Achieve Your Life’s Desires

The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

How To Achieve Whatever You Desire In Life by benla

image5According to Yue Fei, “Do not let a day pass without accomplishing something. Otherwise you will regret it when your hair turns gray.” You can only achieve financial success with peace of mind by being disciplined, steady and constant in holding to the right principles. A life without definite plan to financial freedom is useless, and having a well-conceived plan is not enough to transform your dreams to physical realities, but the determination you put to it is what gives that dream a value.

Your dreams to financial success starts with goal setting and may sometimes require you to spend the necessary time to gather information, outline the necessary steps to achieve that goal, develop a workable timeline and take the right steps to reach your financial success. Do you have a plan to reach your financial goals? Why do many people have dreams that are never fulfilled? What steps must you take to achieve your financial success in life? Can you achieve financial success in your career or vocation without a viable goal? Can you acquire enormous wealth in life without sustained action, commitment and focus to make that dream a reality?

It was Lee Maranz, one of American most successful franchisers who said, “If you have a strong belief in yourself, in what you are doing, and what you want to do, no adversity is too difficult to overcome.” Many people desire financial success in life without the commitment to reach that goal. Achieving your financial success may sometimes require you to work on yourself to understand and overcome the sources of your fears toward success. It is difficult to achieve financial success if you are afraid of the challenges that come with it. Many people stand on their own way to financial success. These people want to succeed but do not believe in success. Many of such people will acquire wealth and later sabotage it because they were not prepared for it.If you are serious about achieving financial in life, you must first get serious in dealing with the sources of your fears towards success.

Sometimes you may require support or coaching to know the sources of your negative beliefs towards success. And if you think you do not require extra support or coaching and you want to make the same mistakes over and over again, don’t expect any better results.

If you also desire to achieve the financial success you desire, then, it is time to get up and work. Be opened to the new insights that will assist you to achieve financial success. The resources you need to create some awareness about the possible sources of your fears and to acquire some new behaviours that will attract financial success to your life can be found in my award-winning motivational books, “SUCCESS IS NOW; and SECRETS TO EVERLASTING RICHES. “They are guarantees for your financial breakthrough and prosperity in life. They will surely transform your life from poverty to everlasting success with peace of mind.

And if you want to achieve that success you ever desire, make today the day you stop giving excuses for your past failures. Decide upon a definite plan now and how you are going to achieve that plan. Write it down. Commit it to memory. Decide exactly when you want to achieve that goal.

Then begin to put your plan to action because your future is what you make it.


Ben is a world’s Famous Internet and Business Consultant. More articles at



Decisive Decision-making

“A weak man has doubts before a decision; a strong man has them afterwards.”

-Karl Kraus German philosopher (1781 – 1832)

If you want to be successful in today’s world you need to be able to make decisions easily and decisively.

The article below sets out some methods to make decisive decisions. A life coach can help you to overcome the problems that yo may have in this area of your life.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and your motivation, and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Success Demands Decisive Decisions – by Ken Keis

image4Every day we are all faced with numerous decisions. Some decisions are mundane, such what we are going to wear; other decisions are life-changing or life-threatening.

As a society we celebrate others’ abilities to make decisions quickly. Could you imagine having indecisive firefighters, police, doctors, and airline pilots? Of course not!

But every day, we meet individuals who not only frustrate us; they lose credibility with us when they can’t make a decision.

If you want to be successful and a leader individuals will follow and respect, you MUST have the quality and character of being decisive AND of making a decision, period. By the way, was that last statement written in a decisive manner?

Everyone reading this article is a leader. Yes, everyone! You are a leader at some level with someone. It could be at home as a significant other and/or parent. It could be at work, as a volunteer. And certainly, you are responsible for the leadership of your own life-fulfillment and your purpose. Your success is linked to your ability to make decisions. No exceptions!

In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill conducts analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced significant failure. Lack of decision was one of the major causes.

Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is something almost all of us must overcome.

And one more dynamic of decision-making must be mentioned:

“Successful individuals (everyone I reviewed) had the habit of reaching decisions promptly, and changing these decisions slowly. People who fail to be successful, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions very slowly, if at all, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.” Napoleon Hill

Your success is dependent on your ability to make decisions and your ability to stand by them and not go back often to change them. This does not mean you will never reverse a decision but, if you do, frequently, you will not be respected or trusted by others. They will just wait for you to change your mind, again!

You cannot be a decisive decision-maker if your decisions are mostly based on public opinion. Yes, we all should seek feedback and others’ opinions at times, but if you can only make decisions when influenced by others, you will have no desire of your own.

Every group of individuals will have some kind of opinion. But opinions are a cheap commodity. If you run your life via committee, you are destined for disaster. Decisions in the end must always come from the decision-maker. You must be able to keep your own counsel and be clear about your values, be confident in your decisions, and be healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically to make decisive decisions.

Example. Just under a year ago I was elected to the board of our children’s private school. I must admit we inherited a mess. The previous board would not make any difficult decisions. They procrastinated. They wanted to be liked and popular instead of leaders called upon to make decisive decisions. The result was moral, emotional, and financial bankruptcy.

The new board (all but one of the previous board resigned) is a decisive decision-making group. To save the school meant making difficult and, in some cases, very unpopular decisions including laying off staff, firing incompetent staff, and changing the entire way the school was being lead. If we had listened to popular opinion, we would not have made those difficult decisions — and would no longer have a school.

Of course, the individuals with the loudest negative opinions left our school. But we stood by our decisions. No popular opinions were going to change what we felt was the right leadership decision. Our group did our research, gathered the facts and reviewed them, then decided, quickly.

The results have been miraculous. The atmosphere in the entire school has never been more positive. The staff communicates and cares for one another and is supportive and open. This week the Ministry of Education auditors did a complete review of our school and stated it is one of the best that they have ever audited.

The new school situation was achieved in less than six months of decisive decisions, which overcame more than five years of procrastination, decisions by popular opinion, and simple neglect.

Being indecisive drains your energy and leaves you weak, both emotionally and physically. A mind-made-up brings tremendous extra energy and power.

So how decisive are you? Has your success been compromised by your indecision or decisions that you make and change quickly?

If I asked your close colleagues and friends, what would they say about this characteristic in you?

Making decisions and being decisive is a choice. I have found in many years of coaching others that a significant percentage of individuals do not know where to start. Their whole life has been around reacting to others’ opinions and being burdened by their own lack of decisions.

If that is your case, your most important decision is to learn how to make decisions that fit you and your purpose and path.

To help you on this path, let me suggest three options.

Many individuals want to figure out the formula to make the right decision every time, but that is not a realistic objective.

  1. You want to ensure that you limit and avoid the wrong decisions. To do this, you need to make value-based decisions, not content-based decisions. You first must establish, confirm, and own your core values. If you cannot verbalize or list the core values that influence your decision-making — at once, with absolutely no hesitation — you will not be able to make consistent, decisive decisions.
  2. Your confidence level will highly influence your ability to make and keep your decisions. To maintain your position (decision), your self-worth must be strong and high.
  3. Your stress and health level with affect your ability to make sound and grounded decisions.

Many years ago, when I was introduced to CRG, three powerful assessments helped me with my decision-making abilities. If you want to improve your decisiveness, those assessments can help you, as well.

  • The Values Preference Indicator will help you determine your top values and assist you to compare the values you might think are important to those that are really important.
  • The Self-Worth Inventory will help you determine your confidence and self-esteem in six primary categories. Confidence is situational; there can be areas in your life where you are very decisive and other areas where you are not. The SWI will help you to determine this.
  • The Stress Indicator and Health Planner with take you through an evaluation of five critical health and stress areas in your life. If you can’t decide whether or not to take these assessments, what does that tell you about your decision-making?

Successful individuals, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions quickly.


This Week’s Action Steps

Demanding Decisive Decisions

  1. Lack of decision-making is one of the major causes of failure.
  2. How do you make decisions: slowly or quickly?
  3. After you make a decision, do you keep it or do you constantly change or reverse your decisions?
  4. Do you rely on others’ opinions to make your decisions or do you keep your own counsel?
  5. Are you able to make unpopular decisions and feel comfortable when you do so?
  6. Are you clear about your core values, required for decisive decisions? If not, take the Value Preference Indicator to confirm your core values.
  7. Do you doubt your decisions and constantly second-guess yourself? If so, take the Self-Worth Inventory to establish you confidence level, in six categories. Also review where you hold your ground and where you do not — and why.
  8. Is your overall health and stress level effecting your decision-making? To confirm this, take the Stress Indicator and Health Planner to establish your health and stress in five areas of your life. Determine whether your physical and mental condition is affecting your decision-making.
  9. Own the fact that your success is determined on your ability to make decisive decisions.
  10. Develop the habit of making decisions, establish your core guidelines, take your own opinion seriously, and take others; opinions second — or not at all. If you are already thinking about excuses why you can’t, I think you have a clear outline of your condition.
  11. Just do it! Get started now. There is absolutely no honor or value in procrastination.

Until next time, keep “Living On Purpose”,

Ken Keis


Ken Keis is an internationally known author, speaker, consultant, & President of CRG. Many professionals herald CRG as the # 1 global resource center for Personal/Professional Development.

For information on CRG Resources, please visit

For information on Ken’s Training and Speaking Programs, please visit

Stop Procrastination and Find Solutions

Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking, the result is that they never reach a decision.” ― Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

If you want to be successful in life you need to find the solutions to your problems. Many people procrastinate to such an extent that they stop advancing in life. A life coach can help you to overcome your procrastination habit.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Life Success Coaching: 3 Effective Ways to Stop Procrastination and Find Solutions to Your Problems – Jeffrey T. Sooey

People tend to procrastinate for the following reasons: fear, lack of desire and motivation and inability to prioritize. These are the common things that hinder us to get what we want in life. Life success coaching won’t help your clients if they don’t want to make a firm decision to commit on the process of changing themselves into a better person. Don’t let your clients live their lives behind the walls they have built, help them to set free from worries and teach them how to make their dreams come true. Let them understand that procrastination would only make their lives unhappy and miserable that’s why they should learn to work on it while the opportunity knocks.

To Believe Is to Conquer, Procrastination Is All in the Mind and in Your Emotions

As a coach, you have to determine first the root cause behind the procrastination of your client. Procrastination is something that can be cured if treated right. Now, the question is how are you going to do that? Life success coaching won’t guarantee any good results if you don’t trust the system or the whole process from the beginning up to the end. Build trust between you and your client and start asking them the reasons why they keep on holding back. Once you know the reason, formulate a plan that will help them overcome those hindrances. Give them a reason to believe on the possibility of reaching their goals in life. Make that as a key to keep their desires on the right track which can pull them up towards achieving their dreams and aspirations in the long run.

As a Coach You Need to Set Your Client’s Goal into a Good Motivation

When you want something, it is expected that you will do anything to get it. You can actually use that to make your client cooperate with you along the process of what we call life success coaching. Once you help them put up their focus right towards their goal then you, as their coach, will no longer have a hard time telling them to do this and that. Sometimes, your client just needs a little push to get them moving on the road. Use their emotions as an influential tool to bring their head in the game and effectively avoid distractions like procrastination.

Life Success Coaching Requires You to Provide a Solution to Your Client’s Problems

Inability to prioritize your goals is something that leads to procrastination. If your client believes in you and his capability to get the goal you have to help them reach their final destination on their quest to achieve their goals. Show them the right way to take by giving them a good life success coaching. It’s a step by step process and each step that they make is an opportunity to help them. You are paid to be their coach and that is an enough reason to give your best shot on your coaching career.


About the Author

Jeffrey T. Sooey is the CEO of JTS Advisors and the founder of Coaches Training Blog community.

Helps new and developing coaches with coaching skills and client acquisition by training and mentoring them in good coaching, sales, and marketing best practices.

Works with employers on eliminating hiring mistakes and implementing best practices in hiring employees commensurate with the job attributes.

Partners with executives on growing business and working with employees by combining forces, clarifying goals and articulating strategic plans.

Why is Life Coaching Successful?

Share your aspirations only with those who will support you, not those who will respond with doubt or lack of interest.” ― Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

Can you measure the success of life coaching? Why does life coaching work for a client? These and other questions are answered in the article below.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Understanding Why Life Coaching Is Successful – by Feroce

Accounts of the effectiveness of executive coaching have proven returns on investments of more than 500%. No like studies have been done regarding life coaching and quite honestly, a human life has fewer valued metrics than business so that anyone could measure coaching. However coaching executives have little more to do with business than coaching people on their lives does – even executive coaching in essence comes down to life coaching – so there’s no reason to imagine the ROI in life coaching, if it were calculable, would be any different. In truth when it comes to coaching, clients’ lives change impressively. I have seen it over and over again. How does is it possible? One could compose novels on the topic, but here I will expand on a few high-level reasons.

Life coaching essentially works for one reason: because the client desires it to work. Life coaching is firstly about the intent and goals of the client. This is one huge contrast between coaching on the one hand and advising on the other: your consultant can succeed in large part without your dedication to what he or she is doing, because he or she is the one doing it. Coaching is carried out by you- with a difference.

Coaching works in an impressive way because a good coach meets several human basic needs:

  1. The overpowering power of commitment and accountability, like when a person wanting something works harder for it because of a promise to another.
  2. The aching for a friend or partner on one’s path, particularly during difficult times.
  3. The odd but true need for authorization to change, especially when you know doing so will mean a loss of understanding by, or even growing away from, old friends.
  4. The desire to be and feel understood.

Coaches use many tools and methods in order to assist in the client’s desire for change. Coaching is a career built on a foundation of layers. Methods can be acquired from psychological development, business strategy and motivational theory, for instance. Yet life coaches and business coaches collectively have a few tools that the professions from which we’ve adopted do not.

Personal Life Combines Diverse Methods and Professions

Personal life coaching is a job that utilizes the most effective techniques of its forerunners, which include:

  • Sport’s psychology
  • A psychoanalyst’s position of unconditional positive respect and a mediator’s listening skills of non-judgmental awareness
  • Mentoring
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Organizational growth
  • Spirituality
  • Marketing
  • Philosophy
  • Self-starting skills
  • Personal development and change
  • Motivational theory
  • Existential Philosophy and Psychology
  • Leadership
  • Strong business coaching skills including planning, setting goals, reverse-energy strategy and maneuvers based on the goal, analysis, follow-up and accountability
  • Holistic healing and the like
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

The Strong Points of Coaching is in Its Dedication to Your Expanded “Knowingness.”

Once the client’s intentions are already strong, there is one reason for the effectiveness of life coaching- as it does seem to be more effective in generating measurable results than similar person (centered fields such as psychotherapy)- it could possibly be from the power of commitment. In this case, a client’s commitment to the coach through him or herself is, to work with the coach to thrive through awareness. It is the awareness of her “self”, her self-limiting thinking, her relationships, her career and her situation. Personal power is attained through greater awareness.

The strength of commitment is planted from social support of people adapting to who they say they are and doing what they say they’re going to do. Plainly speaking, personal coaching takes your own natural honesty and good will to embellish it for your benefit.

Tightly related to devotion in the success rate of coaching, is this fact- coaching is a united effort. Coaching is two people united and working towards the same goal. Just imagine the strength that can be reigned in with two or more wills trained on the same object! Also, the other person’s will is what keeps you accountable to your own.

Coaching succeeds because it’s Supported by Responsibility

Even though therapy and coaching may use exchangeable skills at times, they hold to different means and goals – including the setting of goals in the first place. When you see a therapist, you probably won’t set any measurable goals (often with legitimate reasons). At the most specific, you may say you desire something such as comprehension of who you are, to feel better, or to have more “balance” and quality in your lifestyle. You don’t usually go to a therapist when you are healthy and want personal growth or to be more successful.

All the same, without the presence of goals you will be missing any vision of where you are going, you will have no way to measure and hold yourself accountable. In addition, the easygoing nature of the psychotherapeutic relationship calls on most therapists to try not to hold you to any goals. However sociologists and business experts who work in goal theory know that all of this is a concoction that allows one to be unable to meet one’s goals. If you’re seeking a coach, being unsuccessful isn’t one part of your plan.

But then if you pay for the services of a personal trainer, the difference between sitting at home doing nothing and sporting a new figure, washboard stomach, or cardiovascular fitness is simple. You already know that you should be at the gym every day and your trainer is already there preparing your workout for you. You hire a personal coach or a trainer because you realize that you may not have the conditioning or tools to get there by yourself. However you do know you have the persona and sense of honor that will not allow you to let others down – nor yourself, once you have made a commitment “publicly” to your coach or trainer.

Coaching can give you that power that can virtually guarantee results you just can’t get any other way. Or, if you can get the results somewhere else you’re likely have a long, drawn out wait (and experience a great deal more frustration).

Coaching Offers Clearness and Visibility in Transformations

Coaching aid clients in being able to see and then realizing what they really want to do in their lives and careers, professions and businesses.

Most people find that that is the hardest part and many of us don’t even have an idea of what we want to do or we don’t know how to get there. We may even demand a little help in bringing out the fearlessness we already have. Yet if it’s anxiety that keeps us from seeing that we already know where we want to be, a coach is a loyal friend and confidant in facing and overcoming the fears that we conceal.


To know more please visit Life coach and coaches



Are You Motivated? – Do You Procrastinate?

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” – Napoleon Hill

We all procrastinate to some degree whether we admit it or not.

The article below gives some tips on reducing procrastination while motivating ourselves.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Improving Motivation – How To Put An End To Procrastination – By: Joe Gough

Improving motivation is an excellent way of increasing your effectiveness and achieving your true potential.

For example, many of us spend too much of the day in endless procrastination. We lack motivation, and are wasting valuable time … time which could be put to better use in achieving goals that are important to us and making the most of our true potential.

So, how do you go about breaking the habit of procrastination? How do you improve your motivation, and build self-trust?

Well, you have various techniques to choose from. They basically boil down to very simple techniques, which you can easily carry out yourself, or more advanced techniques, which will normally require more specialized knowledge.

Let’s take a look at examples of both …

Self Improvement Motivation – Simple Technique

Although surprisingly easy, you’ll find the following exercise an extremely effective way of increasing motivation:

Step 1: Set yourself a task which is easy to achieve.

Step 2: Once you’ve accomplished it, give yourself a nice reward for being so good!

Step 3: Set yourself a slightly more difficult task to achieve.

Step 4: Reward yourself again once you’ve achieved it.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat Steps 3 and 4 until satisfied.

There, that wasn’t too difficult, was it?!

Self Improvement Motivation – Advanced Techniques

Are you struggling with serious motivational problems, which stop you from achieving your true potential?

Then you may well need more advanced techniques, which will deal with your motivational issues at a deeper level.

Two such techniques include EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, and the Sedona Method. Both are powerful self improvement programs.

EFT addresses many problems – not just lack of motivation – ranging from anxiety and emotional trauma, through to self-confidence and public speaking.

Founded by Gary Craig, using adapted techniques of Dr Roger Callahan, it involved tapping specific parts of your body with your fingers.

The Sedona Method also helps with a variety of problems, improving your health and well-being, personal relationships, peace and happiness, and wealth and success. In a nutshell, it teaches you how to let go or release unwanted thoughts, beliefs or feelings that are of no use to you.

Achieve your true potential and make the most of your life by improving motivation.


About Author

Joe Gough is creator of where you’ll discover plenty of interesting information about improving motivation.