The Power of a Positive Attitude

The power of a positive attitude cannot be underestimated. The American minister and author of the book The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale wrote, “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are.”

If you think you’re beaten, you are. But if you stare defeat in the eye and refuse to give up because of “a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers” (Peale again), you can overcome any challenge and attain whatever you desire. Empty pockets can’t hold you back very long, but if you have an empty mind filled with negative thoughts, you’ll always be held back from what you desire most.

Positive Thinking Leads To Action

With a positive attitude, you’ll begin to believe that you can build wealth in abundance. You’ll chart your own course and be the master of your own fate and the captain of your own soul.

Thinking about what you want and deserve in life will lead you to take whatever steps are necessary to make those dreams come true. Very often it’s a slow road to achieving your dreams, but one small step toward change will bring another small step after it.

* Visualizing yourself in a better paying job might spur you to update your resume.

* Believing you belong in a house in the suburbs might push you to call a realtor or look in the classified ads.

* Realizing you have talents that make you special might convince you to volunteer in your community.

Living an abundant life doesn’t only refer to what’s in the bank. Abundance of family and friends is a very important part of human life.

It’s Easier To Be Negative

The average person gets all too easily gets imbued with a negative attitude. It’s so much easier to whine and complain about needing more money, a better job, or a bigger house. People are often lost in the negative imagery and don’t ever realize it’s in their own power to change their circumstances.

With a positive attitude, you’ll have a higher quality of life. Having a positive attitude can really work magic in your life.

* People who have survived cancer invariably say that a positive mental outlook was vital to their success in overcoming their terrible disease.

* A positive mental attitude helps you find the humor in things that may typically bring you down. You’ll be able to see things from a fresh perspective so you can handle the tough times with more creativity and intelligence.

With a positive attitude, you’ll simply feel more joy in your life. You’ll laugh more, feel healthier, be more courageous, have more self-confidence, and you won’t be as prone to giving up before you even get started.

More often than not, things will fall into place and you’ll feel an incredible sense of accomplishment!

Pondering Positivity

How you face life each day largely determines how you feel about your day. If you have a positive approach to life and to yourself, even your toughest days will feel tolerable. Thinking positively is the key to living a satisfying, fulfilled life.

Mitchell Moore’s Famous Quote About Positivity

Mitchell Moore is believed to have once said, “Attitude is everything.” In other words, how you approach your day or a situation determines how that day or situation will go. Thinking positively is a fairly simple personal rule to remember. However, putting it into practice in your daily life can be more challenging

Peter McWilliams’ Thoughts on Positivity

“The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted.” Peter McWilliams made this astute observation about the challenges of thinking positive. To translate this idea into everyday English: To be positive, you must persevere.

Norman Vincent Peale and The Power of Positive Thinking

Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking, formulated several fascinating thoughts about approaching life in a positive way. He said, ‘”We tend to get what we expect.'” One interpretation of this saying is that whatever we expect or believe will occur will indeed come to pass. So, if you believe that you’ll do well on a work project, you will. If you expect not to do well, then you likely won’t.

Dr. Peale also said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” The beauty of this statement is that it gives incredible hope. The implication is that if you can take hold of your thoughts, you can think your way into success. Positivity rules again.

Positivity: Illustration and Discussion

Consistently thinking positive can be challenging. Maybe your self-confidence isn’t as strong as it could be. If this is the case, you may need to take a leap of faith to think positively. Perhaps you ponder, “But what if I make a fool of myself?” or, “Maybe my co-worker is smarter than I am.”

Consider this illustration:

You’re up for a promotion at work. How will you think about the situation? What do you believe about yourself as it relates to the possibility of receiving the promotion? Here are three ways to approach this matter:

1. Assume you won’t be selected for the job. After all, you didn’t get straight A’s in school. And that new Vice President hardly ever speaks to you. You think you won’t be chosen.

2. Decide you don’t care either way. Whether you get the promotion or not isn’t important. It doesn’t matter. This way of thinking demonstrates the easy way out. You don’t have to put any emotional energy into something when you don’t care.

3. Dare to think you’ll be selected to receive the promotion. You believe you’re smart enough to be chosen. And you know that you work hard, so others probably see that you’re a good candidate. You’ve decided to think positive!

How can you come out of this situation feeling fine, no matter what happens?

Let’s consider each approach to the possible promotion.

Most likely, if you respond like #1 and don’t receive the promotion, you won’t feel very positive. After all, not getting the promotion will now serve as confirmation of what you believe about yourself, that you won’t be successful. However, even if you do get the promotion, you may believe you don’t deserve it. Because of a negative approach, you may feel unhappy even if you get what you want.

If you react as in #2, then you don’t care either way. You’ve convinced yourself that nothing is important enough to invest in it. Your life goes on the same. When you don’t care about something, the end result is irrelevant. However, if the end result truly doesn’t matter, you may not particularly enjoy getting the promotion if you actually do. You’ve deprived yourself of joy by completely detaching from the situation.

But if you react like #3, you go into the situation feeling hopeful, excited, and energized. If you’re chosen, you’ll be reinforced for your positive thinking and re-energized for the work ahead of you.

Even if you aren’t selected, you’ll only experience brief disappointment. After a short letdown, you’ll remind yourself that with your intelligence and perseverance, something good will soon come along. You simply can’t lose by approaching life’s events with positive thinking.

Pondering positivity is worth your time. When you aren’t sure about how to think about a situation, remember Norman Vincent Peale’s quotes on approaching life in a positive way. Consider Peter McWilliams’s point and Mitchell Moore’s famous quote. Attitude truly is everything; with enough positivity, you can change your life.

Nine Ways to Speed up Your Law of Attraction Results

You probably already know that the law of attraction holds a lot of power. Your intentions and core beliefs play a vital role in determining the outcomes of your life. If you want to achieve success now, you can!

When you concentrate on the positive, your life will be positive. It sounds simple enough, but many times people let negative emotions get the better of them. You have the power within you to break those negative habits. Once the negativity is gone, you can speed up the whole process of dream achievement.

Try using the following ways to speed up your law of attraction results:

1. Feel strong emotions in your visualizations. When you visualize the results you want, put your whole heart into the process. If you go after something half-heartedly, whether physically or through visualizations, your results are half-hearted also.

* Feel the happiness in living the life you dream, the pride in your achievements that got you there, and the pure joy of success.

2. Focus on the present. See yourself successful in the present rather than the future. If you keep thinking about the good things that are coming tomorrow, they’ll never be here today! Take full advantage of today to do what you can to achieve your dreams. Even small steps add up to big achievements.

3. Use vision boards effectively. Whenever you see these pictures, let the positive emotions of your meditations sweep over you. Thoroughly enjoy them in the present moment. Take time to feel your emotions without holding anything back.

4. Exhibit the qualities of your dream life. Determine the qualities of your dream life and exemplify them today. For example, in your dreams, you may be confident and generous toward others. Show confidence and generosity now instead of waiting until after you’re successful, because showing them will, in fact, make them arrive sooner.

5. Keep your thoughts positive. Thinking positively allows you to bring on a mindset of gratitude and abundance. Recognize when your mind starts to shift to negative thoughts and do whatever it takes to correct the problem.

* Focus on positive affirmations or self-talk to replace the negative thoughts as soon as they occur.

6. Avoid dwelling on any negative situation. The power of thought can alter any situation. Focusing on the negative attracts more negative back to you. Alternatively, focusing on the positive is more likely to result in positive outcomes. So whenever a challenge arises, seek a solution and take action to overcome it rather than wallowing in self-pity.

7. Be as clear as you can. Strive for the utmost clarity when focusing on your dreams, as every detail makes it more real to you. This will allow you to give all of your positive energy to your thoughts as you visualize.

8. Believe in the process. You’re belief in the process of the law of attraction is vital to your success. You might strive for complete positivity, but if you have doubts about the outcome deep down, then you’ll still allow negative thoughts to influence you. You have to believe in the process because anything that’s possible can happen for you with the right mindset.

9. Be open to receive. Are you ready to receive the results you desire? For example, if you wish for a new love, do you have room for them in your life? If you remain open to the universe, it will send back what you desire most in the world.

The law of attraction entails a lot more than just sitting around thinking about what you want. The key element is inspired action. When you believe you can achieve, you’ll naturally take action to get what you want. And this is where it all comes together. When your mind and your actions are in harmony, nothing can stop you!

Manifesting Wealth and Abundance

Manifesting wealth and abundance begins from within. You have to appreciate what you have in your life already – your family, friends, and job – instead of focusing on what you wish you had.

Often people waste precious time thinking about what they don’t have. They start to believe their lives will improve if only they had more money, or more friends, or more gadgets. They think about what’s lacking instead of the abundance that is already overflowing into their life.

Positive Thinking Brings Abundance

If you appreciate what you have, you’ll be inspired to take the necessary actions to bring more of what you want into your life. From a practical point of view, this all starts with living happily with what you have.

Now at first, this may sound rather counterproductive, but living happily with what you have doesn’t mean you’re completely satisfied and fulfilled. It simply means that you appreciate all the good parts of your life, and you recognize that you can take those things you have, even if they are few, and build upon them.

Very often we take our lives for granted and forget to give thanks for all that is good. If you’re having a tough time recognizing the goodness in your life, then make a gratitude list and continue adding to it everyday. For example:

* Be thankful when paying the rent because this means you have a place to sleep.
* Be thankful for your winter coat because you’ll stay warm this winter.

* Be thankful for your family because of their love, support and guidance you.

* Be thankful for your job because it has allowed you to provide for your family.

If you can be happy with what you have now, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the better circumstances that are coming to you in your future. Just imagine how much more you’ll appreciate your eventual move to a large home with a spacious property if you begin to enjoy your current humble place.

Keeping Up with the Neighbors

Remember, the term “wealth” doesn’t only relate to money. You can be wealthy by having a loving family who visits often or friends who care for you like one of their own. There’s much more to life than who has the latest designer purse or fanciest sports car in the neighborhood.

If you constantly compare yourself to your neighbor, based solely on material possessions, you may not fully understand what your neighbor’s life is like. He may appear wealthy with his BMW, but perhaps he is suffering in his personal life. Be very careful making judgments about others because you never truly know what’s going on behind closed doors. Material possessions alone do not make an abundant life.

First Steps Toward Wealth

When you don’t have a lot of material possessions and monetary wealth, it ironically becomes easier for you to learn how to save money. Saving money is paramount if you want to build monetary wealth, but in order to do so, you have to learn how to delay gratification. That means you must make sure you’re making more money than you’re spending. Ideally you want to pay for everything you have, not finance it – without truly owning your possessions and going into debt, you’re actually moving farther away from wealth.

Besides saving money, the real way to build wealth is to make more money. That may sound rather obvious, but too many people aren’t making the money they can and should. You have to make the conscious decision to get unstuck from your dead-end job and the rat race.

You have to rise above the crowd and do something different. That may mean you have to discover creative ways for you to make more money. For many people today, that may mean getting involved in a virtual office or an Internet-based business, but whatever the case might be for you, you can elevate yourself.

If you’re unhappy with the money you’re making, you have to starting thinking about ways to increase the amount of money you make so you can realize your dreams. Now go get started!

Living in the Moment – Succeeding One Moment at a Time

When you live consciously in the present moment, you’re free from the stresses of life. It enables you to feel calm and to think with an astounding clarity.

Living in the moment sounds easy, but it will take some effort until you get into the habit. After all, with so much going on around us, it’s easy to get distracted by fears, worries, frustrations, and stress. But once you get used to it, though, you’ll wonder how you could have lived any other way!

What can you do to make living in the moment your way of life?

Try these steps in order to gain present-moment thinking:

1. Meditate. The very point of meditation is to live in the present moment and accept things just as they are. It’s a practice that you’ll get better at the more you do it. To help quiet your mind, the best thing you can do is focus on your breathing and keep striving to release your thoughts with each breath you take.

2. Accept the past. You’ll feel better about yourself once you learn to accept past situations. There’s nothing you can do to change the past. Bringing the past into your present only clouds your present thinking and makes it harder for you to concentrate on the present moment.

* Thoughts of the past will still arise, but when you learn to accept it for what it is, you’ll be able to return to the present moment without regret or grief.

3. Accept the future. On the other side of the coin, you also need to accept the future. You ultimately have no idea about what’s going to happen, and worrying about it won’t make an ounce of difference.

* How much time do you waste in a day by sitting around thinking about what you’re going to do? When you stop thinking, you have more time to actually do it!

4. Be mindful. When you’re mindful, you pay close attention to what you’re doing in the present. You may think it’s just a mundane chore, but it’s important to do it with an open mind. Open up your senses to what you’re doing. You might be overwhelmed with positive feelings that you didn’t know existed.

5. Get in touch with nature. Take some time to get in touch with nature. You can go for a walk or just sit under a tree. There aren’t many things that can open you up to the present moment like opening up to the vastness of nature.

Remember To Relax

As long as you maintain a relaxed attitude, you can achieve conscious living if you keep trying.

It may help to think of yourself and your brain as separate entities. Your brain can be thinking thoughts all over the place while your “self” watches. When you maintain the wisdom to realize that your thoughts are out of control, the self can pull you back into the present.

Of course these goals are best achieved through meditative practice, but you can also try any activity that you find relaxing if meditation isn’t for you. While you’re relaxing, pay attention to your breathing and try to take deep breaths. Remind yourself that, in this moment, the past and the future don’t matter in the least.

After you’ve successfully added present moment thinking to a relaxing part of your day, it’s time to spread the awareness to other times of the day. The more time you can spend in the present, the better. Live in the here and now, and enjoy a more fulfilling life!