Enjoy Greater Success by Sticking to the Fundamentals

Success go for it

The fundamentals are the basics. They’re not always the most exciting thing to learn or do, but they’re usually the most important. We like the complicated stuff. We like to figure things out. Mastering the fundamentals of anything is hard and boring work.

But the fundamentals are the things that matter the most. You’re limiting your progress if you’re worrying about the details.

Keep these ideas in mind to stick to the basics, spend less time on the details, and enjoy greater success:

  1. We like to get bogged down in the details. We’re addicted to wanting to figure it all out. We search for the perfect diet, the perfect exercise routine, or the perfect car. The truth is, the fundamentals are all you need to be quite successful. For example, if you eat fewer calories, you’ll lose weight.
    • The difference in results of one diet or another is minimal compared to the fact that you must consistently eat less to lose weight.
    • The fundamentals of baseball are more important than the ability to dive eight feet and make a backhanded catch over your right shoulder.
    • Sending out 100 resumes is more important than perfecting your business card if you want to find a new job.
    • Basic sales skills are more important than the finding the perfect shirt to wear during sales visits.

2. The fundamentals come into play more frequently than the details. The fundamentals are common – that’s what makes them fundamental. Everything builds off the fundamentals. Without good fundamentals, every other thing you do is built on shaky ground.

3. People fear becoming great at the fundamentals. It’s takes a lot of courage to truly master the fundamentals. It’s boring and challenging at the same time. If you want to get bigger and stronger, you need to do the bench press, squat, deadlift, and pullups. Most people would prefer to do curls while balancing on a stability ball.

    • It’s easier to hide behind the details than to focus on mastering the fundamentals. Avoid being this person. Commit yourself to the fundamentals.

4. The details are time-wasters for most people. Why spend all your time tweaking your webpage when you don’t even have your first customer? Why worry about finding the perfect running shoes when you can’t run a mile yet?

    • Why concern yourself with PayPal fees when you only generate $83 a month in revenue?
    • Why buy a better piano if you still can’t get yourself to practice each day?

5. The details only matter after the fundamentals are in place. Britain has recently become a powerhouse in cycling. They did studies on the best pillow and blanket to use at night, the optimal massage oil, the precise amount of carbohydrates in each meal, and so on. 

    • Can you imagine a beginning competitive cyclist worrying about those things? A beginner needs to add miles of seat time, find the proper body weight, and find a reasonable diet. It could be years before the above details would matter even the smallest amount.
    • Mastering the details is only wise after you’ve exhausted all of your other options.

It’s not exciting to count calories or to do squats in the gym. Saving 10% of your salary doesn’t make for exciting conversation. But these are the things that matter.

Getting to the gym each day is more important than spending days trying to figure out the perfect workout routine. Picking up the phone and making your cold calls is more important than worrying about the perfect time and day to make those calls.

Get the fundamentals in order before worrying about the details and you’ll find greater success – sooner than you thought!

To your success


Michael W




P.S. if you want to learn more about building the fundamentals to success in your life, contact me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to arrange a 30-minute strategy call to discuss how we can work together to move you forward to achieving greater success in your life. Do it now as nothing changes until you take action.


Feature Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels

Why you should consider using a life coach

let your light shine

While many people may be hesitant to go to a life coach because of a misconception that it is the same as getting therapy, which has a negative stigma in many societies, a life coach guides you to achieving your goals.

Using a life coach can be very effective. The International Coaching Federation has conducted a study which found that 99% of the people that were interviewed, reported that they had a rewarding experience by working with a life coach, and 96% said they would do it again. Another 65% said that their performance at work improved and 80% said that their self-confidence had improved.

So how can working with a life coach help you?

Many people report that coaching had a positive impact on their career as well as their lives. They saw improvement in:

  • establishing their goal and taking action
  • becoming more self-reliant
  • they saw their job satisfaction grow
  • they took on more responsibility for their actions
  • the worked easily with others.

You can figure out what you want to do with your life by yourself, but working with a life coach gives you the support that can aid you to get where you want to go without wasting time and money.

Here are some signs that you should consider working with a life coach.

You feel lost – if you are feeling lost and confused, a life coach can help you to find your way to your new life.

You are doubting yourself – a life coach can help you find clarity in this confusing world. You may know deep inside of you what you want but you are confused in how to make those goals happen. A life coach can help you to realize your goals.

Your path to your vision is not clear – you may have a goal or vision but you do not know how to achieve it. A life coach will guide you through the steps to create your plan of action to get you where you want to be. Sometimes all you need is organization and clarity.

You don’t always follow through with your requirements to achieve your goals – a life coach keeps you accountable with your obligations and keeps you motivated to reach your goals.

You tend to procrastinate – this can tie into the above reason on following through. If you want to achieve your goals you need discipline and you need to take action. A life coach can help you to make the changes to your behaviour and break the procrastination habit.

You get stressed easily – without any support you become frustrated and you waste a lot of energy when trying to reach your goals. A life coach can help you to relax and also give you a clear path to your goals.

You lack self-confidence – a life coach can help you to develop and maintain your self-confidence. A life coach can make your life better and your dreams and goals to come true.

It may be time to hire a life coach if any of the above reasons apply to you and your life. Successful people have used and continue to use life coaches. When you have a life coach to lean on and support you, you will get to where you want to be more quickly and efficiently.

To your success


Michael W




P.S. if after reading this article, you want to investigate using a Life Coach yourself, contact me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com for a 30-minute strategy session where you can learn more about how we can work together to help you achieve your life’s goals and start living the best year of your life.

P.P.S. Sometimes it seems impossible to get yourself going towards your goals. If you believe in yourself, this can be a lot easier. This book may help you to get that understanding that you need to start believing in yourself more.

You Have To Believe In Yourself To Be Happy

You-Have-To-Believe-In-Yourself-To-Be-Happy-original (Copy)


Feature Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

Is a Life Coach the Right Choice for You?



The purpose of a life coach is to help you create a life that fulfills you. Many people have touted the benefits, saying that their life coaches have changed their lives for the better.

If you’re wondering about hiring a life coach, consider these benefits:

  1. You can finally decide what you want to be when you grow up. Life coaches are great at getting you to actually choose what you want for your life. You’ll get to design your ideal life to maximize your fulfillment.
    • You’ll raise your standards. Many of your challenges likely result from having standards that are too low. You may be too quick to settle, taking jobs that are beneath your capabilities or getting into relationships that don’t serve you. Your boundaries may be weak and undefined.
    • A life coach will help you overcome these challenges.
  1. You’ll be held accountable. If you decide on your own to start working out each morning and then you don’t follow through, you can tell yourself that you’ll start again tomorrow. On the other hand, a life coach will keep you to the task.
    • One reason this strategy works is because most of us find letting others down to be painful. And most of us don’t like being in “trouble.”
  1. Your life will become more balanced. We all tend to emphasize certain things and fail to give others enough emphasis. A life coach will force you to give adequate attention to all the areas of your life.
  2. You’ll be forced to stretch yourself. Have you ever noticed that some people never change? They’re the same today as they were ten or more years ago. Life is about learning and applying that learning to get better results. If your life is always the same, you’re either not learning or not applying what you’ve learned.
    • Your life coach will get you to do all of those things you should be doing and want to be doing, but can’t quite get yourself to do.
  1. You’ll work through your challenges with an expert to support you. Dealing with challenges can be intimidating. Having an expert in your corner can make all the difference. Two heads really can be better than one. Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement and support. It can be a great way to get unstuck.
  2. You’ll have someone that is just as excited by your successes as you are! Have you ever done something that fills you with pride, only to find out that your family, friends, or significant other seems less than impressed?
    • Having someone cheer your successes creates momentum. Momentum allows you to accomplish even greater accomplishments.
  1. You’ll solve challenges you didn’t even realize you had. Typically a coach is hired for a specific reason. But through the process of coaching, you’ll find that there are other issues that might be just as important. There’s no place to hide with a good life coach.

Life coaching can be a great idea if you feel that you’re stuck and truly want to change. Do you recognize yourself in the points listed above? Have you been trying to change your life but been unable to? If so, a life coach is likely to make a huge difference in your life.

On the other hand, if your life is right where you want it, a life coach might not be what you’re looking for.

Consider your desires and your ability to bring them about on your own. If you feel you could use some help, seeking the help of a life coach might be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. if after reading this article, you want to investigate using a Life Coach yourself, contact me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com for a 30-minute strategy session where you can learn more about how we can work together to help you achieve your life’s goals and start living the best year of your life.

P.P.S. If you want to read how you can get a fresh start on your life an goals, this book may be very useful:

A Fresh Start Is Possible When You Know What to Do

book cover

There are times in your life that you just want to press pause, delete everything and start over with a new page.

It is possible to do this.

Getting a fresh start first involves knowing what you want out of your life. What goals do you have for your professional and personal lives that you really want to achieve that will make you satisfied and energized?

Once you have those goals prioritized, then you can start to make the necessary changes to get that fresh start with a new job, new city or new relationship or make a fresh start right where you are but with some changes.

This book will help you with making those changes that are necessary for you to get that fresh start that you want.


Article photo: Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Why You Need a Success Mindset

go up and never stop

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

You hear it all the time: “success is a state of mind.” There are people who would argue that success is a natural result of proper planning, preparation and focused action, and that viewpoint certainly holds a grain of truth – but there are also many exceptions to disprove that “rule.” Have you ever wondered how two people can attempt the same objective in the same way and only one of them succeed? Is it sheer luck? Timing? Tenacity? More often than not, it’s a person’s mind-set that determines whether they fail or succeed.

What is a mind-set, anyway? Typically a mind-set refers to your predominant state of mind day to day. It’s what you think about, focus on, and expect from your daily experiences. Think negatively, expect the worst, feel pessimistic about your options and that’s exactly what you’ll seem to draw into your life. Likewise, think positively, expect the best and focus on a successful outcome and you get it most of the time.

Makes sense, right? But how exactly does this work? Why is a success mind-set so important? There are three big reasons:

1) A success mind-set boosts your confidence and self-belief.

A lack of belief in yourself usually comes along with a sense of powerlessness and futility, which is the exact opposite of a success mind-set. Lack of confidence means you see no point in trying to be successful because it won’t happen anyway. Obviously, this type of mind-set is a recipe for failure in any endeavour.

Having a true success mind-set, on the other hand, means you believe in yourself and your capabilities. You believe you can succeed at nearly anything you try, and you’re willing to give it your best shot. Even better, the more you do try, the more confidence and self-belief you build – until you’re virtually unstoppable!

2) A success mind-set strengthens your determination.

Without a success mind-set, one failure is enough to convince you that pursuing your goals is a waste of time. Tenacity and determination don’t exist in your world. If you don’t become a raging success the first time you try, you surmise that it simply wasn’t meant to be. Unfortunately, few things worth having are obtained so easily!

A success mind-set, however, strengthens your awareness that a failure is not the end of the story – it’s just one more way that didn’t work out the way you planned. In fact, a true success mind-set makes it obvious that the only true failure occurs when you stop trying.

3) A success mind-set encourages fruitful actions.

Have you ever found yourself wandering in circles because you didn’t know the best way to approach a specific goal? Perhaps you had an idea of the best course of action but you felt intimidated by some of the action steps required. As a result, you may have kept sabotaging your efforts as you searched in vain for an easier or less frightening way to your goal.

With a true success mind-set, you’ll always know the most effective action steps that will lead directly to your goal. As already discussed, you’ll also have the inner confidence and determination to pursue them – which is a sure recipe for . . . you guessed it; success!

If I had to sum up how to develop a success mind-set into as few words as possible, I’d say this:

– Go for your dreams.

– Think positively.

– Believe in yourself.

– Believe you can do better.

– Learn, grow and develop yourself.

– Be willing to take chances.

– Give it your all.

– Expect the best in every situation.

– Be willing to fail.

– When you fall down, get back up and try again.

Keep doing that and you can’t help but become successful, from the inside out.

To your success


Michael W




P.S. If you want to read more about having a Success Mindset and methods that you can use to turn your mindset around to being successful, you can read my book:

First Steps To A Success Mindset

Setting Goals for Success: 5 Tips to Define Clear Goals


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Whether you want to set goals for your business or your personal life, defining clear, concise goals is very important. Without clear goals you can end up confused about what you want to achieve, and you may be putting yourself on the path to stagnation. Clear goals can give you tremendous momentum and intense purpose in your life.

Here are five important tips to help you to define clear goals in your life:

  1. Understand what you want to achieve. In order to define clear goals, your first step is to determine exactly what you want to achieve. If you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t figure out a route to get there.

    Once you know where you want to be and what you want to achieve, you’ll be able to come up with the goals that will help you get there.

    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    • Take the time to sit down and brainstorm your long-term dreams and desires.
  1. Determine a timeline. Setting timelines will prevent procrastination and spur you on to action to meet your goals. Having a timeline for your goals also helps to clarify them because now you know what you want and when you want it!
    • Come up with goals that you want to meet in a month, year, and even five or ten years from now.
    • Make a plan that will keep you on track; however, don’t etch your plan in stone! Allow for changes along the way, but keep your eye on the main goal.
  1. Ensure your goals are realistic. With realistic goals, you can almost guarantee that you’ll be able to achieve them, and you won’t stress yourself out trying to accomplish something that’s out of reach. A clear goal is a realistic
    • Break your long-term goals into small, achievable action steps. Reaching multiple goals along your journey will give you a feeling of accomplishment and motivate you to continue.
  1. Be specific. Clarify your goals with the details of exactly what you want. Avoid vague generalities. When you make a specific goal, you’ll be better able to accomplish it.
    • Specific goals allow you to form your timeline and define your action steps. There’s no guesswork involved when dealing with specifics.
    • For example, “make more money with your business” is a vague goal. Come up with a specific goal, such as, “I will make $1,000 more per month, three months from today.” This goal is specific, measurable, and realistic.
  1. Refine your goals. Your goals may change as your life changes. During this process, you’ll be able to make them more specific, realistic, and achievable.
    • It’s okay to refine your goals several times in your life! What’s important now, might not be important to you six months or six years from now. Be willing to accept change. Revisit your goals from time to time and make new plans if necessary.

Some people flounder through life, unsure of their purpose or what they want to achieve. Don’t let this be you! Your life will have clear meaning if you put some thought into what’s important to you, what goals you want to achieve, and what actions to take to make your dreams a reality.

You have read about what you need to do to set big goals and you may be a little daunted by all that you read and all that you need to do. This is where a Life Coach can help.

You don’t have to set and achieve your goals by yourself, as was stated above, many people just don’t know how to set goals and monitor them to ensure that they are on the right track to attaining them. Sometimes you try to do too many things and get frustrated and quit before you achieve your goals. A Life Coach can help to keep you on track and continue to motivate you to keep working towards your goal.

You Are Success Life Coach has a “Goals on Fire Program” that can help you to set and achieve your goals in all areas of your life.

You can check out the program at Goals on Fire Program and make an appointment to talk with me to discuss the program.

Don’t delay, check out the program NOW. Nothing happens until you take action.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. Don’t leave this page until you check out the Goals on Fire Program. This could be the big step you are missing to achieving all of your big goals in life.