Stop Procrastination and Find Solutions

Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking, the result is that they never reach a decision.” ― Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

If you want to be successful in life you need to find the solutions to your problems. Many people procrastinate to such an extent that they stop advancing in life. A life coach can help you to overcome your procrastination habit.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Life Success Coaching: 3 Effective Ways to Stop Procrastination and Find Solutions to Your Problems – Jeffrey T. Sooey

People tend to procrastinate for the following reasons: fear, lack of desire and motivation and inability to prioritize. These are the common things that hinder us to get what we want in life. Life success coaching won’t help your clients if they don’t want to make a firm decision to commit on the process of changing themselves into a better person. Don’t let your clients live their lives behind the walls they have built, help them to set free from worries and teach them how to make their dreams come true. Let them understand that procrastination would only make their lives unhappy and miserable that’s why they should learn to work on it while the opportunity knocks.

To Believe Is to Conquer, Procrastination Is All in the Mind and in Your Emotions

As a coach, you have to determine first the root cause behind the procrastination of your client. Procrastination is something that can be cured if treated right. Now, the question is how are you going to do that? Life success coaching won’t guarantee any good results if you don’t trust the system or the whole process from the beginning up to the end. Build trust between you and your client and start asking them the reasons why they keep on holding back. Once you know the reason, formulate a plan that will help them overcome those hindrances. Give them a reason to believe on the possibility of reaching their goals in life. Make that as a key to keep their desires on the right track which can pull them up towards achieving their dreams and aspirations in the long run.

As a Coach You Need to Set Your Client’s Goal into a Good Motivation

When you want something, it is expected that you will do anything to get it. You can actually use that to make your client cooperate with you along the process of what we call life success coaching. Once you help them put up their focus right towards their goal then you, as their coach, will no longer have a hard time telling them to do this and that. Sometimes, your client just needs a little push to get them moving on the road. Use their emotions as an influential tool to bring their head in the game and effectively avoid distractions like procrastination.

Life Success Coaching Requires You to Provide a Solution to Your Client’s Problems

Inability to prioritize your goals is something that leads to procrastination. If your client believes in you and his capability to get the goal you have to help them reach their final destination on their quest to achieve their goals. Show them the right way to take by giving them a good life success coaching. It’s a step by step process and each step that they make is an opportunity to help them. You are paid to be their coach and that is an enough reason to give your best shot on your coaching career.


About the Author

Jeffrey T. Sooey is the CEO of JTS Advisors and the founder of Coaches Training Blog community.

Helps new and developing coaches with coaching skills and client acquisition by training and mentoring them in good coaching, sales, and marketing best practices.

Works with employers on eliminating hiring mistakes and implementing best practices in hiring employees commensurate with the job attributes.

Partners with executives on growing business and working with employees by combining forces, clarifying goals and articulating strategic plans.

Powerful Words When Life Coaching

If not now, when?” – Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

Life coaches ask lots of questions to help you to find your blocks and develop those areas that are holding you back from being successful.

Here are 7 words that coaches should be using and what you should be asking yourself.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky


The seven most powerful words in Coaching by Jaco Beukes

Seven small words are so powerful, it can and will change your life!

There are not many words that have the power to unlock possibilities and help people fulfill their potential. But these seven words are crucial to any coach or ambitious person’s toolkit. If you know how to use them effectively, they can be a brush in your hand in front of an open canvas. However, if you use them incorrectly they will create a barrier between you and the person you work with…

Coaching requires many questions to be asked to the person you work with, and this is an art! Before discussing particular effective words, I want to share a few thoughts on questioning itself. This is to ensure that the environment in which the questions are asked is optimised…

1. Know why you are asking specific questions. Your aim is to help clients think through their circumstances and generate possibilities that will help them to reach their goals. This means that you do not need to know everything and should not ask questions to merely satisfy your own curiosity, but rather to help them come up with what will help them move forward.

2. Make sure that you establish good rapport with your clients before you start with in-depth questioning. If in-depth questions are asked before a suitable level of rapport has been established, your questions may actually cause the client to close off instead of open up.

3. Always ask open questions, questions that cannot be answered with only a “yes” or “no”.

4. Really listen to the speaker, do not use the time to think of what you’ll say next. Let them determine the direction of the conversation.

Once you have created rapport and the right context, the following seven questioning words can be particularly powerful: what, why, how, when, where, who and if. Let’s look at each in turn:


This is probably the word that any good coach will use most frequently. It could be used to elicit information, help clients to think through the possible consequences of their actions and assist them in defining their goal. A very strong addition to what is the little word ‘else’. By asking what else continuously, clients are helped to generate countless possibilities from which they could then choose the most appropriate action.


This word should be approached with caution. If it is used wrongly, someone might react defensively, e.g. why did you do that? These questions will then form a barrier between the coach and the client. It is therefore much better to change into a “what” question, e.g. what were the consequences of this action? Or what made you decide to take this action? However, when used to test or increase motivation, why-questions can be very effective. For instance when someone talks about their goal and you want to help them to make it into a strong and compelling reason to follow their dream, ask: why do you want this so much?


This word could help people to take action, by thinking through the steps they will need to take to turn their dreams into reality. Asking a question like: how will you go about achieving your goal? will help clients to think through the actions they need to take next. Another powerful how-question would be to ask: how will you know when you’ve reached your goal? This question will help clients to become very clear on what needs to happen and what specific elements are required. This will make it easier for them to recognise when they have achieved their goal.


This word can be used to achieve two major outcomes. Firstly it can help people to find out who they can ask to support them or who could help them reach their goals. Secondly a who-question could help clients to realise their own responsibility for achieving their goals. This question, whose responsibility is this, can help clients to really take ownership of what needs to be done. This could be a powerful experience for clients when they really take ownership of the goals for their life.


This word is used to help clients see possibilities and unlock their creativity, e.g. if you were to do this, what would happen? If you knew the answer, what would you say? If a miracle happened and everything was how you would like it to be, what would your life look like?


After someone has decided on their action plan, this word is probably the most effective word that could be used. This word transforms dreams into goals. The word “when” can change an idea into a specific action. When someone has made plans and seem excited about doing it, just ask: when will you do this?


Although this question is not often used, it could be a real gem, especially when it is asked not to determine a specific place, but rather a direction or consequence. For instance asking someone: where will this lead? Could help them to realise the consequences or possibilities of their actions and could motivate them to take action as soon as possible. So, if you asked this question after someone said they would clean their garden, they could respond with the following answers: I will not be embarrassed to have friends over anymore; I may even invite my neighbours over… I think we could actually become good friends… This question could thus generate a lot of possibilities and subsequent excitement about the future.

These seven words are powerful, they could change your practise and they could help to change people’s lives. So use them with precision and care and see how they will help people to unlock their amazing potential.


Author: Jaco Beukes – Personal Performance and Life Coach

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Do You Compromise In Your Life?

The future depends on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi

At some point in our lives we have all compromised. We do things that we really didn’t want to do. The past is past, but we can change our future.

The article below outlines some things we can do to reverse this action in the future.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

You can also view posts on life coaching at

Michael Wilkovesky

How To Stop Compromising – by Matthew Ferry

Do you find yourself always saying ‘yes’ to other people’s requests? Are you up to your eyes doing errands for others because you just cannot turn them down and say ‘no’? Looking back on your life and the decisions you made in the past, Have you pursued a path – career or personal – that was different from what you wanted simply because that’s what was expected of you? If you answered yes to the above then you, and several hundreds of thousands of people in this world, have a stronger than normal desire to please others over yourself. It is a common ‘malady’ (for lack of a better term) that, if kept unchecked, may lead to dissatisfaction later life. However, there is a way to control the urge to please – and the first step towards being liberated from this desire is to understand its roots. To be aware of how it started. Once this has been identified, the next steps would be easier to do.

Wanting to constantly please everyone may have reared its head during your teenage years. Not during childhood – as most children seem to want to do the opposite of what’s expected of them. Its during the critical prepubescent and teenage period that fitting in – or being with the in-crowd becomes very important. At this stage, you probably did things simply because you wanted others (the cheerleaders, the varsity team, the cliquish group) to like you. Never mind if it’s not who you are – what mattered most (at that time) was that you were well liked. And somehow, this erroneous belief continued well through your collegiate years, and on to your professional career.

Now that you are aware of the root of this “pleasing” issue, you would be in control and have more power to say ‘no’ to requests where you (normally) would have compromised on what you want, in order to be ‘liked’ or simply to please someone (or everyone).

What do you do now, about the compromises you have done in the past? Well, it’s no use crying over spilled milk so the best alternative is to accept that you have compromised on some aspects of your life, and to try to find a silver lining in the cloud of ‘regret’. Try to find a hidden benefit or value that you have gained by making those so-called ‘wrong choices’. Surely you benefited out of it – somehow. You may have learned a new skill, discovered something valuable about yourself, made new friends – identify these. No matter how small, or seemingly insignificant these may be – these helped shape you to be the person you are now – and that’s important.

There’s a French proverb that states: “The art of pleasing is the art of deceiving” and it is true: you deceive them, and yourself. So put an end to this vicious cycle of wanting to please others before yourself. Be aware of the root, be aware that you can say ‘no’, and be aware of the benefits your past actions have given you. Once you become aware of these, you’ll learn to be flexible and soon new horizons and other options will arise that will strengthen and empower you.


Matthew Ferry a Life Coach,The Life Coaching Company Matthew Ferry International offers life coaching programs, law of attraction and dozens of training products and seminars relating to the law of attraction to help you find your passion and love your life.


A Life Coach Can Help You to Produce Great Results

The very things we wish to avoid, neglect and flee from turn out to be the ‘prima materia’ from which all real growth comes.” – Andrew Harvey

Many top production brokers and real estate agents use or have used a life coach.

The article below gives some reasons why these top producers felt the need to have a life coach guide them in their success.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Why Top Producers Achieve Stellar Results With Life Coaching – by Life Coaching Expert

When you meet those top producing brokers and realtors who seem to have it all – you know what I am talking about – those people who have a great life, great vacations, loving family relationships, sweet investments and luck on top of all that, you might look further and see that person in a life coaching program. Top producers who are committed to having a fulfilling experience in life may have gotten some of the wind beneath their wings in a life coach program.

Now, many of the top salespeople I have worked with don’t care about having a fulfilling experience. They care about winning. They care about awards. They care about the juice, the next sale, the win. But then what happens to their lives?

After coaching 8,273 salespeople, with many top producing realtors among them, I began to see the ‘the win at all costs’ mentality. And I began to notice others who win and experience fulfillment in other areas of their lives as well. What a difference.

Top sales people who focus only on the wins, the next deal, the bigger deal, often find themselves out of touch with the very aspect of their lives that they told themselves they were winning for.

Top sales people often find they win the deals at the expense of their family. They are winning but are they really losing touch with their children or their family? Or have they forgotten about health? Or maybe they are winning but their emotional life is a wreck.

Now, a top producer can take comfort in the glory of the win. Except when winning costs the experiences of family, of joy, of travel, of spiritual growth – then it can be a bittersweet victory.

I would like to bring to you another entirely amazing side of humanity. Top salespeople who want it all can indeed begin to experience life that is completely and wholly successful – because these individuals stop and recognize that being a great producing broker and a terrible dad is a hollow victory. And it wouldn’t be much fun to be a great sales person in the hospital on the second triple bypass heart surgery.

What if instead a life coach could help you achieve victory across many different aspects of yourself? Nearly all great sales people who experience life to the very fullest take advantage of life coaching. Here is what I want to share with you today. When you get everything into balance, when you are working on every aspect of your life, it’s as if you have a magic wand that enables you to get things done that other people cannot possibly get done. You can accomplish a lot more in much shorter periods of time.

People who live in balance achieve at an extremely intensified rate. When other people put in one and receive one, those individuals who are firing on every level of their being – mental, physical, spiritual, financial, all of the areas of value in their lives – can actually put in one ounce of ‘effort’ to receive 10 times the results. When you are operating on all cylinders, you will feel completely at ease and in control – as you embrace more success than you have ever experienced. This is why life coaching is taking off. Work on your entire life, and experience results across all of the disciplines. It’s worth the trip.


About the Author

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course of Matthew Ferry.

Are You Distracted and Can’t be Productive?

The very things we wish to avoid, neglect and flee from turn out to be the ‘prima materia’ from which all real growth comes.” – Andrew Harvey

We all want to be more productive I our lives but we sometimes don’t quite know how to change our patterns to achieve this goal.

The article below offers some productivity tips.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Life Coach Tip: Struggling with Productivity? Remove the Distractions – by Brian Osher

Do you ever wonder why some people are so much more productive than other people? Do you struggle with your ability to get enough done? Do you have to-do lists that just remain to-do lists instead of becoming already done lists? Are you constantly in search of the magic secret of how to get things done?

For many of us, the answer to all of these questions is YES! Personally speaking, I had struggled with my own productivity battles for many years. I spent countless hours searching for the best and most effective productivity tools and techniques. Of all of the tips and information that I dug up, there were two things that I decided to focus on and see if it would make a significant difference in my results.

The first thing that I knew that I had to do was to COMMIT to becoming a more productive person. This is the most important step in any goal that you aim to achieve or in any lifestyle change that you want to make. Before anything else, you have to make a firm decision to make that change and commit to it at all costs. If you can truly do that, then half of the battle is already won. Always ask yourself if this goal is worth achieving or if this lifestyle change is worth making. If the answer is yes – commit to it!

The second thing that I decided to commit to doing was to remove all potential distractions when it was time to work and get things done. This alone has made a greater impact on my productivity that anything else that I’ve tried. By removing the distractions during my work time, I am now able to stay focused and as a result, get much more done in a shorter period of time. Here’s how I did it:

Tips for Removing and Managing Distractions

1.Identify the little things that keep you from focusing on your work

I wrote out an honest list of everything that would potentially distract me while I was working. For me, those things included: Incoming emails, texts, instant messages, phone calls, random web searches, kid interruptions, and even playing my guitar.

2. Create a checklist of your typical distractions and keep that list in your work are

Keeping this list in front of you will serve as a reminder that you need to stay focused. Review your list each time you sit down to work and take the necessary actions to prevent those distractions before they come up. In my case, I would close my email, instant messenger, internet, turn off my phone, etc. By doing this, I was making a conscious decision to avoid the distractions. Eventually, taking these action steps became a habit and it is now just the way that I work, without even thinking about it.

3. Schedule your work times as well as your break times

This is a key component to staying focused. Schedule both work shifts and distraction breaks into your day. Depending on what I am working on, I will typically schedule myself for hour-long shifts. I will commit to “focused” work for about fifty minutes at a time, and then I’ll take a ten to fifteen minute break before starting again. During that break time, I will do things like check email, answer texts, etc. The key here is to put a time limit on your breaks and put off the non-urgent things that come up until after I’ve finished working for the day.

4. Get Others On Board

I discovered that it makes a big difference when those around you understand and respect your dedicated work time. If those people who might normally distract you understand the importance of not bothering you while you’re working, they will tend to leave you alone. This is an essential step, whether you work at home or in an office. In my case, my family knows that if my office door is shut, that I am not available for anything less than an emergency. They understand and respect my commitment to being productive and they know that I’ll be on a short break soon enough, at which point they can have my attention. Tip: If have a hard time convincing others to let you work, try making a bold “Do Not Disturb” sign and put it on your door or on your desk. They’ll get the hint!

5. Keep Practicing!

Becoming productive is a skill. All skills require practice and repetition in order to excel at them. Stay with it at all costs. If you find yourself slipping and easily becoming distracted, re-focus on your commitment and your strategy and get back to work. Eventually, it will become easier and easier to stay focused.

What strategies do you use to stay focused on your work? What do you do when you notice that you’re focusing more on your distractions than on the tasks that matter most? What has worked for you? What hasn’t worked for you? As always, I encourage you to share your thoughts with me and with our readers. Your input might just help somebody else to move forward in their life. We’re all in this together!


Brian Osher is a certified Life Coach and motivational blogger, specializing in personal productivity, life balance, and limitless transition. He is a natural motivator and has a passion for helping others make meaningful strides in their lives. His motivational blog, “Gaining Ground” offers Life Coach tips and techniques, as well as a healthy dose of purposeful motivation that will help you to move forward in your life. Visit and sign up for a free session


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