A Life Coach? – What is That?

Act like a champion, and then become one.” – Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

At some point in our lives we need to help to break through our limiting beliefs that are holding us back. A life coach can help.

The article below gives some advice about life coaches and why we need them as well as how to go about selecting a coach who is right for you.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

What is a Life Coach? – LaWanda Hill

A life coach is not a consultant, mentor, cheerleader, friend or advice-giver. A coach helps you access ‘your own’ wisdom, and act upon it. A coaching relationship is not about information flowing downhill…It is a partnership between peers, where the focus is on you and your life. A coach is an expert in helping clients create lives that are successful and fulfilling, based on the clients own values. Life coaching is one of the most powerful technologies we have for creating positive change in ourselves, and in the world. Life coaching helps you to discover what is really most important to you in your life. Life coaching will help you to design a plan to achieve those goals. A life coach will work with you to eliminate any obstacles or blocks that stand in your way, will partner with you all the ways to success and will celebrate your success with you.

Life Coaching is a designed alliance between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to you, the client. A certified life coach believe that you know the answers to every question or challenge you may have in your life, even if those answers appear to be obscured, concealed or hidden inside. Every day we make choices to do or not do many things. These choices may range from profound to trivial and each one has an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced, that makes our process of living more effective or less effective. A life coach helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life.

Life coaching is a powerful partnership that can empower, shift, and change your life and business. If you are ready to take your life, goals, dreams, and desires to the next level, then it is time to explore a life coaching partnership, as a strategy to get from where you are to where you want to be. Life coaching acts as an incubator for your wildest dreams and the strategies.

Life coaching aims to help you achieve clarity and confidence to work through issues that are holding you back from enjoying a challenging and harmonious life. Life coaching is not about making simplistic judgments about someone’s life and telling that person how they ought to live it. Personal experience and social science research have shown that people are the sum of their genes, their cumulative experiences and the circumstances in which they live their lives. Therefore, successful coaching has to be based on an understanding of all these factors and not just focus on superficial behaviors.

When it comes to selecting a coach, it’s important to shop around to find someone compatible. You want a coach you like and respect. You want a coach that is knowledgeable and experienced. And you especially want a coach that will help you achieve the results you desire. This doesn’t necessarily mean hiring a coach who’s just like you, only better. It may mean hiring someone who’s very different from you. Understand that a coach is your helper, not your boss. You must be the one to decide what you want out of each session. If you aren’t clear about what you want to work on, a good coach can help you gain clarity and set new goals. Just be sure that the emerging goals are your goals, not your coach’s goals for you.

The main reason coaching works is that you\’re hiring someone with greater experience than you in a certain area. Your coach can quickly identify patterns that may not be clear to you. Then your coach can help you devise and implement solutions. When this works well, it’s a very high-leverage relationship. It’s one of the fastest ways to solve challenging problems. Businesses often hire outside consultants to help solve important problems, and life coaching is basically the individual equivalent of business consulting.


About the Author

With a BS in Psychology as well as an Associate\’s Degree in Divinity, LaWanda Hill is a public speaker and life coach that helps people find a better balance in their life and coaches them in how to clear their own personal path to prosperity. Also a certified Belief Therapist, LaWanda uses her education and life experiences to help adults cope with life\’s often overwhelming circumstances.

Teaching simple but effective personal development strategies, her coaching programs focus on relationships, health [both physical and mental], finances, time management, stress, self esteem and overall life balance.


What Does A Life Coach Do For You?

Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” – Earl Nightingale

Is a life coach a part of your life? Should a life coach be a part of your life?

The article below gives some information about a life coach and what they can do to help you become more powerful and live a better life.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael Wilkovesky

An Introduction To Life Coaching – by Coaching For Results

Life Coaching is about transformation-from a caterpillar to a butterfly” – Curly Martin

Life Coaching, is a phrase that most people are familiar with these days. When you think of life coaching, you’ll probably almost always think of Tony Robbins at the same time. He’s probably the most famous life coach on the planet!

Life coaching is a profession that’s most certainly people focused. The aim of a life coach, is to enable a person to realize they’re full potential – and for them to do so without fear of criticism from others. So often, you might have dreams, goals, and aspirations, but just as the fire is stoking, someone comes along and pours water on your enthusiasm! Sound familiar?

With the help of a life coach, a person is able to take any aspect of their life they want to work on, and to do so in a supportive and encouraging manner. This way, they feel that they can breath, spread their wings, and fly!

In one sense, life coaching is about helping people to really focus on what matters most in life. It’s about reaching goals, but it’s also about getting the right balance in life too. Sometimes, if not most of the time, we tend to get our priorities mixed up. So, being coached, serves to get you to take stock of everything, and get it in order.

If you want assistance in getting your life on course, or reaching a goal, you could do no better than to get some coaching. However, life coaching is not about the coach giving you the answers. A life coach actually helps you to discover the solutions that are right for you.

A life coach helps you to find the answers that already exist within you. We’re not always aware of our own inner power – a coach helps to draw that out, and bring it to the surface.

This helps the person being coached, to see that they themselves are the ones responsible for change – not the life coach. A skilled life coach, like an effective teacher, helps their students or clients to reach their own conclusions. Once they’ve done that, the clients mind and behaviour changes. They do not snap back to the old patterns of thinking and acting once they’ve been stretched.

As the quote stated at the beginning of this article, life coaching is about transformation – from what a person thinks they are – to what they truly are: a person of unlimited power!


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The Concept of Life Coaching

I have a life coach out with me on tour, a very nice guy from L.A. He just prepares me for each day.” – Ronnie Wood

Life coaching is something that has become very popular. Many people are not really sure of where they are going or what is holding them back from achieving the success they desire.

The article below gives a few details as well as differentiating life coaches from counsellors.

Michael Wilkovesky

Exploring The Concept Of Life Coaching – by Heather Pulse

The concept of Life has become very popular today due to the many institutes that offer services and training. Despite its increased popularity, however, not many people understand what the process entails. There are similarities between coaching and counseling, but the two professions are not the same. Most professional counselors have acquired years of education and training plus a license to operate in their field. They also have liability insurance to protect them from lawsuits that may arise in the course of their treatments. Life coaches are not required to have a license, but many coaches do become certified as proof of their abilities to serve in this profession. Coaches can also apply for life insurance to protect themselves and their business from dissatisfied clients.

Unlike counselors who tell their clients what to do, coaches operate as motivators to help their clients achieve their objectives. Many people have a general idea of what they want to do in life but need direction and guidance on how to move forward in accomplishing their goals. The job of a coach is to help their clients become more focused so they can make the progress they desire on a personal or professional basis.

A typical coaching session consists of a coach asking his client questions to guide him in finding solutions and answers to the difficulties he faces. Through his client’s responses, a coach can assess the roadblocks holding him back from making progress in his life. He can then strive to help him overcome these roadblocks to achieve his objectives. This procedure takes time and effort on both the part of a coach and client. However, the positive results can be quite satisfying. There is also the risk, however, of clients being dissatisfied with a coach’s services. A disgruntled client may even feel his coach’s input was detrimental to his life. As a result, he may seek compensation for mental or emotional damages. This is where life coaching insurance can come in handy to protect a coach from this eventuality.

A good coach will motivate his client to make necessary changes for progress. However, it is the client’s initiative, hard work and commitment to his cause that will determine his success. Life coaching is a process to help people overcome obstacles in their lives that impede them from gaining victories and moving forward. However, it is the client who determines the outcome of his future by the positive decisions he makes to change, grow and stretch in any given area of his life.

The fees of a life coach depend much on the coach’s experience, training and the course you are taking. Fees will often vary from coach to coach, but may range anywhere from $50 per hour upwards. Some of the different lines of coaching include health and wellness coach, career coach, Christian life coach, executive coaching, performance coaching, skills coaching and more. Life coaching insurance can be acquired for any one of these lines to protect a coach’s interests.

About the Author

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