Finding Your Drive and Ambition When None Is Present

For success, critical components are drive and ambition. Successful people are constantly looking to improve themselves as well as their skills and their circumstances. When life is hard or things aren’t going as expected, a person needs to have a lot of drive and ambition to keep themselves working.

If you are bored and get discouraged easily by any obstacles, you may have no drive. You see little point in the struggles of life. You may even try to destroy yourself with drugs or alcohol or spend too much time watching television and never really accomplish anything of value.

Take control of your success

There are many things in your life that can hold you back from being successful.

Some are external and there isn’t much you can do about those. But the ones that do the most damage are the internal ones.

Your self-talk and limiting beliefs are the two main things that can hold you back.

You can try to fix these by yourself or you can work with a Life Coach.

This short video talks to these points and offers you a solution.

Self-talk video

You can contact me to book the call mentioned in the video at

These may be examples of extreme cases of no drive and ambition, everyone loses motivation from time to time.

There are some things that you can do to regain your motivation and help to increase your drive.

Develop a growth mindset. If you have a growth mindset, you believe that with time, effort and practice you can grow. If you have a fixed mindset, you think that you are limited and can’t grow or change even with hard work and practice.

  • Reading books and articles about successful people and how they overcame the obstacles confronting them can help you to build a growth mindset.
  • Even if you make mistakes and are criticized you can still practice thinking positively about yourself.
  • Your motivation can be boosted with a growth mindset which helps you improve with time and effort and practice.

Don’t procrastinate. For many people, a major cause of low motivation or a lack of success is procrastination. You may have some tasks that you put off because you dread doing them. Procrastination is self-destructive. It stops you from seeing the opportunities to achieve your life goals.

  • You can stop procrastinating by writing down all of the tasks you want to achieve and then rank them. Start with the highest priority task. Before moving on, complete the first task. Keep doing this until all of your priority tasks for the day are completed.
  • To get yourself started if you are finding it difficult, set a timer for 20 minutes. You then start on the highest priority task.
  • When you feel motivated, you will feel a lot less stressed about accomplishing your goals.

Thinking you are motivated. It seems counterintuitive to artificially create motivation since it is a feeling. This could be through wearing clothes that boost your confidence or listening to motivational music before an important meeting.

  • Thinking that motivation is a feeling may enable you to trick yourself into behaving motivated. This can boost how you feel so that can be more productive and driven.

Think of why you are struggling. If you are lacking motivation, you may spend more time focusing on why you can’t do something instead of why you can succeed.

  • If you feel unmotivated to exercise, you could be telling yourself that after work, you have no energy, so you shouldn’t bother as you wouldn’t enjoy it anyway.
  • You believe that you shouldn’t work out as there is no point since you won’t enjoy it.
  • You should reframe the situation. Think about the reasons you should work out even though you don’t feel motivated right now. Exercise has always helped you to think and your results have always been positive. You need to push yourself to get yourself to the gym.

To be successful in life you need drive and ambition. Like most of us, you have trouble maintaining a high level of these two attributes.

You can increase your productivity and bring your dreams to life. You can do this by cultivating your growth mindset. You also can trick yourself into being motivated and avoid procrastinating. Think of the counterintuitive arguments for your poor motivation as well.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 45-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

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Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





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P.P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

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Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash