Shortcuts to Motivation and Desire


motivationMotivation and desire are nice to have when you need them. But what can you do when you need them and they’re in short supply? You can generate your own enthusiasm. You don’t have to wait to be inspired. Inspiration is in your hands. Like any other skill, you can learn to be motivated and full of desire on demand.

Learn to motivate yourself and get those challenging things done:

  1. Keep your purpose in mind. If you require motivation to do something, there must be a reason for doing it. Keep that reason in the front of your mind. Are you dieting to fit into a special dress for your high school reunion? Are you learning to play the piano so you can sing Christmas carols around the fire with your family?
  • Remind yourself daily of your “why.”
  1. Set appropriate goals. Goals that are too small aren’t motivating. Goals that are too big are overwhelming. The perfect goal will excite you without overwhelming you. Goals are an excellent motivation tool. If your goals aren’t exciting, you have some work to do.
  • Remind yourself of your goals each day. Set aside a specific time to review your goals. Read your goals aloud and visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel when your goal is reached.
  1. Pay attention to your progress toward your goals. Nothing motivates like success. Whether you’re motivating yourself to do a better job at work or to stay on top of the clutter at home, notice your success and be proud. You deserve it.
  2. Take breaks. One effective way to destroy your motivation and desire is to work non-stop. Take regular breaks and keep your motivation high. Studies find that most people do well with a 10-15-minute break each hour.
  3. Have gratitude. It’s easy to feel down when you’re struggling and focused on what you don’t have. Remind yourself of all the people and things you already have in your life. When you have gratitude, your mood and desire will improve. Spend just a few minutes each day and mentally list all the things and people in your life that allow you to feel grateful.
  1. Find a form of external motivation. Some people can generate motivation and desire through internal means. Others need external pleasure or pain to generate enthusiasm. There are several ways to do this.
  • Tell others what you’re trying to accomplish. Once people know your business, they’ll be busy watching and judging you. Did you say you’re never going to drink another can of soda again? It will be difficult to bring yourself to do it in front of others again.
  • Promise yourself a reward. Once you get that promotion, take yourself to Hawaii. Or get a new wardrobe when you lose 25 lbs. Make your reward something that’s meaningful to you.
  • Punish yourself. Cheat on your diet? Give $10 to a charity you don’t like. Late to work again? Throw out your favorite pair of shoes. While we don’t like to admit it, humans are often more driven by pain than by pleasure. This can be an effective way to keep yourself motivated if you can follow through on your threat to yourself.

When all else fails, get started. A little action can bring about motivation.

Motivation is nice when it occurs organically, but it’s not a reliable method. It’s possible to create your own motivation with practice. Practice these tips regularly and you’ll always be able to take care of business rather than waiting for inspiration to smile upon you.

To your success

Michael W

P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

As a Life Coach, I want to make sure that you achieve all of your goals and desires to become the powerful person you know you are inside. Bring that confident person outside to take charge of your life. Let me buy you a 30 minute session so that we can talk together to determine how to move you forward.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Create a Passion and Motivation for Life


passionWhen you’re trying to build up your self-confidence, something that can give you some help is to find your passion and motivation for getting up in the morning. If you’re so far down in the dumps that you don’t even know if you’ve got a passion in life or not, it’s time to sit down and create one. Not only will this give you something to work for, but it will give you this inner glow that will radiate outward to anyone that comes in contact with you.

People that have a passion in life will draw others to them like magnets. This is one of the best cures for the shyness induced part of lacking self-confidence. When you first meet people, speak to them enthusiastically about things that are going on in your life and share your plans for the future. Even if you’re a bit shy at first when meeting new people and you’re not feeling all that confident, fake it until it becomes a real factor for you.

If you’re still a little shy or it bothers you to meet new people, keep in mind that the more you talk about your passion in life, the more that positive and confident energy will shine through. Once you land on your passion, don’t be frightened to talk about it. Passion is an excellent motivating factor and will project the confidence that you know what you want out of life and that you’re going to get it. Don’t be surprised if others don’t want to jump on board and live out your passionate dream with you.

Granted, you may have to talk yourself up a bit before you start believing your own hype, but the more you talk to others about things that get you excited, it’s going to be obvious that you’re someone that’s going places in life. This excitement catches on and suddenly you’re popular because people can feel the confidence that’s pouring off of you. The one thing that you’ll find you need to keep an eye on, though, is to make sure you’re not doing ALL the talking. Encourage others to share their opinions and passions, too.

In fact, when you get others to start talking about themselves, that makes you appear even more confident to them. Anytime that you get people talking and feeling important, it somehow makes you look great and like someone that they want to be around. At the same time, you must make your interest in them appear genuine and sincere because, just as an interest in them makes you appear confident with a healthy dose of self-esteem, insincerity will make you appear arrogant and condescending.

Hopefully, you already have a passion in your life, or something that motivates you to display your best qualities to others and help you appear to be very confident. However, if you don’t, you may want to consider creating one for yourself so that you’ll have something to use when projecting yourself as a confident person.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

As a Life Coach, I want to make sure that you achieve all of your goals and desires to become the powerful person you know you are inside. Bring that confident person outside to take charge of your life. Let me buy you a 30 minute session so that we can talk together to determine how to move you forward.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Part 2 of Discovering Your Path to Success

Discover Your Path to Success – Part 2

Are you easily distracted?

Most people cannot focus on a goal, without getting “side tracked.” When this cannot be helped, you can develop a new skill set, through meditation, self-hypnosis, or by learning not to give up. You can learn to meditate in a variety of ways. At my site, we have a course, but you can also find Yoga classes where meditation is taught. There are many good books and CD’s. A very good CD is Meditation Made Simple by John Daniels.

Picture it like this: Christopher Columbus truly had a one-dimensional personality; he was focused on finding an alternate route to Asia, to the point of being a poor “family man.” However, unlike most people, he stayed focused and never gave up.

Now you don’t have to give up everything in life to achieve a goal, but you have to focus on your goal, avoid giving up, getting depressed, and make up your mind to enjoy the journey. It is still wise to have a complete life by allowing time for your family and friends. If you stay on a straight course, you will be “ahead in the game,” but you will have to mentally focus on your end result, even in bad economic times.

Can you rationally separate good advice from bad?

You will hear many opinions – some will be constructive, and others will be useless. You will have to know the difference, by evaluating all advice without emotion, and with an open mind.

Is the ultimate reward worth the cost and sacrifice?

You should already know that you may invest time, money, work, or all three, to reach your ultimate goal. Envision yourself reaching your ultimate objective, and if it is worth all of the sacrifice, then you should move on to the next step.

Start moving forward now. If you didn’t write your goals down, evaluate them, and prioritize them, you should go back to part one again, to finish that assignment. Much similar to a business, you must have a written plan to move forward.

Just don’t worry about getting it perfect. None of us ever do, and your plans will change as you go. In fact, life is adapting to a constantly changing universe. Most of us cannot accurately predict the cycles of the economy. We design a plan and prepare to turn on a dime, if necessary. Everything in life is subject to change and all of us have to accept it.

Realizing this, you now proceed with caution toward your short-term goals. Once you have designed your plan, there is no need to ‘wait until next year.” Put your plan into action and take one forward step at a time. This one step is the biggest of all your steps, and your commitment to succeed is your “guiding light.” Now, what were the “hidden treasures” you found in part two? The answer is focus, commitment, and acceptance. You already have them; all you need to do is get the most out of what you already have.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people by providing confidence coaching before the fall and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now and we can start the process of getting together to help you develop your confidence level.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Big Success Towards Your Goals From Small Achievements

How Small Achievements Lead to Big Success

People dream big all the time. But it’s the people that take action to reach their goals that truly succeed in life. It’s a huge task to take on, but when you break down your journey into simple steps, anything is achievable. Decide on your goal and follow through, it really can be as simple as that.

The Big Picture

It truly doesn’t matter what your goal is, you can achieve it by combining the will to succeed with action. There are many possible excuses and many people that will try to bring you down, it’s just the way life is. While these things may not change, your attitude can.

The first thing you need to do is create a personal definition of success. What are you trying to do? What is your ultimate goal?

Remember, the answer can be anything your heart desires. Maybe you want to start a video game development business, or maybe you want to be an Olympic swimmer. Everyone is different, but it’s important to have a well-defined goal. Don’t be afraid to be specific and to list a goal even if you’re lacking the confidence to achieve it.

The Process

After you have your definition of success, it’s time to break it down and make it happen. Success will happen just by completing one small task at a time from your plan.

Let’s say your ultimate goal is to own a video game development business. You currently work at a dead end job and you have little revenue to use towards your goal, so you assume it’ll never happen and you just go about your day. But what if you took just 20 minutes each day and worked toward your goal?

Here are some of the things you might accomplish:

1. You can research how much money it would take to start up your business.

2. You can learn the ins and outs of the industry by reviewing different courses and training programs.

3. You can make appointments to meet with banks or companies as potential investors.

4. You can contact independent game developers that may be willing to take on extra work at a reasonable cost.

5. You can research and formulate marketing tactics.

6. You can create a 5-year plan.

While the business entails a great deal more than these 6 steps, you get the idea of what it means to break down a huge task into smaller parts. If you don’t break it down, it’ll seem too overwhelming and you won’t even know where to start – so you won’t get started at all!

But when you decide to spend a little time on a small project, like researching marketing tactics and saving some web links, that’s definitely something you can accomplish in an afternoon. And it brings you one step closer to your goal.

Something Is Always Better Than Nothing

You now know that some action is always better than no action towards your goal. It may sound trite, but you’ll never get there if you don’t try. Just think of how far along you might be if you spend 20 minutes a day on your goal for a whole year. That’s a great deal of small, manageable projects!

You owe it to yourself to make your dreams come true, so go get started!

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Do You Know How To Be Successful?

Activating Your Success Blueprint

I am going to tell you the steps to “Activate Your Personal Success.” So, as you think of this outcome-whatever goal that you want to accomplish. Imagine if by accomplishing this goal or this outcome;

– Would it take anything away from who you are?
– Is there any excuse you can make right now that will stop your from accomplishing that goal?

One key in accomplishing any goal and activating your blueprint is to keep your goal in mind, keep it in your minds eye. Listen to your hypnosis processes daily and find that upon awakening act as if you are guaranteed the result that you’re seeking.

And when you act out of character, in other words, when you demonstrating behaviors or attitude that are counter to accomplishing your goals. You will change that the next time you listen to your hypnosis process, you will make the necessary changes. So that moving forward you will think act and respond with the goal in mind.

Each time that you practice using your hypnosis process you are going to find that your inner ability to see, hear, and experience in your mind’s eye improving.

And just as you learned when you read through Awaken the Genius you found that perhaps you’re more visual learner, maybe you’re more auditory, or you’re more kinesthetic. What we are going to ask you do, is to become more of a full sensory learner. Someone who can use all there senses, magnetize in the world around you want you want as your goal. And then go after it an achieve it.

The next step is to think about what needs to take place, or what needs to change in your life so that you can have this goal you set for yourself today? No matter what it is.

In other words, what are you going to have to give up that your holding onto dearly now? Because if you weren’t holding onto something dearly that’s stopping you from accomplishing this goal, you wouldn’t even be reading this article right how, you’d be out there accomplishing your goal.

For instance, let’s use an example of bowling; If somebody is told a different way to release the ball or perhaps a different mark out in the bowling lane, which is what a professional bowling might do. They would roll that ball over that arrow and it would hook into the pocket and give them a potential for a strike, but if they are so locked into their old way of rolling the ball, or throwing the ball down the alley that are not able to change they can’t get out of their own way, in other words, they can’t accomplish their goal.

What changes need to take place for you accomplish this goal, so you can “Activate Your Personal Success?

Next, I need you to find out what resources you have internally to accomplish your goal. During your hypnosis process take a mental inventory. This will help you discover what Skills, what Abilities, what Resources do you have?

I’m going to ask you to release any preconceived ideas about how you might accomplish your goal and open your mind to the possibility that there is an even greater possibility out there for you.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W