How To Be Grateful in Times of Need

It’s not always easy to find the goodness in life, especially when money is tight and you’re faced with worries about your job or family. These worries can often cloud your whole mind, bring your mood down, and affect your overall quality of life.

If you feel like you’re being followed by the ominous black cloud of bad luck, then it’s time to find something to be grateful for in your life.

Remind Yourself About What’s Going Right

If you’re plagued by negative thoughts, find a quiet place, grab a pen and paper and make a list of answers to this question: What do I have to be grateful for in my life?

Start your list with the most obvious things, your health and family. Do you have a car? A home? Clothes on your back? Food on the table?

* You don’t have to have the fanciest or the most expensive items for you to be grateful. Even if you buy your clothes at Goodwill, at least you’re clothed and warm. A used car in good condition will get you to work just as easily as a brand new car.

* Don’t forget to give thanks for the small things in life, such as finding the car keys in time to get to work or getting a restful night sleep before an important day.

You can also try to sit quietly in a room and meditate on your life and things you want to improve on. Appreciating what you already have in life will free you to make the changes you desire.

Being Grateful In Spite of Setbacks

There’s no denying that you will suffer setbacks in life. It’s a fact of life! While it may be difficult to be grateful during these times, it’s important to remember that good can come from difficult situations.

For example, if you’ve recently lost your job, be grateful for the skills you have. With your skills, experience, and the knowledge you possess, you may end up finding a more fulfilling job that gives you more money or more responsibility while being closer to home.

As strange as it may sound in the moment of despair, try to be grateful during difficult times because, as one door closes, another opens the way to new opportunities. After all, you can’t find bright new possibilities in your life if you don’t experience a setback at one point or another.

Be Thankful For Life’s Setbacks

Setbacks are there to challenge you to be better, stronger, faster, and wiser. The true test of your attitude is to be thankful for the obstacle ahead of you (even if you don’t understand why it exists in the first place), then push forward, stronger than ever.

Why should you be thankful? Because with each challenge you overcome, you gain the wisdom and courage to succeed the next time around. And if it weren’t for each and every challenge in your life, you’d never learn and grow!

Being grateful everyday will help you lift that overbearing black cloud that can be so stifling. You’ll begin realize that life is good and you can make it through anything. After all, good things come to those who wait!

How to Attract Money Into Your Life

Recently there has been an explosion of discussion regarding the Law of Attraction. If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s actually quite simple. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, you’ll receive good things or bad according to what you focus on.

If you focus on the positive in your life, then more positive things will come your way. If you spend your time and energy focusing on the negative, then you’ll attract more negative things.

You can use these principles to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life.

Follow these strategies to attract money:

1. Express gratitude. If you want more of something, like money, you must first express gratitude for what you have presently. Gratitude is a powerful positive emotion. Be thankful for all that your Creator has provided you this far.

* You must be sincere in your thanks. If you don’t honestly feel the gratitude, then you won’t be able to attract more of what you want.

* Stay focused on what you do have. Remember, if what you feel and focus on is actually your lack of money, it will only attract more lack back to you.

2. Picture yourself with the money. Visualize it in depth, as if you already have it. You want to see yourself holding the money, touching it, and feeling how happy you are with it in your life.

* Imagine sitting down paying all your bills and buying expensive gifts for those that you love. This will send a positive message out that is to be returned to you.

* Be consistent with sending out these strong positive thoughts and feelings. Mixing it up with negative ones about money sends a conflicting message.

3. Rid yourself of negative thoughts. It’s imperative that you eliminate as many negative feelings as possible. Make a conscious effort to find the positive in everything because your negativity won’t be rewarded with positive results.

* Are there others out there who are positive? You bet! Do your best to find and emulate these people.

* When life hands you a bunch of lemons, it’s time to make lemonade. Find the silver lining or take action to make something positive out of the situation.

4. Have Faith. There are countless documented cases of people who received their heart’s desire by using the principles found in the Law of Attraction. Those people are no different from you!

* Faith is a positive feeling. If you truly want to attract more money into your life, then faith is a must. You have to believe deep down that something like this can and will happen to you.

* It’s time to truly believe that you’re deserving of anything you desire.

The Law of Attraction has helped many people live their dreams. By following its simple principles, it can happen to you as well. Profess an open mind, a willing heart, and a joyful spirit and, in return, you will be rewarded with whatever you request!

Giving Thanks for Your Life

When was the last time you said thank you for being alive? Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Well, if you barely have time to appreciate what you have, how can you ever desire anything more?

We all have something to be thankful for, even those who live a modest lifestyle by choice or by circumstance.

* Focusing on material possessions, rather than on the very fact that we’re living and breathing, tend to make us forgetful of the greater gifts, such as our families and our health.

Life is a miracle and can be taken away in a moment’s notice. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, there are many ways you can show your appreciation for your life.

5 Ways to Express Your Gratitude

Sometimes showing your gratitude can be as simple as saying “thanks,” but other times you can show gratitude by helping others, or “paying it forward.” After all, you’ll never know how a simple, kind gesture will affect someone’s day.

Here are some ideas to help you appreciate life while also helping others:

1. Reach out to your extended family and friends. Send them cards just to say “Hi,” call or email them, or even throw a party to reconnect and show these people they’re important to you.

2. Reflect about your childhood and ancestors. Write a poem, essay, or short story about your life. What sacrifices did your parents make for you? What struggles did the family endure? How is your life better or easier than that of your great-grandparents? How did these events make you the person you are today?

3. Meditate, pray, or go to your place of worship. Find a quiet place to think about all that’s good – your health, family, or home – and simply say “thank you” to your Creator.

4. Reconnect with your spouse and children. Actions speak louder than words so turn off that television and spend some quality time with your family just to have some fun! Whether it’s a surprise getaway or a family game night, renewing your relationships with your family will strengthen your bond and bring you closer together.

5. Keep a gratitude journal. Write down all the things you’re grateful for in your life and reflect on all that is good. Even the simplest things – such as finding a parking space at the mall or locating your missing keys – are times to be grateful!

When You Need a Wake Up Call

Sometimes it’s all too easy to engage in these activities and give thanks for a good life, yet over time, we somehow fall back into our old habits. In these times, we need a jolt to remind ourselves of all that is good.

* Spend a few hours a week volunteering at a hospital, nursing home, or soup kitchen. Take a good look at the people you’re helping, listen to their stories, and be grateful that you’re fortunate enough to help those in need.

Giving IS Receiving

When you give of yourself – either with a smile or another kind gesture – you receive the warm satisfaction of helping to make a difference in the world, one person at a time. Your uplifting attitude will be contagious and you just might be the recipient of a random act of kindness!

Entrepreneurial Success: Enhance Your Mindset to Increase Your Revenue

While the first step to become an entrepreneur is locating a profitable business idea, the true foundation of entrepreneurial success rests within your mindset. A good idea can take you only so far. However, true determination to stop at nothing to achieve your goals can carry you through to the finish line.

You may have hundreds – if not thousands – of competitors in your field. Many of them sell the exact same product as you. Yet, one business may be raking in huge monthly revenue, while the other can barely get off the ground.

So, what separates these two businesses? It’s the difference in mindset of the entrepreneurs behind the ventures. The successful businessperson boasts a heightened business mindset that leads to higher revenue. The unsuccessful one may know a thing or two about business, but he’s okay with doing the bare minimum.

Below is a chart that displays the key differences in the mindsets of a successful and unsuccessful entrepreneur. Adopt the mindset philosophies of the successful entrepreneur and you’ll happily discover that your profits increase as well!

The Mindset of the Successful Entrepreneur

* Always reaches higher and focuses on the up-sell. He knows how to turn $5 into $20.
* Has an elevator speech prepared and will recite it to anyone who’s willing to listen.
* Values the power of marketing and employs proven marketing tactics. He markets whether business is booming or in a lull.
* Believes in his ability to achieve the best and constantly pushes himself beyond his comfort zone for the greater good of his business.
* Believes that customer service is just as important as promotion and providing quality products.
* Is a problem solver. He can allocate funds as if it were his natural talent. He knows how to run a tight ship in order to keep revenue up and overhead down.
* Values his intuition over the advice of another. He truly understands what’s best for his business.
* Keeps moving when things are slow. He’s always quickly moving on to the next task that must be done to improve his business.
* Thrives under pressure. He’s always attentive and alert. When his business begins to see red, he is an entrepreneurial hero.
* Implements sound ideas into his existing business plan in order to increase revenue, customer service, and promotion.
* Stands his ground. He confronts rotten eggs with a cool attitude and a firm intent. He notices everything and handles all confrontation with class.

The Mindset of the Unsuccessful Entrepreneur

* Believes that good enough really is good enough. He believes that a dollar in revenue is better than no revenue at all.
* Feels embarrassed to toot his own horn and often downplays the complexity of his business.
* Employs marketing tactics only when business is slow. He’s all about cutting corners, and when business is booming, marketing expenses seem unnecessary.
* Allows his personal low self-esteem to translate into his business leadership. Because of this, his marketing, networking, public perception, and revenue take a hit.
* Customer service is an afterthought. He takes personal offense to most customer complaints.
* Is a problem solver only when it comes to menial issues, but he cracks under pressure when the hard times come knocking.
* Ignores his intuition and runs to all the wrong people for advice before taking action.
* He takes advantage of the slow times in his business to indulge in his personal life while he should be working.
* May thrive under pressure, but it’s his fear that keeps him going rather than his optimism. This same fear can cause panicky, unwise decisions.
* Lets his ideas lie dormant until his business is bringing in more money.
* Stands his ground and he does so with an overly aggressive and threatening attitude. His business mindset is out the window when he feels as if he’s being taken advantage of.

As you can see, a heightened mindset – a willingness to succeed and take risks for your business – is the foundation for attaining higher profits. By following the mindset of the successful entrepreneur, you’ll experience the success you’ve been dreaming about in your business.

Does the Law of Attraction Work?

This question has been asked time and time again by just about everyone that’s ever heard of the Law of Attraction: does it really work? As hard as it may be to believe, the Law of Attraction works. It has always worked and it will always work whether you practice it or not.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It’s based on the fact that everything in this world emits a certain vibration and those vibrations seek out and interact with other things that have similar vibrations.

Haven’t you ever noticed when one bad thing happens in your life it is often followed by another? This is often called the domino effect. We have other sayings for it such as: “When it rains it pours.” That’s the Law of Attraction at work.

If the Law of Attraction is so great, why use negative examples to illustrate its effectiveness? For some reason, we as a society find it much easier to believe something negative instead of the things that are positive. When good things happen we just write them off as a one-off lucky break or think that it was just chance.

Is the Law of Attraction About Chance?

There’s no such thing as chance. Everything that happens in this world and in your life happens for a reason. That reason is the Law of Attraction.

Whether you accept it or not, the Law of Attraction works. To believe that it works means that you have to accept responsibility for where your life is and that makes it hard for many to accept the Law of Attraction. Most people right now reading this are going to think: “I do accept responsibility.” Do you really?

Where are your thoughts right now? Are you worrying about money or how to pay the bills? Are you stressed over the fact that more bills keep coming and the money keeps getting spread thinner and thinner?

* The more you worry and stress out about bills, the more bills you’ll receive. The more you worry about not having money, the less money you’ll have in your bank account. If you simply change the way you think about these things, you’ll be amazed at what will happen. You will begin to take positive action subconsciously.

Spend the next 14 days not thinking about your bills. Don’t look at your bank account. Every time you go to the mailbox, picture money in there. Every time you start to think about bills and debt, transform your mind into thoughts of overflowing abundance.

* Think about what you have in your life that is good. Everyone, no matter who they are, has something to be grateful for. Figure out what you’re grateful for and focus on it.

Some people will argue that it takes more than just “thinking” about things to make them happen or appear, which is true. Thoughts need to be transformed into actions, that’s why some believers say that, so long as you’re thinking about what you want in life, you will take the necessary actions to make those things happen. This is simply another way the Law of Attraction can work.

The Law of Attraction is working right now, all around you. It’s at work in your life. It’s time for you to take control and make the Law of Attraction work in your favor. This means you have to change the way you think. You have to be grateful for what you have and you have to always focus on the positive. The Law of Attraction is real, and it is powerful.