Becoming a Master of Self-Discipline

“It is often the simple daily practices that influence our lives in dramatic ways.” ― Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace

Self-discipline Mastery

self-disciplineSelf-discipline is a powerful attribute to have, yet challenging to obtain.

Self-discipline is the ability to do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles and reach your goals, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. It may involve saying: “no” to things you want or saying: “yes” to things you hate, but with the power of self-discipline, it becomes easier to stand up for yourself.

Most individuals would love to be more self-disciplined, yet very few people actually take action to acquire it.

Perhaps you start your day with good intentions, but veer off as the day progresses due to challenging issues, stresses, or distractions. Thankfully, there are some strategies you can incorporate into your daily life so you can become a master of self-discipline and stay on task.

Follow these techniques to strengthen your self-discipline:

1. Be committed to the cause. Are you truly unhappy being undisciplined? Is this something that you’re committed to improving? Many times people claim they want to be more self- disciplined, but the truth is, they honestly don’t mind being the way they are.

* Be honest with yourself. If this is something that you definitely want to improve in your life, it may take a bit of time and effort, but it can be done.

* The only way you’ll succeed is by staying committed to the cause.

2. Write it down. The process of writing your ideas and goals helps you clarify the thoughts in your mind so you can come up with an action plan that you can stick to.

* Write down all the areas that you wish to improve – your finances, relationships, career, or anything in between. Include what changes you would like to see and how you believe will be the best way to make it happen.

3. Enlist the help of others. It’s absolutely wonderful that you’ve committed to make a positive change in your life, but don’t keep it under wraps. Tell others that you want to make a change and boost your self-discipline.

* Don’t be ashamed that you weren’t more self-disciplined from the beginning. The important thing is that you’re now taking positive action! Those who love you will be there to support you and help you celebrate your successes.

* Your support group can also help you get through the bad days and put you back on track to achieve your goals.

4. Believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself and know that if you can master your self-discipline, you can do anything! There will be both good and bad days, but as long as you remain focused and committed, you’ll be successful in strengthening your self-discipline.

* Remember to focus on the big picture and concentrate on how your body, mind, and energy will change for the better when you stay committed.

Many people admire those who are self-disciplined. These people can stay on a schedule and never seem to lose focus on what they need to accomplish. They make more wise decisions, take action when they need to, and achieve their goals with relative ease.

Implement these strategies into your daily life and they’ll soon become habits. Self-discipline can become your way of life – if you want it!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Reach Your Goals Despite The Obstacles

Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

Go For It: Achieving Your Goals Regardless of Obstacles

goal settingYou can be sure that life will at times be a twisting path of “potholes” around which you must navigate. You’ve likely been through phases of your life already where you wondered if your luck would ever change. Then, things calmed down and you discovered the smoother, straighter road.

No matter where your journey leads, staying focused on what you want in life will keep your spirits high and bring you joy. The key, then, to a fulfilled life is to achieve your goals no matter what.

Use these tips to continue going for your goals even though life’s road gets rough:

Know exactly what you’re after in life. What do you want your life to be like? When you’re sure, you can then plan your activities over the short and long term to help you achieve your goals.

Keep your list of life goals short and to the point. Some good examples of life goals are: “Save 25% of my yearly earnings for kids’ education, vacations and retirement,” “Take budget-friendly vacations out of the country every 5 years,” and “Retire when I’m 67.”

Infuse elements of achieving your goals into your everyday life. Let’s say one of your goals is to travel to Australia three years from now. Have a couple of books about Australia laying around the house, on your coffee table and nightstand. Listen to Australian talk radio shows via the web. Watch television shows about Aussie land.

Make your life goals part of your everyday life so that even when life gets bumpy, you’ll be able to keep your eyes on what’s really important to you. After all, it will be right there in front of you.

Talk positively to yourself. Although some kinds of talking to yourself might not be seen as healthy, it can be quite helpful to use positive self-talk. When you do, you’ll be more likely to keep working toward your goals in life. Say something like, “I’m in a rough patch but I can still keep saving for my retirement and my kids’ educations.”

Other examples of positive self-talk are “I can get through this challenging phase just like I did before,” “As long as I keep moving forward, things are okay,” and “Life has in store many more wonderful adventures for me.”

Using positive self-talk will keep your spirits buoyed when you feel like you’re floundering in choppy waters.

Reflect on your efforts in order to reinforce them. Even though you may be struggling, think about what you accomplished just this week to achieve your goals. Maybe you made a couple of phone calls, explored the internet to gather information, or drew up a new budget to ensure you’re on target for saving for your life goals.

The fact is you did something. And recognizing that will reinforce your efforts in your quest to achieve your goals. You can excel in times of great challenge.

Keep working toward accomplishing your goals even though life throws more than a few obstacles at you. Know what you’re after and stay focused. Make your life goals a part of your daily life and use positive self-talk. Acknowledge what you’ve done to keep moving forward.

Apply these strategies to help you consistently work to meet your life goals. If you do, you’ll accomplish whatever you want no matter what.

Michael W

Michael W

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.