Take Your Dream To Reality With These 9 Steps

From Dream to Reality in 9 Steps

Today is a perfect day ...Many entrepreneurs will tell you that ideas are the easy part. It’s the implementation that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Turning an idea into reality is a skill that anyone can learn. Managing yourself and daily action are the most important factors.

What would you do if you knew failure wasn’t possible?

Follow these steps to create your own reality:

1. Be clear regarding your objective. Are you clear about what you want? Success is much more likely if your objective is clear and precise. If you’re too vague, the problem-solving functions of your brain will be too confused to operate optimally.

2. List your resources. Be aware of all the tools you have at your disposal. You have more to work with than you realize. Consider all the people you know that are capable of assisting you. List all of your resources that are relevant to your objective. Perhaps your car,  computer, and local library are valuable tools.

3. Consider the resources you’ll require. Make a list of everything you think you’ll need and compare that list to the list you made of your available resources. How will you make up the difference? Most importantly, ensure you have everything you need to get started. Avoid letting the future stop you from taking action today. If there’s something you’re lacking that you won’t need for six months, you can still get started!

4. Maintain your awareness of your objective. Keep your objective in the front of your mind. The easiest way to do this is to think about it each day. A simple visualization session twice a day is sufficient. Just remind yourself on a daily basis that you have an idea that you want to bring into reality.

5. Avoid trying for perfection. Perhaps the biggest obstacle is the belief that success only comes from taking perfect action. This belief is enough to paralyze your efforts. Consistent, steady action is enough to reach your goals.

6. Make a plan. Avoid waking up each day without a plan of attack. Know how you’re going to spend your day before you go to bed each night. A simple to-do list will guarantee that you can hit the ground running each day.

7. Work your plan. Knowing what to do is only half of the puzzle. It’s important to work your plan consistently. Everyone knows how to lose weight, but there are many overweight people on the planet. Focus on taking simple, effective actions day after day. A river created the Grand Canyon, and your objective is probably less grandiose.

8. Evaluate your progress. Provide yourself with regular feedback. Determine a method of measuring your progress and take regular measurements. Determine if you’re on the right track. How can you enhance your results? Do you need to try another course of action? Seek to improve your approach based on your evaluations.

9. Keep going. If you keep working, measuring your progress, and developing an effective approach, how can you fail? You can only fail if you give up. Enjoy and be proud of the progress you’re making each week. Know that your idea will become a reality.

Success isn’t complicated. Success is the result of maintaining focus and taking appropriate action each day. If you don’t quit, failure isn’t an option. Nothing is more exciting than turning a dream into reality. What life will you create for yourself?

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

How to Achieve Greatness

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” ― Albert Einstein

Can You Achieve Greatness?

greatnessEveryone has a different vision of success in life. Your greatness can be defined as anything you wish; you simply need to do some self-reflection to decide what is most important to you.

Here are some questions you might ask yourself:

* How important is financial wealth to me?
* Is having a happy or large family the most important thing in my life?
* Are there certain skills or gifts that I would like to master?
* When I die, what will be the most important goal I achieved?

How To Achieve Your Goals

It doesn’t really matter what you’ve set as your true calling, maybe it’s becoming a millionaire, living on the beach, or having a large family. The most important thing is that you have found your definition of greatness that personally applies to you.

Your next step is to form an action plan on how to achieve this goal. It may take a lifetime, but the only way you’re going to get there is with a plan!

Think Less Do More

It’s easy to get lost in your thoughts and plans, but you won’t achieve greatness by daydreaming alone. You need to take some powerful action to get there! Greatness won’t just fall into your lap – you need to work hard in order to get there.

Small Steps

Your definition of greatness is probably a lofty, multi-year goal, which can be a very intimidating and daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be so bad when you plan things out day by day in small, manageable steps.

It’s vital to take life day by day and, at the same time, keep the bigger picture in mind. When you set and achieve your small daily goals, you’ll build momentum without getting too overwhelmed.

Surrounded Yourself With Good People

It’s always great to be in the company of good, positive people. When you have someone you can look up to and model, you’re bringing yourself one step closer to greatness.

It’s also a good idea to be surrounded by people who can inspire, motivate, and encourage you. My biggest advice to you is to keep the negative, complaining type out of your life. Those people won’t bring you anywhere good!


It’s common to run into setbacks on your way to greatness. Things are not always going to turn out like you expect, but that is part of the journey to your success! When you hit a snag in the road, you need to pick yourself up, change course, and forge on.

Of course, you’ll want to maintain a high level of enthusiasm toward your goal. If a setback has got you down in the dumps, take a short break, then trudge along again! Don’t allow anything to get in the way of your goals.

You Are Already There

Every once in awhile it’s important to take a step back and reflect at your life. Are you enjoying your life and your journey? If so, then you’re actually already living your dream.

Remember: All you’ll ever have is the present moment. If you like where you are and where you’re going, greatness is already yours!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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How to Achieve an Abundance of Wealth

“Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” ― Zig Ziglar

Wealth Abundance

choose successDo you truly believe that it’s possible to achieve the financial prosperity you deserve? There’s no one set way to achieve an abundance of wealth; all you must do is find your personal path. Every path to personal wealth, however, begins with the right frame of mind.

A Wealthy Mindset

A positive mindset is the most vital part of any plan for financial success. Before you can succeed in the world, you must see the success you seek in your mind’s eye and believe you can achieve it.

One way to develop this mindset is to study what other wealthy people do. If possible, set up a meeting with someone you look up to. Ask about the steps they took to get to where they are today. You’ll likely find that they’re an ordinary person who took some specific actions that led to their success. If you take those steps, you can enjoy the same success.

Plan For Success

If you have no idea where to begin, start by brainstorming ideas about practical ways to increase your income. Read books about inspiring entrepreneurs. Find business people in your community who can mentor you. Learn from those who have gone before you and found the success you seek.

If you have an idea about a business venture or additional income stream, brainstorm the next small steps you can take that will lead you in the direction of your dreams. What small step could you take today that will move you closer to your goal? How about tomorrow, and the next day?

Set clear goals and write them down. Plan out each small step and set a realistic timeframe to accomplish it. Get moving toward your goal by achieving something small each day. If you do, you’ll create unstoppable momentum that almost guarantees your success.

Be Flexible When Things Go Wrong

Things aren’t always going to go according to plan. Things will go wrong, but your response to the obstacles you face will determine your level of financial success. If you miss a deadline you’ve set or your results disappoint you, simply notice what’s working and what isn’t. Change your approach until you get what you want.

Grow Your Wealth

As your income begins to grow, alter your plans so you can experience greater financial prosperity. As you near the completion of each goal on your list, set a more exciting goal to replace it. This approach will help you to grow both financially and mentally.

Continue to challenge yourself. Celebrate each success along the way, but keep moving forward. Set goals for promotion in your career, sales in your business, and money in your bank account. Remember to set personal goals, too. Financial prosperity is worth little without a balanced life that allows you to enjoy that prosperity.

Listen to the Right People

Have you ever notice how people are quick to give advice about everything? Only listen to people who are experiencing more financial prosperity than you are. Why would you trust the advice of someone who’s broke? This is true in every area of life. Why take parenting advice from people without kids? Or job advice from someone who’s perpetually unemployed?

The people with the wisest advice are the ones who have practical experience that has led to success. If you can imitate what they’ve done, you’ll likely achieve similar results.

Most importantly, keep pursuing your financial dreams no matter what. If you set effective goals, envision your success, find wise mentors, and keep taking action, you’ll experience the financial independence you deserve.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Defining Your Own Personal Success

“The Six Steps to Success: 1) Define Success 2) Devise a Plan 3) Execute and Overcome Adversity 4) Measure Results with Key Metrics 5) Revise the Plan 6) Work Hard” ― Ken Poirot

What is your version of personal success?

choose successSome may define success as having a lot of money, others feel successful if they are loved by many. Others define success as being healthy and giving back to the community, while others define success as having plenty of material things. But how do you define success?

Everyone defines success in different ways. Your own personal success is what makes you and your achievements unique. The stay-at-home-mom may define success as being able to get up in the morning and meet her family’s needs throughout the entire day until everyone goes to sleep. The career woman may define success as being promoted within her company or even starting her own. The athlete may define success as climbing the ladder within the NFL or NBA. Then again, there are some who define success in simply living and enjoying each day.

What you need to do is evaluate how you view success. What does success mean to you? What do you want to get out of your life? These are questions that you must ask yourself when deciding what drives you.

Self-Reflection Questions to Ponder

In order to discover what you want in life you may want to ask yourself a few questions such as:

* “Where do I want to be in 5 years?” This is not the question “Where do I see myself in 5 years?” Think about what you want in five years. If you ask yourself where you see yourself, you’re simply going to see yourself as a glorified version of now.

* “How do I define happiness in my career?” It is important to assess whether or not you’re feeling fulfilled in your work.

* “How do I get to the places I want to be?” You need to know how to get to where it is you want to be. You can’t go there blind or expect it to fall into place all on its own. You have to be proactive to make things happen.

* “What areas in my life do I want to succeed?” We all want to succeed in more than just one area in our lives, so set multiple goals. For example, one goal may relate to your career while other goals may relate to your relationship, children, or hobbies.

* “What are my goals in life?” This coincides with what areas you want to succeed, but you must actually write down your goals and set real milestones that you can accomplish.

* “What kind of balance do I need in my life?” You must find a balance between work, family, and personal time for you to feel fulfilled. If you have a tendency to over-extend yourself, it’s important to find an equal balance so no area of your life goes unnoticed.

Evaluate Yourself and Your Needs

Those self-reflection questions open the door for you to discover and define what success means to you. Others cannot decide your success. If you follow someone else’s blueprints to success and it doesn’t fit with your personality, then you’re going to be miserable. You just have to evaluate yourself and put your dreams, wants, and needs into perspective. After all, your success is yours. No one can make the decisions for you!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Believing in the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

“To shift your life in a desired direction, you must powerfully shift your subconscious.” ― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Your Subconscious Mind’s Power

optimismWhether you like it or not, your subconscious mind is the boss of you. Even when you make a conscious decision to go after something you want, it’s your subconscious that determines whether you’ll take consistent action to get it!

Once you understand how your subconscious works, you can be in touch with yourself on a deep level. You’ll have the keys to living an abundant, fulfilling life, and all you’ll need to do is unlock that door.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Your mind is similar to an iceberg. The conscious mind is like the part of the iceberg that you can see above the surface. But the bulk of the mind – the subconscious – is below the surface where you can’t see.

There are certain thoughts and processes that go on inside your mind that you may not be aware of on a conscious level, such as beliefs, instincts, and memories. Everything you’ve ever seen or heard is sitting somewhere in your subconscious, affecting your current thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Communicating with the subconscious mind is a popular topic in the realms of self-help and psychoanalysis. This is because getting to the core of your beliefs by tapping into the subconscious is the fastest way to implement desired changes in your life.

The Power of Beliefs

Your subconscious mind contains a vast amount of information. It’s more than your conscious mind could ever handle. Sometimes you might just have a “feeling” about something and then find out that the “feeling” was right on target. In many cases, it’s your subconscious mind that sends you such signals.

Surely you’ve heard, “If you believe it, you can do it.” This truism is a fact because of the great power of your subconscious. A belief can light a fire under you and enable you to do things that you never consciously thought were possible.

This is why just believing in the power of the subconscious mind can allow you to better communicate with it.

The alternative is to continue following base instincts. Following your instincts can be a good thing, but what if one of your instincts is a fear of public places? It would be in your best interest to learn how to communicate with yourself.

Beyond Belief

Believing in the power of your subconscious is the first step to living the life you desire. When you do, you can move on with your self-help ventures and personal development plans. Surely you have talents you’d like to further develop, positive qualities you’d like to strengthen, and challenges you’d like to overcome. You can do all these things by tapping into your subconscious.

You can even use your communications with the subconscious mind to correct larger issues, like fears, or eliminate negative habits, like smoking or emotional eating. When you get to the core of an issue in your subconscious, you can change it. The possibilities are endless!

How Do You Communicate With Your Subconscious Mind?

There are several techniques you can use to effectively communicate with your subconscious mind and enable the changes you desire.

One popular method is the use of hypnosis. You can either employ the services of a counselor trained in hypnosis or use self-hypnosis techniques. You can even find CDs and videos that will guide you completely through a hypnosis session.

Under hypnosis, rather than being asleep, you’re in a state of heightened awareness. Many of the inhibitions of your conscious mind will subside while the subconscious comes to the forefront. When you’re in this state, you’re open to suggestions. If you give yourself positive suggestions, you’ll make positive progress.

You can also communicate with the subconscious by consistently reading, listening to recordings of positive mantras, and repeating affirmations. Not only can you use these positive statements to affirm and bring out the best in you, but you can also replace negative thinking and doubt with positive images and beliefs. Check your local bookstore and online for a plethora of affirmation resources.

Just remain aware of your innermost thoughts and you’ll be better able to keep in touch with your subconscious. Always be truthful with yourself, follow your heart, and most important of all, have a firm belief in yourself!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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