Boost Your Attitude for Success

“Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.” ― Rodolfo Costa, Advice My Parents Gave Me: and Other Lessons I Learned from My Mistakes

You Attitude Controls Your Success Altitude

positive attitudeYour attitude about life is one of the most important factors for success. A bad attitude gets you nowhere, while a good one can provide you with enough motivation to succeed beyond your dreams.

You may think that you already have a success-mindset, and perhaps you do. However, you can always benefit from strengthening that attitude and therefore increasing your chances for the success you deserve.

Follow these strategies for improving your attitude for success:

1. Find your inspiration. Discover what inspires you the most and use it to jumpstart your motivation whenever you go. Feeling inspired enables you to maintain the drive necessary to find success. Do anything you can within your power to find inspiration.

* Make a list of your ultimate dreams, and then ask yourself if you’re on the right path. If you are, you’ll know that everything you’re doing will be rewarded.

* If you don’t feel like you’re on the right path, perhaps it’s time for a change. Maybe there’s a deeper reason why you’ve felt a lack of motivation. Reflect on what this reason might be, and then decide on how you can renew your drive. When you’re on the right journey, you’ll feel inspired!

2. Surround yourself with positive people. When you’re around positive and inspiring people, you’re more likely to adopt those traits into your own personality and go for your goals with enthusiasm. Negative people, on the other hand, tend to make you negative also.

* If you must be around people that continually bring you down, do your best to avoid taking what they say to heart. You know that they don’t speak the truth. Keep the peace as best as you can to get through these situations and then move on.


Doing nothing gets you nothing


3. Take a leap. The best way to improve your attitude might be to just jump right into life. Don’t be afraid to take initiative and plunge forward towards your goals. People who take action find success. If you take action and start to see the results of your efforts, your attitude will only improve.

* The increased drive and motivation you get from your actions can be the difference between success and failure.

4. Strengthen your focus. Your focus can also play a role in your attitude. When you maintain driven toward success, it’s easier to have an optimistic attitude. If you have a lack of focus and don’t know where you’re going, it leads to being unmotivated and uncaring.

5. Allow for mistakes. You’re only human and you will make mistakes from time to time. Be careful to avoid judging yourself harshly when this happens, as it negatively affects your self-confidence. If you work on more of a “go with the flow” attitude, you’ll find that you’re able to pick yourself back up and continue moving forward when you do make a mistake.

The main things to keep in mind are that the combo of inspiration, positive thoughts, and proper motivation can lead you to a healthy and positive attitude. Follow these strategies daily and you’ll notice a boost in your spirits!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Believing in Yourself Through the Toughest Times

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” ― C. JoyBell C.

Believing In Yourself Powers You Through Tough Times

Today is a perfect day ...Your mindset will determine your level of success, or lack thereof. A positive mindset can empower you to abolish hurdles before they become too challenging.

It may be difficult to believe in yourself when everything around you seems to be crumbling into pieces, but keeping faith is the only way to trudge through the hard times and see yourself clear to better days.

Try these strategies to help you remain steadfast when you’re feeling the pressure of tough times:

1. Reflect on the past. Surely you’ve encountered seemingly insurmountable situations in the past. How have you succeeded in the most unpleasant scenarios? Clearly, your ability to overcome these situations speaks loudly for your strength and abilities.

  •  In some situations, you may be able to emulate your past solutions by adapting them to fit your current situation. Other times, you’ll be able to learn what not to do from past trials and tribulations.
  • The past needn’t dictate your future. It’s possible to reflect without working up old, unresolved feelings. This is a positive exercise. If you begin to feel negative emotions, move onto another technique, which can help you increase self-confidence in your abilities.

2. Act immediately. Rather than retreating into your personal cocoon when a situation becomes intimidating, address it immediately. The longer you allow a situation to sit without attention, the more urgent it will become. A perfect example is debt.

  •  Avoid cornering yourself with urgency by creating a proactive plan now. Or, better yet, have a just-in-case plan before the event ever happens. It’s okay to take a few hours to create a plan of attack. But, if you’re still brainstorming weeks from today, you may be stalling.
  •  Only you can be the source of a solution. You are in charge of managing your life and ensuring its success. Take pride in this power. After all, you’re free – no one commands you! Your life is what you make it. And you can use your power to start off on the right foot each and every day.

3. Believe it. You will make it through. You’ve found your way out of a tough situation before. You’ll do it now and again sometime in the future. There is always a way to get your head above the water – always. You’ll get better at it once you gain experience.

  •  You have a fan base of supporters. Your children, spouse, and extended family are cheering you on every day. Chances are that no one doubts your abilities the way you do. In fact, they have faith in your abilities because you’ve proven your strength time and time again.
  •  As Bernice Johnson Reagon once said, “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”
  •  Now is as good of a time as any to show yourself what you’re made of. Confirm to yourself that you’re as strong and tenacious as you suspect yourself to be.

Everyone encounters hard times – it’s simply a part of life. And a very major part of how you will address these hard times is dependent on your mindset and your ability to believe in yourself, even throughout the toughest of times.

Your mindset can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you allow your mindset to shift into negative territory, you’ll end up with negative results. Remember, you attract the energy you exude!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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8 Ways to Boost Your Optimism

“Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Boost Your Optimism

optimism3Your outlook in life is so important, and yet many people never give it much thought. If you’re optimistic, you’ll open doors for yourself and lead a happy life. However, with a negative mindset, you could end up in places that you never intended to be. This isn’t some fairytale ideal; it’s absolutely true!

Being optimistic might seem like a large task, but there are simple things you can do to improve your outlook. If you practice each day, you’ll be doing yourself a great favor, since your mindset is the very foundation for achieving success and fulfillment.

Here are some easy techniques you can use to boost your optimism:

1. Avoid getting hung up on one thing. Sometimes you may feel like there’s one situation that’s holding you back. Maybe there’s just one thing that has seemingly ruined your day. Resolve to let it go so it doesn’t bother you anymore. After all, there’s a whole world out there just waiting for you to experience!

2. Remember that there’s always a silver lining. If you’re having a bad week, it’s not a reason to let negativity cloud your thinking. Seek the silver lining in every challenging situation. Remember that setbacks often occur right before you reach success.

3. Get over the past. Remember that the past is the past; it doesn’t need to keep repeating itself. In fact, if you keep recalling the past, you are the one taking it with you into your future. Learn how to let it go no matter how painful it might have been. The future can be filled with great things, but a great future can only start when you’ve come to terms with your past.

4. Be thankful. Make a list of all the things you’re thankful for in your life. Include even the smallest things, like the lucky penny you found on the street or the loving hug your partner gave you today. You’ll most likely end up with a long list that you can look to whenever you feel like you’re slipping into negativity.

5. Use positive affirmations. Nothing brings out optimism like the use of affirmations. These positive statements bring optimistic energy into your present. They are a way of communicating with your subconscious mind so you can maintain control over how you feel. Use them every day and every time you need a boost of positivity.

6. Surround yourself with positive people. Humans are social beings that can feel the energy of others. Have fun with positive and supportive friends and family members. Just being around positive people can lift you up when you’re feeling down.

7. Watch your language. Do you speak positively to yourself and others, or are you judgmental and negative? Try to shift over to only positive speech. Practice using upbeat words while you focus on the positive in every situation.

8. Remember that even a positive life has ups and downs. Life won’t always be perfect, but there are many ways you can still make the best of it. Accept the fact that bad things will happen from time to time, but avoid dwelling on these things. You’ll bounce back if you remain open to optimism.

In the end, you’ll find that simple things can boost your optimism. You don’t need to wait for some grand opportunity; just open your eyes to the beauty of the world around you and you’ll see wonderful things!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Self-confidence Secrets

“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Secrets To Gaining Self-confidence

confident catWhen entering unfamiliar situations, most people feel a little bit shy. There are some people though that have such a low value of self-esteem that they cannot function when they are in strange or unfamiliar circumstances. They really need to work on their self-confidence levels so that they can move forward as well as explore other areas of interest in their lives. Here are some ideas that can help these people gain self-confidence. Pass them along to those people that could use them as well as using them yourself to boost your own self-confidence.

The first thing to do is to get to know yourself. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses will help you to deal with other people effectively. When you know your positive strengths, you can connect with others socially a bit more easily. By discovering your strengths and using them, you can offer others more than just your good company.

You need to step outside of your comfort zone as well. Staying where we are most familiar is very comfortable. If you don’t push your limits, however you will stagnate and people may not want to be with you. Get out and meet new people and try new things. Join new groups and develop new skills. By doing these thing you will find that your confidence levels increase and you will also discover new ways to express yourself.

By completing the things on your “To do” list will help your confidence. Start with the simple things that are easy to complete. As you cross them off of you’re list you will realize that you are good and can accomplish things by yourself. You don’t have to rely on others which will move you out of their shadows and into the light. Finishing things by yourself will also help build up your reputation as a “doer” which will also boost your self-confidence.

You need to appreciate the person you are. Understand what makes you unique and figure out how to use these traits. Somethings that you may feel are annoying may actually be acceptable to some people. When you are confident with who you are and the skills that you have then you will be moving towards gaining the self-esteem that you have always desired. Use the traits and characteristics you have to your advantage.

Remember to love yourself, by doing that you can accept yourself and this will help you to build your self-confidence to new and higher levels.

To your success
Michael W

Michael W


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Do You Have These 6 Limiting Beliefs?

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

6 Limiting Beliefs That You Should Change Today

go do somethingWhen we are kids there is no such thing as a limiting belief. Everything is possible. There’s a fat guy that brings us presents once a year. There are superheros that fly around with capes fighting crime. And becoming a professional wrestler is a legitimate career option. But then something curious happens.

The world begins to tell us otherwise. Somewhere around 11 or 12 years old we begin to see the boxes shaping that society would like us to fit in. The fat man in the red suit is long gone. Superheros are now for kids. And wearing a suit and tie is suddenly a better option than the wrestling outfit. These boxes our so drilled into our culture that most of the time we forget to even ask if they’re real boxes or not. Are they there? Or are they made up by someone else? These boxes are limiting beliefs, and they don’t have to be your reality just because they are someone else’s. These are six limiting beliefs that you should change today.


I am not smart enough.

Yes you are. You’ve just had someone or something lead you to believe otherwise. Sure, we all have some sort of genetic level of intelligence that has been gifted to us. But that represents a very small margin of our overall intelligence. Being “smart” is a product of learning, studying and practicing a small handful of things, and becoming the best you can be at them. When you become really good at just a few things, you become incredibly valuable to a person or a company that needs those talents. You don’t have to be a genius. You just have to be the smartest guy or girl in the room at something. I’m too inexperienced.

So is everyone else. Some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world are in their 20′s. They were young and ambitious enough to not care if they had experience or not. The only way you gain experience is to jump in with both feet, and being inexperienced is a blessing. You get to approach problems with a naive eye, which can lead to solutions that more experienced people wouldn’t have thought of. Own your inexperience, and know that creativity and hard work will make up for what you lack in years.

It’s too late for me.

Some of the most popular authors in history never wrote a novel until they were in their 60′s or older. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs never tasted success until they failed well into their 40′s or later. The only time it’s too late for you is when you’re six feet under. If you’re not there yet, it’s not too late. Start now.

I can’t be happy until…

You can’t be happy until you stop thinking like this, and just choose to be happy. If you allow your happiness to depend on an object or a person, you are letting something outside of your control dictate your happiness. Take that control back. You will wake up happy every single day when you wake up grateful for what you do have, instead of wanting something more. It is a choice. Choose happiness.

This is who I am.

This is who you are…this very second. Who you are a minute, a day, a year from now has yet to be decided. We are evolving beings, constantly being shaped by our experiences, our knowledge (see point #1), the people around us, and our approach to growth. Who I am today is very different from who I was a year ago, and dramatically different from who I was 10 years ago. Much like happiness, you can choose to allow your life and experiences to wash over your, leaving you much the same. Or you can choose to allow them to shape you, to drive you into the next and better version of yourself.

I’m too busy.

I’m too busy…to workout…to start my side business…to give my time…to be a parent. No excuse in the world has been used more than “I’m too busy” and it’s the biggest scapegoat ever invented. If you truly believe you are too busy to pursue your dreams, ask yourself what time you wake up. Ask yourself how much time you spend on social media. Ask yourself how much time you spend clicking refresh on your email. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching your favorite television shows. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching the evening news or reading your favorite websites. When we are honest with ourselves, we realize we are not too busy. We just haven’t made our dreams a priority in our schedule.

The boxes we are nudged into by society are invented by someone else. The people in this world that find enormous success, incredible happiness, and love the lives they live recognize that these boxes are not real. They shatter these boxes, and all of the sudden the world is a wide open playground, ready to be explored. The boxes are limiting beliefs. But they are only limiting if you believe they are there. That can change today.

Michael W

Michael W



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