I am free of self-limiting beliefs.


Although my parents and society impressed their beliefs on me as a child, I have the final say over what I believe as an adult. The only beliefs that I entertain are those that are self-nurturing.

I know that beliefs can drive behaviour. Therefore, I critically analyze my thoughts. I see the world in a positive light. I only entertain ideas that are in line with who I truly am.

I nurture my self-esteem. I deserve success and happiness, and I have the tools to achieve them. I can easily recall times when I have been successful. I hold the feeling of winning close to my heart.

I know that I can achieve greatness just by being myself. There are many things that I can do better than anyone else. I cultivate and nurture my talents.

I am confident because I know my strengths. I am insulated against self-doubt.

I choose to believe in myself, even during challenging times. My sense of self is anchored in my knowledge that I am worthy of love and success. It comes from within.

Like anyone else, I make errors, but I turn them into learning experiences. Although I look to the future, I also take time to recall my past successes.

Today, I choose to release any lingering self-doubts. I realize that my performance can soar higher and higher as I continue to believe in myself. I take full advantage of life’s many learning experiences.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When has the fear of failure kept me from trying?
  2. What bearing does my past performance have on my present potential?
  3. How would my life change if I constantly visualized success?

You now have some advice, tips and reflections to help you to believe in your own abilities so that you can keep growing in your life.

If you still think that this is something that you will need help with, you can contact me at michael@coachmichaelw.com

To your success


Michael W





Image by John Hain from Pixabay

I am always learning and growing.



Each experience presents the opportunity to learn something new. Whether positive or negative, my experiences are learning moments. I learn from both my successes and my mistakes. Even undesirable outcomes are positive in my mind, because I always learn something.

My commitment to learning fuels constant growth. Everything I learn makes me more competent and effective. My victories make me stronger. My failures make me stronger, too. I am making the most of my time by learning from all of my experiences.

I am curious and love to learn. I enjoy learning about things that can impact my life in a positive way. I admire lifelong learners, and I want to learn for the rest of my life, too.

My goals determine what I need to learn. I focus my free time on gathering information and learning skills that help me achieve my goals.

I avoid ending my day until I learn something useful. I am always learning and growing. I view myself as a learner. I feel proud when I learn something new.

Today, I am making the most of my day. I am extracting the lesson from each and every experience I have today. I am growing into a more capable person.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What could I learn that would assist in the attainment of my goals?
  2. What can I learn from today? From the last year? From my entire life? What are the lessons I have failed to recognize?
  3. What mistakes do I continue to repeat? Why?

You now have some advice and tips to help you to keep growing in your life..

If you still think that this is something that you will need help with, you can contact me at michael@coachmichaelw.com

To your success


Michael W





Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Is a Life Coach the Right Choice for You?



The purpose of a life coach is to help you create a life that fulfills you. Many people have touted the benefits, saying that their life coaches have changed their lives for the better.

If you’re wondering about hiring a life coach, consider these benefits:

  1. You can finally decide what you want to be when you grow up. Life coaches are great at getting you to actually choose what you want for your life. You’ll get to design your ideal life to maximize your fulfillment.
    • You’ll raise your standards. Many of your challenges likely result from having standards that are too low. You may be too quick to settle, taking jobs that are beneath your capabilities or getting into relationships that don’t serve you. Your boundaries may be weak and undefined.
    • A life coach will help you overcome these challenges.
  1. You’ll be held accountable. If you decide on your own to start working out each morning and then you don’t follow through, you can tell yourself that you’ll start again tomorrow. On the other hand, a life coach will keep you to the task.
    • One reason this strategy works is because most of us find letting others down to be painful. And most of us don’t like being in “trouble.”
  1. Your life will become more balanced. We all tend to emphasize certain things and fail to give others enough emphasis. A life coach will force you to give adequate attention to all the areas of your life.
  2. You’ll be forced to stretch yourself. Have you ever noticed that some people never change? They’re the same today as they were ten or more years ago. Life is about learning and applying that learning to get better results. If your life is always the same, you’re either not learning or not applying what you’ve learned.
    • Your life coach will get you to do all of those things you should be doing and want to be doing, but can’t quite get yourself to do.
  1. You’ll work through your challenges with an expert to support you. Dealing with challenges can be intimidating. Having an expert in your corner can make all the difference. Two heads really can be better than one. Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement and support. It can be a great way to get unstuck.
  2. You’ll have someone that is just as excited by your successes as you are! Have you ever done something that fills you with pride, only to find out that your family, friends, or significant other seems less than impressed?
    • Having someone cheer your successes creates momentum. Momentum allows you to accomplish even greater accomplishments.
  1. You’ll solve challenges you didn’t even realize you had. Typically a coach is hired for a specific reason. But through the process of coaching, you’ll find that there are other issues that might be just as important. There’s no place to hide with a good life coach.

Life coaching can be a great idea if you feel that you’re stuck and truly want to change. Do you recognize yourself in the points listed above? Have you been trying to change your life but been unable to? If so, a life coach is likely to make a huge difference in your life.

On the other hand, if your life is right where you want it, a life coach might not be what you’re looking for.

Consider your desires and your ability to bring them about on your own. If you feel you could use some help, seeking the help of a life coach might be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. if after reading this article, you want to investigate using a Life Coach yourself, contact me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com for a 30-minute strategy session where you can learn more about how we can work together to help you achieve your life’s goals and start living the best year of your life.

P.P.S. If you want to read how you can get a fresh start on your life an goals, this book may be very useful:

A Fresh Start Is Possible When You Know What to Do

book cover

There are times in your life that you just want to press pause, delete everything and start over with a new page.

It is possible to do this.

Getting a fresh start first involves knowing what you want out of your life. What goals do you have for your professional and personal lives that you really want to achieve that will make you satisfied and energized?

Once you have those goals prioritized, then you can start to make the necessary changes to get that fresh start with a new job, new city or new relationship or make a fresh start right where you are but with some changes.

This book will help you with making those changes that are necessary for you to get that fresh start that you want.


Article photo: Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

The Secrets to Achieving Big Goals

goals page in notebook





Photo by Alexa Williams on Unsplash

How would you like to achieve a big goal? Achieving big goals is a science. We’re not talking about losing 10 pounds or cleaning out the attic by the end of the month. A big goal is losing 50 pounds or doubling your income.

The average person is effective at accomplishing smaller goals, but struggles with big goals. Big goals aren’t any more difficult. They just require more time.

Big goals require a different strategy:

  1. It’s important to measure your progress. Big goals take time, and it’s easy to become discouraged. It’s common for most of the results to occur near the end of the process. Perseverance is critical. Measuring your progress provides motivation to keep going.
    • Since big goals can take a lot of time, it’s important to know that you’re on the right track. Maintaining an awareness of your progress or lack of progress will allow you to change your approach as needed.
  1. Big goals must be a priority. How many times have you set a goal, only to forget all about it in a week? Remind yourself of your goal each day. At the very least, read your goal once per day. Consider reading, writing, and visualizing it twice per day.
  2. Mental garbage is the biggest obstacle. The thought of making a million dollars might sound great, but there’s also a part of you that feels like you accidently ate a bug. A part of you clenches when you think about accomplishing much more than you’re accustomed to accomplishing. This discomfort is a sign from our subconscious that it’s not entirely onboard.
    • There are many techniques to deal with this discomfort. You can pray or meditate. You can focus on a positive outcome. You can reframe the situation. Do whatever helps you to feel better.
    • If you can’t visualize the achievement of your goal and feel 100% positive, it will be challenging to achieve.
  1. Focus on your habits. Your ideal body is the result of your eating and exercise habits. Losing 50 pounds is the result of having the appropriate habits and being patient enough to enjoy the results. What habits do you need to implement to make achieving your goals automatic?
    • Avoid the belief that huge success is the result of a single, spectacular action. Small changes in behavior and focus can provide the same, impressive results over time.
  1. Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so it’s not fair to expect something amazing to happen in a week. Set a reasonable timetable and relax. Big goals are marathons, not sprints. Read biographies of those that accomplished impressive things. The time and patience spent by our heroes are impressive.
    • Practice patience by learning to be patient in everyday situations. We all have plenty of opportunities. Waiting in line, sitting in traffic, or waiting at the doctor’s office are just a few examples. Just relax and breathe.
  1. Only choose goals that are highly meaningful. A goal is much easier to achieve if you passionately want to achieve it. Some people bite off more than their motivation can chew. A big goal requires commitment, sacrifice, and time. Avoid goals that aren’t worth the cost. You’ll only be wasting your time.

Big goals are exciting and life changing, but big goals are often avoided because of the likelihood of failure. There is a process to making significant changes in your life. Be clear on your objective and create habits that bring you closer to that objective each day. Measure your results to stay motivated and ensure that you’re making progress. Reach your first big goal!

You have read about what you need to do to set big goals and you may be a little daunted by all that you read and all that you need to do. This is where a Life Coach can help.

You don’t have to set and achieve your goals by yourself, as was stated above, many people just don’t know how to set goals and monitor them to ensure that they are on the right track to attaining them. Sometimes you try to do too many things and get frustrated and quit before you achieve your goals. A Life Coach can help to keep you on track and continue to motivate you to keep working towards your goal.

You Are Success Life Coach has a “Goals on Fire Program” that can help you to set and achieve your goals in all areas of your life.

You can check out the program at Goals on Fire Program and make an appointment to talk with me to discuss the program.

Don’t delay, check out the program NOW. Nothing happens until you take action.

To your success


Michael W




P.S. Don’t leave this page until you check out the Goals on Fire Program. This could be the big step you are missing to achieving all of your big goals in life.



Surround Yourself with Positives

positive thought





Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Most of us have a lot of stress in our lives today. Some of it is due to the fast-paced society that we live in and some of it is self-inflicted due to who we choose to spend our time with. The fact is, misery loves company. If you want to live a positive and happy life, surround yourself with positive things and positive people. The more positive energy you manifest into the world, the more positive you’ll get back.

Set Specific Goals for Yourself

Whether it has to do with diet, exercise, or being positive, set realistic and specific goals that have a timetable so that you know when you’re supposed to be done with the goal. Write down the goal and the steps that you’ll take to reach the goal. Then add it to your calendar. Feeling accomplished will automatically make you feel more positive.

Nip Negative Self-Talk in the Bud

If you want to be more positive, start with yourself. When you feel your mind go toward negative self-talk, change it around to positive. Instead of, ‘I am fat,’ change your words to, ‘I am healthy and I am eating right to make myself even healthier.’ Even if it’s not immediately true, the more you tell yourself it’s true, the more you’ll seek to make the behaviour match the feeling.

Listen to Happy Music

Find the most uplifting and positive music that you can find and put it on your play list. Try listening to the positive and happy music at least once a day. If you can figure out what time of day you are generally prone to negativity, try listening to that music before that time comes.

Read a Lot of Happy and Positive Books

There is no shortage of positive books to read in the library or on Kindle. There are even a lot of free inspirational books available on Kindle. Keep your eyes open for the free offers; join a group on Facebook that helps you find positive free books to read on Kindle. Try to read one positive book each month.

Find Positive People to Make Your Friends

Remember that positive people generally want to hang around with other positive people. Therefore, if you want to meet more people who fit that description, you’ll need to focus your thoughts and actions more on the positive than the negative. Otherwise you’ll turn them off and they won’t want to be around you, which could backfire on your new positive world.

Practice Daily Affirmations

The character Stuart Smalley made fun of affirmations in his famous skits on Saturday Night Live but the truth is, it works. You can use the mirror self-talk or you can use a journal to write down five good and positive thoughts every single day to help you focus your thoughts in a positive direction.

Reorganize and Decorate Your Home

If you currently live in disorganization and clutter it can be very difficult to think positively. Try to work on one room at a time to redesign your life so that your surroundings are uncluttered and attractive. For organizational tips try visiting FlyLady.net which has many tips on how to get your home organized easily.

Link to FlyLady.net – http://www.flylady.net/

Surrounding yourself with positives is something that is very realistic and something that you can accomplish. Choose one thing at a time to work on, giving yourself a time limit on when you will accomplish adding every one of these positives to your life. You will be glad you did it.

To your success


Michael W



P.S. You can download a free cheat sheet on things that you can do to change your thought patterns.

“Changing Your Thought Patterns” is a simple one page cheat sheet that gives you some tips on things you can do by yourself to help you to attain your goals.

Just enter your email address below and you will be given access to download the cheat sheet.

P.P.S. If you want to learn how to change your thinking and remove your limiting beliefs and bad habits, you can check out my program that can help you at: Confidence and Life Coaching Program