Enhance Your Mood And Success With These Habits

Top 10 Habits That Enhance Your Mood and Your Success



Raphael Love

Your daily rituals ultimately determine the quality of your life. Happy and successful people do different things each day than the average person. And they do those things consistently. This is great news! A few small changes can transform your life, but patience is required. Instead of focusing on big changes, consider making a few minor adjustments.

The odds of successfully making a change are much higher when that change is small.

Effective habits result in a more productive life:

  1. Make yourself a priority. We’ve all been taught to worry about others. Self-sacrifice is viewed as altruistic and noble. But you’re important, too. Give your emotional and physical health the priority it deserves. You’ll then be in a better position to help yourself and others.
  2. Set one or more goals each day. If you don’t have an objective for the day, you’re much less likely to make the most of it. It feels good to wake up with a purpose. You’ll also get a lot more accomplished. Give yourself the gift of feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.
  3. Communicate effectively. Communicating well with others enhances relationships, both personal and professional. Poor communication creates misunderstanding and unhappiness. Ensure you understand others and they understand you.
  4. Get enough sleep. Studies have consistently shown that getting at least seven hours of sleep is critical. The research shows that everyone performs better on mental and physical tasks after getting at least seven hours of sleep.
  5. Meditate. A few minutes of meditation each day can provide significant results. It’s relaxing, provides a mental break, and clears the mind. Think of it as exercise for your mental muscles.
  6. Spend quality time with those you love. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Many of us spend all day toiling at work, only to come home and sit in front of the TV. Spending meaningful time with others will make you happier and provide the motivation necessary to reach higher levels of success.
  7. Learn at least one new thing. Imagine how much you’d know in five years if you learned something new each day. Ideally, you’ll learn something that’s both interesting and useful to your future. You’ll be proud of your personal growth. You’ll also be more effective in the workplace.
  8. Be grateful. When life is challenging, it’s easy to forget just how much you already have. Spend a few minutes each day and make a list of all the things that fill you with gratitude.
  • The list is longer than you think. It will enhance your mood and make it easy to move forward.
  1. Use time effectively. Time is the one thing you can’t get back. Whether you’re a billionaire or the average Joe, everyone has 24 hours to navigate each day. The most successful people use that time more effectively. Whether working or having fun, try to make your hours as productive as possible.
  1. Exercise each day. Exercise is great for your health, both physical and mental. It’s a great time to think and unwind. Try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. You’ll benefit in many ways.

It can be that easy to feel better and accomplish more. Enhance your daily rituals and you’ll enhance your life. Small changes can bring big results over time. Develop habits that guarantee a better mood and greater success.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Image licensed under Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode)

Slow And Steady For Personal Development

Keys to Personal Development: Be the Tortoise and Win



Today is a perfect day ...Modern life is all about getting things done quickly. Microwave ovens, streaming movies, and cell phones perpetuate this lifestyle. However, personal development is more effective when done slowly. Significant changes take time. It’s also about the journey. The process of changing can be more meaningful than the benefits gained by the change.

Why personal development takes time:

  1. Old habits take time to extinguish. It’s not easy to quit smoking or give up candy. It’s also not easy to stop thinking negative thoughts or procrastinating. Your current habits limit your life, enjoyment, and success. Even when you recognize their negative effects, though, it still takes time to get used to new ways.
  2. If it were quick and easy, everyone would be successful. To attain a high level of success in any area of your life, time and effort are required. There are no shortcuts to success. Accept that developing yourself is an ongoing process that will continue for the rest of your life. You’ll avoid the urge to rush.
  3. New habits take time to form. It common to hear that new habits require 21 days, 30 days, or 42 days. The truth is that it varies. Studies have shown that habits can require as long as 9 months to be established. It depends on the habit and the person. Real change requires the development of new, effective habits.
  4. Your desires will change. When you’re hungry, all you want is food. When you’re lonely, all you desire in companionship. As your needs are met, your goals will change. It’s impossible to predict what you’ll want five years from now. Consider Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
  • Self-actualization – living your purpose, finding meaning in life
  • Self-esteem – respect of others, confidence, achievement
  • Love and belonging – friendship, family, intimacy
  • Safety and security – health, career, personal property
  • Physiological needs – food, water, clothing shelter
  • We all start at the bottom of this hierarchy and work our way up. Only when the needs of one level are met can the next level be addressed. If you try to skip levels, your life becomes a mess.
  • You probably won’t have goals related to realizing your inner potential if you can’t feed your family. Increasing your social circle is the furthest thing from your mind if you recently lost your job.
    Since you can’t predict what your future goals will be, your personal development will be a long-term process.
  1. It’s all about the journey. Overcoming your fear of public speaking isn’t just about making more money at your profession. It’s about conquering your doubts and perceived limitations. If you could eliminate your fear by snapping your fingers, life would be too easy. Much of the enjoyment and meaning of life come from the battles we fight.
  2. Repetition is often the most important component. Personal development is like getting in shape. There’s only so much change that can happen in one day. It’s when your efforts are repeated over the long-term that results happen.
  • Brushing your teeth once doesn’t accomplish a lot. Not brushing your teeth one day doesn’t do much either. It’s only after repeated brushing or neglect that the results become obvious.
  • Crash dieting, winning the lottery, and studying all night for a semester exam rarely result in success. You’ve had similar experiences. Your personal development journey requires consistency to attain long-lasting results.

Instead of looking for the quick fix, search for strategies that require effort and commitment. Relish the fact that you’re changing your life and putting in the work to make it happen. Success is easier than you think, because so few people can keep a long-term perspective. Win the personal development race by being the tortoise.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Images licensed under Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode)