How to Live Your Life with Intense Purpose

Wandering around aimlessly from day to day provides absolutely no benefit to you or those around you. An unspecified purpose leaves you frustrated and lacking direction with everything you do.

If you don’t already know your purpose in life, take some time to reflect on what it may be. Then make sure everything you do lines up with this purpose.

Discover Your Purpose

In order to find your purpose, look at the things you love to do and what makes you tick. The trick is to figure out where you draw your internal energy from and where your gifts and talents are best used.

What do you do to recharge your batteries? What do you absolutely love to do? Take a little time to figure this out and then focus on it.

Choose Activities That Fulfill Your Purpose

Once you identify your purpose, look at the things you do on a day-to-day basis. Do these activities add to your purpose or take away from it? Everything you say, do, think and act on should complement your purpose and help fulfill you.

If it isn’t doing this, either drop the activity or delegate it to someone else.

An example of a purpose you might have is to provide a healthy and comfortable life for your partner and children. What types of activities do you think fall in line with this purpose? Let’s look at a few and see how they line up with your personal life purpose.

* Cooking. Cooking your own food allows you to be the top chef. You get to choose the ingredients in your food, rather than relying on some other person or company.

You can take out the salt, add flavor with herbs and spices, and reduce your portions to create something that fits within your family’s healthy lifestyle. Plus you’re saving money, which can be used for your children’s education or a family retreat.

* Cleaning. Keeping a clean house fulfills both the healthy and comfortable parts of your purpose. By doing things like dusting, washing dishes, and taking out the garbage, you’re staying healthy. Removing the clutter creates a more comfortable environment.

* Exercise. Exercising, along with activities like yoga and meditation, help keep your mind and body healthy and comfortable. These activities keep your weight down and make you feel better inside and out, which will also keep you strong for your family.

As you can see, each one of these activities adds to your purpose. Things that distract you from your purpose might include eating out excessively, living beyond your means, and even sitting around doing nothing all day.

Negative or unfulfilling activities can be exchanged for the ones that supercharge both you and your life purpose.

Live With Purpose at Work, Too

For your professional purpose, you might have a passion to plan social events for you and your coworkers.

You can accomplish this by volunteering for your company’s activities committee or being on a board that plans events and meetings. You can also start your own activity group and get things together for employee birthday parties in the office.

You can see how these ideas and actions fall directly in line with your passion and purpose. Obviously you still have to get your job done, but you can certainly use your free time to fulfill your purpose.

Once you’ve identified your purpose, I challenge you to live your life with intensity toward that purpose. Do everything you can to focus on your calling with the things you say, think and do. If it isn’t necessary or doesn’t align with your goals, let it go.

Living your life with intense purpose renews your passion for life and enables you to be the best you can be. It strengthens your self-confidence and, best of all, brings self-fulfillment. Find your purpose today, and give it all you’ve got!

How to Live the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction has intrigue more people than ever. So what is the Law of Attraction and how can it benefit you?

It’s actually a quite simple concept. If you focus on the positive, you’ll attract the positive. If you focus on the negative, you’ll attract the negative.

Because of its simplicity, some people think this is utterly ridiculous, yet the Law of Attraction has been proven by countless people around the world throughout the ages. If you have an open mind and are willing to give it a try, you can live the life of your dreams.

Here are some simple tips and suggestions you can use to live the Law of Attraction:

1. Rid yourself of negative thoughts and feelings. Negativity will ultimately drive away the positive things you deserve, so you must learn how to erase your mind of anything negative. Quite honestly, this will require some practice, but it’s worth it!

* For example, if you find yourself standing in a long line and complaining about it, stop complaining and be thankful that you’re well enough to stand in that line.

* If you’re five dollars short to purchase something and wishing you weren’t so poor, turn that around to be thankful you have any money at all.

* After you consciously do this enough times, it will become second nature. The more you focus on positive things, the more positive things you’ll receive and vice versa.

2. Surround yourself with those who think the same. Plain and simple, this means to hang out with positive people. If you spend enough time surrounded by negative people, you’ll begin to complain, whine, and sulk over meaningless things, too.

* Is there someone in your life that you admire because of his or her optimistic outlook? Then that person is someone you’ll want to spend quality time with.

* Engulf yourself in their happiness and positive karma, and you’ll soon be upbeat and positive, too!

3. Visualize what the future holds for you. We all hold hopes and dreams for our future. Whether we want a better job, a bigger house, a new car, or more money, we all wish and daydream for something.

* Next time you daydream about that new house, actually visualize yourself in the house. Imagine exactly what the house looks like, your family watching television in the living room, and you making their favorite dish in the kitchen. 

* Visualization sends a positive signal out to the universe. If you practice it consistently, you’ll be rewarded with what you desire.

4. Learn to give thanks. Whether or not you realize it, you have much to be thankful for. It’s extremely important that you take some quiet time to give thanks for all that has been given to you.

* Truly search your soul and list everything you’re grateful for. Don’t do this haphazardly! Practice this each and every day, usually upon rising in the morning. As you keep doing this, you’ll discover that you’re receiving more and more to be thankful for.

The principles surrounding the Law of Attraction are quite straightforward. To live the Law of Attraction, you just need an open mind, a willing spirit and a bit of diligence. With these, you’ll soon be praising the success of the Law of Attraction principles yourself.

How to Develop a Prosperity Mindset

Having a prosperity mindset is a key factor in reaching your financial goals. It keeps you on track toward your goals regardless of any challenges you encounter along the way.

These strategies below will help you foster a prosperity mindset that can enable you to live the life you desire.

Keep Your Focus

If you find that your mind wanders from idea to idea, create one set plan and stick to it. In your plan, create a list of specific achievable action steps that lead to your goal, and then work on at least one task each day to help maintain your focus.

Plan for Success

It doesn’t matter how focused you are if you don’t have a proper plan. Your financial goals aren’t going to happen just by deciding on a number. Make some clear plans on how you’re going to get there. This will get you past the dream phase so you can start making your ultimate goals a reality.

Be as detailed in your plan as possible and set each task as a mini-goal in itself. Achieving these small goals on a daily basis keeps you motivated and moving along toward your big goal.

Model Yourself After Successful People

One of the best decisions you can make is to use other successful people as your role models. Think about what you admire about these people and then try to model their behavior.

See if you can set up an interview with someone you feel is successful. You may wish to find someone in a similar career so you can study his or her success story.

You’ll also want to study the reasons why they’ve become successful. How do you think they got to where they are? Can you embark on these steps too? Chances are that you can; all you need to do is build up the courage.

Believe In Yourself

Unfortunately too many people don’t have confidence in their abilities and they fail to try or give up far too quickly. You don’t have to be one of these people!

Look back at the people you admire and you’ll likely notice that they felt like giving up at some point. But they didn’t! They likely have an unwavering belief in their abilities and a drive to succeed, no matter what.

You, too, can reach your financial goals! Believe that it is possible! People have proven that it’s possible, and you can achieve anything that’s possible.

Pay It Forward

Along your journey to success, you can practice good karma by paying it forward. Spread your knowledge so that others can learn the lessons you’ve learned. You can serve as a mentor to others just like you were mentored when you were starting out.

When you’re kind to others, that kindness will find its way right back to you. You never know what good can come out of some simple kindness.

It may take some time and effort to develop your prosperity mindset, but the rewards are well worth it. Once you’ve mastered it, it will be with you for the rest of your life, guiding you to achieve any financial goals you desire.

How to Change Your Attitude with Positive Self-Talk

If you find that you often slip into negative moods, you’re probably thinking that an attitude adjustment might help you. After all, a positive attitude not only helps you stay happy, but also enables you to accomplish your hopes and dreams.

One of the best ways to improve your overall attitude is to take every opportunity to say positive things to yourself. What you communicate to yourself through words, thoughts, and images are interpreted on a deeper level than you may realize.

When you engage in positive self-talk, you can connect with yourself on a subconscious level. This is also true of negative self-talk. If you’ve found it difficult to break a circle of negativity, it’s because you’re feeling negatively on a subconscious level. Positive self-talk can help turn this negativity around.

How You Can Engage In Positive Self Talk

The first step in adopting a more upbeat attitude is to notice when you’re using negativity. There might be times when you’re being negative without even realizing you’re doing it.

In the beginning, spend a day or two just being an active observer of your overall speech and thoughts. How do you talk about yourself? How often do you have a negative thought about yourself? Do you mentally beat yourself up when you make a mistake?

After you discover negativity in the way you’re talking to yourself, it’s time to take a step to correct it. First, try eliminating the negative. You can also try using different manners of speech with yourself. Instead of being so hard on yourself, give yourself the benefit of the doubt and be truthful.

You can then focus on replacing negativity with positive things you want to hear. In a situation where you would’ve ordinarily been negative, take the time to think of something you should be praised for instead.

You can even use a journal to record ideas of positive things you can say to yourself. Refer to it often and then use those ideas to combat negative thoughts.

You’ll also benefit from using more positive speech in general, even when you’re not talking in reference to yourself. Get in the habit of seeing the positive side of every situation. Seek solutions to your challenges and find the silver lining. These actions will help you focus on positive aspects.

Using Positive Self Talk Every Day

Once you get a hang of it, you can begin to bring positive self-talk into your life every single day. At the end of the day, compare how you feel to one of your previous days without positive self-talk.

Consciously think positive thoughts during as many moments as you can, even the ones that seem mundane, like when you’re brushing your teeth. You can seize that moment and make the most of it!

When you feel overcome with stress or fear, force yourself to take a step back and reevaluate your thinking. Tell yourself to relax and remind yourself that you’ll get through it no matter what.

How Positive Self Talk Can Shift Your Attitude

Positive self-talk can shift your attitude by changing your beliefs on a subconscious level. If you focus on a certain belief long enough, eventually the message will get through.

The benefits of a possible attitude are endless. You’ll enjoy having less stress in your life and more drive to achieve. You’ll feel happier. And it all starts with positive self-talk.

While you’re working on improving your attitude, look to affirmations for help. For example, if you truly want to have a great day, tell yourself that you’re already having a great day and believe it. Affirming the positive welcomes even more positive things into your life. With all this positivity, at some time or another, you’ll realize that your negative attitudes are gone for good!

How to Boost Your Income by Boosting Your Attitude

Far too often, we allow our actions to be ruled by our emotions. It’s a fact: negative thoughts and feelings have a detrimental effect on every aspect of our lives, from family to our work and social lives.

What would things be like if we transformed negative thoughts into positive ones? Changing how we feel about ourselves can truly change our direction in life!

Living in the present and having a positive outlook about our future can help us reach goals we once thought were impossible.

Having a brighter outlook on life can open our eyes to more possibilities and encourage us to move in new and exciting directions.

How can you attain a better outlook on life? It all has to do with the way you see yourself. Having a positive and outgoing attitude is the key to changing your self-concept, boosting your income, and improving your life.

Here are some techniques you can use to boost your attitude:

1. Get control. Figure out the things that make you unhappy and find ways to change them for the better. A positive outlook can change everything in your life – you just need to believe in yourself first.

* Loving yourself is the only way you’re going to allow others to see you in a positive light as well. If you project negativity, you’ll be viewed as a negative person.

* Realizing you can’t control how others think and feel about you is critical to getting control of yourself.

* You have the power to work on ways to make yourself happy. Avoid doing something for the sole purpose of making someone else happy. It must be about you. This isn’t about being selfish; it’s about being true to you.

2. Change the way you think. Negative thoughts beget negative actions. Make a conscious effort to change the way you react and deal with situations. Look for the silver lining instead of focusing on the negative attributes of situations and people.

* If you think positively, you’ll act positively. Those positive thoughts and actions will keep many anxieties at bay. Through positive thoughts and actions, anything can become a reality.

3. Be your own cheerleader. You’re your own best cheering section. So many times in life, the things we do go unrecognized by others, whether it’s at home or work. When this happens, step in and praise yourself!

* Private affirmations can make you feel better about yourself when others fail to verbalize their gratitude.

* By actively projecting a positive outlook of yourself, you will push yourself further to do better the next time. Doing so will also bring you the confidence to explore more areas in life.

4. Dream it into reality. Misery loves company, and if you believe you’ll never achieve anything, you can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Dream big and dream often!

* Figure out what you want in life, and set your dreams into motion. Want a better job? Take the necessary steps to make it happen. You’re the biggest obstacle holding you back.

A positive attitude can change your job situation, relationships, and life. If you feel better about yourself, other people will feel the good vibrations you’re giving off. You’ll appear more confident and have a better chance of taking on whatever life throws at you.

If you believe in yourself, you can continue to accomplish bigger and better things. Whether you’re working to advance yourself in your present job or starting an entirely new career, your self-confidence and positive attitude will increase your income.

Your fresh outlook will energize your work and stimulate your creativity. As you continue to boost your attitude on a daily basis, you’ll see that your optimism will soon lead you to bigger and better income opportunities as well!