Limiting Beliefs Survey

We all have beliefs, some move us forward while others hold us back. The ones holding us back are our Limiting Beliefs.

We want to know what your understanding is of Limiting Beliefs so we would like you to take a few minutes to fill out the following survey.

Limiting Beliefs

Do you know about Limiting Beliefs and how they impact your life?

What would you identify as your main Limiting Belief?

Would you like to learn how to overcome your Limiting Belief and move forward in your life towards success?

Is there anything else you would like to say?

All of your answers will not be shared but they will help us to provide better material on this blog so that you can start to overcome or replace those beliefs that are holding you back.

To your success

Michael W


Remove Your Limiting Beliefs – Free Consultation

“Identify And Remove Your Main Limiting Belief” That Is Holding You Back

Are you really satisfied with your life and confident that you are headed in the right direction towards success?

As a Life Coach, I want to give back to people and make their lives worthwhile and make them successful.

So how can I help?

You can take advantage of a free 30-minute call to “Identify And Remove Your Main Limiting Belief” that will help you to find out why you are not:

  • as thin as you would like to be;
  • as popular as you would like to be;
  • as successful as you would like to be; and
  • as                 you would like to be. (You fill in the blank).

Our negative limiting beliefs hold us back from being the person we know we can become and achieving the things that make our life comfortable and successful.

Most of our beliefs are formed in our childhood and we don’t even realize that we carry them and that they are sometimes responsible or our lack of success.

In order to become successful in all areas of your life, you need to replace the negative beliefs with new positive beliefs. But! Until you know what your negative limiting beliefs are, you cannot replace them.

Again in order to help you, I am offering you a free 30-minute laser focused coaching call to “Identifying And Remove Your Main Limiting Belief” that is holding you back from the success you desire. I promise not to try to sell you anything on this call.

On this call you will:

  • Learn about limiting beliefs and how they hold you back from being successful;
  • Identify your main limiting belief; and
  • Develop a strategy to remove this belief.

If you want to take advantage of this offer, email me at

and include at least 3 times when we could talk to each other.

I have limited availability so I can only accept 4 new clients every month. Once I have 4 clients, I will close this offer until the beginning of the next month.

Use “I want to find out my limiting beliefs” as a subject line.

I would prefer that we use either Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom video as it is important that we actually see each other.

Remember, this is NOT a sales call, I just want to help as many people as possible to become more successful in their lives.

To your success.

Michael W

Attract Abundance By Changing Your Limiting Beliefs

Release Your Limiting Beliefs and Attract Abundance

limiting beliefYour beliefs color your perception of the world and your experiences. Many beliefs are true only because you believe them to be. If your beliefs aren’t congruent with excelling in life and receiving abundance, it’s very unlikely you’ll ever live the life you deserve. When your results are falling short of your desires, your beliefs are them logical place to make a change.

Many of the beliefs you hold most strongly are inaccurate. Most of our fundamental beliefs are formed at a young age. We often learn these beliefs from sources that aren’t operating at the expert level. It’s easy to see why we have beliefs that hold us back from experiencing all the abundance we deserve.

Choose a negative belief and begin the process of elimination:

1. Challenge the belief. Suppose you held the belief that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Where did the belief originate? What was the source? Did you read it or experience it first-hand? Was it something you learned from a parent, teacher, or peer?

  • Is the source reliable? Has this source been wrong about other things in the past? Is this person an expert regarding the belief? You wouldn’t take long-term relationship advice from someone that’s been divorced 5 times.

  • Do you have proof that your belief is accurate?

  • Could the opposite be true?
  • What if your belief is wrong? What would change?

2. How has this belief limited or harmed you in the past? List all the times this belief has steered you in the wrong direction or stopped you from taking action.

  • Visualize your past and re-experience the pain and disappointment this belief has created. Realize that releasing this belief is a positive and necessary step.

3. Create a new belief that serves you. It’s not enough to let go of a belief. It’s important to replace it with a new perspective. What is a more useful alternative to your current belief? For the previous example, you might choose the belief, “Anyone can attract wealth and abundance.”

  • Make a list of alternative beliefs and choose the one that feels the most empowering.

4. Search for evidence that your new belief is possible. Do you know any wealthy people that started with little money? Seek out examples of successful people that came from humble beginnings.

  • Have there been instances in the past you’ve proven your new, desirable belief correct?

  • Make a list of all the times you’ve been successful in congruence with your new belief.

5. Get excited. Visualize yourself living your new belief. How would your life change? How would that make you feel? What would you accomplish? Stick with this process until you feel a high level of excitement and enthusiasm.

6. Reinforce the new belief. Repeat your new belief to yourself 100 times each day. This will only take a few minutes. Make time in the morning and evening to complete this task.

  • Beliefs are most easily formed through strong emotional reactions and repetition. The previous step provided the emotion. This step provides the repetition.

7. Continue until your new belief is rock solid. It’s easy to slip back into old patterns of thinking. Continue the process of visualizing your new belief in action and performing the 100 repetitions until your new belief is unshakeable.

Your beliefs shape your results and your future. If you’re dissatisfied with your life, begin by addressing your limiting beliefs. New beliefs are easy to install. Consider how easy it was to install your previously held beliefs without intention. The key is to find evidence for the new belief, surround the new belief with enthusiasm, and remind yourself daily.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

9 Common Stumbling Blocks To Success

The Most Common Stumbling Blocks to Success

success not failureIt’s hard to find someone that doesn’t want to succeed. Success can be elusive, because there are so many obstacles to success. These obstacles aren’t fatal, but they greatly decrease progress. When these obstacles aren’t avoided, the resulting frustration can make the average person consider quitting altogether.

Avoid these common stumbling blocks to success:

  1. Not doing enough. Highly successful people are notorious for outworking everyone else. Success can be simple, but it often requires long hours of hard work. If you’re not known for your work ethic, the solution to your lack of success might simply be to do more. Be smart in your approach, but also be determined to outwork your competition.

  2. A lack of consistency. You can’t follow a diet 50% of the time and expect to reach your weight-loss goal. Your efforts must be consistent if success is the objective. Create daily habits and stick with them.

    • Measure your consistency as well as your progress. Notice how they correlate.

  1. Having too many goals. Serving too many masters can result in poor results. Decide which of your objectives is most important and concentrate your efforts accordingly. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. After you’ve accomplished your top 2 or 3 objectives, you can return to the others.

  2. Unclear objectives. If you’re uncertain about what you want, your results will be limited. Be very clear about your goals. It’s all in the details. Can you clearly define your goals without having to think about them? Could you just rattle your goals off to another person? Do you have them written down? Will it be clear when you’ve accomplished them?

  3. Limiting beliefs. Doubt and uncertainty are very limiting. Negative thoughts provide negative results. Keep your thoughts and expectations positive.

    • When you think about achieving a big goal, what are the thoughts that run through your mind? Do you feel motivation or a sense of dread? Is your self-talk positive or negative?

    • Do you believe you can be successful? Do you believe you can be highly successful? What’s stopping you from being the most successful person you know?

  1. Failing to get expert advice. Whether you want to make $100 million, swim the English Channel, or learn how to waltz, there are people that have accomplished those very things. It only makes sense to get their assistance.

  2. Taking shortcuts. The key to reaching your goals faster is to work harder and smarter. However, trying to skip steps can lead to disaster. Success is accomplished one step at a time.

  3. Sticking to methods that aren’t working. Be attached to your outcome, but avoid being attached to the process. Your first guess on how to achieve your goal probably won’t be correct. Change your plan if you’re not getting the results you want. Use what works and discard what doesn’t.

  4. Fear. Fear can show itself in many ways. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of how your friends and family will treat you if you’re successful. Fear of approaching new customers. Fear of criticism.

    • Determining the source of your fear will make it easier to overcome. What are you afraid of and why?

    • Less obvious symptoms of fear include fatigue, procrastination, forgetfulness, and a lack of motivation.

Be clear on your objective and be willing to put in the necessary time and effort. Address any limiting beliefs and fears before they become an issue. The stumbling blocks to success can be overcome or avoided. Ensure your success by educating yourself about the potential barriers in your way.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Believing in the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

“To shift your life in a desired direction, you must powerfully shift your subconscious.” ― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Your Subconscious Mind’s Power

optimismWhether you like it or not, your subconscious mind is the boss of you. Even when you make a conscious decision to go after something you want, it’s your subconscious that determines whether you’ll take consistent action to get it!

Once you understand how your subconscious works, you can be in touch with yourself on a deep level. You’ll have the keys to living an abundant, fulfilling life, and all you’ll need to do is unlock that door.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Your mind is similar to an iceberg. The conscious mind is like the part of the iceberg that you can see above the surface. But the bulk of the mind – the subconscious – is below the surface where you can’t see.

There are certain thoughts and processes that go on inside your mind that you may not be aware of on a conscious level, such as beliefs, instincts, and memories. Everything you’ve ever seen or heard is sitting somewhere in your subconscious, affecting your current thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Communicating with the subconscious mind is a popular topic in the realms of self-help and psychoanalysis. This is because getting to the core of your beliefs by tapping into the subconscious is the fastest way to implement desired changes in your life.

The Power of Beliefs

Your subconscious mind contains a vast amount of information. It’s more than your conscious mind could ever handle. Sometimes you might just have a “feeling” about something and then find out that the “feeling” was right on target. In many cases, it’s your subconscious mind that sends you such signals.

Surely you’ve heard, “If you believe it, you can do it.” This truism is a fact because of the great power of your subconscious. A belief can light a fire under you and enable you to do things that you never consciously thought were possible.

This is why just believing in the power of the subconscious mind can allow you to better communicate with it.

The alternative is to continue following base instincts. Following your instincts can be a good thing, but what if one of your instincts is a fear of public places? It would be in your best interest to learn how to communicate with yourself.

Beyond Belief

Believing in the power of your subconscious is the first step to living the life you desire. When you do, you can move on with your self-help ventures and personal development plans. Surely you have talents you’d like to further develop, positive qualities you’d like to strengthen, and challenges you’d like to overcome. You can do all these things by tapping into your subconscious.

You can even use your communications with the subconscious mind to correct larger issues, like fears, or eliminate negative habits, like smoking or emotional eating. When you get to the core of an issue in your subconscious, you can change it. The possibilities are endless!

How Do You Communicate With Your Subconscious Mind?

There are several techniques you can use to effectively communicate with your subconscious mind and enable the changes you desire.

One popular method is the use of hypnosis. You can either employ the services of a counselor trained in hypnosis or use self-hypnosis techniques. You can even find CDs and videos that will guide you completely through a hypnosis session.

Under hypnosis, rather than being asleep, you’re in a state of heightened awareness. Many of the inhibitions of your conscious mind will subside while the subconscious comes to the forefront. When you’re in this state, you’re open to suggestions. If you give yourself positive suggestions, you’ll make positive progress.

You can also communicate with the subconscious by consistently reading, listening to recordings of positive mantras, and repeating affirmations. Not only can you use these positive statements to affirm and bring out the best in you, but you can also replace negative thinking and doubt with positive images and beliefs. Check your local bookstore and online for a plethora of affirmation resources.

Just remain aware of your innermost thoughts and you’ll be better able to keep in touch with your subconscious. Always be truthful with yourself, follow your heart, and most important of all, have a firm belief in yourself!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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