Eliminate a Negative Self-image


How you perceive yourself is your self-mage. You could be thinking that you are intelligent, or lazy, bad with money, likeable or even eccentric. These self-beliefs can be either liberating or constricting.

You can be limited in your success as well have your decisions influenced by your self-image. If you believe that you are bad at talking with strangers, you may avoid many social situations. You may miss the opportunities to meet a new life-long friend or the recruiter for your dream job, or even the love of your life.

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You can change your self-image and make enhancements to your life.

Identify and change your bad habits. You are not perfect, no one is. You probably have things that you do that could use a little work. Address your shortcomings., get in shape, be more patient or even just be a better friend.

  • Perfection is not possible, just focus on making progress.

List your good points. You should do this every morning and evening. Start with a long list and then add at least one item each morning and evening. Keep reminding yourself of those things that you are good at and appreciate about yourself. Review the list to keep you feeling good about yourself.

Follow your morals. You know what is right and wrong. It is hard to feel bad about yourself when you live by your own values. When you stray from these values is when you feel guilty and displeased.

  • List the behaviours that you will no longer accept
  • What are the qualities that are most important to you? Set your standards and don’t violate them.

Help others. Help a neighbour or volunteer each week. Do this without expecting anything in return. This strategy alone can improve your self-image.

  • Find an organization in your city and make a positive difference in a person’s life. You will get as much benefit from this as they do

Experience your success. You should feel good about any success you have. Make it easy to succeed by setting small goals then go out and accomplish them. This could be saving a small amount of money each month or going to the gm regularly. Prove to yourself that you can be a consistent success.

Be around people who like you. You can easily increase your self-respect by spending time with those people that already think you are great. The unkind, unsupportive and the negative people should be avoided.

Do what you enjoy. Do things on a regular basis that make you feel good. You can then carry those feelings into other areas of your life. The more positive emotions you have and the more time you spend feeling these emotions, the better you will feel.

Don’t try to be perfect. You are going to feel very unhappy in your life if the only way you can feel good about yourself if you need to be perfect. It is not possible to be perfect. You should try for things that are controllable like improvements and effort.

Be nice to yourself. When you treat yourself well, you believe that it is deserved. Treat yourself kindly as you would a good friend. Take care of your basic needs like sleeping and eating as well as having a good social life. Buy yourself those things that you need.

Having a negative self-image has repercussions in every part of your life. Do you think highly of your own life? Enhancing your self-image is time well spent. Achieving more than you think you deserve is difficult, so believe that you deserve to have a lot. You will be able to enjoy more of your life’s desires.

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To your success


Michael W






P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

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