Get A Fulfilling Life

Is your life really not as fulfilling as you would like it to be?

Do you constantly think that your life should be better but you are not sure what areas really need to be considered and how you can improve those areas?

If you can gain an understanding of the areas in your life that are holding you back and then make sometimes, minor changes to those ares, your life and the lives of those around you can be improved.

The question is “How do I gain that understanding?”

Daily Reflections

One answer would be Daily Reflections, a series of books that provide 30 short articles or reflections on areas of life and give you questions that you can think about that will lead you to making the changes that can help to move your life forward.

Yes, you do have to think and implement the changes suggested but these are your changes, so that they would be accepted by your subconscious and would be more readily put into practice by you.

Daily Reflections guides you in an easy to read and understand manner so that you do not feel overwhelmed with the information presented and can use the material immediately in your life.

You can read more about Daily Reflections and learn how to order them by clicking on the button below.

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To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Attract Abundance By Changing Your Limiting Beliefs

Release Your Limiting Beliefs and Attract Abundance

limiting beliefYour beliefs color your perception of the world and your experiences. Many beliefs are true only because you believe them to be. If your beliefs aren’t congruent with excelling in life and receiving abundance, it’s very unlikely you’ll ever live the life you deserve. When your results are falling short of your desires, your beliefs are them logical place to make a change.

Many of the beliefs you hold most strongly are inaccurate. Most of our fundamental beliefs are formed at a young age. We often learn these beliefs from sources that aren’t operating at the expert level. It’s easy to see why we have beliefs that hold us back from experiencing all the abundance we deserve.

Choose a negative belief and begin the process of elimination:

1. Challenge the belief. Suppose you held the belief that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Where did the belief originate? What was the source? Did you read it or experience it first-hand? Was it something you learned from a parent, teacher, or peer?

  • Is the source reliable? Has this source been wrong about other things in the past? Is this person an expert regarding the belief? You wouldn’t take long-term relationship advice from someone that’s been divorced 5 times.

  • Do you have proof that your belief is accurate?

  • Could the opposite be true?
  • What if your belief is wrong? What would change?

2. How has this belief limited or harmed you in the past? List all the times this belief has steered you in the wrong direction or stopped you from taking action.

  • Visualize your past and re-experience the pain and disappointment this belief has created. Realize that releasing this belief is a positive and necessary step.

3. Create a new belief that serves you. It’s not enough to let go of a belief. It’s important to replace it with a new perspective. What is a more useful alternative to your current belief? For the previous example, you might choose the belief, “Anyone can attract wealth and abundance.”

  • Make a list of alternative beliefs and choose the one that feels the most empowering.

4. Search for evidence that your new belief is possible. Do you know any wealthy people that started with little money? Seek out examples of successful people that came from humble beginnings.

  • Have there been instances in the past you’ve proven your new, desirable belief correct?

  • Make a list of all the times you’ve been successful in congruence with your new belief.

5. Get excited. Visualize yourself living your new belief. How would your life change? How would that make you feel? What would you accomplish? Stick with this process until you feel a high level of excitement and enthusiasm.

6. Reinforce the new belief. Repeat your new belief to yourself 100 times each day. This will only take a few minutes. Make time in the morning and evening to complete this task.

  • Beliefs are most easily formed through strong emotional reactions and repetition. The previous step provided the emotion. This step provides the repetition.

7. Continue until your new belief is rock solid. It’s easy to slip back into old patterns of thinking. Continue the process of visualizing your new belief in action and performing the 100 repetitions until your new belief is unshakeable.

Your beliefs shape your results and your future. If you’re dissatisfied with your life, begin by addressing your limiting beliefs. New beliefs are easy to install. Consider how easy it was to install your previously held beliefs without intention. The key is to find evidence for the new belief, surround the new belief with enthusiasm, and remind yourself daily.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


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Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

How to Live an Abundant Life

Abundant Living

choose successA life filled with physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial abundance is truly a gift. Everyone should have security, peace of mind, love, and overall joyfulness. But how can something that should be second nature be so difficult to attain?

Perhaps our hectic lives confuse or distract us from achieving a life of abundance. But the power of our thoughts can transform our lives for the better – if we know how to use it.

Wealth is Good!

We all have to build wealth in our lives, but before we can build wealth, we have to understand that everyone’s definition of wealth is different. It doesn’t have to mean making millions of dollars and flying a private jet to one of your 10 estate homes.

Wealth can simply mean having a steady, full-time job where you earn enough money to give your family a safe place to sleep with quality food on the table and nice clothes to wear. It may also mean you are fulfilled spiritually and emotionally.

Don’t fool yourself by saying you don’t care about material things and, therefore, you don’t need to care too much about building wealth. Remember that wealth does not necessarily mean material wealth. Just because you desire wealth, it doesn’t mean you have to be attached to money like a Scrooge.

You can be emotionally wealthy because of the positive relationships you foster. You can be spiritually wealthy because of your faith. You can be physically wealthy because of your vibrant health. And you can be financially wealthy because of the money you have earned. Wealth simply isn’t a monetary figure!

Wealth is Not Just About Money

As mentioned, the term wealth doesn’t just describe how much money you have. You can also use the word to describe the people in your life and your satisfaction with your life in general.

* If you have a close relationship to your family, you are wealthy.

* If you love waking up in the morning and get satisfaction out of your job everyday, you are wealthy.

* If you have friends who love you as their own family, you are wealthy.

* If you have a fervent faith, you are wealthy.

Living an abundant life simply means being happy in all aspects of your life and having the resources to care for your family. Obviously you won’t be happy every minute of every day, but if you are usually well taken care of, then you already have an abundant life.

How to Build Wealth

You need carry a positive mindset in life if you wish to build the wealth you want and deserve. You must believe that what you want can be attained, that you have the power to attain it, and that it will be delivered to you in your lifetime. Without this mindset, you’re more likely to give up when times get tough.

Loving yourself is also of great importance. You have to love yourself first if you want to receive love from others. If you don’t have love from others, you won’t lead the life you desire.

We can’t change the world unless we start by changing ourselves. But if we change ourselves, we can change the whole world. And if we change ourselves for the better, there’s no reason why we can’t or shouldn’t live an abundant life.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

How to Create a Wealth Mindset

“The only difference, apart from heaps of cash, between someone who is wealthy and someone who is poor is having the right mindset and attitude.” ― Stephen Richards, Six Figure Success: Time To Think Big – You Can Do

Wealth Mindset

change your mindsetWealth creation all starts with the mind. If you have an abundance attitude and wealth mindset, you’ll be able to attract the financial success you deserve!

While there are many paths to wealth, once you discover the abundance mindset, you’ve set yourself up for actually achieving your dreams. But how do you create this mindset in the first place?

Here are some techniques that will help you develop a wealth mindset:

1. Visualize your goal. It’s not enough to just say you want to “be rich.” You have to make the conscious decision to create a clear goal and visualize all the details. It’s best to focus all of your energy on one thing rather than spreading yourself too thin.

2. Be specific. Break down your goal into minute details and start thinking about the exact steps you need to take in order to get there.

3. Break up the plan. The goal seems huge at first, but once broken down into smaller, more manageable steps, it doesn’t seem so bad. Focus on each individual task that you need to complete, and then congratulate yourself once you achieve each step.

4. Take action. It’s easy to get caught up in the daydreaming and planning phases of your goals, but action is what it takes to get you there. Your dreams become realities with action; otherwise they’ll just remain dreams forever.

5. Seek a mentor. Sometimes people are tempted to go at it alone, but you’re not alone in this world! There are many out there that would like to see you succeed and it’s your responsibility to find these like-minded people. Perhaps a business mentor or life coach may be just what you need to give you that extra push.

6. Focus on your thoughts. If you’re experiencing confidence issues, it’s important to take time to focus on your thoughts. Do you really believe that you can achieve wealth? Are negative thoughts holding you back? If necessary, remind yourself that wealth is possible and that success is a very real possibility for you as well.

7. Believe you deserve it. Believe that you are worthy of achieving wealth. If you don’t think that you deserve it, you may unconsciously set yourself up for failure. In turn, you may actually become the roadblock that prevents you from the wealth you deserve.

Believe In Yourself

Do you truly want wealth? Then be willing to follow through on your action plan while maintaining a positive attitude.

In life there are plenty of snags in the road and your path to wealth won’t always be easy. If you maintain the perseverance to achieve, you’ll be more willing to seek solutions and find success.

Remember that you have to start somewhere. Take the time to truly appreciate your progress. So for example, if you’ve doubled your salary, that’s a huge feat to be celebrated! While you may not be rich yet, you’ve made progress on the way to wealth. Keep focused on your goal and you’ll continue to build an unstoppable momentum.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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How to Achieve an Abundance of Wealth

“Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” ― Zig Ziglar

Wealth Abundance

choose successDo you truly believe that it’s possible to achieve the financial prosperity you deserve? There’s no one set way to achieve an abundance of wealth; all you must do is find your personal path. Every path to personal wealth, however, begins with the right frame of mind.

A Wealthy Mindset

A positive mindset is the most vital part of any plan for financial success. Before you can succeed in the world, you must see the success you seek in your mind’s eye and believe you can achieve it.

One way to develop this mindset is to study what other wealthy people do. If possible, set up a meeting with someone you look up to. Ask about the steps they took to get to where they are today. You’ll likely find that they’re an ordinary person who took some specific actions that led to their success. If you take those steps, you can enjoy the same success.

Plan For Success

If you have no idea where to begin, start by brainstorming ideas about practical ways to increase your income. Read books about inspiring entrepreneurs. Find business people in your community who can mentor you. Learn from those who have gone before you and found the success you seek.

If you have an idea about a business venture or additional income stream, brainstorm the next small steps you can take that will lead you in the direction of your dreams. What small step could you take today that will move you closer to your goal? How about tomorrow, and the next day?

Set clear goals and write them down. Plan out each small step and set a realistic timeframe to accomplish it. Get moving toward your goal by achieving something small each day. If you do, you’ll create unstoppable momentum that almost guarantees your success.

Be Flexible When Things Go Wrong

Things aren’t always going to go according to plan. Things will go wrong, but your response to the obstacles you face will determine your level of financial success. If you miss a deadline you’ve set or your results disappoint you, simply notice what’s working and what isn’t. Change your approach until you get what you want.

Grow Your Wealth

As your income begins to grow, alter your plans so you can experience greater financial prosperity. As you near the completion of each goal on your list, set a more exciting goal to replace it. This approach will help you to grow both financially and mentally.

Continue to challenge yourself. Celebrate each success along the way, but keep moving forward. Set goals for promotion in your career, sales in your business, and money in your bank account. Remember to set personal goals, too. Financial prosperity is worth little without a balanced life that allows you to enjoy that prosperity.

Listen to the Right People

Have you ever notice how people are quick to give advice about everything? Only listen to people who are experiencing more financial prosperity than you are. Why would you trust the advice of someone who’s broke? This is true in every area of life. Why take parenting advice from people without kids? Or job advice from someone who’s perpetually unemployed?

The people with the wisest advice are the ones who have practical experience that has led to success. If you can imitate what they’ve done, you’ll likely achieve similar results.

Most importantly, keep pursuing your financial dreams no matter what. If you set effective goals, envision your success, find wise mentors, and keep taking action, you’ll experience the financial independence you deserve.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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