Decision Fatigue: What It Is and How to Avoid It

Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash

Each decision you make reduces your ability to make good decisions. It can quickly reach the point that you’ll actually avoid making decisions once a certain threshold is reached. There are only so many good decisions you can make each day.

Decision fatigue also leads to impulse spending. Self-regulation also suffers during decision fatigue. There’s a reason why you’re more likely to eat unhealthy food or do something else detrimental to your well-being at night.

Have you ever noticed that many powerful and successful people tend to make poor decisions at night? These self-destructive decisions often come after a long day of making important decisions at work.

Use these strategies to avoid decision fatigue and make wise decisions:

  1. Make important decisions early in the day and during times of low stress. When you’re relaxed and in your safe space, you have the freedom to kick back and make decisions without any pressure or distractions.

  2. Choose your clothes the night before. It’s mentally exhausting to search around for clothes that match when it’s time for work.

    • You can also limit the scope of your wardrobe and achieve the same effect. Steve Jobs and Barack Obama were famous for their limited wardrobes. Both felt that the fewer decisions they had to make each day, the better.

  3. Plan your day the night before. Then, you just need to put your head down and get to work. You’ve already made the basic choices of how you’re going to spend your day. All that’s left to do is perform the necessary actions.

    • For example, know what you’re having for lunch, breakfast, and dinner before you go to bed.

    • What are the most important things you have to do tomorrow? When will you do them?

    • This will leave you with a greater ability to make good decisions the next day.

  1. Keep your life simple. A complex life is fatiguing. The fatigue extends to your ability to make decisions. Our brains weren’t designed to handle ongoing complexity. A simple life is easier on your brain and will allow you to make better decisions.

  2. Delegate decisions. Not all decisions have to be made by you. Let someone else pick the restaurant and the movie. Allow one of your employees to make the less-critical decisions. Let your kids decide what you’re going to do this weekend. Avoid decision fatigue by requiring others to make some decisions.

  3. Take a nap. A nap is a great way to rejuvenate your mental faculties. Sleeping for just 10-30 minutes will recharge your decision-making capacity.Make a daily nap part of your day if possible.

  4. Know your priorities. When you know what is important to you, decisions become easier to make. Quick decisions don’t induce a lot of decision fatigue. You’ll avoid torturing yourself over all of your decisions if you understand which decisions matter and which don’t.

The quality of your decisions influences the quality of your career, health, relationships, and overall success. Poor decisions lead to personal challenges. These challenges include financial issues, work and school difficulties, health problems, and other personal and social issues.

Each decision you make has a biological cost. After making too many decisions, you’re more likely to argue with your partner, make unnecessary purchases, and eat junk food.

As your brain fatigues it searches for shortcuts. One of these shortcuts is to make decisions quickly and recklessly. After all, thinking takes energy. The other alternative is to refuse to make a decision at all.

Decision fatigue is something everyone should be aware of. The consequences of poor decision-making can be severe.

To your success


If you want to learn more about making changes to your life, you can find my books at

Tips to help you survive

This has been a stressful time for many people and they may be working from home or not working at all.

We all need to understand the best methods to work from home as well and remaining optimistic and successful and keep our stress levels down while still being productive.

I have 4 FREE reports that can help you do all this.

Being Optimistic in Your Life – Being optimistic means expecting good things to happen. This can be tough in such a negatively-biased world. But the benefits can be great by overcoming negative thoughts and keeping a more optimistic outlook. Using these tips can help you to become more optimistic.

Being optimistic

9 Success Habits of Successful People You Can Copy – While there is no way to know precisely what makes some people successful, we can learn a lot by examining successful people. Often (not always, but often enough to matter), high achievers exhibit similar habits and behaviors. The nine habits below, show up over and over again in success stories. If you want to be more successful in life, these behaviors might be an excellent place to start.

9 Success Habits to copy

Maintaining Your Productivity When You Are Stressed-out – Staying productive can be a challenge at the best of times. Some of us have trouble even becoming productive in the first place. When you are stressed out or dealing with other problems in your life, it can almost feel impossible to get things done. If you have felt stressed out and your productivity has waned, then you should follow these tips:

Maintaining your productivity

9 Useful Tip for People Working From Home – Working from home sounds like a dream to many people. I mean, you can’t beat the commute, right? Well, once people start working from home, this illusion begins to fade. They find it hard to stay productive and miss the social interaction with their colleagues. If you struggle to work from home, then follow these tips to stay productive.

Working from home

These short reports contain useful tips that you can use right now that can help to alleviate the stress that you are feeling as well as keep you productive when you are working away from the office.

You can download the reports individually by clicking on the photos above or you can download all 4 reports by clicking here> 4 Productivity and Life Success Reports.

These reports are FREE as my way of helping people cope with the present situation. The information will also be useful once things return to a sense of normalcy as well.

Trying to rewire your brain is challenging…but it’s also AMAZING!


I’m going to be honest…

it’s hard changing the way we’ve always done things.

It means we HAVE to kick that bad habit.

Develop a new mindset.

Question our limiting beliefs.

Sometimes it’s just easier to just stay in our comfort zone.

But I’ve learned one huge lesson…

          …having the “Success Brain” is key to building a life you love.

You can’t be happy when you’re not pursuing your dreams.

…Letting limiting beliefs control your life.

…Allowing your bad habits to keep you from what you LOVE.

Developing a new mindset and making your dreams come true is the path to JOY!

But changing our habits, our beliefs, and the way we THINK requires some serious courage.


Unshakable support from others.

Let me be that SUPPORT for you!

I recently created a step-by-step training precisely for those who want to live a powerful life, create goals important to them, and make their dreams a reality.

It’s called…

The Success Brain: How to prime your mind to WIN at work and life

I’ll guide you by the hand and give you a proven process to rewire your brain and live the life that YOU want to live.

I’ll support you in your journey toward building the life you love.

In this training, you’ll learn:

  • How to unlock the “Success Brain” mindset
  • Secrets to ELIMINATING the fear of failure
  • How to BREAK AWAY from self limiting thoughts
  • How to live the BEST year of your LIFE
  • Secrets to developing EMPOWERING habits
  • How to replace negative habits with POSITIVE habits
  • And more!

This has the power to TRANSFORM your life!

The Success Brain: How to prime your mind to WIN at work and life

If you have ANY questions, please let me know.

Talk soon,

Michael W

Your Brainpower – The Surprising Truth

Scientists at the Salk Institute discovered that the human brain’s computing power is ten times greater than was previously thought. You are much smarter than you think!

With this new estimate, you now have the computing ability and information storage capacity of the entire Internet inside your skull. It is now time to believe in yourself and aim higher in life.

Applying More Brain Power to Your Personal Life:

  • Continue learning. Learning and education should become a lifelong experience. You could study on your own, take an evening course or even return to school full-time
  • Read more. Reading can relieve stress, enhance your memory and possibly even help you to live longer. Read a classic novel, non-fiction history or science into your mix as well.
  • Find a hobby. Engage in something creative and enriching. Anything from knitting a sweater or restoring furniture can be included. Just turn off the TV
  • Travel around. Travel is broadening. You don’t have to visit different countries to gain the benefit, even visiting unfamiliar neighborhoods can expand your perspectives
  • Cultivate healthy relationships. Your quality of life is impacted by your social interactions as well. Spend time with your family and old friends as well as try to make new ones

  • Teach your kids. Help them with their homework or plan a family outing to a local museum. Share your life experiences with your children.
  • Take care of your health. Talk with your doctor about how the latest studies in nutrition, medicine and aging apply to your health. Be smart about self-care.
  • Volunteer your services. It can be personally rewarding to give back to society. Ask a charity that interest you if you can help on a project that leverages your current strengths.

  • Deepen Your Faith. Talk with other members of your spiritual community the strengthen the foundation of your beliefs

Applying More Brain Power to Your Professional Life:

  • Choose meaningful work. Ask yourself who benefits from what you do and also look or a career that excites you and gives your life a sense of purpose.
  • Create a side income. If it not practical to move to a new job but your job seems limiting, you can still make money by doing what you love outside of office hours.
  • Focus on innovation. Set a challenging but feasible goal to make a task more stimulating. Experiment with methods to increase productivity or quality.
  • Pick up new skills. Let your boss know that you are interested in attending a conference that will help you in your job performance or sign up for training on a new package related to your work.
  • Network more effectively. You speed up your professional development and build lasting connections through networking. Talk to strangers and follow up with promising contacts.

Accomplish big things in your personal and professional life by living up to your potential. Don’t doubt yourself, you have the capacity of the entire internet between you rears. Use it.

The Success Brain Course

If you want to develop a Success Brain, you need to first understand what it is as well as what is holding you back.

You have limiting beliefs and habits that are stopping you from achieving the success you deserve.

The good news is you don’t have to continue with the life you are now living. With some understanding and some work, you can develop a Success Brain.

This course can help.

If you are the type of person who is looking for “easy” then this course is not for you. You will be asked to take a hard look at your life and you will be asked to make some difficult changes to your lifestyle in order to get the most benefit from the material in this course.

If you are tired of where you are in your life right now, and are willing to put in the work, then you need to investigate completing the Success Brain Course today.

the success brain course

Live the Life You Truly Want To

Many people assume that if they start living the life they want to that they will be outcast from their friends and family. This is actually false, you can still live the life you feel that you should be living without this happening to you. Let’s look at how you can manage this.

No one expects you to always have the exact same viewpoint as them. When you do find yourself in disagreement just be careful about how you show this. While expressing your views, don’t become headstrong and forceful. Instead learn to listen to both sides of the argument or discussion. There doesn’t always have to be a clear winner.

While you may want to dress in a carefree manner, again do this with discretion. If you are visiting your parents or grandparents give them a little respect. In this instance dressing down may be more appropriate. You can still dress however you wish once your visit is over.

Living your own life and being your own person is wonderful. Who doesn’t want to feel carefree and have no boundaries placed upon them? This doesn’t mean that everyone around you will want to do the same. Allow your friends to conform to the majority if that is what they wish. Don’t force actions on them that would make them feel uncomfortable.

When your friends and family see you as authentic this means that you really are being true to yourself. You are not afraid to share your views, raise objections and stand out amongst the crowd.

An authentic person is someone that means what they say, says what they mean and walks the talk! You know the type of person who you are, and you are extremely comfortable living in your own skin.

When you are living the life you want to live you share honestly with others. You are not vulnerable and yet, you know who you can be vulnerable with. You have an inner strength that is often admired by others. You genuinely know how to love, trust and respect the people in your life. Plus you can leave that ego of yours in the background if and when necessary. At the same time you seize every opportunity to learn, grow and explore everything around you.

To your success

Michael W

P.S. You have to believe in yourself before you can live the life you want and for many people that is difficult.

This book: You Have To Believe In Yourself To Be Happy can help you to reach that belief level necessary to be happy and successful