7 Ways You Can Suffer if Your Life is Out of Balance

out of balance

It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful.

Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you can’t afford to waste any of your time.

A life that’s out of balance includes some degree of suffering:

  1. When your life is out of whack, you can spend too much money. If you’re working hard day after day, it’s common to think that you deserve to enjoy your life, so you whip out your wallet. Unfortunately, it’s easy to outspend your income. The pleasure you get from spending money also doesn’t last for long.
    • On the other end of the spectrum, if you’re not paying enough attention to work, your income is likely lower than it could be.
    • Putting too much or too little attention on work can have negative financial implications.
  2. If your life is out of balance, you’re likely to exercise too little, eat poorly, and suffer from excessive amounts of stress. You can also suffer from insomnia. Your health is one of the first things to go downhill when your life is out of balance.

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  1. Your relationship with your friends and family can suffer. One of the other casualties of an out-of-balance lifestyle is your relationship with other people. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, children, friends, or other family members, your relationships can suffer.
    • Consider the consequences of damaging your relationship with your spouse and children. Are the other things you’re spending time on worth it?
  2. You don’t have time for the things you enjoy. Do you love to watch football? Go out with the ladies for dinner on Thursdays? Whittle totem poles in the garage? An out of balance life lacks the time necessary to enjoy your hobbies and other enjoyable activities.
  3. Your mood suffers. Are you cranky, intolerant, angry, or feeling hopeless? Your life might be out of balance. People with an out of balance life often resent the time that people and unrelated activities require.
    • It’s not easy to feel good when your life is out of whack. A consistent bad mood is a terrible burden to carry, for you and everyone around you. Everyone suffers when a family member is miserable.
  4. You lose the ability to focus. A lack of sleep, horrible diet, no exercise, and no social life can tear down your ability to focus your attention productively. As your mind and body wear down, you can’t stay on task as well.
    • You’re also spending too much brain power focused on other things. If you’re eating dinner with your family, but lost in your thoughts, you’re not focusing on sharing a meal with your family.
  5. You either won’t take or can’t enjoy a vacation. If you can’t, or won’t, make time for a vacation, your life is out of balance. This can be a great test to determine if your life is under control. Do you think your life is unbalanced? Plan a vacation and see what happens!

Is your life out of balance? What changes can you make in order to bring it back into balance? It can be a real challenge to maintain balance in your life, but the consequences of failing to be balanced can be severe.

Remember how important your health, relationships, and happiness are to you. Where would you be without them?

Take action today to bring your life back into balance! You’ll be so glad you did!

You can book your 15-minute “Get to know you” call by clicking on the blue button below

book now

and we can talk about how we can work together to bring balance back into your life.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. What is holding you back from achieving the success in your life and career? For many people it is their Limiting Beliefs. Once you understand and remove your old limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs, success becomes that much easier.

Check out my basic Limiting Belief, self-paced program at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below. This program will get you started on identifying 14 of the most common limiting beliefs, you will probably be familiar with some of them, and will give empowering beliefs to replace them in your life if you have them.

After completing the course, you will be at the starting point of your success journey.

Limiting belief



Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash




Do You Need A Life Coach For Personal Development?


There comes a point in everyones life where we are stuck. Our lives need a serious makeover. Some define it as being in a rut or caught in a funk. Some dont even bother to put a voice behind it, just hoping it will go away. The lucky ones find a path to shore, while many of us are still treading in deep waters. So how do you know when to call for help?

The first indication you might need help is if your life is not producing the desired outcomes you want. There are signs all around you telling you something is wrong. Usually it begins with your inner monologue. Humans have an uncanny ability to create thought patterns which are self-defeating. When things are not going well in our external environment, it is turned internally as a repetitive voice for failure. These thoughts become validated when something else goes wrong. At some point in the pattern, giving up hope seems a viable option. This is when you call for a little help. When you can recognize you cant do it alone.

A life coach restores hope with learning tools and resources you may have never considered. The defining ability a life coach offers for personal development is an optimal support system. Having someone to guide you back into the right lane can be a saving grace in your life.

To help me to better plan this blog and other material, I invite you to take a quick 1-question survey by clicking on the photo below.

we hear you

Another reason to have a life coach is help you do a self-inventory. A life coach can sit down with you and identify problem areas in your life. They have the professional qualifications to assist in developing a realistic plan for your personal development. It is with encouragement and a total dissection of every part of your world a life coach makes impact.

Over time our behaviours become learned and some behaviours need to be unlearned. Especially behaviours which have scooted our lives into wrong directions. Sometimes we are not aware of the self-defeating behaviours which hinder our personal growth. A life coach knows techniques for positive reinforcement in learned processes. They help you with a self-assessment and follow up with a self-help plan. Every life coach has different approaches to their instructions. Some life coaches focus on certain areas, such as business coaching or financial plans. There are others who help you to find your life purpose or spiritual destiny.

It is okay to reach out for help when you find yourself lost in the tides. The first step is acknowledging the need. The second step you must take is to find a life coach who is applicable to your individual situation. You must keep seeking avenues for personal development. Your mind and your life patterns should always be renewed. Learning new ways of doing things, or new ways to think about yourself is essential for personal growth. A life coach can throw you a lifeline. Better yet, a life coach can restore a vital part of yourself you forgot all about through your strife: a vision for your life.

To work together to determine how we can work together to determine if a Life Coach is an ideal solution for your life situation, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

7 Ways You Can Suffer if Your Life is Out of Balance


It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful.

Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you can’t afford to waste any of your time.

A life that’s out of balance includes some degree of suffering:

  1. When your life is out of whack, you can spend too much money. If you’re working hard day after day, it’s common to think that you deserve to enjoy your life, so you whip out your wallet. Unfortunately, it’s easy to outspend your income. The pleasure you get from spending money also doesn’t last for long.
    • On the other end of the spectrum, if you’re not paying enough attention to work, your income is likely lower than it could be.
    • Putting too much or too little attention on work can have negative financial implications.
  2. If your life is out of balance, you’re likely to exercise too little, eat poorly, and suffer from excessive amounts of stress. You can also suffer from insomnia. Your health is one of the first things to go downhill when your life is out of balance.
  3. Your relationship with your friends and family can suffer. One of the other casualties of an out-of-balance lifestyle is your relationship with other people. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, children, friends, or other family members, your relationships can suffer.
    • Consider the consequences of damaging your relationship with your spouse and children. Are the other things you’re spending time on worth it?
  4. You don’t have time for the things you enjoy. Do you love to watch football? Go out with the ladies for dinner on Thursdays? Whittle totem poles in the garage? An out of balance life lacks the time necessary to enjoy your hobbies and other enjoyable activities.
  5. Your mood suffers. Are you cranky, intolerant, angry, or feeling hopeless? Your life might be out of balance. People with an out of balance life often resent the time that people and unrelated activities require.
    • It’s not easy to feel good when your life is out of whack. A consistent bad mood is a terrible burden to carry, for you and everyone around you. Everyone suffers when a family member is miserable.
  6. You lose the ability to focus. A lack of sleep, horrible diet, no exercise, and no social life can tear down your ability to focus your attention productively. As your mind and body wear down, you can’t stay on task as well.
    • You’re also spending too much brain power focused on other things. If you’re eating dinner with your family, but lost in your thoughts, you’re not focusing on sharing a meal with your family.
  7. You either won’t take or can’t enjoy a vacation. If you can’t, or won’t, make time for a vacation, your life is out of balance. This can be a great test to determine if your life is under control. Do you think your life is unbalanced? Plan a vacation and see what happens!

Is your life out of balance? What changes can you make in order to bring it back into balance? It can be a real challenge to maintain balance in your life, but the consequences of failing to be balanced can be severe.

Remember how important your health, relationships, and happiness are to you. Where would you be without them?

Take action today to bring your life back into balance! You’ll be so glad you did!

You can book your 15-minute “Get to know you” call by clicking on the blue button below

book now

and we can talk about how we can work together to bring balance back into your life.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. What is holding you back from achieving the success in your life and career? For many people it is their Limiting Beliefs. Once you understand and remove your old limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs, success becomes that much easier.

Check out my basic Limiting Belief, self-paced program at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below. This program will get you started on identifying 14 of the most common limiting beliefs, you will probably be familiar with some of them, and will give empowering beliefs to replace them in your life if you have them.

After completing the course, you will be at the starting point of your success journey.

Limiting belief



Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash




Own the Day and You Own Your Life


Each passing day can seem inconsequential, but the totality of your days is your life. So, each day matters a lot. If you can get the most out of each day, you’re going to have an amazing life!

However, conquering the day doesn’t happen by accident. It requires focus and intention.

Learn how to master the day and in turn, your life:

  1. Realize the power of each day. A day doesn’t seem like much. You’ve experienced plenty of long days where it seemed you accomplished nothing. It’s true that a single day might mean a lot, but a small amount of progress each day can result in a dramatically different future.
    • Realize the power and potential of each day and be determined to make the most of it.

To help me to better plan this blog and other material, I invite you to take a quick 1-question survey by clicking on the photo below.

we hear you

  1. Have a plan for the day. Have a detailed plan for the day and for the week before you even think about going to bed at night. When you wake up, grab your list of to-do items and get busy as soon as possible.
    • There’s an added bonus to planning out your day the night before. Your brain has a chance to think about your list of items as you sleep. Your brain will predict the challenges you’re likely to face and have a few solutions in mind.
    • Try it and you’ll find that your day goes much more smoothly.

  2. Wake up earlier. If you want to own the day, get started early. Successful people tend to get up pretty early. How successful do you want to be? A successful person doesn’t scramble around in the morning trying to find a pair of clean socks. Start your day as early as possible and grab it by the throat.
  3. What are you going to do for the next hour? Ask yourself this important question each hour. Whether your objective is to write a report, return phone calls, or enjoy your favourite movie as much as possible, identify what you’re trying to accomplish and focus on doing it. Keep your mind on the identified task.
  4. Take breaks. You can get more accomplished each day if you take planned breaks. Working nonstop leads to slowing down later in the day. You’ll ultimately accomplish more if you take a break every couple of hours.
  5. Remove distractions. Distractions will prevent you from owning the day and from owning your life. There’s no reason to rely on your will power to avoid the distractions in your environment if you have the ability to remove them instead.
    • Avoid trying to be tough and stoic. Just remove the distractions to the best of your ability.
  6. You had a good day, but it could have been even better. Figure out what you could have done differently. Make a new plan for tomorrow and include this knowledge.
    • Reviewing your day is a pivotal part of developing your approach to life. So many people simply repeat the same mediocre days over and over. Mediocre days lead to a mediocre life.

Are you getting the most from each day of your life? Do you have a plan for the day? For the week? What are you committed to accomplishing today? What time did you get up today?

An amazing life is the result of amazing days. Spending your day focused on activities that lead to accomplishing your goals qualifies as an amazing day. An amazing life can be yours, but you have to create it one day at a time.

To work together to help you get the most out of your day, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. What is holding you back from achieving the success in your life and career? For many people it is their Limiting Beliefs. Once you understand and remove your old limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs, success becomes that much easier.

Check out my basic Limiting Belief, self-paced program at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below. This program will get you started on identifying 14 of the most common limiting beliefs, you will probably be familiar with some of them, and will give empowering beliefs to replace them in your life if you have them.

After completing the course, you will be at the starting point of your success journey.

Limiting belief



Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash


9 Misconceptions of Success


Sometimes it isn’t about what you don’t know. Often, it’s more about being mistaken about the things you’re certain are true. Misconceptions create challenges. What if your preconceived notions about success are incorrect? How might your beliefs about your likelihood of success change?

If your beliefs are accurate, you might find that achieving success is a lot easier than you originally thought. With a fresh set of beliefs, new actions and outcomes can be expected. Success starts with you!

Check out these 9 misconceptions of success:

  1. It’s too late to reach your goals. Many of the world’s most successful individuals didn’t get started until later in life. Consider Colonel Sanders, who started Kentucky Fried Chicken in his sixties.

To help me to better plan this blog and other material, I invite you to take a quick 1-question survey by clicking on the photo below.       we hear you

  1. Successful people have to work insane hours. While many successful people do work many hours, that’s primarily because they enjoy what they’re doing. But it’s unnecessary to focus all your efforts on work.
    • It’s important to spend time doing things that help you move forward in a positive direction. Sometimes, that even means doing things that make you feel uncomfortable.
  1. It takes a long time to become successful. It depends on what you’re doing. If you want to become a doctor, it does take a while. But many things can be accomplished quickly with a good action plan
  1. You have to play by the rules to succeed. The alternate, “You have to break all the rules to succeed,” is also false. Each situation is unique. You can make up your own rules, as long as you avoid hurting anyone or breaking any laws.
  2. Money isn’t important. Money is very important for those things that require money. Money doesn’t provide emotional support, but it can do a whole lot for you. If you’re unable to pay your bills or buy food, you already know the importance of money.
  3. Success is only about making money. It’s important to have enough money to support your idea of success. But money isn’t everything! Maybe your version of success is about having freedom and enjoying life. Having more money than you need is of questionable value.

  4. You’ll achieve the most success if you do it alone. Success rarely happens in isolation. You’ll probably need help along the way. Partnerships, joint ventures, favors, and mentors are often part of becoming successful. Hopefully, you’ll be able to pay it forward and help someone else on their road to success someday.
  5. If you lack education or come from a certain background, you won’t find success. Successful people come from all backgrounds and levels of education. In fact, a disproportionate number of highly successful people didn’t complete high school!
    • Having a certain background and education can provide different opportunities, but there’s an alternative path to success. History is filled with success stories of those with serious disadvantages.
  1. Success is the goal. Success is the condition of having met your goals. It isn’t a goal in itself.

Success is frequently different than what we think it is. You’ve learned to talk, walk, and read. You’ve made friends and achieved many other things. Use those experiences to lead you down the path to success with your bigger goals.

To work together to help you develop your success goals and get you moving towards them, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching


Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash