How Does Avoidance and Procrastination Hurt Us?



You know that you should do that one thing you’ve meant to do for a while, but getting up off the couch is just so, well, challenging. Believe it or not, even though you may think you are simply leaving a task uncompleted, what you are doing is procrastination, and it may be hurting you.

You’re Wasting Time

Anytime you leave a task uncompleted and spend time lounging around instead (or doing something meaningless), you are wasting time that you will never get back. And although you may think it’s just a few hours, once you are in this dangerous thought pattern, you will find yourself putting activities off more and more frequently, and next thing you know, you’ve wasted years of your life.

Ruining Opportunities

Maybe you saw an excellent job posting, and you meant to apply. You did, but you got home and found your resume wasn’t updated. And you never got around to updating it or submitting it. Now you will never know what sort of opportunity you had missed. And even if the job hadn’t panned out, maybe you would’ve made valuable connections that could’ve taken you far in life.

Damaging Your Reputation

A late assignment once is one thing, but the minute you are known as habitually late or that your turn in work incomplete—this can start to damage your reputation. And a reputation is essential in the work world, especially when it comes to furthering your career and establishing connections that positively impact your life. This can also affect your personal life, such as meeting the person of your dreams, but your reputation as someone who never accomplishes anything precedes you. The individual of your dreams finds themselves not wanting to take a chance on you.

Health Risks

You meant to make a doctor’s appointment to get that lump checked out, but you just kept putting it off. And in doing so, you may have put yourself at a serious health risk. This is because many medical conditions if caught early, can be treated quickly and easily. If left to escalate, several conditions can turn into something worse, which may be challenging to treat and subsequently risk your life.

Although putting off that one small thing may seem like the thing to do at the time, procrastination is never the answer. This is because when you avoid a particular task, you are wasting time, opportunities and causing possible damage to your future.

We all procrastinate at some time in our lives and sometimes around certain tasks that we know we need to do. However, as pointed out, avoiding or procrastinating can lead to lost opportunities and possible health issues.

Book a “Get to know you” call now

and we can start to work on how you can stop procrastinating and get control over your life and move forward to living the best year of your life now.

To your success


Michael W





Image by John Hain from Pixabay