen the connection between two neurons. This increases the likelihood of conducting the same message you want your brain to process.

Try to imagine a chunk of dry land. When rain pours, water will not have a place to go until it finally cuts a certain path through the arid land. As more and more water runs through that same path, it can cut a deeper indentation into the land. The deeper the dent, the more water will start running through it. Positive affirmations work exactly like that. In neurology, you can sum up this idea in one phrase – neurons that are capable of firing together can wire together. The brain also eliminates synapses that it rarely uses.


On the other hand, neurons that are regularly used can create patterns that add strength to the bond between them. As they wire together, they build a complex network that will automatically respond every time you encounter certain triggers in your daily life. Every word you say and every thought you think can turn into a grand stream of affirmations. Since childhood, you acquire beliefs and develop thought patterns that may either work well for you or work against you. Some of them may also be dysfunctional, jeopardizing your chances of achieving exactly what you want.

Every word that you say or think actually reflects your set of beliefs or inner truths. Most of these inner truths may not be true for now. In fact, they may be based on inappropriate or inaccurate impressions that you were able to form when you were still a child. Once you reach adulthood and examine those convictions, you can start identifying whether they are appropriate or not. To understand how affirmation works, you should also be familiar with how your subconscious helps you respond to certain events in your life.

Your subconscious mind automatically uses the behavioral patterns you have learned as you respond to daily events in your life. This process is essential to your survival because it allows you to respond quickly to the events around you, which would otherwise be impossible if you have to examine every aspect of the simplest things that happen. All the thought patterns and responses you have learned allow you to respond to circumstances in a timely manner. However, some of the beliefs you have formed from a baseless perspective may get in your way of responding to difficult circumstances in an appropriate manner.

When problems arise, you have the option to use positive affirmations in order to challenge the negative beliefs and thought patterns you have acquired. These positive statements aim to replace negative thinking patterns with positive, self-nurturing beliefs. The way positive affirmations are constructed can either strengthen or weaken their effects. As you continue reading this e-Book, you will learn how to construct your own set of affirmations. With these positive statements, you can finally focus on achieving your inner goals while consciously shaping the thoughts and words that reflect your self-nurturing beliefs.

Michael W

Michael W


Eliminate Bad Days – Follow These Tips

I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days, or great days.” – Lance Armstrong

Never Have a Bad Day Again

bad dayYou have good days and bad. Wouldn’t it be great if you could eliminate most of the bad days from your life? You have the ability to make good days the norm.

What constitutes a good day is debatable. Maybe each day you’re alive could be considered a good day. It’s up to you.

What has to happen for you to label a day as “good”?

Eliminate bad days with a few strategies:

1. Refuse to have a bad day. There are many opportunities to have a bad day. You might be running late or your car decides to break down. Someone might speak unkindly to you or you spill mustard on your pants.

Having a bad day can be a lot like eating a piece of cake you know you should ignore. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to bite.

Avoid letting a few minor mishaps ruin your day.

2. Choose to be happy, or at least content. In spite of whatever is going wrong, choose to be happy. If you can’t find any happiness, at least be content. You can choose to have a good day or a bad day. Release your expectations and try to see what’s good in each situation.

3. Spend time with someone you love. Few activities can bring your perspective back to reality more effectively than spending time with a loved one. The stress, worry, and anxiety seem to melt away.

4. Be on time. Being late creates stress. The stress begins once you realize you’re going to be late. It rarely ends until the day is over. If you’re late for one activity, you can be late for everything afterwards, too. Give yourself plenty of time to keep your schedule intact.

5. Have a morning routine. If your morning starts well, you’ll find the rest of your day goes well. A morning routine is an effective way to get the day off to a positive start.

An effective routine can include what time you wake up, a review of your to-do list, wearing the clothes you laid out the night before, affirmations, exercise, and anything else you enjoy in the morning.

Build your routine slowly and ensure it enhances your day.

6. Try doing less. Having too much to do creates many challenges that get in the way of having a good day. Reduce your schedule to the most important 3-5 tasks.

Stick to the important and urgent tasks. Reschedule the rest.

7. Complete your most important task. There are few things more frustrating than a stressful day that accomplishes little. Give yourself the gift of knowing that you completed at least one important task. That’s more than most can claim. Complete it as early in the day as possible and give yourself time to accomplish even more.

8. Be grateful. When life is wearing you down, remember all the great things in your life. Give yourself a few minutes to list all the positive people and circumstances in your life. Are you healthy? Do you have friends and family? Your life is probably much better than you think!

Consider listing those things that fill you with gratitude as part of your morning routine. Your attitude will be primed to have a good day.

Having a good day is relative. The worst day for a middle-class American might be a great day for a child in a third-world country. Only you can assign a quality label to your day. Make the conscious decision to have a great day.

Michael W

Michael W


Reach Your Goals Despite The Obstacles

Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

Go For It: Achieving Your Goals Regardless of Obstacles

goal settingYou can be sure that life will at times be a twisting path of “potholes” around which you must navigate. You’ve likely been through phases of your life already where you wondered if your luck would ever change. Then, things calmed down and you discovered the smoother, straighter road.

No matter where your journey leads, staying focused on what you want in life will keep your spirits high and bring you joy. The key, then, to a fulfilled life is to achieve your goals no matter what.

Use these tips to continue going for your goals even though life’s road gets rough:

Know exactly what you’re after in life. What do you want your life to be like? When you’re sure, you can then plan your activities over the short and long term to help you achieve your goals.

Keep your list of life goals short and to the point. Some good examples of life goals are: “Save 25% of my yearly earnings for kids’ education, vacations and retirement,” “Take budget-friendly vacations out of the country every 5 years,” and “Retire when I’m 67.”

Infuse elements of achieving your goals into your everyday life. Let’s say one of your goals is to travel to Australia three years from now. Have a couple of books about Australia laying around the house, on your coffee table and nightstand. Listen to Australian talk radio shows via the web. Watch television shows about Aussie land.

Make your life goals part of your everyday life so that even when life gets bumpy, you’ll be able to keep your eyes on what’s really important to you. After all, it will be right there in front of you.

Talk positively to yourself. Although some kinds of talking to yourself might not be seen as healthy, it can be quite helpful to use positive self-talk. When you do, you’ll be more likely to keep working toward your goals in life. Say something like, “I’m in a rough patch but I can still keep saving for my retirement and my kids’ educations.”

Other examples of positive self-talk are “I can get through this challenging phase just like I did before,” “As long as I keep moving forward, things are okay,” and “Life has in store many more wonderful adventures for me.”

Using positive self-talk will keep your spirits buoyed when you feel like you’re floundering in choppy waters.

Reflect on your efforts in order to reinforce them. Even though you may be struggling, think about what you accomplished just this week to achieve your goals. Maybe you made a couple of phone calls, explored the internet to gather information, or drew up a new budget to ensure you’re on target for saving for your life goals.

The fact is you did something. And recognizing that will reinforce your efforts in your quest to achieve your goals. You can excel in times of great challenge.

Keep working toward accomplishing your goals even though life throws more than a few obstacles at you. Know what you’re after and stay focused. Make your life goals a part of your daily life and use positive self-talk. Acknowledge what you’ve done to keep moving forward.

Apply these strategies to help you consistently work to meet your life goals. If you do, you’ll accomplish whatever you want no matter what.

Michael W

Michael W

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

The Fuel For Your Life – Motivation

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ” ― Walt Disney Company

We all think we know what motivation is and how it is used in our life. But do we really understand it?

The author gives us another view on motivation as the fuel that drives us towards our destination in life.

Motivation is the fuel not the destination – by Ray Adler

MotivationMotivation, motivation what is motivation! Many people think they know what motivation is, but do they? A little research will show you that the dictionary definition of motivation is “the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour”. Ask people to define motivation, very few will give such a concise response. This is because at some level, motivation is intrinsically involved with every aspect of our lives. We have to have a certain level of motivation to achieve anything from the simplest tasks such as getting out of bed or going shopping, through to life goals such as having a successful career. Unfortunately, most people see motivation, as part of the destination rather than the fuel that is needed to get us to reach our chosen destination.

Not understanding what motivation is usually leads to disappointment in life either on a spiritual or materialistic level. One of the most common areas where the lack of a clear definition of what motivation is occurs in the area of goal setting. We all know and understand the concept of setting goals and working towards them to achieve what we want in life, but if you speak to any number of people about setting and achieving goals, they will tell you that their goals motivate them to achieve what they really want out of life. This fundamental confusion over what motivation is often leads to people not achieving their goals and full potential, in fact it often leads to greater de-motivation, as after each setback the belief in the goal becomes less strong leading to a perceived lower level of motivation to achieve the goal. It becomes a vicious circle. It is a situation that many of us have faced and the difficulties that this kind of position brings. It takes a long time for us to realise that goals and motivation are not the same and we should not treat them as such.

When you set your goals you’re laying out the route and the destination you want to get to. When we are setting goals we are telling ourselves what do we want in life and how are we going to get there. What steps do we need to take? A list of goals will always allow us to move forward and give us a purpose in life, but they are not motivation in themselves.

Motivation is the fuel that inspires us to reach are goals and desires and allows us to keep getting up and moving towards our goals whenever we have a setback. Getting motivated and staying motivated gives us the energy we need to reach our goals in the shortest time possible. Motivation is required to meet our goals and goals are required to give purpose to our motivation. The two work hand in hand. If you get the motivation right you can achieve anything. So think seriously about how to get motivated and stay motivated so you can achieve whatever you desire.

Ray Adler is the owner of Ray has built up over 20 years experience in the sales arena and now delivers insights and advice on motivation and sales topics through The Sales Closer.


Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Staying Motivated

“Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” ― Lou Holtz

In our daily lives we sometimes find it hard to stay motivated. There are things that you can do to help you to motivate yourself.

The author gives some advice and methods that you can use to keep yourself motivated.

How to Stay Motivated – by Rotem Cohen

motivationMany times we find “stuff” interfering with going after our goals and dreams. It’s hard to stay motivated, stay on track and difficult to move forward. If we allow daily distractions to interfere with our tasks at hand we are inviting in guilt, defeat and lack of purpose. Staying motivated is an art. We are going to show you how to be an artist of motivation!

There are steps to take to stay motivated. No matter what life throws at you, you’ll be able to hang in there, complete your tasks at hand and reach your goals. The exhilaration of seeing a project through to the end will give you more motivation to carry into every area of your life.

Develop the attitude of interest. Discover your passions and go after them. The happiest people, they say, are those people who do the things they love the most. It is not coincidental that they are the most motivated people as well. After all, passion and motivation go hand in hand. They are closely intertwined to create a person who is full of zest for living.

Nearly all successful people are very passionate about what they do. Why do you think Lance Armstrong, despite being diagnosed with terminal cancer, went on to win 7 consecutive Tour de France trophies? It is not only because he refused to give in to life’s cruel joke, but because he is also very passionate about cycling. We are not saying that it has to take some traumatic circumstances in our lives before we find the thing we are most passionate about. In most cases, this very thing is right in front of you. You just don’t see it and therefore cannot accept it.

Find the thing that can spark and sustain your enthusiasm. Then channel all your energies towards that passion. This sparks motivation, productivity and satisfaction.

But what do you do when you are stuck with things that you are not truly passionate about? When passion is lacking and your zeal is at its all time low, interest will suffice. Be interested in everything you do, no matter how boring, tedious or nonsensical it may seem. Find meaning in everything you take part in. Take the time to be curious and interested. Otherwise, your life will feel like a living hell.

Having said that, always find reasons to be happy about the things you do, the goals you are pursuing, the dreams you are trying to realize, and the life you are trying to live. Never lose sight of happiness and never let it slip away.

Maintain an elevated level of energy. The mere act of smiling at yourself can recharge your energy. Having no energy almost always ensures that you won’t feel as much motivated as you need to accomplish your goals. Always take the time to recharge yourself – sleep, eat, breathe deeply and consciously, relax, and rest. Do whatever it takes to always keep your energy high.

Act as if. Translate positive emotions into actions. If you are not feeling positive about anything, try to act as if you’re positive. Sometimes, despite the lack of motivation, you can still feel motivated when you deliberately act with enthusiasm. Motivation is a choice. You’ll find a peace and confidence when you choose motivation.

Visit Energy & Motivation to discover simple ways to raise your Energy & Motivation


Michael Wilkovesky

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.