Signs You Are Actually Doing Better Than You Think

successful people

Many people think that they are doing a lot worse than they actually are. Many people are just more pessimistic than others. Unless you are looking for it, progress can be hard to see.

You are probably mistaken if you think you are working really hard with very little to show for your work. You are really doing a lot better than you think you are.

There are some positive signs that you can look for to see how good you are doing.

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You are learning from every mistake and failure. You will become very successful in a short period of time when you learn something from every mistake and failure.

  • A lot of people keep making the same errors. They keep repeating their behaviours. You can make the choice to act differently when you find yourself in a situation that is similar to past situations.

You know what it is that you want. This is half of the battle. If you know what you want, you have a huge advantage over others. Many people just float through life aimlessly.

You make good use of your time. Good things happen when you spend your time wisely. If you spend your time poorly, it can lead to a train wreck of a life.

  • Ask yourself what the best use of your time is before deciding on doing something, then do what is best.

Your progress is constant. A great sign is making regular, consistent progress. You may feel that you are still very far from your goal, but you only need to make regular progress. While you may have been on a diet for years and haven’t lost any weight, just losing a pound a week is progress and becomes meaningful over time.

You are consistent. If you are successful, you put in some work daily. You can’t be successful by working hard for a day occasionally.

  • By being consistent, you are also sticking to your goals. You are going nowhere when you work on one goal for a short time then change your mind and work on something else.

You are not alone. Some people are alone in the world. You are doing a lot better than others if you are not alone.

Be optimistic. There is hope when you are optimistic. When you are optimistic, you will take action towards achieving your goals.

  • You become stuck very quickly when you have low expectations. You think that you are wasting your time to put in any effort.

You are determined. A good sign that you are going places is showing commitment. When you are determined, good things happen.

Other people’s opinions don’t worry you. You won’t do anything significant when you care too much about what other people think of you. You will want to play it safe. You need to leave their opinions behind you.

You have a warm and dry place to sleep. You know how nice this is when you have had to go without it. You are doing better than you think if you don’t have to deal with this situation.

You are working. It is a great thing to have a steady income. It is difficult for some people to find a source of steady employment. While you may be earning less than you would like to, earning anything is a lot better than earning nothing.

You have your health. If you are healthy, you are better off than a lot of people. Having good health is a huge blessing.

Today, our society is easy in many areas but it can be challenging in many others. There is a high priority on being successful, but other things are important as well. Having friends, a warm bed and a job are also relevant.

You are doing well when you know what you want to achieve and you are wisely spending your time. Even if you haven’t seen the results you want, have faith and keep going.

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To your success


Michael W





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P.P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

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Photo by Paul White on Unsplash